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ISN2-Abuse of game

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ISN2-Abuse of game

Postby s3xt0y on Tue Feb 07, 2012 3:42 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Other: Gross abuse of game. ISN2 has a script that starts his turn immediately after the other player starts theirs in a freestyle game. If their is a win condition and he holds it, he will automatically win.

Game number(s):

Game 10565677

Comments: I realize that pressing B is the same thing, and ISN2 will argue that he was there waiting for an hour ready to start, but really it's pretty obvious. Having a script that starts a turn for you when your not at your computer is gross abuse of game. If this script was publicly available I would have no problem with it as the whole community could use it, however pumping up ones points by using a script that is not available to the public could even be considered illegal point collecting. In this particular game he even went as far as to GG before I had started my turn, knowing that he was going to win because of his script.

2012-02-07 15:19:10 - s3xt0y got bonus of 2 troops added to AF-2 (Alien Base)
2012-02-07 15:19:10 - s3xt0y received 3 troops for 7 regions
2012-02-07 15:19:11 - s3xt0y deployed 3 troops on AF-2 (Alien Base)
2012-02-07 15:19:12 - ISN2 held the All Your Tech Are Belong To Us objective
2012-02-07 15:19:12 - ISN2 won the game
Last edited by s3xt0y on Wed Feb 08, 2012 5:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ISN2-Abuse of game

Postby SimplyObsessed on Tue Feb 07, 2012 3:48 pm

It does seem unlikely that he was sat pressing "b" for an hour. Doesn't mean it's against the rules, though.

Should it be against the rules?, probably. What is the point in having a block on the last player taking the first turn of the next round on freestyle games when this happens?
Last edited by SimplyObsessed on Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ISN2-Abuse of game

Postby hmsps on Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:08 pm

also leave a weight on the key
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Re: ISN2-Abuse of game

Postby SimplyObsessed on Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:13 pm

hmsps wrote:also leave a weight on the key

Surely that would only work in speed games? Casual ones don't refresh themselves.
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Re: ISN2-Abuse of game

Postby anonymus on Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:14 pm

hmsps wrote:also leave a weight on the key

well i seem to recall that this is also against the rules (although hard to prove) but a 20 min wait before commenting gg might be an indicator..

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Re: ISN2-Abuse of game

Postby hmsps on Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:17 pm

i would say it should be against the rules but as you say the burden of proof would be on CC and there is no way of knowing if asked he would say he sat there for hours. Won the game, went back and said gg
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Re: ISN2-Abuse of game

Postby s3xt0y on Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:26 pm

anonymus wrote:
hmsps wrote:also leave a weight on the key

well i seem to recall that this is also against the rules (although hard to prove) but a 20 min wait before commenting gg might be an indicator..

/ :?:

20 minutes?

it was 5 seconds after his turn he said gg.

2012-02-07 14:32:34 - ISN2 ended the turn and got spoils
2012-02-07 14:32:34 - Incrementing game to round 8

2012-02-07 14:32:39 - ISN2: gg
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Re: ISN2-Abuse of game

Postby jsnyder748 on Tue Feb 07, 2012 7:38 pm

s3xt0y wrote:
anonymus wrote:
hmsps wrote:also leave a weight on the key

well i seem to recall that this is also against the rules (although hard to prove) but a 20 min wait before commenting gg might be an indicator..

/ :?:

20 minutes?

it was 5 seconds after his turn he said gg.

2012-02-07 14:32:34 - ISN2 ended the turn and got spoils
2012-02-07 14:32:34 - Incrementing game to round 8

2012-02-07 14:32:39 - ISN2: gg

then he was clearly waiting for an hour if he said gg in 5 seconds
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Re: ISN2-Abuse of game

Postby QoH on Tue Feb 07, 2012 7:43 pm

SimplyObsessed wrote:
hmsps wrote:also leave a weight on the key

Surely that would only work in speed games? Casual ones don't refresh themselves.

