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Racial Slurs - [closed]

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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby owenshooter on Tue Feb 07, 2012 11:31 pm

*shaking head in disbelief*
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby jltile1 on Tue Feb 07, 2012 11:48 pm

Ya I'm not sure what your talking about to be honest. If you look at how this whole thing started it was words from a rap song. I understood how people could of took it the wrong way but I didn't realize so many people watch my games, that are not in my games. That being said it was only brought up in a game and I said again that it was a song, nothing more nothing less. This kinda shows the way people can turn things the way they want too. I did no call anyone that and I'm kinda surprised if you looked at this complaint you would be saying what you are in the first place. Hope you read this MB look at the fact of the C&A this one is complete bullshit.

Trust me I know exactly what you are saying but I think the point is not to say the word or words and again it is being said. As I did if you read the thread stated that.
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby Master Bush on Wed Feb 08, 2012 12:27 am

owenshooter wrote:*shaking head in disbelief*

you shaking your head is meaningless in the big picture of things.
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby owenshooter on Wed Feb 08, 2012 1:03 am

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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby jltile1 on Wed Feb 08, 2012 2:16 am

And this is why I don't think your very smart Owen at ALL. You say I did the same exact thing are you really that excuse my French fucking stupid. The first instance I was in my own game chatting with friends and made a quote from a brotha lynch song I don't know if you even know who that is. I did admit that it was wrong even though it did not offend any body that was playing in the game. Some one reported it who now of us even knew he was. But I did agree that I should not of said that beacuse it could of been takin the wrong way.

Now moving forward the second time I did not say exactly what I said the first time for one. And second I only was explaing to GR about the first instance. So really what your saying is everyone that has said the words should get a " vacation ".

Are you really that much of a hypocritical ass. Look at your profile again like I said your avatar and calling your self the black Jesus has religious belief all it. And those are your beliefs nothing wrong with that. But I guarantee not all people on this site agree. As you see not everyone agrees with how you feel on this topic.

Chuck D is in your profile listened to him he is racist.

The black panther is the symbol of black power. Hey that's great black pride white pride Chinese pride and all the other races. But as I said earlier look up white power you would have a fit had someone posted that on there profile. So really who is running around hear worried so much about your race on a Internet game.

The fist held up is the symbol of black power, so does that mean someone can put a white man holding his had up in a white power symbol. Now answer that would that classify racism or you bigotry word.

You really need to look at the facts here and quit Hitting this thread beacuse your looking stupider by the second.
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby jltile1 on Wed Feb 08, 2012 2:35 am

And also OWEN I am multi racial as are my kids with diffrent race than my own.
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby deathcomesrippin on Wed Feb 08, 2012 8:24 am

Please try to refrain from baiting. This is not about whether the use of the word in every unique instance is ok or not. It is simply about whether in this singular case it was bigotry. Whether this sets precedent or not, this case is all that it's about. If you have something pertinent to the case, please post it. If not, just stop posting here and look for another place to spout your rhetoric. The C&A forums are not for that.
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby jltile1 on Wed Feb 08, 2012 11:51 am

Now if that is the case why is this not cleared already or the second this bullshit came up. It was very clear how and why it was used. It was not toward another player it was only a response to a question as are all the times In the forum it has been used. So if I did some thing wrong there should be a massbann and convict me. Or this should be closed. I did absolutely nothing wrong in this case THAT IS VERY CLEAR.
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby owenshooter on Wed Feb 08, 2012 1:46 pm

reported for baiting and flaming. way to keep the discourse at a high level to prove your point. you have stooped to more name calling and have shown what type of person you truly are. i hope you receive a warning for this too... this is not how we discuss matters on CC, this is how children discuss things in the school yard. good luck with this, you really don't seem to understand that using these words is not ok...

and as far as my sig goes, it was a contest run by my clan for black history which was stickied in the GD by team CC... we all chose prominent black people in history to represent and members guessed/learned who they were. the prize, a year premium... so i find it amusing that you think posting an image of a black panther or black muslim is racist/bigoted, but your continual use of racist terms is not. wow... you truly seem to be clueless... the black jesus has spoken...-el Jesus negro

p.s.-if you think it's racist or you think i am breaking rules, put me in the C&A.. good luck with that.
jltile1 wrote:And this is why I don't think your very smart Owen at ALL. You say I did the same exact thing are you really that excuse my French fucking stupid. The first instance I was in my own game chatting with friends and made a quote from a brotha lynch song I don't know if you even know who that is. I did admit that it was wrong even though it did not offend any body that was playing in the game. Some one reported it who now of us even knew he was. But I did agree that I should not of said that beacuse it could of been takin the wrong way.

Now moving forward the second time I did not say exactly what I said the first time for one. And second I only was explaing to GR about the first instance. So really what your saying is everyone that has said the words should get a " vacation ".

Are you really that much of a hypocritical ass. Look at your profile again like I said your avatar and calling your self the black Jesus has religious belief all it. And those are your beliefs nothing wrong with that. But I guarantee not all people on this site agree. As you see not everyone agrees with how you feel on this topic.

Chuck D is in your profile listened to him he is racist.

The black panther is the symbol of black power. Hey that's great black pride white pride Chinese pride and all the other races. But as I said earlier look up white power you would have a fit had someone posted that on there profile. So really who is running around hear worried so much about your race on a Internet game.

The fist held up is the symbol of black power, so does that mean someone can put a white man holding his had up in a white power symbol. Now answer that would that classify racism or you bigotry word.

