Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team
s3xt0y wrote:nietzsche wrote:I've done it.
Take a qtip, get rid of the cotton, put the ends of the qtip under the space bar and g or h key while pressing b.
How do you play other games with a qtip stuck in the middle of your keyboard? Guess you didn't read the rest of the thread eh...
nietzsche wrote:s3xt0y wrote:nietzsche wrote:I've done it.
Take a qtip, get rid of the cotton, put the ends of the qtip under the space bar and g or h key while pressing b.
How do you play other games with a qtip stuck in the middle of your keyboard? Guess you didn't read the rest of the thread eh...
Sorry, I normally don't read long posts, or long threads.
I guess we should try to replicate it by leaving a computer logged in with the 'b' key pressed down and logging in in another computer and try to play other games..
I have no idea if this is possible... wait, maybe it was already answered in this same thread.. I didn't read the rest of the thread before posting again...
Anyways, I felt like typing.
D00MandD3A7H wrote:Cmon guys he is a computer program designer, etc.
He might have multiple computers, and refreshed the browser, and inserted a q-tip or whatever.
This wouldnt be considered abuse, or cheating. He still needs to work out a game and earn it.
Yes, he has an unfair advantage at that point if this is true.
OR maybe he created his own script, bravo, smart guy.
2012-02-06 14:16:12 - Incrementing game to round 2
2012-02-06 19:52:23 - ISN2 got bonus of 2 troops added to SA-2 (Alien Base)
2012-02-06 19:52:23 - ISN2 received 3 troops for 8 regions
2012-02-06 19:52:23 - ISN2 deployed 3 troops on SA-2 (Alien Base)
2012-02-06 19:52:25 - ISN2 ended the turn
2012-02-07 02:54:56 - Incrementing game to round 3
2012-02-07 04:40:30 - ISN2 got bonus of 2 troops added to SA-2 (Alien Base)
2012-02-07 04:40:30 - ISN2 received 3 troops for 8 regions
2012-02-07 04:40:31 - ISN2 deployed 3 troops on SA-2 (Alien Base)
2012-02-07 04:40:32 - ISN2 ended the turn
2012-02-07 06:03:33 - Incrementing game to round 4
2012-02-07 10:20:12 - ISN2 got bonus of 2 troops added to SA-2 (Alien Base)
2012-02-07 10:20:12 - ISN2 received 3 troops for 8 regions
2012-02-07 10:20:12 - ISN2 deployed 3 troops on SA-2 (Alien Base)
2012-02-07 10:20:14 - ISN2 ended the turn
2012-02-07 10:37:21 - Incrementing game to round 5
2012-02-07 10:40:39 - ISN2 got bonus of 2 troops added to SA-2 (Alien Base)
2012-02-07 10:40:39 - ISN2 received 3 troops for 8 regions
2012-02-07 10:40:39 - ISN2 deployed 3 troops on SA-2 (Alien Base)
2012-02-07 10:40:41 - ISN2 ended the turn
2012-02-07 10:43:45 - Incrementing game to round 6
2012-02-07 10:50:35 - ISN2 got bonus of 2 troops added to SA-2 (Alien Base)
2012-02-07 10:50:35 - ISN2 received 3 troops for 8 regions
2012-02-07 10:50:36 - ISN2 deployed 3 troops on SA-2 (Alien Base)
2012-02-07 10:50:37 - ISN2 ended the turn
And now look at here:
2012-02-07 10:59:34 - Incrementing game to round 7
2012-02-07 11:00:39 - ISN2 got bonus of 2 troops added to SA-2 (Alien Base)
2012-02-07 11:00:39 - ISN2 received 3 troops for 8 regions
2012-02-07 11:00:40 - ISN2 deployed 3 troops on SA-2 (Alien Base)
2012-02-07 11:01:25 - s3xt0y got bonus of 2 troops added to AF-2 (Alien Base)
2012-02-07 11:01:25 - s3xt0y received 3 troops for 8 regions
2012-02-07 11:01:27 - s3xt0y deployed 3 troops on AF-2 (Alien Base)
2012-02-07 11:01:29 - s3xt0y ended the turn
TheGeneral2112 wrote:Evil Semp wrote:The last 4 round ISN2 usually took his turn within minutes of you finishing your turn. You only waited about 40 minutes. ISN2 knew he would win if he held the key down. I don't see why it would be that hard to believe he would sit there maybe watching TV holding the button down. Unless you can give us some proof that he has a script he didn't break any rules. This is CLEARED.
