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spiesr wrote:Now, I need to dig in a bit to see if I believe this claim. So, another character from Catch-22. This is either TAILGUNNER using the Tracker and Watcher as a pair, or you trying to make it seem like it. (Which could explain your insistence on that point.) I have to question why this character though. Wouldn't Yossarian make more sense? Of course it seems like it would also have made more sense to go with Yossarian if you were fake-claiming, unless you thought Yossarian was in the game as another player or something, but that line of thought leads to WIFOM. I haven't read the book or seen the movie, so my knowledge is limited, but my research seems to inidacte that Captain Flume is not a very important character.ghostly447 wrote:I am Captain Flume, Town watcher. I watch you, Strike Wolf, last night because I thought the mafia may target you. I was role blocked and have been going off of todays data to try to lead cases.
As for the role itself, to me it seems that it could either be in the game or not, no way to tell for sure. You seem pretty set on convincing us that it has to be in the game. I suppose we can see if anybody can counter it or something.
For your action you claim to have been role-blocked. From a fake-claim standpoint this means that nobody can easily disprove your action today. Maintaining a fake watcher claim is difficult as you can never really know who all visited the person you claim to have watched. So, saying you have been blocked can kind of operate as a "get out of making that guess free card" of sorts. On the other hand, I suppose we could simply wait with the case on you until tomorrow to see if you can back up this claim.
I am less confident about you being town after your claim than I was before it...
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
strike wolf wrote:Good chance he won't allow it. I'm not sure if the fact you're from a source already claimed makes your role more or less believable. so what we have so far assuming all claims are real:
1. Edocsil-Franklin (the Puppet) Bluth-Town Tracker. From Arrested Development
2. CrazyMilkshake-Orr-Town Busdriver. From Catch 22
3. New Guy 1-Claim Elwood Blues-Town Mason. From The Blues Brothers
4. Jake blues-Town Mason. From The Blues Brothers
5. ghostly447-Claim Captain Flume. Town Watcher. From Catch 22
6. some7hingclever-Claim Dr. Jekyll. Town Doctor. From the Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
7. Mr. Hyde (?)
8. Victor sullivan-Walter Sobchak. ??? From The Big Lebowski.
So in the long run, I'm not sure if this claim makes him more or less believable. Catch 22 was already brought up when Orr died so it's possible he looked up the role from there and safari mentioned the possibility of a watcher before he claimed so I'm not sold either way. I do find it amusing you think that hte watcher claim should be more believable than the doctor claim. As far as watcher and tracker. I put them in the Actors game together but trackers are more common roles based on that they are not always together. I had them in the same game in Actors mafia but I've since decided that they are a pretty powerful pair for checking claims when both in the game as they can often prove or disprove who people visited.
Other than that, I find it interesting that you thought mafia would target me when you seemed to feel that me and chap were scum buddies leading into day 2.
As far as the role block, the leading beliefs seemed to be that you were either scummy or new guy's mason partner so it's possible you were visited by a jailer or a town role blocker.
As of right now, you can prove your role potentially. so unvote
spiesr wrote: I haven't read the book or seen the movie, so my knowledge is limited, but my research seems to inidacte that Captain Flume is not a very important character.
ghostly447 wrote:spiesr wrote:Now, I need to dig in a bit to see if I believe this claim. So, another character from Catch-22. This is either TAILGUNNER using the Tracker and Watcher as a pair, or you trying to make it seem like it. (Which could explain your insistence on that point.) I have to question why this character though. Wouldn't Yossarian make more sense? Of course it seems like it would also have made more sense to go with Yossarian if you were fake-claiming, unless you thought Yossarian was in the game as another player or something, but that line of thought leads to WIFOM. I haven't read the book or seen the movie, so my knowledge is limited, but my research seems to inidacte that Captain Flume is not a very important character.ghostly447 wrote:I am Captain Flume, Town watcher. I watch you, Strike Wolf, last night because I thought the mafia may target you. I was role blocked and have been going off of todays data to try to lead cases.
