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Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]es

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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up!

Postby tec805 on Thu Feb 23, 2012 1:37 am

demonfork wrote: I am done spending money at this site.

Promises, promises.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up!

Postby alster on Thu Feb 23, 2012 4:36 am

IR1SH ACE wrote:Please read all the OP before is obvious that the GLG and bearcat account were to separate accounts when set-up and were operated separately for sometime...maybe a year maybe longer...during GLG's many C&A cases bearcat was absent from the site so I dont see any reason why the MH's would have looked into him or looked for any connection between them...what this case is trying to determine is at some point it looks like one of two things happened...

1)they are sharing the same account which is against the rules..
2)bearcat took over the Gen.Lee account at some stage from his Dad and would make the Gen.Lee account a Multi seen as bearcat joined the site 10 days before Gen.Lee, which is against the rules...

I concur. It's difficult to come to a different conclusion reading the first post. And "switching" accounts is a Rule 1 violation. Guess it will come down to (1) what level of evidence the mods wants (because obviously one can just deny that past posts are inaccurate - despite how ridiculous this may seem) and (2) what discussions he has had with the mods in the past (wouldn't rule out that this has been discussed considering past dealings - but since a quick shut down wasn't rendered, this is perhaps unlikely).

EDIT: Despite the past witch hunt(s) that IR1SH ACE (and his hang arounds) has waged against this guy (which for sure is a turn off), this is a serious accusation which seems to be backed up with facts. So don't see how it can simply be ignored. Facts are facts. Just a matter of discretionary outcome on parts of the C&A mods.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby deathcomesrippin on Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:17 am

I just want to remind everyone to keep this clean of flames and such. For the amount written so far, it has been (surprisingly) void of too many blatant flames and baits, but if you are going to post something make sure it is on topic and courteous. So far, so good. Thank you for your assistance, and understand that this is being looked at carefully.

ALSO: No matter the outcome of this, please keep in mind that any spurious reports/posts/PMs/wall posts etc. regarding the eventual outcome are frowned upon, and those are far easier to prove. So, keep it in context, and when it's all said and done, just stay civil. Thank you all so far for the incredible amount of info and mostly thoughtful posts.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby eddie2 on Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:45 am

i was surprised when i woke up this morning i was expecting 10 pages of stuff to read with my morning cup of coffee....

as for the witch hunt thing that keeps on getting brought up can i just say if you look at the last case via glg was i not saying that the case would be closed because many have tried and failed and until they update the farming rules nothing will be done.

now to this case again i think the time of the account swap was about the time of glg winning the tourney and getting free premium. if you look at this before then he would openly admit his family members in game chat, after this date bearcat starts not playing the site only coming back on occassions and only playing in doubles with glg or signing up to a tourney run by glg that would only allow non officers in. also they start acting like they do not know each other.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby mr. CD on Thu Feb 23, 2012 9:34 am

The evidence is definitely strong, but...
The problem is that it's all based on things GLG was saying in chat and GLG is known to be fooling people and telling stories all the time.
To me the evidence is strong enough to make me think that it happened, but since it's all circumstantial it's not strong enough to convict him.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Bones2484 on Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:59 am

mr. CD wrote:The problem is that it's all based on things GLG was saying in chat and GLG is known to be fooling people and telling stories all the time.

Don't forget that the OP has quotes of other people backing the story in game chat starting from day 1 of the account. The quotes in question are not all from GLG himself(s).

edit: I'm sure the defense will always be "you can say anything in game chat, it doesn't make it true" but this is a pretty long con involving multiple users (or so claimed) for it to have been initially made up when there was no reason to.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up!

Postby Uncle Death on Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:14 am

ubcman64 wrote:
demonfork wrote:
If GLG gets busted for this and the bust is made based on this shit that he said in game chat and not on any kind of hard evidence then I am done spending money at this site.

well wouldn't that be sweet

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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby s3xt0y on Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:21 am

Bones2484 wrote:
mr. CD wrote:The problem is that it's all based on things GLG was saying in chat and GLG is known to be fooling people and telling stories all the time.

Don't forget that the OP has quotes of other people backing the story in game chat starting from day 1 of the account. The quotes in question are not all from GLG himself(s).

edit: I'm sure the defense will always be "you can say anything in game chat, it doesn't make it true" but this is a pretty long con involving multiple users (or so claimed) for it to have been initially made up when there was no reason to.

