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Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]es

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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Evolution299 on Thu Feb 23, 2012 4:57 pm

If I was Rodion, I wouldnt be worried just about this game, I would be worried more long term with this report.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Leehar on Thu Feb 23, 2012 5:06 pm

you can buy back can't you?
Nobody has a higher score or more medals with less games completed ;)
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Bones2484 on Thu Feb 23, 2012 5:12 pm

Leehar wrote:you can buy back can't you?

If the OP is found to be true, it quite clearly says that the GLG account was the second account. Meaning this would be stripped and permanently guested.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby TheGeneral2112 on Thu Feb 23, 2012 5:23 pm

Bones2484 wrote:
Leehar wrote:you can buy back can't you?

If the OP is found to be true, it quite clearly says that the GLG account was the second account. Meaning this would be stripped and permanently guested.

GLG would be forced to buy back from his old account, bearcat.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby eddie2 on Thu Feb 23, 2012 5:28 pm

TheGeneral2112 wrote:
Bones2484 wrote:
Leehar wrote:you can buy back can't you?

If the OP is found to be true, it quite clearly says that the GLG account was the second account. Meaning this would be stripped and permanently guested.

GLG would be forced to buy back from his old account, bearcat.

that would depend on how much of the op is found correct (like i said before there are facts to it all)
but if glg is bearcat he could be looking at a total site ban because it could come under hijacking of account meaning bearcat will be perma banned and glg account will be locked until he comes back to claim it. (if this happens we should expect a point reset back to major at least this was the score he had when suspected change took place.)
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Evolution299 on Thu Feb 23, 2012 5:54 pm

The flaw in that Eddie is that GLG as we know it now could come back to claim it, even though it would be reset to a major.

I think the only way to deal with it should he be found guilty would be a permaguest for the GLG and for him to reseume as bearcat.

The funny thing about all of this is that he asked to have the screen name changed from David H. to GLG. Its not because it was his name and he wanted it changed, it was because it was his fathers.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give to you, the smoking gun.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby lanyards on Thu Feb 23, 2012 6:13 pm

Maybe he changed his name because it was PERSONAL INFORMATION, and maybe he doesn't provide you with consistent facts because you were asking about and looking at PERSONAL INFORMATION. He obviously doesn't want people over the internet, who have no relation to him PERSONALLY, to know him PERSONALLY.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Master Fenrir on Thu Feb 23, 2012 6:20 pm

Evolution299 wrote:If I was Rodion, I wouldnt be worried just about this game, I would be worried more long term with this report.

I agree. We all remember the sad shape they were in before he joined. If Kort loses GLG, they're going to suck.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Symmetry on Thu Feb 23, 2012 6:21 pm

Extreme Ways wrote:
jefjef wrote:
Rodion wrote:I don't feel like wasting my time reading this back and forth, but since GLG is assigned to play in batch 3 of the CCup2 finals, I need to know if there is any chance that this report ends up with:

"2012-02-27 09:14:05 - GLG was kicked out for violating the rules"

Evil Semp, in case your ruling is going to take some time, can you please adress this to me? We can't have a player suddenly being kicked out in the middle of a game in the end of a year-long clan competition, so knowing the situation of this report beforehand is really important. Please PM me if you think it's more appropriate.

Thanks in advance!

It's a risk you take when associating with questionable and controversial types. KORT, or anyone else, deserves NO consideration in re of their clan activities. You might want to not use GLG if it's as much of a concern to KORT as it seems to be.

Learn to read: Yes, he asks ES to pass him the verdict when it's not ready to be posted orso, but he ALSO asks, the important thing, to say when the verdict, approximately, will be ready. If he knows it will take a long time, he might consider another team for those games.

Meh- I wouldn't like to be in ES's position for this one. A hasty decision would be bad, but so would taking too long. As it stands, there's more evidence here than in most complaints, but there's also more at stake- the credibility of the leaderboard and the credibility of the mods.

Whichever way it goes, I wouldn't lay it all on ES. Methinks this is being discussed among the mods, and the final decision won't be ES's alone, even if he has to be the one to deliver the verdict.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Evolution299 on Thu Feb 23, 2012 6:22 pm

LOL Lanyards, did you not read any of the Report?

Here is the Cliffs notes: the GLG account used to be David H. The David H account is the father to the Bearcat account. The Bearcat account is actually GLG.

He took over his fathers account and then had the name changed.

1. You can't take over an account. That is sharing and is a no-no.
2. If he took over the account, he had no right to change the name.

So if the GLG account gets guested, it should actually have to change it's name back to the original account name of David H.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby anonymus on Thu Feb 23, 2012 6:24 pm

Master Fenrir wrote:
Evolution299 wrote:If I was Rodion, I wouldnt be worried just about this game, I would be worried more long term with this report.

I agree. We all remember the sad shape they were in before he joined. If Kort loses GLG, they're going to suck.


but seriously, i can see rodions reasons to ask, as ofcourse it would suck to lose a player in an important game like a cc final.. but i also feel like its up to KORT to decide if they want to risk it or not.. i mean if glg was clean he could tell his clan and there would be no issue..

but then again if he is not.. well comes down to trust here doesnt it..