As for the role itself, to me it seems that it could either be in the game or not, no way to tell for sure. You seem pretty set on convincing us that it has to be in the game. I suppose we can see if anybody can counter it or something.
For your action you claim to have been role-blocked. From a fake-claim standpoint this means that nobody can easily disprove your action today. Maintaining a fake watcher claim is difficult as you can never really know who all visited the person you claim to have watched. So, saying you have been blocked can kind of operate as a "get out of making that guess free card" of sorts. On the other hand, I suppose we could simply wait with the case on you until tomorrow to see if you can back up this claim.
I am less confident about you being town after your claim than I was before it...
While I agree with everything you said, not even I have looked further into my role. I got the role and immediately assumed "okay, whatever. I will play it out". I dont know why I was role blocked, I would have though another player would be role blocked in all honesty, but maybe it was a test to make sure I didnt have a power role (still, why wouldnt they get one of the older players???). Even I was questioning it what I got roll blocked. I was wondering why they would choose me. But honestly, I dont have an answer to that. And sadly, I am the watcher so I couldnt say "Have the watcher sit and watch me tonight so we can try to catch them". I guess they may role block the doctor. Which brings up a thought. Since everyone says doctor is important (and it is) then they have no reason not to kill him. They could just as easily role block me, and kill the claimed doctor tonight. So we will have our answer.
Gotta love it when things actually come together. Regarding my claim, I swear to you, you can wait for days, there will be no counter claim. Not important enough to hide it if someone else was the watcher, so you will not see another claim. Go ahead and wait, but I will keep trying to think of tricks to use to catch scum. Right now though, CLEVER is the claimed doctor. If he doesnt wind up dead, he is obviously mafia. And if mafia do kill him, we will have to go by his role that is revealed.fastposted by spiesr. I will go read my claim, and the description. It mentioned I was watching a specific person or something. I will get the name, etc, but no quote or word for word post.
Some7hingCLEVER wrote:ghostly447 wrote:spiesr wrote:Now, I need to dig in a bit to see if I believe this claim. So, another character from Catch-22. This is either TAILGUNNER using the Tracker and Watcher as a pair, or you trying to make it seem like it. (Which could explain your insistence on that point.) I have to question why this character though. Wouldn't Yossarian make more sense? Of course it seems like it would also have made more sense to go with Yossarian if you were fake-claiming, unless you thought Yossarian was in the game as another player or something, but that line of thought leads to WIFOM. I haven't read the book or seen the movie, so my knowledge is limited, but my research seems to inidacte that Captain Flume is not a very important character.ghostly447 wrote:I am Captain Flume, Town watcher. I watch you, Strike Wolf, last night because I thought the mafia may target you. I was role blocked and have been going off of todays data to try to lead cases.
As for the role itself, to me it seems that it could either be in the game or not, no way to tell for sure. You seem pretty set on convincing us that it has to be in the game. I suppose we can see if anybody can counter it or something.
For your action you claim to have been role-blocked. From a fake-claim standpoint this means that nobody can easily disprove your action today. Maintaining a fake watcher claim is difficult as you can never really know who all visited the person you claim to have watched. So, saying you have been blocked can kind of operate as a "get out of making that guess free card" of sorts. On the other hand, I suppose we could simply wait with the case on you until tomorrow to see if you can back up this claim.
I am less confident about you being town after your claim than I was before it...
While I agree with everything you said, not even I have looked further into my role. I got the role and immediately assumed "okay, whatever. I will play it out". I dont know why I was role blocked, I would have though another player would be role blocked in all honesty, but maybe it was a test to make sure I didnt have a power role (still, why wouldnt they get one of the older players???). Even I was questioning it what I got roll blocked. I was wondering why they would choose me. But honestly, I dont have an answer to that. And sadly, I am the watcher so I couldnt say "Have the watcher sit and watch me tonight so we can try to catch them". I guess they may role block the doctor. Which brings up a thought. Since everyone says doctor is important (and it is) then they have no reason not to kill him. They could just as easily role block me, and kill the claimed doctor tonight. So we will have our answer.