Even if he was lying to people in game chat it still begs the question, What is stopping him from lying to the mod's about being family before?
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby macbone on Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:34 am

Pretty intriguing stuff. Nice investigation, Irish and Eddie.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby IR1SH ACE on Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:59 am

mr. CD wrote:The evidence is definitely strong, but...
The problem is that it's all based on things GLG was saying in chat and GLG is known to be fooling people and telling stories all the time.
To me the evidence is strong enough to make me think that it happened, but since it's all circumstantial it's not strong enough to convict him.

this seems to be the standard defense that is been brought up and I do agree that this is possible for a lot of the game chat that I listed near the bottom of the OP and there is a lot to read through and I am sorry that it had to be so long but I felt everything needed to be included but the most important part of the OP is this Game 2746191.....(day 5 of GLG's CC Career)

show: game chat
2008-06-29 20:36:07 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: i thought no escalating cards???
2008-06-29 20:36:19 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: I thought I had 10 vs 4. . .
2008-06-29 20:36:24 - bearcat7734: well u got to choose map, fog, etc.
2008-06-29 20:36:27 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: yo steve. . .be sure to do the dishes. . .
2008-06-29 20:36:33 - bearcat7734: i let brian choose escalating
2008-06-29 20:55:26 - FlashHawk: real stupid steve, cuz u emiliminated in the northwest, ur dad will be able to finish me and get the cards
2008-06-29 21:01:33 - bearcat7734: gg brian
2008-06-29 21:01:57 - FlashHawk: gg

there is no way that this chat is all just made up.....

Bearcat & FlashHawk are/were collage buddies...all you have to do is look at some of Flashhawk's 18 complete games to see this...

Game 2753271
show: game chat
2008-07-05 17:46:15 - FlashHawk: hey sean, and parker, this is one of my friends thats on my team, he actually lived in marks room last year when i lived in dabney
2008-07-05 17:47:04 - FlashHawk: n/m i guess this isnt team, i thought it was
2008-07-05 23:58:44 - Paschendale: holy shit
2008-07-05 23:59:03 - Paschendale: i didnt even relize this was you guys till after I took my turn
2008-07-05 23:59:33 - Paschendale: I thought I set it up to be teams too...whatever. next time.
obviously this game was suppose to be a team game which would have been Flashhawk & bearcat on team 2

Game 2606699
show: game chat
2008-06-08 05:17:08 - Freddykster: brian jelley stop being a jawa and end your turn
2008-06-08 05:23:11 - Freddykster: parker you just got pwnd
2008-06-08 05:26:12 - Freddykster: parker look at this link
2008-06-08 05:27:23 - Gloomer: i dont know what auto attack does but it wasn't what i wanted to do and mark ive been messing u up
2008-06-08 05:31:03 - Freddykster: fraternity parker?

Game 2611309
show: game chat
2008-06-09 00:01:04 - Freddykster: i gotta stop playing, i gotta study
2008-06-09 00:01:50 - Freddykster: true, it was kinda lame parker ou almost automatically got australia
2008-06-09 00:01:54 - FlashHawk: so marks done?
2008-06-09 00:02:12 - Freddykster: i got all my finals tomorrow

Game 2701715
show: game chat
2008-06-23 02:33:41 - Freddykster: i notice brian has leveled up
2008-06-23 02:35:30 - Freddykster: solid, seans attacking me
2008-06-23 02:37:40 - Gloomer: well sean was basically given America
2008-06-23 02:40:36 - Gloomer: so mark gets asia jelley gest australia and im all over the place
2008-06-23 02:52:42 - Paschendale: wow Parker...Thor hates you
2008-06-23 03:02:50 - Gloomer: he aint taking his turn, hey u still going to warped sean?
2008-06-23 03:07:11 - Freddykster: did not see brian approaching the africa angle
2008-06-23 03:07:55 - FlashHawk: classes start this week
2008-06-23 03:09:04 - Freddykster: yeah....class
2008-06-23 03:09:40 - Freddykster: well im just throwing this out there, class from 10 am till 630? i
2008-06-24 03:20:25 - FlashHawk: wheres parker?
2008-06-24 16:14:11 - Paschendale: I sent him a text about an hour ago telling him he only had 8 hours left. No reply yet. But he does work full time. I'm sure he'll get on when he gets home.
2008-06-24 16:37:06 - Gloomer: im taking my turn dont worry

