Hi, I'll be primary contact from Otpisani regarding this competition. It does sound interesting and you may put us under "considering".
However there are a lot of things to discuss before starting the league.
First of all, talks about conferences and divisions are a bit premature. Let's just see, first, how many teams are interested and we can go from that to divide divisions later. Maybe leave that number of 36 as maximum, but I wouldn't mind if first season starts with 12 or 18 teams. NBA/NFL/MLB haven't started with 30+ teams either - it took 'em years to get there.
Even having divisions might be unnecessary - in pro sports there are made to minimize traveling with having geographically close teams playing more together.
On the other hand, what should be set as soon as possible is the length of season -
number and dynamics of games played as it may factor greatly in clans' decisions to join or not. NBA, in example, have 82 games in season. There are 82 games now with 30 teams, and there were 82 games 45 years ago, when there was 12 teams. I think we should, too, find that optimal number of games and length of season and stick to it whatever there will be 12 or 30 teams.
That said, I think 84 sets in 4 months might be a bit overwhelming. Most clans will likely play their clan wars, conquer cup, clan league at the same time, and having 5 more sets a week will prove difficult to handle. I'd say
2-3 sets a week (10-12 a month) would be more of an acceptable schedule for most clans. Even example in the first post (which looks good) have 15 games in a month. On a 4-month season that should make for something like 48 sets. Maybe go up to 60 at max, but not more.
Other things to consider might be - determining maximum number of times each map can be used, min and max number of games each player can play. Tracking those might get tough.
Also I don't like a bit and idea about having a tiebreaker to determine each set. Some games may take a weeks to finish, I wouldn't like to have to track all few weeks old sets to see if another game is needed. It's a league - nothing wrong with having a tie.
OK, that's all from me at the moment

Some thoughts, hope you consider it.