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Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]es

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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Bruceswar on Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:54 pm

John Deere wrote:
lanyards wrote:Maybe he changed his name because it was PERSONAL INFORMATION, and maybe he doesn't provide you with consistent facts because you were asking about and looking at PERSONAL INFORMATION. He obviously doesn't want people over the internet, who have no relation to him PERSONALLY, to know him PERSONALLY.

Makes perfect sense! Thats why he used his full name as an online screen name.... Ignorance is bliss..... :?

You would shocked at how many people use personal info on CC only later to find out they wished they had not. When many people join CC, they have no idea how addicting it is.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Caymanmew on Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:56 pm

IR1SH ACE wrote:

I am surprised that some of the members that know GLG and chat with him often have not left any comments on which persona that they know him by....the Dad with the kids or the younger girlfriend and no kids GLG....I would assume its the latter of these two and none of you are willing to share this with the rest of us......for fear of incriminating him further....

i never thought of him as the dad with kids more like the guy in his early 20's without a family but thats just me and how i took the conversations we have had
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Bruceswar on Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:59 pm

caymanmew wrote:
IR1SH ACE wrote:

I am surprised that some of the members that know GLG and chat with him often have not left any comments on which persona that they know him by....the Dad with the kids or the younger girlfriend and no kids GLG....I would assume its the latter of these two and none of you are willing to share this with the rest of us......for fear of incriminating him further....

i never thought of him as the dad with kids more like the guy in his early 20's without a family but thats just me and how i took the conversations we have had

Why would anybody want to share personal information? That is a clear violation of CC rules. If I or anybody else knows anything personally about him from LC it is surely not to be shared. Nothing more to say to that. The multi hunters have all they need in this case.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Caymanmew on Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:55 pm

Bruceswar wrote:
caymanmew wrote:
IR1SH ACE wrote:

I am surprised that some of the members that know GLG and chat with him often have not left any comments on which persona that they know him by....the Dad with the kids or the younger girlfriend and no kids GLG....I would assume its the latter of these two and none of you are willing to share this with the rest of us......for fear of incriminating him further....

i never thought of him as the dad with kids more like the guy in his early 20's without a family but thats just me and how i took the conversations we have had

Why would anybody want to share personal information? That is a clear violation of CC rules. If I or anybody else knows anything personally about him from LC it is surely not to be shared. Nothing more to say to that. The multi hunters have all they need in this case.

i'm not saying he shared any information just saying when i talked to him he never sounded like a dad or anything more like a college student or someone recently out of college
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Gen.LeeGettinhed on Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:33 am

while you all hypothesize, Rodion's post brings up an interesting point:

Could a clan (for argument say. . .TOFU or TSM, etc.) be so desperate to stop KoRT . . . that they'd have a buddy dig up some old game chat, raise a hugely false scare that "GLG is a multi" -- to SCARE KoRT from entering GLG in the finals? NOW THAT would be interesting and somehow wouldn't surprise me at all.

Wait, I better check to make sure I'm not entered in more than 20 games.. ..

And STILL cannot stand up. . .trimming toe nails right now. . .

Last edited by Gen.LeeGettinhed on Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby NoSurvivors on Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:35 am

Irish.. Stop twisting my words dude.. What I meant by him being a joker was not to lighten the mood and try to make him look innocent or whatever.. It was because he has ticked off the chat mods at times because he jokes around lots in live chat.. That's all.. Like I said its nothing major and I am positive that he hasn't broken any rules regarding multis.

Also for all you going on about how GLG's chat buddies aren't defending him; where are they? To you I say simply to shut your traps. Not trying to be an ass here but honest to god I'm sick of being clustered with people because I am his friend. The guy has helped me a lot and so you're damn right I'll stick up for him! I mean really, who wouldn't fight for their friend if they were getting picked on? So please, think before you speak :)

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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up!

Postby Master Bush on Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:51 am

jefjef wrote:A) They never ever ever bothered checking him for multi.
B) He is and they are protecting him.
C) It is a house account.
D) He isn't a multi.

