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Racial Slurs - [closed]

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Racial Slurs - [closed]

Postby tjd25041 on Mon Feb 06, 2012 7:09 pm

Accused: jltile1


The accused are suspected of:

Other: Racial Slurs

Game number(s): 10549731

Game 10549731

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Re: Racial Slurs

Postby eddie2 on Mon Feb 06, 2012 7:20 pm

tjd25041 wrote:Accused: jltile1


The accused are suspected of:

Other: Racial Slurs

Game number(s): 10549731

Game 10549731


rofl of all the dumb reports i have added what you missed. general risk used the words first they were not used as a racial attack they were used disgussing a case.
Last edited by eddie2 on Mon Feb 06, 2012 7:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby s3xt0y on Mon Feb 06, 2012 7:31 pm

It doesn't matter what the words are used for, they are still racist...

and you posted the wrong general risk...I'll post the right one, wouldn't want an already guested player to get re-guested...right eddie :-$

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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby owenshooter on Mon Feb 06, 2012 9:31 pm

guy doesn't learn... one more step!!!-el Jesus negro
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby aad0906 on Mon Feb 06, 2012 9:34 pm

He wasn't using racist slurs in this game chat. GeneralRisk was baiting him.

2012-02-03 01:31:00 - GeneralRisk: think we lost
2012-02-03 01:31:23 - jltile1: GR GRRRRRRR
2012-02-03 01:31:47 - GeneralRisk: gg
2012-02-03 01:32:37 - tjd25041: lol, chill dude, we are fine
2012-02-03 01:36:59 - GeneralRisk: I read u cal people fags and nigga
2012-02-03 01:37:16 - jltile1: Lol
2012-02-03 01:37:18 - GeneralRisk: call
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby ad10r3tr0 on Mon Feb 06, 2012 9:38 pm

The other guy started it..but he came back and still used the "n" word.. and that is against the rules...again.

2012-02-03 01:37:32 - jltile1: The nigga was only a song lol
2012-02-03 01:37:48 - jltile1: And it was a game with my buds

you forgot to include that after GR said above..
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby aad0906 on Mon Feb 06, 2012 9:57 pm

I don't know the context of the "original" offense. Maybe he was indeed referring to a song. There are plenty of songs with the n-word in the lyrics. As far as I can tell most of them are not by any caucasian artists. Hypocrisy much? Don't get me wrong, it is a racist slur word that should not be used. Not by "artists" either.
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby jltile1 on Mon Feb 06, 2012 10:30 pm

Hello sorry guys that is not a racist word for one. If you guys don't know that show your education level. So when is that a racist word it's on every song I listen to, the way it was used when I quoted the song I could see how that could of taking offense from that. That what I was referring to and did not repeat what I originally said!!

@ Owen this is why you are missing your turns your busy driving up your numbers in the forum.
Now we should talk about your whole profile avatar racist people in your profile.

And Im sure this is coming from a PM from AD1 to the complainant urging him to file a complaint against me. Why was this not filed at the time?
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby jltile1 on Mon Feb 06, 2012 10:47 pm

Re: Games
Sent: Sun Feb 05, 2012 11:41 pm
by ad10r3tr0

umad bro? lol

Ive answered your question, 100 times already, its not my fault you're to ignorant to understand my answer. I don't know what it is.. (.) << See what's inside the (). It's called a period.. Learn to use them. Withouth them, you just sound like an ignorant troll.. well come to think of it, you are anyways.

And I have nothing to report.....yet. Got my eye on you

This guy for some reason is trying to start shit and make things there not. You guys have to be kidding me learn what racism is before you start accusing people of that. So look at the complaintints wall also I'm sure AD1 seen some kinda chance to get a complaint against me. And please figure out what a racist word is, Let alone what the convo was.
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby agentcom on Mon Feb 06, 2012 10:56 pm

jltile1 wrote:Re: Games
Sent: Sun Feb 05, 2012 11:41 pm
by ad10r3tr0

umad bro? lol

Ive answered your question, 100 times already, its not my fault you're to ignorant to understand my answer. I don't know what it is.. (.) << See what's inside the (). It's called a period.. Learn to use them. Withouth them, you just sound like an ignorant troll.. well come to think of it, you are anyways.

And I have nothing to report.....yet. Got my eye on you

This guy for some reason is trying to start shit and make things there not. You guys have to be kidding me learn what racism is before you start accusing people of that. So look at the complaintints wall also I'm sure AD1 seen some kinda chance to get a complaint against me. And please figure out what a racist word is, Let alone what the convo was.

