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wrisky 50[CLOSED]es & bg

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wrisky 50[CLOSED]es & bg

Postby nikola_milicki on Thu Feb 02, 2012 2:37 pm

wrisky 50

Other: suicides into me from the beginning for no other reason but being a retarded noob, ppl dont pay this to see their games ruined and time wasted by a tool like wrisky 50

Game number(s):

Game 10546383
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Re: wrisky 50

Postby spiesr on Thu Feb 02, 2012 2:43 pm

Unless you can show that he is doing this systematically across many games this is simply a case of Foe and Move on.
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Re: wrisky 50

Postby nikola_milicki on Thu Feb 02, 2012 2:53 pm

yeah why dont I just join a few more games with a retard who spent every fkn army he had to suicide into me and waste more of my time..
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Re: wrisky 50

Postby Evil Semp on Thu Feb 02, 2012 4:17 pm

nikola_milicki wrote:wrisky 50

Other: suicides into me from the beginning for no other reason but being a retarded noob, ppl dont pay this to see their games ruined and time wasted by a tool like wrisky 50

Game number(s):

Game 10546383

My magic wand is broken so how about giving us some details about what happened. He attacked you and you consider that a suicide? A little details please.
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Re: wrisky 50

Postby Dorieus on Thu Feb 02, 2012 5:04 pm

1,845 games and he's still a noob?

What hope is there for us embryos?
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Re: wrisky 50

Postby Qwert on Thu Feb 02, 2012 5:53 pm

hard that one game can its enough to be punished,right? probably its best option foe button, less time to waste on these case.
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Re: wrisky 50

Postby nikola_milicki on Thu Feb 02, 2012 6:05 pm

Evil Semp wrote:
nikola_milicki wrote:wrisky 50

Other: suicides into me from the beginning for no other reason but being a retarded noob, ppl dont pay this to see their games ruined and time wasted by a tool like wrisky 50

Game number(s):

Game 10546383

My magic wand is broken so how about giving us some details about what happened. He attacked you and you consider that a suicide? A little details please.

sorry semp, honestly I didnt think anybody would even be interested since its not in the rules and has prolly happened many times b4....

so first round I grab berlin, leave it a 4 and make a 5 next to it by forting, he attacks berlin wins it and forts there making it a 4, of course I make 7,4 vs 4 and take it back and leave 5 on it.. so far so good, he only made a move that wasnt too bright, I mean how many of us here would go 6-4 to take somebodies auto-deploy +1 bonus if theres an extra 5 sitting next to it ready to hit back, that kinda move doesnt really have a bright future plus he risked 6-4 in a flat game when he couldve hit something easier.. and then in next round he attacks 4vs5, of course he loses and doesnt get a card, then next ridiculous attack was something like 6 or 7 vs 12 again on berlin, then he was either missing turns or just dropping on two spots close to me and didnt take cards!! in flat game!! so basically he was just stacking up till he was ready to suicide into me again... next stupid attack was him hitting my 25+ stack with half less armies.. then after blue made that comment about green's attack I thought maybe green attacked istanbul vs sofia and wasted both their armies which gives me a good shot at grabbing red bonus plus istan and sofia, so went there with my moscow stack of almost 30 men, grabbed the red bonus but not sofia cuz they had more armies left there then I thought, so green prolly attacked blue some place else, whats important here is that pink went through black see with his stack of ~15 men from ukraine only to suicide into me once again and thats what he did. I had like 10 men left on istanbul, when I got back there was only 3...
so this guy only attacks me, makes stacks just to suicide into me, doesnt take cards which is ridiculous cuz its flat game, misses every other turn - is this enough for u to see that his only goal in this game was to act like a total tool and ruin it for us? and theres blue's and red's comments in chat that confirm what Im saying, but Im sure u've seen those already..

Ive been here for too long to really really care about that shit, I forget about it right after the game is done, I guess this is one of those days when I feel like speaking my mind no matter if it makes any difference or not.. so thats that, u do with it whatever ya want, I just hope me typing all this crap wasnt a total waste of my time.. maybe thats not the first or the last game he will ruin...
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Re: wrisky 50

Postby nikola_milicki on Thu Feb 02, 2012 6:10 pm

qwert wrote:hard that one game can its enough to be punished,right? probably its best option foe button, less time to waste on these case.