Brian, Mark, Sean, Parker - these guys are not just making up shit...they all know each other and then Flashhawk(Brain) introduces Bearcat(Steve) to the rest of the group...
2008-07-05 17:46:15 - FlashHawk: hey sean, and parker, this is one of my friends thats on my team, he actually lived in marks room last year when i lived in dabney

so this would validate everything said in this Game 2746191
2008-06-29 20:55:26 - FlashHawk: real stupid steve, cuz u emiliminated in the northwest, ur dad will be able to finish me and get the cards

GLG & Bearcat = Father & Son......................................................................................................................

when I posted most of this info in a private user group forum....eddie2 took it upon himself to ask GLG about it in live chat and came back in and posted the sreenshot of his conversation with GLG...


This is what prompted us to look more into this case.....GLG flat out claims to not be old enough to have kids and also that his DAD sometimes sits his account for him....

these are the two most important parts of this case.....the original GLG account was set-up by Bearcats question about it...

Game 2711557.....(Day 1 of GLG's CC Career probably his first game ever on the site)
2008-06-24 16:04:10 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: Hiits, I owe you for playing quickly. . .I'm off today and my son showed me the site
why would he make this up.........................................................

then GLG's response in live chat acknowledges that his dad sometimes sits his question about it.......

of course I knew that once this case was up and running that GLG would just say that he was Bullshitting with eddie and was making it all up but I dont buy it.........................................................................................................................................
Last edited by IR1SH ACE on Thu Feb 23, 2012 1:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby eddie2 on Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:25 pm

what else you need to look at is the 3 screen shots.
1)st one is glg admitting bearcat was his dad (this is not the case from the early games.)
2nd one is a couple of day later where if you look at the room and who invites me we were having a bit of fun glg had no idea i was working with ir1sh ace so why would he lie. i will admit if ir1sh went in there like what he wanted 2 these screen shots would not exist.
3rd one shows again we were having fun and games so he did not think i was getting info for a case. like glg said himself in this case he was giving disinformation to blag the people chasing him for a bust. but he did not know i was one of them.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby anonymus on Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:42 pm

i must say im impressed by this case, some of my faith in humanity has been restored the day eddie2 can come up with something like this..
impressive guys, true or false it is one hell of a digging-job you have made here and i will respect that no matter the outcome.


/ :?:
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby eddie2 on Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:45 pm

anonymus wrote:i must say im impressed by this case, some of my faith in humanity has been restored the day eddie2 can come up with something like this..
impressive guys, true or false it is one hell of a digging-job you have made here and i will respect that no matter the outcome.


/ :?:

lol ir1sh done more than 80 percent of it i just encouraged the case and found little bits out.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up!

Postby Conchobar on Thu Feb 23, 2012 1:56 pm

karel wrote::roll: :roll: again...who cares

Who cares? Well as a matter of fact a lot of people care. Anybody who sees an injustice in THE conqueror being at worst a cheat & at best a bad sport. It sets a bad example to other players, case in point ViperOverLord. If Gen.Lee can get away with earning thousands of points from taking advantage of lowly ranked or inexperienced players then why shouldn't everyone do it? Because poor gamesmanship is not something that is or should be condoned on this site. Full stop. :(

I am aware that this particular case isn't about this, all I am saying is that people do care.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Gen.LeeGettinhed on Thu Feb 23, 2012 3:23 pm

Facts? Please, don't flatter yourselves and order your Inspector Gadget badges just yet. You all couldn't tell Shit from Shinola.

