Woodruff wrote:Clearly, Alstergren can do whatever the f*ck he wants. His spurious report against GENERAL, recognized by King Achilles as such, resulted in...nothing, not even a formal warning. This site is really starting to suck.
starting? the abuse of the rules of the few that have been getting away with it is beyond problematic now. throw in the gaming abuse by members of team CC which was virtually ignored and one starts to wonder how far they are willing to let things go. say something that strikes too close to their sensibilities and get a forum ban, farm like mad to get to the top of the board of kick people from games to win upwards of 40% of your last months games and you get a warning. i have never understood how they are so rabid about enforcing forum rules, even UNWRITTEN RULES, but do little to nothing about cheating that affects the leader board... team CC has lost it's luster... when you use volunteers, often times you get what you pay for...-0