You really need to look at the facts here and quit Hitting this thread beacuse your looking stupider by the second.
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby oVo on Wed Feb 08, 2012 2:13 pm

Master Bush wrote:...your head is meaningless in the big picture of things.

Your ignorance of the word --it's derogatory history, power to demean and reach the lowest common denominator regardless of who uses it-- is absurd. There are lot's of inappropriate words friends "label" each other with and it still doesn't excuse their use in a public setting by anyone or legitimize a word's meaning as something other than what it has always been. Claiming you had "other intentions" doesn't fix it, and like a lot of foul language and slang, IF you lack the intelligence to know when you can "get away with" using pedantic vocabulary that is already known as "iffy" or totally unacceptable? Then you should avoid it like the plague and use words you actually understand and can communicate with properly.
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby GeneralRisk on Wed Feb 08, 2012 2:52 pm

I ask someone a simple question. Now some are twisting it and calling me racist....what a fucking joke .......some of my best friends are blacks or homosexuals and some are both. Why in the world are people going into games and reading chat? I think they gave everyone in the looney bin a puter and they all joined CC.Image............................The one and only Jesus
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby jltile1 on Wed Feb 08, 2012 2:56 pm

So Owen I'm not allowed one to defend myself.

I'm not allowed a opinion of you and your comment in a complaint about me.

You stated I did the exact same thing your clueless.

I don't know " how you do things around here ". So I'm sorry that you feel like a big shot with your 20 million post in the forums. It's simple if I didn't something wrong by repeating something that was brought to my attention during a game, then on of the mods should let me know. I'm here to play a game nothing more not promote bigotry, my religious beliefs, what I believe in, my race, or any of my personal thoughts. But seems to be the big thing on this site with you at the leadership. Now I'm just wondering why someone still has not told me in this case what I have done that has just destroyed the community, this is a joke.

Once more this complaint just shows how far one will reach out for something to talk or complain about. There was no intention a really making a complaint about the word beacuse there would of been 6 more in this thread alone.

And I'm sorry but that is being a adult letting this know when there shit stinks and sticking up for there self.
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby BGtheBrain on Wed Feb 08, 2012 3:02 pm

GeneralRisk wrote:Why in the world are people going into games and reading chat? I think they gave everyone in the looney bin a puter and they all joined CC.

Your teammate turned in the report.
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby eddie2 on Wed Feb 08, 2012 3:04 pm

GeneralRisk wrote:I ask someone a simple question. Now some are twisting it and calling me racist....

generalrisk maybe you should ask your teammate in the game why he reported a basic convo between you and jtile he used the word in the same context as you did so if they bust 1 they have 2 bust both. but i do feel it wasn't used as a racial comment by either of you.
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby GeneralRisk on Wed Feb 08, 2012 3:11 pm

BGtheBrain wrote:
GeneralRisk wrote:Why in the world are people going into games and reading chat? I think they gave everyone in the looney bin a puter and they all joined CC.

Your teammate turned in the report.
Oh I didnt know he was my teammate in that game...It is no wonder I put him on my foe list after his shitty play.
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby BGtheBrain on Wed Feb 08, 2012 3:12 pm

GeneralRisk wrote:
BGtheBrain wrote:
GeneralRisk wrote:Why in the world are people going into games and reading chat? I think they gave everyone in the looney bin a puter and they all joined CC.

Your teammate turned in the report.
Oh I didnt know he was my teammate in that game...It is no wonder I put him on my foe list after his shitty play.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby jltile1 on Wed Feb 08, 2012 3:24 pm

It's very simple as I started when this came up AD1 provocted him to report it, there seems to be no other way. Look at his threats to me as I posted and the guy have never even posted in the forum a real joke.
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby owenshooter on Wed Feb 08, 2012 3:54 pm

jltile1 wrote:So Owen I'm not allowed one to defend myself.

I'm not allowed a opinion of you and your comment in a complaint about me.

not when they break the rules of flaming/baiting... you basically stooped to name calling in an effort to do who knows what... all that did was add to your litany of CC offenses... here is a simple hint, learn the rules, you are coming off worse and worse because you truly are ignorant to the rules... good luck, use your vacation to bone up on the rules...-el Jesus negro
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby Master Bush on Wed Feb 08, 2012 4:01 pm

oVo wrote:
Master Bush wrote:...your head is meaningless in the big picture of things.

Your ignorance of the word --it's derogatory history, power to demean and reach the lowest common denominator regardless of who uses it-- is absurd. There are lot's of inappropriate words friends "label" each other with and it still doesn't excuse their use in a public setting by anyone or legitimize a word's meaning as something other than what it has always been. Claiming you had "other intentions" doesn't fix it, and like a lot of foul language and slang, IF you lack the intelligence to know when you can "get away with" using pedantic vocabulary that is already known as "iffy" or totally unacceptable? Then you should avoid it like the plague and use words you actually understand and can communicate with properly.

you clearly didnt read my whole post, so beat it.
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby deathcomesrippin on Wed Feb 08, 2012 4:02 pm

This topic is LOCKED to stop the argument from getting too much more out of hand. A decision will come down soon.
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby king achilles on Wed Feb 08, 2012 6:54 pm

Although there were words that some of us may see as bigoted, we also still have to take into consideration the context and how the word/s was used. In this case, although it was not directed to anyone, we see this more as a bait and an out of place and sensitive topic discussion than an actual bigotry. Both parties have been sent an informal warning to stay away from topics like this and advised not to repeat it again. This will be taken as an isolated incident. Future similar reports will still be approached on a case by case basis depending on how or what was said.
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