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jakewesthoff - Misogyny/sexual harassment [warned] bg

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Re: jakewesthoff - Misogyny/sexual harassment [warned] bg

Postby jefjef on Tue Feb 14, 2012 4:03 pm

This is a rather troubling and confusing ruling. A real stretch. We have had C*nt cleared a few times. What the hell is in this chat that is as bad or worse?

Better get clarification with king a on this...
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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Re: jakewesthoff - Misogyny/sexual harassment [warned] bg

Postby jgordon1111 on Tue Feb 14, 2012 4:04 pm

My point LOL eddie that was funny about jakes mum, My point was how was it inappropriate its not sexism by the dictionary,nor is it bigoted by the dictionary. And it cant be sexual harassment because becky claimes to be a guy.

And I have been in several games where one player has told the other to blow them, thats within the rules.

So why is saying you want to motor boat someone's boob's outside the rules?

I call foul here yellow card and all that
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Re: jakewesthoff - Misogyny/sexual harassment [warned] bg

Postby eddie2 on Tue Feb 14, 2012 4:05 pm

Evolution299 wrote:Yeah I think the newbie Mod, BG dropped the ball on this one. Anyone who feels offended by any sort of slanderous talk will be filing a complaint.

i think the exact opposite i feel the new mods are following rules that actually are there not changing them to suit the cases. If this is anything to go by then cc will become a better place
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Re: jakewesthoff - Misogyny/sexual harassment [warned] bg

Postby BGtheBrain on Tue Feb 14, 2012 4:11 pm


1. Discrimination based on gender, especially discrimination against women.
2. Attitudes, conditions, or behaviors that promote stereotyping of social roles based on gender.

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Bigotry includes racism, sexism, ageism, homophobia/sexual orientation bashing, religion bashing, lack of religion bashing, or wishing violence on any group of people, etc.
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Re: jakewesthoff - Misogyny/sexual harassment [warned] bg

Postby jgordon1111 on Tue Feb 14, 2012 4:18 pm

Oh dont get me wrong by no means am I saying BG is doing a bad job,he is getting in there and trying =D> But down the road someone is going to use this as a precedent for some BS reason and someone is going to get jacked because the precedent was set. Trust me If this was here a couple of weeks ago I would have used this in itself to fight my 24hr vacation. yes by all means enforce the rules but be sure you get the right one's.

Fastposted by BG, motorboating someone's boob's still is not sexism

I have personally motorboated alot of them and radio tuned some in the beginning before I learned that technique wasn't cool with the reciepiants

Attitude is a fine line BG,we going to cross the line saying we know someone's attitude from a few dumbass remarks.

Alot of dumbass remarks made in game chat everyday.
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Re: jakewesthoff - Misogyny/sexual harassment [warned] bg

Postby Evolution299 on Tue Feb 14, 2012 4:19 pm

I still think this has opened a can of worms that didnt need to be opened. Especially since Becky, who states that he is a guy is portraying a women and then claiming sexual harrasment against him/her/he/she based on the that fact. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
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Re: jakewesthoff - Misogyny/sexual harassment [warned] bg

Postby ubcman64 on Tue Feb 14, 2012 4:20 pm

BGtheBrain wrote:sexism

1. Discrimination based on gender, especially discrimination against women.
2. Attitudes, conditions, or behaviors that promote stereotyping of social roles based on gender.

Forum Guidelines
Bigotry includes racism, sexism, ageism, homophobia/sexual orientation bashing, religion bashing, lack of religion bashing, or wishing violence on any group of people, etc.

so where does eddie's avatar fall in here? it depicts women as f***dolls....see that open door i was talking about. i'm just saying.
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Re: jakewesthoff - Misogyny/sexual harassment [warned] bg

Postby jgordon1111 on Tue Feb 14, 2012 4:24 pm

well E2 now you have done it your avatar is now in jeopardy thanks to precedents.

And if you use behavior as the example BG, alot of women have thier Boobs motorboated and dont mind so that is not stereotyping either because now days according to some of the crazy crap lately so do men apparently
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Re: jakewesthoff - Misogyny/sexual harassment [warned] bg

Postby IcePack on Tue Feb 14, 2012 4:31 pm

So based on the attitudes stereotyping etc isn't calling someone a d1ck or c*nt against the rules? (among many many other things).