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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby lanyards on Thu Feb 23, 2012 6:49 pm

Evolution299 wrote:LOL Lanyards, did you not read any of the Report?

Here is the Cliffs notes: the GLG account used to be David H. The David H account is the father to the Bearcat account. The Bearcat account is actually GLG.

He took over his fathers account and then had the name changed.

1. You can't take over an account. That is sharing and is a no-no.
2. If he took over the account, he had no right to change the name.

So if the GLG account gets guested, it should actually have to change it's name back to the original account name of David H.
Yep read the whole thread, but thanks for the cliffs.

Yes, GLG used to be David H.
Yes, GLG/David H may be Bearcat's father. (Personal information)
Now, where you lose all validity, is your claim that Bearcat has taken over the GLG account.

To me, it would be more believable to say that David/GLG took over the Bearcat account to play doubles games with for points. I can see how some would follow down the path the diggers went down, as given GLG is not that consistent with the facts. Nevertheless, these claims are a huge stretch, and you all have wasted a lot of time.

This is all driven by frustration over the way this player reached the top. Had this player played a different way, with the bearcat facts from the claim remaining the same, an accusation would have never been made. You've failed to bust him for the way he plays the game, so you turn to the player personally. Hate the game, not the player.

You've wasted a lot of time.
Hate the game not the player.

I don't see how yall can get more desperate, but I'm sure you will. I'm curious to see what the next claim is.
Evolution299 wrote:LOL
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Evolution299 on Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:07 pm

Im not sure what the difference is Lanyards. Bearcat was created first, before the original David H. account. If David took over that account, (which would be sharing and being a multi), then the GLG account would be shut down because it is the second account. Since Bear cat is/was created before, he would at best, get to be that account.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby lanyards on Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:24 pm

Evolution299 wrote:Im not sure what the difference is Lanyards. Bearcat was created first, before the original David H. account. If David took over that account, (which would be sharing and being a multi), then the GLG account would be shut down because it is the second account. Since Bear cat is/was created before, he would at best, get to be that account.
David H started his account and has been the one using it until now. That is a fact.

I suggested that possibly he used his son's account for team games after bearcat stopped using his account and stopped playing cc from any account.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Caymanmew on Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:31 pm

lanyards wrote:
Evolution299 wrote:Im not sure what the difference is Lanyards. Bearcat was created first, before the original David H. account. If David took over that account, (which would be sharing and being a multi), then the GLG account would be shut down because it is the second account. Since Bear cat is/was created before, he would at best, get to be that account.
David H started his account and has been the one using it until now. That is a fact.

I suggested that possibly he used his son's account for team games after bearcat stopped using his account and stopped playing cc from any account.

and how do you know that it is a fact? there is no proof that it has been him the whole time it could of been like they say his son could of token over
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby eddie2 on Thu Feb 23, 2012 8:03 pm

lanyards wrote:
Evolution299 wrote:Im not sure what the difference is Lanyards. Bearcat was created first, before the original David H. account. If David took over that account, (which would be sharing and being a multi), then the GLG account would be shut down because it is the second account. Since Bear cat is/was created before, he would at best, get to be that account.
David H started his account and has been the one using it until now. That is a fact.

I suggested that possibly he used his son's account for team games after bearcat stopped using his account and stopped playing cc from any account.

if this is so he then used bearcats account to also join and play in a tourney he was running. a tourney that he would not allow anybody over the sarg to join..

-entrants limited to "recently Sergeant(1400) and below" (can have been higher now or in past, but RECENTLY [in the last week or so] a Sgt or below -- confirmed elegibity of 2 entrants))
-Fremium players MUST leave 1 slot open -- to keep tourney moving

but if you actually look at it over the 2 months bearcat was back on site he had only played 4 games for a grand total of 11 points gained this would of gave him at the time of sign up 1484 points..(sarg 1st class.) this player had not been online since march before these games. and when he returned only played the 2 tourney games and 2 doubles games with glg these 2 were real time games. game chat even looks sus in these..

pretense of not knowing each other.
2011-11-27 00:35:33 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: need 15-20 min break -dinner
2011-11-27 00:37:03 - plurple: fine with me the others it will matter to
2011-11-27 00:38:31 - bearcat7734: ok
2011-11-27 00:50:08 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: back, quick dinner

2011-11-27 01:44:21 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: Bearcat -- GREAT GAME
2011-11-27 01:44:40 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: s/b high rating for all?
2011-11-27 07:38:41 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: WOW, Great fuggin game! opponents drop bonus, shit dice -- then great forts and shit dice for opponents
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby lanyards on Thu Feb 23, 2012 8:10 pm

eddie2 wrote:
lanyards wrote:
Evolution299 wrote:Im not sure what the difference is Lanyards. Bearcat was created first, before the original David H. account. If David took over that account, (which would be sharing and being a multi), then the GLG account would be shut down because it is the second account. Since Bear cat is/was created before, he would at best, get to be that account.
David H started his account and has been the one using it until now. That is a fact.

