Conquer Club

Antarctic & Feudal Warriors Elite [winner,GA : Silversun6]

Tournaments completed in 2013

Moderator: Tournament Directors

Antarctic & Feudal Warriors Elite [winner,GA : Silversun6]

Postby silversun6 on Mon Feb 06, 2012 11:31 am

Hey all!
This is my 3rd tourney , and its going to be BIGGER!
A General Achievement Medal will be awarded to the player that won the most 1 vs 1 games.

Due to small number of sign ups i changed the set up a bit

All games will be played on feudal epic/antarctica with automatic, sequential, escalating, chained, foggy , 20 rounds limit.

I'll need 32 12 quad teams to start this (8000+ points per team), but there is a catch it will gradually become trips doubles and single player.

So lets start:
show: STAGE I
each one of 32 12 quad teams will randomly face 1 team and the following games will be played by each team:
2 quad games (1 on feudal epic 1 on Antarctica) : for each victory team gains 7 points.
12 double games (6 games on feudal epic & Antarctica so each player will play with each teammate) not all double teams will play each other - 12 random match-ups will be drown so each player will play 3 games. for each victory team gains 3 points , additionally each player in the victorious team gain 3 points.
8 single player games (4 on feudal epic 4 on Antarctica ) for each victory team gains 1 point, additionally victory worth 1 point to each player
at the end of this stages all quad teams will become trips : the player with the lowest points of each team will be eliminated.

show: STAGE II
each one of 32 12 triples teams will randomly face 1 team (different from the previous round ) and the following games will be played by each team:
2 triple games (1 on feudal epic 1 on Antarctica) : for each victory team gains 7 points.
6 double games (3 games on feudal epic & Antarctica so each player will play with each teammate ) for each victory team gains 3 points , additionally each player in the victorious team gain 3 points
6 single player games (3 on feudal epic 3 on Antarctica ) for each victory team gains 1 point, additionally victory worth 1 point to each player
at the end of this stages 16 2 triples teams with the lowest points are eliminated.

each one of 16 10 triples teams will randomly face 1 team (different from the previous round ) and the following games will be played by each team:
2 triple games (1 on feudal epic 1 on Antarctica) : for each victory team gains 3 points.
6 double games (3 games on feudal epic & Antarctica so each player will play with each teammate ) ]for each victory team gains 3 points , additionally each player in the victorious team gain 3 points
6 single player games (3 on feudal epic 3 on Antarctica ) for each victory team gains 1 point, additionally victory worth 1 point to each player
at the end of this stages all triple teams will become doubles : the player with the lowest points of each team will be eliminated.

show: STAGE IV
each one of 16 10 double teams will randomly face 1 team(different from the previous round ) and the following games will be played by each team:
6 double games (3 same games on feudal epic & Antarctica) for each victory team gain 4 points
8 single player games (each player will play each one of the oppositing players twice on each map ) for each victory team gains 1 point
at the end of this stage 8 2 double teams with the lowest points of each team will be eliminated.

show: STAGE V
each one of 8 double teams will randomly face 1 team (different from the previous round ) and the following games will be played by each team:
8 single player games (each player will play each one of the oppositing players twice on each map ) victory worth 1 points
at the end of this stage 8 players who scored the lowest points in this round are eliminated. those can be from 4 full teams to 8 players of different 8 teams

each one of 8 finalists will play rubin style all other players.
14X2 single player games : each player will play each one of the oppositing players twice on each map ) victory worth 2 points
at the end of this stage player with the most points wins and will be mentioned in history books as the coolest warrior E-V-E-R

to make the scoring processes clear : there are 2 different cumulative scores - the team score and score of each player :
the team score will decide who will be eliminated in rounds : 2 and 4. Score will be summed by victories with all team games.
the personal score will decide who will be eliminated in rounds 1 ,3, 5 and the Final. Score will be summed up by victories on double and single games.

TIE BREAKERS -in case of 2 or more players with same points 1 feudal epic game will be played.

singing up : you should sign up with 4 player names (8000 points per team minimum) and a team name. you can also sign up alone or with 1 or 2 partners and the following player who signs will join you (here also 2000+ is a must).

game load : only premiums , up to 5 games simultaneously.

1.silversun6+ benga+ TX AG 90+D00MandD3A7H. Team name : Cool Team Name
2.OleCowboyHippy+ orangenitrox+afroaction+woopintroysbutt. Team name :Nitrox
3.dragon dor +francisco969+beersurfer+kiIIface. team name : kill beer
4.Robespierre__+Uckuki+L M S+Gas.Team name :GURG
5.hmsps + stevenshome + severs + shaun850. Team name : WAR
6.InnyaFacce + HippieBroker + Namliam + jsnyder748. Team name: DRuNKeN MiSFiTS
7.germwarfare+Caminolento+fapostolo+koul Team name : SgCaFaKo
8.shoop76+aaronvollrath+vicmasters+tin trumpet Team name : ShAaViTi
9.General Brewsie+ESQuire+Kingm+MrPinky Team name : Vikings
10.Dario77 + Serreski+geots+Mageplunka69 Team name : DaSeGeMa
11.abygorb + azak848 + Leverpuller + sundance123 Team name : AbAzKeSu
12.nibotha + jovel + deathwink + slickstick Team name : PieRSquared

Last edited by silversun6 on Sat Mar 23, 2013 1:48 am, edited 41 times in total.
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Colonel silversun6
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Antarctic & Feudal Woriors Elite [13.5/12]{FULL} (GA Medal)