Seriously, this can't be the final ruling.

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Re: jakewesthoff - Misogyny/sexual harassment [warned] bg

Postby BGtheBrain on Tue Feb 14, 2012 4:34 pm

He wasnt warned for the motorboating phrase. He was warned for the sexist comment.

1) Read the guidelines
2) Read the definition of sexism/sexist
3) Read the initial report.

If you fail to see a sexist comment, you only do so because you don't want to see one.
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Re: jakewesthoff - Misogyny/sexual harassment [warned] bg

Postby jgordon1111 on Tue Feb 14, 2012 4:51 pm

yes I saw it BG, but if he lives at home and is catered to by his mother which I think from his dumbassedness he probably is. that isnt sexist stereotyping thats just his life as he knows it and all kids until they leave home pretty much.

So warning was given for saying yes he treats his mother bad if she doesn't feed him and do his laundry then. I was pretty mad when I was a kid and my mom who was a housewife didnt have my football uniform clean on game day and I was an ass about it. fortunately I grew out of it and can now cook and do my own laundry.

Hope you weren't reffering to go play with dolls millions of little boys and girls do that everyday.
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Re: jakewesthoff - Misogyny/sexual harassment [warned] bg

Postby Uncle Death on Tue Feb 14, 2012 5:04 pm

Becky is a man baby! He has alluded to this a couple of times I have noticed but has also played the femme fatale far more often. In this case there was a sexist comment and an offense. I'm a little more concerned about players starting to set up players for violations for punitive reasons. I'm also a little concerned about "Becky's" motives for portraying himself as a female. It seems a bit predatory. My 2 cents.
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Re: jakewesthoff - Misogyny/sexual harassment [warned] bg

Postby IcePack on Tue Feb 14, 2012 5:35 pm

BGtheBrain wrote:He wasnt warned for the motorboating phrase. He was warned for the sexist comment.

1) Read the guidelines
2) Read the definition of sexism/sexist
3) Read the initial report.

If you fail to see a sexist comment, you only do so because you don't want to see one.

1) both sexes can play with dolls, unless your stereotyping yourself this comment should fit both genders equally as insulting, not sexism.
2) Becky brought up jakes mother after Becky felt jake was being misogynist. You say something sarcastic about my mother, and I'm likely to say something sarcastic back. In short I feel Becky baited jake by the mother and weight comments.

Both treated the other poorly and should FAMO. That's what its there for. And since you mentions motorboat comment had nothing to do with the ruling I don't see any other questionable / punishable comments other than jake being a jerk to a jerk.


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Re: jakewesthoff - Misogyny/sexual harassment [warned] bg

Postby Lindax on Tue Feb 14, 2012 5:49 pm

I'd like to know how "motorboating" is sexist. I go out on my boat every day and it has 2 motors....

Oh, and if this kind of chat is warned for, I better start behaving in the chat. :lol:

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Re: jakewesthoff - Misogyny/sexual harassment [warned] bg

Postby IR1SH ACE on Tue Feb 14, 2012 6:43 pm

have to agree that this is a bad decision and should have been closed straight off the bat and both told to is blatant that becky is playing on this perception of been female....the name and the avatar just screams girly girly...

2012-02-14 11:12:08 - jakewesthoff: dumbass
2012-02-14 11:12:33 - jakewesthoff: stupid bitch go play with dolls (right here jake is not happy he is getting beat by a girl but Iv seen a lot worse in game chat)
2012-02-14 11:12:43 - Beckytheblondie: how did jakarta go from 4 to 2? idiot (then becky responds with similar insult)
2012-02-14 11:12:58 - Beckytheblondie: youre mean (this is a complete girly comment the only thing missing here is the pouty experrison and fluttering eyelashes)
2012-02-14 11:13:01 - Beckytheblondie: and a misogynist (playing on the perception of been female)
2012-02-14 11:13:10 - Beckytheblondie: do you treat your mother like that? (and here is the first BAIT)
2012-02-14 11:13:37 - jakewesthoff: yeah when she doesnt do my dishes and laundry (which jake swallows hook, line....)
2012-02-14 11:16:42 - Beckytheblondie: age doesnt matter as its still inapproriate regardless of age or weight (and here is the second BAIT)
2012-02-14 11:18:08 - jakewesthoff: wel u have to bbe over 18
2012-02-14 11:18:21 - jakewesthoff: and since you included weight that means ur fat (would not even call this sexism maybe weightism)

come on he was setting this guy up all the way trying to see how far he could push it....I think you need to look at this again..