What script? These don't exist...
- Code: Select all
; Coordmode, Mouse, Screen for manual relative click replacement
; click 957, 551
While GetKeyState("b", "P")
SendInput b
Sleep 500
; Coordmode, Mouse, Screen for manual relative click replacement
; click 957, 551
While GetKeyState("b", "P")
SendInput b
Sleep 500
if WinExist("ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_0")
Run "C:\Users\**EDITED**\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
jefjef wrote:As previously ruled in the famous case Crybabies Vs KraphtOne "His turn starts immediately"
The verdict was: putting a weight on the keyboard is not against any rules.
Putting a weight on b button is an old trick a few free stylers use and CC says it's fine.
TheGeneral2112 wrote:jefjef wrote:As previously ruled in the famous case Crybabies Vs KraphtOne "His turn starts immediately"
The verdict was: putting a weight on the keyboard is not against any rules.
Putting a weight on b button is an old trick a few free stylers use and CC says it's fine.
The point was that with my script, it isn't required to put a weight on the keyboard and you can continue playing at the same time.
s3xt0y wrote:Get defensive much? So my argument is still valid, even if your popping in and out every couple seconds, It would still take some very impressive timing to jump right in as I had started my turn. Since there is no auto refresh even if you have a window open right beside it you wouldn't see anything. Oh and all the times you posted mean nothing...doesn't show anything aside from the fact that you took your turns before I took mine, anyone can deploy and end in two seconds. Yes you waited for "THAT" round to play because you knew that your autostart script would win it for you if you couldn't take the base with good dice.
So what you have accomplished from your monster post above was prove that you were not watching the game, but just "happened" to ctrl alt b at the exact second I started my game. I think that makes my case stronger. Either your timing is perfect or you have a script, you yourself have ruled out all the other possibilites now.
I ask that an MOD go over this a little more carefully than last time please.
ISN2 wrote:TheGeneral2112 wrote:jefjef wrote:As previously ruled in the famous case Crybabies Vs KraphtOne "His turn starts immediately"
The verdict was: putting a weight on the keyboard is not against any rules.
Putting a weight on b button is an old trick a few free stylers use and CC says it's fine.
The point was that with my script, it isn't required to put a weight on the keyboard and you can continue playing at the same time.
Yeah it was a real genius script, so let's buy another PC, break rules of the site and play on one PC and run your script on another one to win just a game, lol ...
I guess you deserve an ACM's World Stage winning award for that script ...
EDIT: BTW, I would really love to see how it works, could we see a release? Since beginning the turn by a script is against the rules, maybe just the auto refresher one?
ISN2 wrote:EDIT: BTW, I would really love to see how it works, could we see a release? Since beginning the turn by a script is against the rules, maybe just the auto refresher one?
s3xt0y wrote:He wasn't paying attention to what I posted either, since he told me to re-read the post. Your timing is all that is in question here. Even if you were pressing alt-tab-b or whatever over and over the timing is still fishy, 1 second after I started my turn. Plain and simple you would have to had perfect timing.
Lets do a little math say you alt-tab'd every 5 seconds, then you had a 1 in 6 chance of hitting me as I started my turn. The 6 comes from the 1 second you said it takes to alt-tab. Thats about 16%. Now lets factor in you taking turns etc etc and say you alt-tab'd every ten seconds then your at a 1 in 11 then your into a 9% possibility of hitting me at that exact second. See where I'm getting at here? Too many things would have to line up for you to hit at that exact second. Lets put it this way, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and smells like bullshit, then its probably bullshit.
And posting that i'm not a freestyler and I don't take into account where people live and all that shit doesn't matter in the least. All it shows is you know all the tricks in the book. And that you would use any angle possible to win. I find it hard to believe that a web designer would have trouble understanding a simple little script like the one posted above. Playing stupid when we know you know what that code is really just supports my case more.
OH and your not a brig...
ISN2 wrote:Also keeping B pressed while between speed games in our game was something casual which had a result ...
s3xt0y wrote:Very nice hope you don't get banned
TheGeneral2112 wrote:I will preface this with a statement: Mods, this is a SEQUENTIAL GAME that I used as AN EXAMPLE. This script of course would never be used by me again. Ever. It was just an example.
TheGeneral2112 wrote:Were you not paying attention? The script allows you to do whatever you want in another tab while autostarting the tab with your game. This doesn't require 2 computers...
if WinExist("ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_0")
Run "C:\Users\**EDITED**\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"
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