Postby silversun6 on Mon Feb 06, 2012 11:31 am

First Round final scores (players in red eliminated) :

show: Round I

Scores round 2
show: scores

TEAM SOCRES(round 2 updated):
show: scores

TEAM SOCRES(round 4 updated):
show: scores

PLAYER SCORES(round 5 updated):
show: scores

PLAYER SCORES(finals , 2nd batch):
show: scores

PLAYER SCORES(finals , 3rd batch):
show: scores

GA medal - single victories

show: scores
Last edited by silversun6 on Thu Mar 21, 2013 11:51 am, edited 19 times in total.
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Re: Antarctic & Feudal Woriors Elite [1/32] 2000+

Postby OleCowboyHippy on Mon Feb 06, 2012 12:11 pm

Team: Nitrox

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Re: Antarctic & Feudal Woriors Elite [1/32] 2000+

Postby dragon dor on Mon Feb 06, 2012 12:52 pm

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Re: Antarctic & Feudal Woriors Elite [1/32] 2000+

Postby Robespierre__ on Mon Feb 06, 2012 1:21 pm

Robespierre__, Uckuki, Gameplayer, Gas

Team Name: GURG
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Re: Antarctic & Feudal Woriors Elite [4/32] 2000+

Postby hmsps on Mon Feb 06, 2012 2:14 pm

in please with stevenshome, severs and shaun850 Teamname War
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Re: Antarctic & Feudal Woriors Elite [4/32] 2000+

Postby silversun6 on Mon Feb 06, 2012 2:17 pm

hmsps wrote:in please with stevenshome, severs and shaun850

please add a name for the team.

all are in so far
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Re: Antarctic & Feudal Woriors Elite [4/32] 2000+

Postby KiIIface on Mon Feb 06, 2012 2:17 pm

in please. single
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Re: Antarctic & Feudal Woriors Elite [5/32] 2000+

Postby sgt lanzerot on Mon Feb 06, 2012 3:27 pm

in please (I've no team)
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Re: Antarctic & Feudal Woriors Elite [4/32] 2000+

Postby dragon dor on Mon Feb 06, 2012 5:03 pm

KiIIface wrote:in please. single

not realise it s team game
so me francisco969+beersurfer-kiIIface (must be confirm )team name kill beer 969
:lol: :lol:
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Re: Antarctic & Feudal Woriors Elite [5/32] 2000+

Postby InnyaFacce on Mon Feb 06, 2012 8:07 pm

Team Name :: DRuNKeN MiSFiTS

Players ::
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Re: Antarctic & Feudal Woriors Elite [5/32] 2000+

Postby Caminolento on Mon Feb 06, 2012 11:05 pm

I fell under 2000, but if you'll allow, i'd like to join a team that may need people
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Re: Antarctic & Feudal Woriors Elite [6.5/32] 2000+

Postby fapostolo on Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:01 am

Im in as single
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Re: Antarctic & Feudal Woriors Elite [6.5/32] 2000+

Postby koul on Tue Feb 07, 2012 6:41 am

im in i m single
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Re: Antarctic & Feudal Woriors Elite [6.5/32] 2000+

Postby silversun6 on Tue Feb 07, 2012 6:51 am

all are in so far,

hmsps + stevenshome + severs + shaun850 you still need a team name,
sgt lanzerot+Caminolento+fapostolo+koul same here - team name please
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Re: Antarctic & Feudal Woriors Elite [7/32] 2000+

Postby Dudi on Tue Feb 07, 2012 10:42 am

In. Single :roll:
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Re: Antarctic & Feudal Woriors Elite [7/32] 2000+

Postby shoop76 on Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:13 pm

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Re: Antarctic & Feudal Woriors Elite [7/32] 2000+

Postby Serreski on Wed Feb 08, 2012 8:28 pm

In single
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Re: Antarctic & Feudal Woriors Elite [8.5/32] 2000+

Postby buster582 on Fri Feb 10, 2012 12:14 am

i would like to be on a team
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Re: Antarctic & Feudal Woriors Elite [8.5/32] 2000+

Postby Dario77 on Sat Feb 11, 2012 3:14 am

please in, no matter single or team
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Re: Antarctic & Feudal Woriors Elite [8.5/32] 2000+

Postby silversun6 on Sat Feb 11, 2012 4:34 am

Dudi wrote:In. Single :roll:

you need to be premium sorry.

buster582 wrote:i would like to be on a team

you are about 900 points short of 2000.

all others so far are in.
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Re: Antarctic & Feudal Woriors Elite [8.5/32] 2000+

Postby MrPinky on Sat Feb 11, 2012 10:46 am

Sign us up please.

General Brewsie

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Re: Antarctic & Feudal Woriors Elite [9.5/32] 2000+

Postby geots on Mon Feb 13, 2012 6:46 pm

in, single please
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Re: Antarctic & Feudal Woriors Elite [9.75/32] 2000+

Postby Mageplunka69 on Tue Feb 14, 2012 5:05 pm

in please
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Re: Antarctic & Feudal Woriors Elite [10/32] 2000+

Postby silversun6 on Wed Feb 15, 2012 9:26 am

all are in up to here. we have 10 full teams

and all we need is 22 more teams :oops: this might take a while or it will never be full.

i might reduce it to 16 teams ,so we start from the second round..
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