While they did some interesting digging, they have combined some minor facts with a LOT of fiction and now have proof that Unicorns exist. Mods have the facts, and I will gladly give THEM more. But bear in mind these:

1) I was in Live Chat/Social late one AM and claimed that I was the cleaning lady at GLG's office. Intelligent life forms, particularly those that knew me, knew it was a joke. Less bright/experienced people did not.
2) READ THE SCAMS I pulled and freely list on my profile:
-convinced a teen to TYPE IN CAPS so a hard-of-hearing player could read LOUDER
-convinced a pre-teen that I was still IN THE WOMB (CIA experiment) -- and communicating via ultrasound and sign language
-convinced an adult player that I was related to CC owner, and could negotiate the licensing of a map
3) some people immediately get my ID, some don't. I've told several people it's pronounced "geet-TEEN-heed" which is Dutch for Warrior -- and they believed it.
4) I've told several other people that my name is really Art Skeohdivad -- and maybe it is, but that's another story
4) again: disinformation during games and chats: it's a fuggin distraction to opponents. Check the game chats of any good player - I just have a different slant on it.
5) so eddie2, who has been negative to me, asks me PERSONAL info in Live Chat and he thinks I'm going to give him 100% accurate data? yeah right. hey, some of us are a few steps ahead of you guys. . .
6) much of what's questioned is PRIVACY issues. so make you fair C&A, but keep it civil and not overly negative.
7) 1+1 does NOT = 11, it equals 2. you've taken some information and jumped to the wrong conclusion. Sorry, but that doesn't make you valedictorian of CC -- or even of your SoC class.

Many of you guys are frothing at the mouth thinking this is a slam dunk -- think again. And when I'm found innocent, you'll have NO qualms about the nasty negative mudslinging you've done. many will say "it was swept under the rug" -- when in fact it's baseless. This site claims to not want you to be so nasty/negative, but continually lets several of you continue on, and on, and on, and. . .

Last edited by Gen.LeeGettinhed on Thu Feb 23, 2012 3:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby hushovd on Thu Feb 23, 2012 3:37 pm

david? Ben je gewoon n hollander? Youve got my respect anyway, getting till no 1 while getting head....gesus you rock man :-)
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Rodion on Thu Feb 23, 2012 3:44 pm

I don't feel like wasting my time reading this back and forth, but since GLG is assigned to play in batch 3 of the CCup2 finals, I need to know if there is any chance that this report ends up with:

"2012-02-27 09:14:05 - GLG was kicked out for violating the rules"

Evil Semp, in case your ruling is going to take some time, can you please adress this to me? We can't have a player suddenly being kicked out in the middle of a game in the end of a year-long clan competition, so knowing the situation of this report beforehand is really important. Please PM me if you think it's more appropriate.

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby s3xt0y on Thu Feb 23, 2012 3:48 pm

Rodion wrote:I don't feel like wasting my time reading this back and forth, but since GLG is assigned to play in batch 3 of the CCup2 finals, I need to know if there is any chance that this report ends up with:

"2012-02-27 09:14:05 - GLG was kicked out for violating the rules"

Evil Semp, in case your ruling is going to take some time, can you please adress this to me? We can't have a player suddenly being kicked out in the middle of a game in the end of a year-long clan competition, so knowing the situation of this report beforehand is really important. Please PM me if you think it's more appropriate.

Thanks in advance!

looks like glg's clan is even starting to get worried here...
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Evolution299 on Thu Feb 23, 2012 3:52 pm

I was thinking the same thing. Looks like the clan is trying to put pressure on the mods. This has because very Mob-ish. lol :)

Next thing you know, Rodion will be sending Guido and Luigi over to Evil Semps place to "pay him a visit" and maybe "send him a message." :lol:
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby eddie2 on Thu Feb 23, 2012 3:53 pm

well all i can say is this is the 2nd time you have came in here saying stuff like this..

Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:Facts? Please, don't flatter yourselves. You all couldn't tell Shit from Shinola.

i am now thinking there is something we have missed and you are trying to bait us into some form of response so you can have the thread locked down. well that is not gonna happen. what i do feel is that you got another player a ban for posting his feelings about your game style (which at present is not against the rules.) So i feel if you want to keep on coming in here baiting looking for a response to get this locked down the c and a moderators should issue you a forum ban, like i said you are saying you gave misinformation well why make yourself look guilty knowing you would be reported for it. Same as why would 3 of you who all know each other all try to lie about who each other really is. Sorry i am not buying it.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby hmsps on Thu Feb 23, 2012 3:57 pm

Rodion wrote:I don't feel like wasting my time reading this back and forth, but since GLG is assigned to play in batch 3 of the CCup2 finals, I need to know if there is any chance that this report ends up with:

"2012-02-27 09:14:05 - GLG was kicked out for violating the rules"

Evil Semp, in case your ruling is going to take some time, can you please adress this to me? We can't have a player suddenly being kicked out in the middle of a game in the end of a year-long clan competition, so knowing the situation of this report beforehand is really important. Please PM me if you think it's more appropriate.