I love the punctuation corrections in an otherwise grammatically awful PM.
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby jltile1 on Mon Feb 06, 2012 11:04 pm

Now if this is not a complete attempt to set me up GR did not have a CA on him ????

So Again why is ad1 looking at my games get a life
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby monkeysuncle on Mon Feb 06, 2012 11:11 pm

That is pretty terrible man. I dont know what is worse, jltile, the fact that you used a racial slur in the game or the fact that you dont think it is a racist word....or your grammar. And why didnt the complainer include generalrisk in the topic? That guys was as bad, if not worse. Both those guys are racist assholes.
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby D00MandD3A7H on Mon Feb 06, 2012 11:25 pm

These comments were indirect. However, they are not for open discussion in a game chat. GR KNOWS better than to post that in the first place, a form of bait. :geek:
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby jltile1 on Mon Feb 06, 2012 11:27 pm

For the record it was not racist nothing more to say. I never called any one a racist name in 3800 games, to any race.

And I didn't know this was a English or grammar class. It's a game I just like to play I don't spend all day looking to make reports or hang out in the forum, typing my life away.

You guys can bend or twist what ever you like. The fact of the matter was I didn't even bring this shit up.
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby jltile1 on Mon Feb 06, 2012 11:44 pm

To clear the air about racist things around here please use one tool.

Look up white power google images

Look up black power google images

Now look around..
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby ad10r3tr0 on Tue Feb 07, 2012 2:10 am

jltile1 wrote:Re: Games
Sent: Sun Feb 05, 2012 11:41 pm
by ad10r3tr0

umad bro? lol

Ive answered your question, 100 times already, its not my fault you're to ignorant to understand my answer. I don't know what it is.. (.) << See what's inside the (). It's called a period.. Learn to use them. Withouth them, you just sound like an ignorant troll.. well come to think of it, you are anyways.

And I have nothing to report.....yet. Got my eye on you

This guy for some reason is trying to start shit and make things there not. You guys have to be kidding me learn what racism is before you start accusing people of that. So look at the complaintints wall also I'm sure AD1 seen some kinda chance to get a complaint against me. And please figure out what a racist word is, Let alone what the convo was.

LOL, if you think I was being serious about about stalking your games. I couldn't care less...I have done nothing against the rules, so there is no point in filing a complaint against me..It would probably be labeled spurious, which wouldn't be good for you. :-s but anyways, thru our PM conversation yesterday, I even warned you not to say those things again. LOL, i'm not out to get you...even if you think so.

Look, I was even being nice, I PM'd you to tell you that you have been reported to so you could go defend yourself. You're welcome for that.. even though, it is still a rules violation. Bigotry is bigotry, doesnt matter if it is in a song, poem, book, letter, chatboard, etc.
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby jltile1 on Tue Feb 07, 2012 2:55 am

Well let's see I have never played a game with you and some how you reported things in two other games you were not even in!!!! And you PM me once this is posted like you knew it was coming.

1st I have to say repeating what GR stated to me is not and never will be a racist comment that I was making .

Next if you read the conversation you obviously can see that I said it had to do with a song again and was only answering his question

And last if it is against the rules to in any way say anything to do with bigotry or any thing like that you should be in violation of that rule by reposting comments, that were said using the words your reporting are wrong.

So the complaint real hear is not that I was using bigotry but only that I typed a word that someone can report. So that being said the game number should of been sufficient for the complaint and you reposting words would be in violation.

And again I didn't bring the conversation up and only was defending myself again. Then that led to a bullshit C&A to tie up more mods time.
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby eddie2 on Tue Feb 07, 2012 3:43 am

s3xt0y wrote:It doesn't matter what the words are used for, they are still racist...

and you posted the wrong general risk...I'll post the right one, wouldn't want an already guested player to get re-guested...right eddie :-$


it does mater in what way it was posted mate.