Hitting "b" in a casual game refreshes it.
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Re: ISN2-Abuse of game

Postby Evil Semp on Tue Feb 07, 2012 7:46 pm

The last 4 round ISN2 usually took his turn within minutes of you finishing your turn. You only waited about 40 minutes. ISN2 knew he would win if he held the key down. I don't see why it would be that hard to believe he would sit there maybe watching TV holding the button down. Unless you can give us some proof that he has a script he didn't break any rules. This is CLEARED.
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Re: ISN2-Abuse of game[CLEARED]ES

Postby s3xt0y on Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:24 pm

So, not only did he play three games in between the end his turn and the end of my game but the whole time he managed to be pressing down the B button, or was it just a coincidence that he happened into that game at the exact second I took my turn?

2012-02-07 15:19:12 - ISN2 won the game <------Game in question

Game 10574968 <----------------------------------Game in between turns showing he wasn't holding down B
2012-02-07 14:36:19 - Game has been initialized
2012-02-07 14:43:17 - Corum1234567 won the game

Game 10575065 <----------------------------------Game in between turns showing he wasn't holding down B
2012-02-07 14:50:03 - Game has been initialized
2012-02-07 14:56:23 - ISN2 won the game

Game 10575099 <----------------------------------Game in between turns showing he wasn't holding down B

2012-02-07 14:59:03 - Game has been initialized
2012-02-07 15:10:51 - ISN2 won the game

There are more games in between as well.

Game 10575283 <---------------------------------Game started 1:36 seconds after, not a smoking gun but he would still have to be fairly quick to get into this one. Also want to point out that the other games he joined in between were 3 or 4 minutes after the games he had just finished not the 1:36

2012-02-07 15:20:56 - Game has been initialized

Again one can argue that 1:36 is enough time to jump from that game right into another one. But if I had been holding down the B button for an hour like that I would probably take a second to at least stretch my fingers. I know you going to say well there is no way to "prove" it, but the 40 minutes infront of the tv thing seems a little far fetched with all the games in between. This isn't proof of a script it just shows that it is a lot more likely that he has a script running then that exact instant jumping into that game and starting his turn.
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Re: ISN2-Abuse of game

Postby TheGeneral2112 on Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:31 pm

Evil Semp wrote:The last 4 round ISN2 usually took his turn within minutes of you finishing your turn. You only waited about 40 minutes. ISN2 knew he would win if he held the key down. I don't see why it would be that hard to believe he would sit there maybe watching TV holding the button down. Unless you can give us some proof that he has a script he didn't break any rules. This is CLEARED.

What script? These don't exist...

Code: Select all
; Coordmode, Mouse, Screen for manual relative click replacement
; click 957, 551
While GetKeyState("b", "P")
SendInput b
Sleep 500
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Re: ISN2-Abuse of game[CLEARED]ES

Postby Evil Semp on Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:38 pm

s3xt0y wrote:So, not only did he play three games in between the end his turn and the end of my game but the whole time he managed to be pressing down the B button, or was it just a coincidence that he happened into that game at the exact second I took my turn?

2012-02-07 15:19:12 - ISN2 won the game <------Game in question

Game 10574968 <----------------------------------Game in between turns showing he wasn't holding down B
2012-02-07 14:36:19 - Game has been initialized
2012-02-07 14:43:17 - Corum1234567 won the game

Game 10575065 <----------------------------------Game in between turns showing he wasn't holding down B
2012-02-07 14:50:03 - Game has been initialized
2012-02-07 14:56:23 - ISN2 won the game

Game 10575099 <----------------------------------Game in between turns showing he wasn't holding down B

2012-02-07 14:59:03 - Game has been initialized
2012-02-07 15:10:51 - ISN2 won the game

There are more games in between as well.

Game 10575283 <---------------------------------Game started 1:36 seconds after, not a smoking gun but he would still have to be fairly quick to get into this one.