Thanks in advance!
Just lol, If ES does this then can he also please look at previous games of mine when someone has been kicked out and either refund my points or send an email to all players previously in the game asking nicely if they would replay it with me and a new team mate.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby IR1SH ACE on Thu Feb 23, 2012 4:12 pm

this report is not entirly based on what you have said alone GLG....this Game 2746191 was played nearly 4 years ago...are you trying to suggest that this was all a set-up and you manipulated these players into talking as if you all knew each other and that you are not bearcats dad?

but this was some long term misinformation ploy of yours and you have been waiting all this time for someone to question you over it so you could then provide them with more misinformation that would seem to indicate that you are not the person that originally set up the account so that they would go of and open a C&A report about it just so you can come in and say..."got you all...hahaha"...

maybe NoSurvivors has it bang on..
NoSurvivors wrote:The man doesnt break any rules (worth punishment, as he is quite the joker in Live Chat :lol:)

cause this would be some epic Joke and I would applaud your commitment for seeing it through all these years.... =D> =D> =D>
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby jefjef on Thu Feb 23, 2012 4:13 pm

Rodion wrote:I don't feel like wasting my time reading this back and forth, but since GLG is assigned to play in batch 3 of the CCup2 finals, I need to know if there is any chance that this report ends up with:

"2012-02-27 09:14:05 - GLG was kicked out for violating the rules"

Evil Semp, in case your ruling is going to take some time, can you please adress this to me? We can't have a player suddenly being kicked out in the middle of a game in the end of a year-long clan competition, so knowing the situation of this report beforehand is really important. Please PM me if you think it's more appropriate.

Thanks in advance!

It's a risk you take when associating with questionable and controversial types. KORT, or anyone else, deserves NO consideration in re of their clan activities. You might want to not use GLG if it's as much of a concern to KORT as it seems to be.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby EagleofGreenErth on Thu Feb 23, 2012 4:15 pm

jefjef wrote:
Rodion wrote:I don't feel like wasting my time reading this back and forth, but since GLG is assigned to play in batch 3 of the CCup2 finals, I need to know if there is any chance that this report ends up with:

"2012-02-27 09:14:05 - GLG was kicked out for violating the rules"

Evil Semp, in case your ruling is going to take some time, can you please adress this to me? We can't have a player suddenly being kicked out in the middle of a game in the end of a year-long clan competition, so knowing the situation of this report beforehand is really important. Please PM me if you think it's more appropriate.

Thanks in advance!

It's a risk you take when associating with questionable and controversial types. KORT, or anyone else, deserves NO consideration in re of their clan activities. You might want to not use GLG if it's as much of a concern to KORT as it seems to be.

^ This. Its the risk you take.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![pending]

Postby Extreme Ways on Thu Feb 23, 2012 4:29 pm

jefjef wrote:
Rodion wrote:I don't feel like wasting my time reading this back and forth, but since GLG is assigned to play in batch 3 of the CCup2 finals, I need to know if there is any chance that this report ends up with:

"2012-02-27 09:14:05 - GLG was kicked out for violating the rules"

Evil Semp, in case your ruling is going to take some time, can you please adress this to me? We can't have a player suddenly being kicked out in the middle of a game in the end of a year-long clan competition, so knowing the situation of this report beforehand is really important. Please PM me if you think it's more appropriate.

Thanks in advance!

It's a risk you take when associating with questionable and controversial types. KORT, or anyone else, deserves NO consideration in re of their clan activities. You might want to not use GLG if it's as much of a concern to KORT as it seems to be.

Learn to read: Yes, he asks ES to pass him the verdict when it's not ready to be posted orso, but he ALSO asks, the important thing, to say when the verdict, approximately, will be ready. If he knows it will take a long time, he might consider another team for those games.
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Joined: Sun Nov 19, 2006 10:02 am


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