Bigotry includes racism, sexism, ageism, homophobia/sexual orientation bashing, religion bashing, lack of religion bashing, or wishing violence on any group of people, etc.
Bigotry takes into account historic events, emotional baggage and generally accepted associations with a term, phrase or intent - posting "White Power" in a topic has a history and is bigoted, posting "Green Power" makes you an environmentalist.

jtile was only posting to state how he felt about the case after being asked by generalrisk but there was no intent in jtiles post.. i think he even wishes he could delete from this game chat what he posted (even though it was not used in a racist way.) because later on he uses the post like this.
2012-02-03 07:38:49 - jltile1: The n comment should have never been posted in the forum
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby emilywink on Tue Feb 07, 2012 10:08 am

i don't like racism
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby owenshooter on Tue Feb 07, 2012 2:03 pm

jltile1 wrote:For the record it was not racist nothing more to say.

um... yes it was... you are obviously not a person of colour and do not understand exactly what it is that you are doing that is so offensive. here is a hint, JUST DON'T USE THE WORDS!!!! enjoy your vacation...-el Jesus negro
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby agentcom on Tue Feb 07, 2012 2:59 pm

jltile1 wrote:1st I have to say repeating what GR stated to me is not and never will be a racist comment that I was making .

Next if you read the conversation you obviously can see that I said it had to do with a song again and was only answering his question

And last if it is against the rules to in any way say anything to do with bigotry or any thing like that you should be in violation of that rule by reposting comments, that were said using the words your reporting are wrong.

So the complaint real hear is not that I was using bigotry but only that I typed a word that someone can report. So that being said the game number should of been sufficient for the complaint and you reposting words would be in violation.

And again I didn't bring the conversation up and only was defending myself again. Then that led to a bullshit C&A to tie up more mods time.

Haha. This is a great point. It's not against the rules to use these words. Otherwise we wouldn't be able to talk about the cases. If that is all he was doing then there's no bigotry here. This report seems like a waste of time from yet another CC member who thinks that they are the word police.
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby jltile1 on Tue Feb 07, 2012 3:06 pm

owenshooter wrote:
jltile1 wrote:For the record it was not racist nothing more to say.

um... yes it was... you are obviously not a person of colour and do not understand exactly what it is that you are doing that is so offensive. here is a hint, JUST DON'T USE THE WORDS!!!! enjoy your vacation...-el Jesus

Now you know my color owen obviously you don't. I am only making points. But tell me you call your self the black Jesus, now if I was Jewish would I agree or from Europe. You tip toe on the edge if you ask me about being racist. I mean look at your profile pictures. If a white man had pictures displaying w power emblems then would be banned. So let me ask you why are you allowed to break the rules. And really this is a site for games and fun not a political gaming site. So making your comments here are not needed. As you have said what you feel already go tear up another thread. You will soon hit the 10 k mark...
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby jltile1 on Tue Feb 07, 2012 3:07 pm

And thank you agent
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby owenshooter on Tue Feb 07, 2012 5:09 pm

psst... jesus was black... if you think i am breaking a rule, throw me in C&A. i have survived many times for many avatars, all deemed non-offensive and not against the rules. to you, a black jesus is offensive. to me, it is the truth. don't use the words and you won't end up in C&A for bigotry/racism... again, enjoy your vacation...-el Jesus negro

p.s.-IT IS BLACK HISTORY MONTH!!! give your racism/bigotry a rest!!!
jltile1 wrote:
owenshooter wrote:
jltile1 wrote:For the record it was not racist nothing more to say.

um... yes it was... you are obviously not a person of colour and do not understand exactly what it is that you are doing that is so offensive. here is a hint, JUST DON'T USE THE WORDS!!!! enjoy your vacation...-el Jesus

Now you know my color owen obviously you don't. I am only making points. But tell me you call your self the black Jesus, now if I was Jewish would I agree or from Europe. You tip toe on the edge if you ask me about being racist. I mean look at your profile pictures. If a white man had pictures displaying w power emblems then would be banned. So let me ask you why are you allowed to break the rules. And really this is a site for games and fun not a political gaming site. So making your comments here are not needed. As you have said what you feel already go tear up another thread. You will soon hit the 10 k mark...
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Re: Racial Slurs - [pending] DCR & KRK

Postby Master Bush on Tue Feb 07, 2012 7:06 pm

The word nigga is a made up term by black people themselves. It was sort of a way of taking away the power of the "n"'er word. I have a few black friends, and they call me "nigga" all the time, and have no issue with me calling them it. It's almost like another word for friend.

But I realize that the word is often a form of brotherhood, and although some black people allow their close white friends call them that, it's still offensive when coming from a stranger. Therefor referring to someone here by that should be considered offensive. But in this instance, it seems as if the word was used as part of a conversation, and nobody was being called the word. So who knows.
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