The accused are suspected of:
Other: constant insulting of myself (and i would imagine others)
not in a game but in forums. i have examples below:
example 1: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=165066
his only posts (in their whole)
I'm not at all surprised to hear you say that you're just an animal. I've thought that of you since your first post.
and when i ask why it is insulting to be named an animal he says
Not at all...in your case, it's only insulting to the animals.
he next calls me a 'sociopath', which i believe is a personality disorder. it is not pleasant to call someone that with no grounding.
example 2: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=164866&start=90
he seems to deliberately misinterpret what i say and then take it as an excuse to insult me. he repeatedly says that i hate women when i do not (which is libel i beleive)
he calls me an 'inferior phenomenon' and says that a child would be unfortunate to be under my care. when he does not know anything about me.
example 3: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=164884
again, he comes in to my thread and all he does is call me a 'sociopath', with no attempt to talk about the debate
he simply sits in the threads and insults me. i posted this in another forum and was advised to report it here