2012-02-07 15:20:56 - Game has been initialized

Again one can argue that 1:36 is enough time to jump from that game right into another one. But if I had been holding down the B button for an hour like that I would probably take a second to at least stretch my fingers. I know you going to say well there is no way to "prove" it, but the 40 minutes infront of the tv thing seems a little far fetched with all the games in between. This isn't proof of a script it just shows that it is a lot more likely that he has a script running then that exact instant jumping into that game and starting his turn.

All you prove is that he took turns and he didn't sit there for 40 minutes holding the B button down. So coincidence is more likely but he was probably keeping an eye on the game. All I ask for is proof that he has a script.
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Re: ISN2-Abuse of game[CLEARED]ES

Postby s3xt0y on Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:41 pm

We both know, that there is no way I can prove he has a script, without sitting right behind him. So I guess this means that autostart scripts are fair game since there is literally no way you can prove people are using them?
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Re: ISN2-Abuse of game[CLEARED]ES

Postby Evil Semp on Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:46 pm

s3xt0y wrote:We both know, that there is no way I can prove he has a script, without sitting right behind him. So I guess this means that autostart scripts are fair game since there is literally no way you can prove people are using them?

So am I supposed to warn someone because you lost a game to them? If you know you can't prove it then why file the report?
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Re: ISN2-Abuse of game[CLEARED]ES

Postby D00MandD3A7H on Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:55 pm

:lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: ISN2-Abuse of game[CLEARED]ES

Postby s3xt0y on Tue Feb 07, 2012 9:01 pm

2012-02-07 15:12:43 - ISN2 ended the turn and got spoils
2012-02-07 15:02:20 - ISN2 ended the turn and got spoils
2012-02-07 14:57:59 - ISN2 ended the turn and got spoils
2012-02-07 14:46:45 - ISN2 ended the turn and got spoils

I used common sense, If ISN2 is occupied for the whole hour taking turns, their is no possible way that he can start his turn within 1 second of me starting mine. There is no auto-refresh for standard games, so if he had it open in another window watching it, he would at least have to refresh it. If he was using the speed game notifier he would have to at least click on the window to start his turn, which even if his refresh time is 1 second, it would take at least another second to click the window and start his turn.

All I can prove to you is that he was not watching the game the whole time I waited and then at the exact second I started my turn he was their to start his, sorry 1 second after I started my turn. I'm guess what im saying is that if I was in your shoes I would look at it a little closer, and perhaps use a little common sense. Maybe check the logs? If that game was refreshing while he was taking his turns then it is a open and shut case. You didn't answer my question about autostart scripts either, since there is NO way for the average user to prove 100% that a person is using them are they fair game?
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Re: ISN2-Abuse of game[CLEARED]ES

Postby QoH on Tue Feb 07, 2012 9:05 pm

s3xt0y, by hitting "b" in a casual game, it automatically tries to start your turn, effectively refreshing the page, and starting the turn. It's purely coincidence that he hit "b" when he did, otherwise the script would have started the turn as soon as it could, and there wouldn't have been that delay.
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Re: ISN2-Abuse of game[CLEARED]ES

Postby s3xt0y on Tue Feb 07, 2012 9:11 pm

QoH wrote:s3xt0y, by hitting "b" in a casual game, it automatically tries to start your turn, effectively refreshing the page, and starting the turn. It's purely coincidence that he hit "b" when he did, otherwise the script would have started the turn as soon as it could, and there wouldn't have been that delay.

The 1 second delay? If he is holding down B, it tries to start your turn and fails since its not your turn, and the map refreshes taking time (about a second). If he is using a script, that same delay will be there since it is doing the exact same thing (telling his browser that B is held down). Again taking about a second.

And if his script has the sleep or timeout line like the one posted earlier in this thread...500 is half a second I believe. Its been a long time since I have written anything.

Just out of curiosity, what do you think the chance was that he opened that game and pressed B at that exact second?
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Re: ISN2-Abuse of game[CLEARED]ES

Postby TheGeneral2112 on Tue Feb 07, 2012 9:30 pm

s3xt0y wrote:
QoH wrote:s3xt0y, by hitting "b" in a casual game, it automatically tries to start your turn, effectively refreshing the page, and starting the turn. It's purely coincidence that he hit "b" when he did, otherwise the script would have started the turn as soon as it could, and there wouldn't have been that delay.