on a plus note i have been well impressed by the new mods in here and some good quick resolves on the many cases that come through here....keep up the good work... =D> =D> =D>
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Re: jakewesthoff - Misogyny/sexual harassment [warned] bg

Postby eddie2 on Tue Feb 14, 2012 7:36 pm

Evolution299 wrote:I still think this has opened a can of worms that didnt need to be opened. Especially since Becky, who states that he is a guy is portraying a women and then claiming sexual harrasment against him/her/he/she based on the that fact. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

plz tell me where becky stated in the game she was male or female. jake does not visit the forums if you look he only has 1 post 4 months ago so jakes statement was in the belief he was talking to a female member of the community which some of the now posters are saying this is not accepted as a punishment because becky is a bloke.... but where does jake no he is talking to a bloke he does not. and if you really want to get into it go read the rules 1 part bg did not quote is the part that states a bit of banter against a user is ok.. but what is not allowed is any form of personal attack towards a person. jake took it past user to user comment and attacked a person.

2012-02-14 11:13:10 - Beckytheblondie: do you treat your mother like that?

this is not a attack on his mother or himself.
2012-02-14 11:12:33 - jakewesthoff: stupid bitch go play with dolls

2012-02-14 11:14:25 - jakewesthoff: do you have nice tits
2012-02-14 11:15:09 - Beckytheblondie: thats not appropriate jake
2012-02-14 11:15:43 - jakewesthoff: id motor boat long as your 18+...haha

2012-02-14 11:18:21 - jakewesthoff: and since you included weight that means ur fat

2012-02-14 11:20:01 - jakewesthoff: well thanks in advance for costign me money because u wont exercise or change eating habbits
2012-02-14 11:20:10 - jakewesthoff: and will inevitably become a burden on society as you age

these are all attacking the person not a user.
from the guidelines
Attacking a person instead of the user is NOT ok - it's all fun and games until it becomes personal.
Last edited by eddie2 on Tue Feb 14, 2012 7:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: jakewesthoff - Misogyny/sexual harassment [warned] bg

Postby IcePack on Tue Feb 14, 2012 7:44 pm

eddie2 wrote:
Evolution299 wrote:I still think this has opened a can of worms that didnt need to be opened. Especially since Becky, who states that he is a guy is portraying a women and then claiming sexual harrasment against him/her/he/she based on the that fact. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

plz tell me where becky stated in the game she was male or female. jake does not visit the forums if you look he only has 1 post 4 months ago so jakes statement was in the belief he was talking to a female member of the community which some of the now posters are saying this is not accepted as a punishment because becky is a bloke.... but where does jake no he is talking to a bloke he does not. and if you really want to get into it go read the rules 1 part bg did not quote is the part that states a bit of banter against a user is ok.. but what is not allowed is any form of personal attack towards a person. jake took it past user to user comment and attacked a person.

Personal attack? So Becky calling him an idiot is personal attack..who knows, maybe he suffers from a rare diesase that lowers his IQ. Maybe he suffers from other mental capacity issues. This could very well hurt his feelings. These types of PERSONAL ATTACKS have nothing to do with the game and shouldn't be tolerated :roll:

FAMO. This whole report (and verdict) is stupid. Regardless of whether jake thought becky was male or female, the comments were BAITED. He isn't getting punished for attacking a person in general, he's being punished for sexism. Which as my earlier posts show, were baited...


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Re: jakewesthoff - Misogyny/sexual harassment [warned] bg

Postby eddie2 on Tue Feb 14, 2012 7:48 pm

where is the bait icepack where does becky state she/he is male or female ???????
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Re: jakewesthoff - Misogyny/sexual harassment [warned] bg

Postby IcePack on Tue Feb 14, 2012 8:05 pm

eddie2 wrote:where is the bait icepack where does becky state she/he is male or female ???????

Baiting and becky's gender have nothing to do with one another. Becky can be male or female. Read the posts previously, not going to repeat myself. I've stated where - and I believe IRISH ACE even highlighted it in red.