The answer is B. I'm not gonna flame, troll or bait, and this is probably my only post on this matter, but I have been saying for a while that he is being protected and I have given proof of it in this thread:

In a PM he sent to King Achilles, which he then forwarded to me, he said the following:
Again, supposedly the site wants a friendly around the camp-fire environment. I'm sure I provide that:
-I contact people: some played 300 games and NO prior interaction on CC
-most Social people find my comments and antics funny (lol, etc.)
-I created 13 mini tourneys in 2.5 months
-the strongest clan on CC invited me to join them* -- appreciating certain skills I have (not Farming). THey are NICE and very good players, recommending that I focus more on Team games. *at least 2 others invited me directly, a few others approached me as well.
-I help your mods, etc. in their personal lives.

lol he flat out admits to helping the mods in their personal lives. there is an absolute conflict of interest that is happening at this site, and either Lack Attack doesnt know about it, or has turned a blind eye to it.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Gen.LeeGettinhed on Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:55 am

alright, Alright, ALRIGHT! I admit it. . .I took the last cookie in the cookie jar and didn't write it down on the shopping list.

Oops, I thought this was Sully's confessional! My bad. . .

Well, still can't stand up. . .taking a dump on the crapper.

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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Master Bush on Fri Feb 24, 2012 1:07 am

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Gold Knight on Fri Feb 24, 2012 1:17 am

Bruceswar wrote:Ofc I read it all, but still my question stands. The Multi hunters are good at determining when a person is using 2 accounts vs 2 family members. I am sure they have looked into this before.

While I do not question Bruce's judgement as he is a stand-up player, I would hope the MH's use judgement in leaving him out of the decision to leave out any possibility of bias as a clan and CLA leader and member. ES clearly has the lead as the senior and accepted member and has the support of the site IMO, so i hope the overall verdiect comes from him.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby TheGeneral2112 on Fri Feb 24, 2012 2:54 am

Master Bush wrote:Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

No one watches the watchmen.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby sdh on Fri Feb 24, 2012 3:38 am

Has Gen.LeeGettinhed actually explained any of these game/social chats yet? I'm not saying he is guilty and not saying he is innocent, but all he seems to be doing is typing a load of crap.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby eddie2 on Fri Feb 24, 2012 3:55 am

Bruceswar wrote:I just have a question for all of you who think you have it down to a tee. After all these cases against glg, you think the mods have never run a multi check on him before? If you think that please raise your hand.

ok bruce now stop and think a min... from the op

so king a had obviously checked it all.. if they are family members from what i remember the mods have a list of accounts that are linked.. So if the mods have there names on there list for being family why would they check him again against this player. like we have said after the suspected swap date bearcat doe's not really play any more singles games and sticks with team games making less of a chance of getting reported.... the other thing that needs to be looked at in that thread is the fact a member comes in saying about some form of ban issued to the bearcat account.... there are several reasons for this but i am gonna have a pop at 1.

on speaking with a c and a mod i asked if bearcat had ever had a ban (telling them i was working on a case.) to which i was told he never had 1....

so could this possibly be the awnser to your Q. bruce if a member has stated he is on a ban and there is not a ban listed could the bearcat account of been busted as a multi account. then reopened through the appeal would there be any record of this ????????
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby IR1SH ACE on Fri Feb 24, 2012 6:02 am

caymanmew wrote:i never thought of him as the dad with kids more like the guy in his early 20's without a family but thats just me and how i took the conversations we have had

Thank you for sharing this caymanmew....this is how Im sure most members who chat with him regularly imagine GLG...

Bruceswar wrote:Why would anybody want to share personal information? That is a clear violation of CC rules. If I or anybody else knows anything personally about him from LC it is surely not to be shared. Nothing more to say to that. The multi hunters have all they need in this case.

I love how you and even GLG are hiding behind this "personal information" nobody's is asking you for the names, birth-dates & social security numbers of any of his kids/wife/girlfriend just to confirm like caymanmew post which persona you know GLG by...there is more "personal info" on my profile page then what is been asked here....

it makes me laugh that GLG had his own "personal" name on his account for 3 years and talked openly about kids & wife in game chat but now its all to "personal" to share.......

This is the response that I received via PM from GLG..

Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:What I say or don't say in games or live chat is pretty much disinformation to keep you hounds at bay.

this maybe true but if we look at the 3 games listed below....
Game 3448757
2008-10-12 00:36:16 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: kids botherin me
2008-10-12 01:03:02 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: the last time, I had been waiting for kid's teacher to call all week. . just to call mid-game

Game 3928995
2008-12-29 03:24:55 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: sorry, kids to attend to. . .I come and go
2008-12-29 03:26:42 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: I can go first later when spouse gets home
2008-12-29 03:27:11 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: my son LOVES the Celtics

Game 3934308
2008-12-29 22:03:32 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: I'll play as quickly as I can.. .kids at home tho

These games were all played before Jan 2009....why is this important.....maybe because there was no farming NR's rule in place before Jan 2009...Lackattack's Ruling on Newbie farming - 1st January 2009

and GLG only got report for the first time for farming a couple of weeks after this new rule is introduced...C&A Report - 17th January 2009[NOTED]

so his claim of leaving "disinformation to keep you hounds at bay" does not hold much water with me....unless GLG was able to see/predict the future and knew one day he would have tons of C&A cases.....there were no hounds to keep at bay he was just another anonymous player and nobody cared what he was talking about......

so yes Bruce you hide behind the "not sharing personal info" and "he is not a Multi" but you know....just would look bad to admit it.....
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Bruceswar on Fri Feb 24, 2012 6:08 am

BTW nobody is hiding behind anything. You still have not answered my question.

I just have a question for all of you who think you have it down to a tee. After all these cases against glg, you think the mods have never run a multi check on him before? If you think that please raise your hand.

P.S. Giving personal info out is against the rules. If you want to break them that is your doing not mine. Weather it is myself, glg's, or anybody else's info, I do not give out personal info.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby s3xt0y on Fri Feb 24, 2012 6:25 am

No one is questioning he has had a multi check done, honestly its not that hard for one person to log in at different times in the day and check two different accounts if need be.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby IR1SH ACE on Fri Feb 24, 2012 6:32 am

Bruceswar wrote:BTW nobody is hiding behind anything. You still have not answered my question.

I just have a question for all of you who think you have it down to a tee. After all these cases against glg, you think the mods have never run a multi check on him before? If you think that please raise your hand.

P.S. Giving personal info out is against the rules. If you want to break them that is your doing not mine. Weather it is myself, glg's, or anybody else's info, I do not give out personal info.

your question was answered to the best of my abilities....IR1SH try's to understand how MH works

if this is not a good enough answer for you then your asking the wrong person...perhaps you should direct your question towards king achilles seen as he was the first mod/admin to look into a case against GLG....
C&A Report 27th August 2008[NOTED]
suspected of Secret Diplomacy with player bearcat7734

king achilles wrote:Obviously, these people know each other in real life and enjoy playing with one another. I also notice that most of those games that has players other than them, it is usually a private game, so there's also a chance that some of them they know as well. With the 2 games mentioned, they do announce in the game chat what they do. Whether there was already an intention in the beginning or not, that could be subjective.

This case is still noted for future reference.

as he says in the verdict "Obviously, these people know each other in real life" this and the fact that I have provide enough info in the OP to show that bearcat was his son and was in collage...would suggest that there accounts would not have been both active from the same IP address and also they did not start off as multis....but what do I know about the inner workings of the MH's and there secret tools...

as I said if this still those not satisfy you then Im sorry but perhaps you could PM King Achilles and ask him and maybe you can pop back in and share whatever info he gives you with the rest of us....that is of course if its not to "personal"...

Now can you answer my question....which persona do you know GLG by....(1) father with kids/ (2) much younger no kids, girlfriend guy
no need to give any "personal info" away just post (1) or (2)....very easy....
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby KraphtOne on Fri Feb 24, 2012 9:47 am

Very well put together, just from chat alone it appears that he went from someone who has a son just out of college, to someone with infant children...

"your son plays on this site?" "how old do you think i am"

clearly he was old enough at one point to have a son play here, and now he finds it silly to imply that his toddler(s) could navigate a website...
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Evolution299 on Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:13 pm

I don't understand what is so hard for some people to get.

GLG's name isn't David, it's Steve. GLG has stated all along that he feeds mis information all the time. Well this is the ultimate case of it.

GLG (Steve) joined this site under the name of Bearcat. His father joined the site under the name of David H. GLG (Steve) took over his fathers account.
This breaks 2 rules: 1. Having multi accounts, 2. Sharing an account.

Before GLG took over the account, David H. was open and free to talk about his family and his children during his games. When GLG (Steve) took over the account and changed the name of it to GLG from David H. all of the mannerisms of the player changed. Obviously, because it was a different person at the computer.

GLG then committed a third infraction when he changed the name of the account from David H. to GLG. 3. This would be considered hijacking of the account.