I dont see it as a waste of time if this guy gets punished and if by it we get one step closer to making a new rule which will make sure games dont get ruined.. hell theres a 1 new player here already wondering whether he will be protected from idiots or not if he decide to spit out 25$
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Re: wrisky 50[pending]es & bg

Postby Dorieus on Fri Feb 03, 2012 6:25 am

nikola, if I'm the 'new player' you are referring to, I do not and should not expect anyone to protect me from idiots or bad players. If my opponent suicides, it's a losing strategy so ultimately in my favour. I owe it to myself to be prepared for every eventuality, every possible move my opponent might make.
My post was a laconic, tongue in cheek commentary on the discrimination new players face. Now that I have my stripe things are nominally better. If I say 'hello' in game chat, it's now reciprocated. No big deal, just common courtesy, and it costs nothing.
You make numerous references to your veteran status and how that should mean your time is more precious than others'. Please remember that this game was not invented by CC; it is the game of RISK and I have been playing it for 30 years.
I'm not attacking you, only taking this opportunity to speak out for those that discovered CC after you and are given a hard time because of it. Not by you but by players at large.
As for the 25$, I love this site and what it has to offer, warts and all, and will get premium when I am able.
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Re: wrisky 50[pending]es & bg

Postby nikola_milicki on Fri Feb 03, 2012 8:49 am

Dorieus wrote:nikola, if I'm the 'new player' you are referring to, I do not and should not expect anyone to protect me from idiots or bad players. If my opponent suicides, it's a losing strategy so ultimately in my favour. I owe it to myself to be prepared for every eventuality, every possible move my opponent might make.
My post was a laconic, tongue in cheek commentary on the discrimination new players face. Now that I have my stripe things are nominally better. If I say 'hello' in game chat, it's now reciprocated. No big deal, just common courtesy, and it costs nothing.
You make numerous references to your veteran status and how that should mean your time is more precious than others'. Please remember that this game was not invented by CC; it is the game of RISK and I have been playing it for 30 years.
I'm not attacking you, only taking this opportunity to speak out for those that discovered CC after you and are given a hard time because of it. Not by you but by players at large.
As for the 25$, I love this site and what it has to offer, warts and all, and will get premium when I am able.

by what ur saying I see u havent ran into an idiot yet, u will need to play more then 10 games.. sure its a winning strategy if he attacks everybody else except u, but if he's ridding ur ass for no reason from the beginning then the game is nothing else but a waste of ur time, there is no good angle u can look it from and see a single good thing about it..
um my time is more precious?? I think u shud read my posts again... and seriously what are u talking about? this is not about a player who made a mistake bcuz he's new at this, he's been here for almost two years and played almost 2000 games! he is even a member of a Soc training academy!!! he DOESNT do what he did in a our game by mistake, he did it bcuz he acted like a total tool..
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Re: wrisky 50[pending]es & bg

Postby Dorieus on Mon Feb 06, 2012 2:54 am

In the handful of games I've played I've been suicided against, had a pact broken and received a bad rating. Accompanying the loathed ? rank, I had a rating of 3.7 for an entire week, not the best for making new friends lol.

Regarding the game I was suicided in, it was my first game. The player crossed two continents so he could break my bonus and it resulted in my elimination. I was angry and it was a small consolation that he was eliminated in the very next round because of his senseless transcontinental attack.
But then I realized that it was my own fault. If I had consolidated instead of attacking (another player) for a card, he would not have attacked me. My well fortified tert would've deterred him; even if it hadn't, I would've held out.

I don't know the reasons for his attack. Maybe he bought Greek bonds, or his mother dressed him in yellow jumpsuits.
All I know is that everyone is different, we're all a minority of one and we can't expect others to do what we would do or what we would like them to do.

Just my two cents, I won't interfere with your case again. All the best.
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Re: wrisky 50[pending]es & bg

Postby Evil Semp on Mon Feb 06, 2012 8:27 pm

It looks like you are complaining about the way someone plays the game. Your complaint starts out about him taking away your 1 bonus but then you take it back. It looks more like poor game play rather than suicide. I suggest FAMO. This is CLOSED.
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Re: wrisky 50[CLOSED]es & bg

Postby nikola_milicki on Mon Feb 06, 2012 10:13 pm

are u fucking kidding me?? is that really the best decision u couldve come up with? so u only read like a first few lines of what I wrote and ignored everything else?? I been here for 5 years straight, I know what a poor game play looks like when I see one and this sure as hell was not what happened here

he stayed in that game only to attack me with everything he had... he didnt care about anything else in this game which is obvious for everybody and not just the ppl who were playing the game cuz he either missed or dropped next to my lands... he missed cards in flat game and made stacks and hit me with those stacks down to the last man or just auto-attacked down to 3... he did this through the whole game which makes it even worse then just suicide and deadbeat in one turn... it started when he got pissed about me taking back my +1 cuz next turn he attacked 4vs5 and I havent said anything to him prior to this..

u tell me what experienced player with almost 2000 games under his belt plays like that unless his only plan is to derail the game by senselessly attacking only one player... what makes ur ruling on it being a poor game play even more ridiculous is that this guy is a member of 3 training academy groups..

if all this isnt enough for u to see that this couldnt have been only a case of poor game play maybe u shudnt even be doing this job!
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