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Re: jakewesthoff - Misogyny/sexual harassment [warned] bg

Postby natty dread on Tue Feb 14, 2012 8:26 pm

jgordon1111 wrote:Because in essence those things were directed toward becky thinking he was a she.

But becky claims to be a he,but files a complaint based on sexual harrassment. And with that in mind he was clearly not sexually harrassed.

And if Jake had told him to suck his D*ick, becky would then have been told hey its game chat sorry. Thats why I said becky baited him and didnt let him know the truth,just to file this erroneous report.

So it has to be one set of rules or another. Sexism is defined as discrimination against someone on the basis of sex. uh no motor boating someones boob's is not sexism.

bigot definition one who holds blindly and intolerantley to a paticular creed or opinion. I didnt get that anywhere, must have missed the part about hey your winning and I dont like it because your a woman.

IR1SH ACE wrote:have to agree that this is a bad decision and should have been closed straight off the bat and both told to is blatant that becky is playing on this perception of been female....the name and the avatar just screams girly girly...

You guys are being intolerant jerks and also, you are perpetuating normative and harmful gender-stereotypes.

Gender is a social construct. You can be born with male genitals, but if you feel like a female, and identify as a female, then your gender is female. If Beckytheblondie identifies as a female, then that is no one else's business. That's his/her decision ONLY.

And saying that he/she cannot be sexually harassed just because you think you have a right to define his/her gender for him/her is downright IDIOTIC and you should both feel ashamed of yourselves.
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Re: jakewesthoff - Misogyny/sexual harassment [warned] bg

Postby Butters1919 on Tue Feb 14, 2012 8:36 pm

IR1SH ACE wrote:Im confussed here.....

If you could change your CC name, what would it be?

Beckytheblondie wrote:I for one would change mine if I could (Beckytheblondie is somewhat misleading, considering my name is neither Becky, the or blondie (and I'm a dude)). I think if I could change mine, it would probably "LASERKILLERTRICYCLEDESTORYERZ"

So whats the deal...u a guy or a girl or a guy pretending to be a girl or vice versa....... :? :? :?

Nice find!
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Re: jakewesthoff - Misogyny/sexual harassment [warned] bg

Postby jgordon1111 on Tue Feb 14, 2012 8:59 pm

Ah natty stepped in,thank you for intentionally missing everyone's points on purpose as usual.
Becky baited him doesnt matter what sex becky is.

there was no stereotyping by jake. after being baited by becky about his mother he responded the same way as most people would (except you of course natty) I know here it comes Natty: show me proof of anyone else ever responding like that show me. Why do they not have a yawning smiley face as a choice it seems appropriate for talking to natty for most everything. Can someone add one please it would come in handy on this site alot.

So that is the reason apparently everyone except you natty, E2, and becky think this is anything other than a spurious report made by baiting someone and then saying they were sexually harrased. No sexual harassment here either. neither sexism or sexual harassment according to many many other post's that have been allowed on game chat before.

I know natty, of course I am wrong and you are right, I withdraw everything I said in awe of your vast worldly knowledge of all things in the universe.

please quit trolling and baiting natty, for once please.
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Re: jakewesthoff - Misogyny/sexual harassment [warned] bg

Postby natty dread on Tue Feb 14, 2012 9:06 pm

jgordon1111 wrote:Becky baited him

Bigotry is not ok, no matter if you were "baited" or not. And frankly, I can't even see where becky did anything to "bait" this guy. He/she did call him an "idiot", but that's not a punishable offence in game chat, while bigotry is.

Let me put it clearly: if someone calls you an idiot, it does NOT give you a free pass to break the rules just because you feel you were "baited".
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Re: jakewesthoff - Misogyny/sexual harassment [warned] bg

Postby jgordon1111 on Tue Feb 14, 2012 9:21 pm

ok in what way was jake a bigot natty, and please put the definition of bigotry in after your statement, I know its already been done several times but humor me. Hint read it first please.
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Re: jakewesthoff - Misogyny/sexual harassment [warned] bg

Postby eddie2 on Tue Feb 14, 2012 9:22 pm

jgordon1111 wrote:
there was no stereotyping by jake.

the bitch play with your dolls was the first comment so yes he stereotyped becky
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