The 1 second delay? If he is holding down B, it tries to start your turn and fails since its not your turn, and the map refreshes taking time (about a second). If he is using a script, that same delay will be there since it is doing the exact same thing (telling his browser that B is held down). Again taking about a second.

And if his script has the sleep or timeout line like the one posted earlier in this thread...500 is half a second I believe. Its been a long time since I have written anything.

Just out of curiosity, what do you think the chance was that he opened that game and pressed B at that exact second?

I don't use a script. If I did use a script, I wouldn't use the same one I posted. If I did use the same one I posted, you couldn't prove it. If you can't prove it, I can continue to do what I do with no punishments.

This is why the rule needs to be removed. You have a rule that you can't possibly enforce.
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Re: ISN2-Abuse of game[CLEARED]ES

Postby s3xt0y on Tue Feb 07, 2012 9:36 pm

They don't need to prove it. All I have to say is "Secret Diplomacy". There is no way to know 100% that the players colluded with each other. Multi's could be two people on the same computer, they are never 100% sure.
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Re: ISN2-Abuse of game[CLEARED]ES

Postby nietzsche on Wed Feb 08, 2012 3:23 am

I've done it.

Take a qtip, get rid of the cotton, put the ends of the qtip under the space bar and g or h key while pressing b.
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Re: ISN2-Abuse of game[CLEARED]ES

Postby s3xt0y on Wed Feb 08, 2012 6:30 am

nietzsche wrote:I've done it.

Take a qtip, get rid of the cotton, put the ends of the qtip under the space bar and g or h key while pressing b.

How do you play other games with a qtip stuck in the middle of your keyboard? Guess you didn't read the rest of the thread eh...
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Re: ISN2-Abuse of game[CLEARED]ES

Postby Evolution299 on Wed Feb 08, 2012 11:58 am

s3xt0y wrote:They don't need to prove it. All I have to say is "Secret Diplomacy". There is no way to know 100% that the players colluded with each other. Multi's could be two people on the same computer, they are never 100% sure.

This is your best post in the thread ST.

There is never any way to prove SD unless the 2 offending parties admit to it. The MH's use common sense and reasoning for all other decisions. In this case, it should be the same thing. Although there is no real way to prove he uses a script, it is more than likely he does.

At the very least, this should be noted, as this would be considered cheating and another example of an "unwritten rule" where as it is gross abuse of the game.

I can't even fathom what the odds are that ISN was able to play 4 other games in between the time in question and still begin his turn 1 second after he had the ability to.

Looks like a MH (who will remain namelESs) has the broom out again and is doing alittle house work. That rug is looking more and more like a mountain with the amount of crap being swept under it.
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Re: ISN2-Abuse of game[CLEARED]ES

Postby s3xt0y on Wed Feb 08, 2012 4:49 pm

Evolution299 wrote:
s3xt0y wrote:They don't need to prove it. All I have to say is "Secret Diplomacy". There is no way to know 100% that the players colluded with each other. Multi's could be two people on the same computer, they are never 100% sure.

This is your best post in the thread ST.

There is never any way to prove SD unless the 2 offending parties admit to it. The MH's use common sense and reasoning for all other decisions. In this case, it should be the same thing. Although there is no real way to prove he uses a script, it is more than likely he does.

At the very least, this should be noted, as this would be considered cheating and another example of an "unwritten rule" where as it is gross abuse of the game.

I can't even fathom what the odds are that ISN was able to play 4 other games in between the time in question and still begin his turn 1 second after he had the ability to.

Looks like a MH (who will remain namelESs) has the broom out again and is doing alittle house work. That rug is looking more and more like a mountain with the amount of crap being swept under it.

I completely agree with you. This case should have been looked at a little more before it was abruptly ruled on. To be honest as soon as he asked me if I could prove he was using a script I laughed and I knew that nothing would be done.
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