GLG stated that the reason he changed the name of the account was because it was personal info. He is correct, but it wasnt his personal info, it was his fathers.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby eggrollonedolla on Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:22 pm

Evolution299 wrote:I don't understand what is so hard for some people to get.

GLG's name isn't David, it's Steve. GLG has stated all along that he feeds mis information all the time. Well this is the ultimate case of it.

GLG (Steve) joined this site under the name of Bearcat. His father joined the site under the name of David H. GLG (Steve) took over his fathers account.
This breaks 2 rules: 1. Having multi accounts, 2. Sharing an account.

Before GLG took over the account, David H. was open and free to talk about his family and his children during his games. When GLG (Steve) took over the account and changed the name of it to GLG from David H. all of the mannerisms of the player changed. Obviously, because it was a different person at the computer.

GLG then committed a third infraction when he changed the name of the account from David H. to GLG. 3. This would be considered hijacking of the account.

GLG stated that the reason he changed the name of the account was because it was personal info. He is correct, but it wasnt his personal info, it was his fathers.

Exactly and you can spew as much "misinformation" as you want but once you clear away all the bs its quite obvious.

Now that brings down one final piece of the puzzle. Are the mods going to do anything about this clear cut case. From this point forward only one of two words are needed...

A yes. Or a No.

Lets see if we can get this thread down to one of those two simple words.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Criticalwinner on Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:25 pm

Evolution299 wrote:I don't understand what is so hard for some people to get.

Maybe you aren't understanding this. It's pending. People are working on finding the truth, in which it will come out. I'm so sorry your so outraged over a game on the internet that is supposed to be fun. And yes, you can quote me on this but it won't change a thing.

Evolution299 wrote: GLG stated that the reason he changed the name of the account was because it was personal info. He is correct, but it wasnt his personal info, it was his fathers.

Would you want your father's information out there? If he didn't want it, and you could fix it.... you'd fix it right? Or are you just blinded by your rage on this?

Innocent until proven guilty. That's the way it is. And right now GLG is innocent.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Extreme Ways on Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:32 pm

Criticalwinner wrote:
Evolution299 wrote:I don't understand what is so hard for some people to get.

Maybe you aren't understanding this. It's pending. People are working on finding the truth, in which it will come out. I'm so sorry your so outraged over a game on the internet that is supposed to be fun. And yes, you can quote me on this but it won't change a thing.

Evolution299 wrote: GLG stated that the reason he changed the name of the account was because it was personal info. He is correct, but it wasnt his personal info, it was his fathers.

Would you want your father's information out there? If he didn't want it, and you could fix it.... you'd fix it right? Or are you just blinded by your rage on this?

Innocent until proven guilty. That's the way it is. And right now GLG is innocent.

This. If your name was, for example, James Smith, and I named myself James Smith on this site, became a friend of yours, and knew your name, maybe you wanted ME to change to name, or maybe I wanted to change it bc it's your privacy. Maybe GLG didn't want to change his name, in this example GLG has 'hijacked' the account, but his father commanded him to do so. If this is true, it's still multies/hijacking though.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby NoSurvivors on Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:38 pm

I am actually intrigued that the OP has posted a previous case with this... If he was cleared before.. why would the verdict come as any different this time around?
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Conchobar on Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:42 pm

Criticalwinner wrote:
Evolution299 wrote:I don't understand what is so hard for some people to get.

Maybe you aren't understanding this. It's pending. People are working on finding the truth, in which it will come out. I'm so sorry your so outraged over a game on the internet that is supposed to be fun. And yes, you can quote me on this but it won't change a thing.

Evolution299 wrote: GLG stated that the reason he changed the name of the account was because it was personal info. He is correct, but it wasnt his personal info, it was his fathers.

Would you want your father's information out there? If he didn't want it, and you could fix it.... you'd fix it right? Or are you just blinded by your rage on this?

Innocent until proven guilty. That's the way it is. And right now GLG is innocent.

Utterly irrelevant response to the clearest, simplest stating of the case. ](*,)
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Conchobar on Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:46 pm

NoSurvivors wrote:I am actually intrigued that the OP has posted a previous case with this... If he was cleared before.. why would the verdict come as any different this time around?

As stated above more than once this is a new & different case with new & different evidence. I wish those who haven't read or understood this case properly would refrain from posting or start over from page one. =;
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