Gotta love it when things actually come together. Regarding my claim, I swear to you, you can wait for days, there will be no counter claim. Not important enough to hide it if someone else was the watcher, so you will not see another claim. Go ahead and wait, but I will keep trying to think of tricks to use to catch scum. Right now though, CLEVER is the claimed doctor. If he doesnt wind up dead, he is obviously mafia. And if mafia do kill him, we will have to go by his role that is revealed.fastposted by spiesr. I will go read my claim, and the description. It mentioned I was watching a specific person or something. I will get the name, etc, but no quote or word for word post.
ok so there is a few ways i might not end up dead
actually only one
if they believe killing the town watcher is better for them then i might live then they might kill you
in which case i will probably look UBER scummy lol this is just not good
and we get a prod on mob
he hasnt posted anything since last saturday
ghost wrote:Well if you didnt notice I brought another case to the floor which is this one. So obviously it made me think you or chapcrap was scum again.
ghost wrote:Fine then. Since that case will get nowhere, I suppose I will drop it.
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
Some7hingCLEVER wrote:So ghostly tell me this...
Is that how you make your cases
By pulling them out your rear end sorry but asking me to just come up with a new case...i don't think it's that easy
Some7hingCLEVER wrote:So ghostly tell me this...
Is that how you make your cases
By pulling them out your rear end sorry but asking me to just come up with a new case...i don't think it's that easy
ghostly447 wrote:Some7hingCLEVER wrote:So ghostly tell me this...
Is that how you make your cases
By pulling them out your rear end sorry but asking me to just come up with a new case...i don't think it's that easy
Well for you Im sure its pretty easy. Go back, reread and find some cases.
Strikewolf, if you dont believe me, lynch me. Just remember what I said and try to get some good cases going since apparently, trying to birng up cases (no matter how weak they are) to try and make someone scum slip is not helping. There has been enough talking in this forum, enough cases. Just try to find what you can.
spiesr wrote:I assume that you are talking about SomethingClever's claim, as he is the only one to claim so far. There was not "no real pressure" towards this claim. It was "claim and/or you will be lynched."jak111 wrote:How is it not fishy? No real pressure, it makes the mafia know who to target for night 2. So tell me, what about the claim sounds realistic?jonty125 wrote:Would you care to elaborate why a claim on D2 is fishyjak111 wrote:But a claim on the 2nd day? It sounds fishy.
Some7hingCLEVER wrote:spiesr wrote:I assume that you are talking about SomethingClever's claim, as he is the only one to claim so far. There was not "no real pressure" towards this claim. It was "claim and/or you will be lynched."jak111 wrote:How is it not fishy? No real pressure, it makes the mafia know who to target for night 2. So tell me, what about the claim sounds realistic?jonty125 wrote:Would you care to elaborate why a claim on D2 is fishyjak111 wrote:But a claim on the 2nd day? It sounds fishy.
pretty sure new guy claim mason
and actually i do have a few questions about masons
i looked it up on the mafiawiki but i still have some questions about it
what is a pure mason? what do they do? i have never played in a game where there is a mason so i have no clue
but right now i really cant find a brand new case
ghostly your doing to well finding them all
ok and i have a question
so i figure you guys want to test my claim
how would we do that i have seen everyone putting ideas out but do we actually have one set in stone?
gosh i just feel useless ..this is the first time ive been doctor so i dont really know how to use the role to the best of its abilities
sorry guys
Some7hingCLEVER wrote:So ghostly tell me this...
Is that how you make your cases
By pulling them out your rear end sorry but asking me to just come up with a new case...i don't think it's that easy
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