I suggested that possibly he used his son's account for team games after bearcat stopped using his account and stopped playing cc from any account.

if this is so he then used bearcats account to also join and play in a tourney he was running. a tourney that he would not allow anybody over the sarg to join..

-entrants limited to "recently Sergeant(1400) and below" (can have been higher now or in past, but RECENTLY [in the last week or so] a Sgt or below -- confirmed elegibity of 2 entrants))
-Fremium players MUST leave 1 slot open -- to keep tourney moving

but if you actually look at it over the 2 months bearcat was back on site he had only played 4 games for a grand total of 11 points gained this would of gave him at the time of sign up 1484 points..(sarg 1st class.) this player had not been online since march before these games. and when he returned only played the 2 tourney games and 2 doubles games with glg these 2 were real time games. game chat even looks sus in these..

pretense of not knowing each other.
2011-11-27 00:35:33 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: need 15-20 min break -dinner
2011-11-27 00:37:03 - plurple: fine with me the others it will matter to
2011-11-27 00:38:31 - bearcat7734: ok
2011-11-27 00:50:08 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: back, quick dinner

2011-11-27 01:44:21 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: Bearcat -- GREAT GAME
2011-11-27 01:44:40 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: s/b high rating for all?
2011-11-27 07:38:41 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: WOW, Great fuggin game! opponents drop bonus, shit dice -- then great forts and shit dice for opponents
Seriously? For what purpose would someone switch accounts, create a tourny, and the go back to old account to play in tourny?

I find it much more likely that GLG just asked his son to join the tournament to fill it up. That's actually realistic.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby eddie2 on Thu Feb 23, 2012 8:11 pm

his son was over the player restrictions for the tourney
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Evil Semp on Thu Feb 23, 2012 8:53 pm

Symmetry wrote:Meh- I wouldn't like to be in ES's position for this one. A hasty decision would be bad, but so would taking too long. As it stands, there's more evidence here than in most complaints, but there's also more at stake- the credibility of the leaderboard and the credibility of the mods.

Whichever way it goes, I wouldn't lay it all on ES. Methinks this is being discussed among the mods, and the final decision won't be ES's alone, even if he has to be the one to deliver the verdict.

You are right I will not make the decision alone. It is being discussed.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby lanyards on Thu Feb 23, 2012 9:22 pm

eddie2 wrote:his son was over the player restrictions for the tourney
What does that have to do with anything
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Bruceswar on Thu Feb 23, 2012 9:44 pm

I just have a question for all of you who think you have it down to a tee. After all these cases against glg, you think the mods have never run a multi check on him before? If you think that please raise your hand.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby s3xt0y on Thu Feb 23, 2012 9:47 pm

Bruceswar wrote:I just have a question for all of you who think you have it down to a tee. After all these cases against glg, you think the mods have never run a multi check on him before? If you think that please raise your hand.

The multi check with his son? Since they have said they are father and son the multi check has probably been done but waved...? \:D/
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby IR1SH ACE on Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:15 pm

Bruceswar wrote:I just have a question for all of you who think you have it down to a tee. After all these cases against glg, you think the mods have never run a multi check on him before? If you think that please raise your hand.

I have a question for you did you read the whole report or just jump in at this point?

this question has already been brought up....

IR1SH ACE wrote:Please read all the OP before is obvious that the GLG and bearcat account were two separate accounts when set-up and were operated separately for sometime...maybe a year maybe longer...during GLG's many C&A cases bearcat was absent from the site so I dont see any reason why the MH's would have looked into him or looked for any connection between them...what this case is trying to determine is at some point it looks like one of two things happened...

1)they are sharing the same account which is against the rules..
2)bearcat took over the Gen.Lee account at some stage from his Dad and would make the Gen.Lee account a Multi seen as bearcat joined the site 10 days before Gen.Lee, which is against the rules...

or as s3xt0y just said...

s3xt0y wrote:The multi check with his son? Since they have said they are father and son the multi check has probably been done but waved...? \:D/

Nobody who understands what is laid out in this case is suggestion that these two accounts were set-up by one person...

I am surprised that some of the members that know GLG and chat with him often have not left any comments on which persona that they know him by....the Dad with the kids or the younger girlfriend and no kids GLG....I would assume its the latter of these two and none of you are willing to share this with the rest of us......for fear of incriminating him further....
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Bruceswar on Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:27 pm

Ofc I read it all, but still my question stands. The Multi hunters are good at determining when a person is using 2 accounts vs 2 family members. I am sure they have looked into this before.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby John Deere on Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:41 pm

lanyards wrote:Maybe he changed his name because it was PERSONAL INFORMATION, and maybe he doesn't provide you with consistent facts because you were asking about and looking at PERSONAL INFORMATION. He obviously doesn't want people over the internet, who have no relation to him PERSONALLY, to know him PERSONALLY.

Makes perfect sense! Thats why he used his full name as an online screen name.... Ignorance is bliss..... :?
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