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new guy1 wrote:i have always been told that a no lynch is worse then lynching a townie, i agree though, and so i unvote vote no lynch for now. if there are any leads later, then i will consider changing my vote, and i will attempt to be here when the day ends in case a case comes up where they need me to make a decision.
strike wolf wrote:It's hard for me to call Galetta inactive...he or she (the la would hint towards she but can't be sure without checking profile)
soundman wrote:So CMS votes no lynch, followed by New Guy voting no lynch, and then being defended by Ghostly...
I can see CMS voting for a no lynch as he's pretty new here. I think my modded game was his first and the suggestion of a no lynch on Day 1 never had a chance to come up. So I'll let him off the hook here.
However New Guy and Ghostly have both been in several games and should know that a no lynch without info is a bad thing. I'm currently going after la galleta just to get him (her?) in here but with the deadline fast approaching I'll come back to him later. It's more important now to go after scummy behavior than an inactive.
Vote new guy1
After reading what New Guy just said I went and looked back at his guy1 wrote:i have always been told that a no lynch is worse then lynching a townie, i agree though, and so i unvote vote no lynch for now. if there are any leads later, then i will consider changing my vote, and i will attempt to be here when the day ends in case a case comes up where they need me to make a decision.
One thing that stands out to me is the lack of logic in this post. He votes no lynch but then says he'll change if a case comes up later. Why vote for a no lynch if he's willing to jump on a case that comes up later? Why not just wait? It seems to me he's talking out of both sides of his mouth. On one hand he thinks the day should end now (by his no lynch vote) but then on the other hand he's willing to hop on a case if brought up AND says he'll attempt to be here when the day ends. Which to me says he thinks this day will not end with everyone voting for a no lynch and ending the day early. To me this seems more scummy than just voting for a no lynch. He's voting for a no lynch but then trying to show town support by saying he'll jump on another case if needed. So again, why vote no lynch to begin with?
I think there's a good chance he's mafia trying to get an early end to the day but also trying to cover his move with what he sees as a townie statement.
Another thing that makes me suspicious is Ghostly's continued defense of him. Why does he care so much?
soundman wrote:So CMS votes no lynch, followed by New Guy voting no lynch, and then being defended by Ghostly...
I can see CMS voting for a no lynch as he's pretty new here. I think my modded game was his first and the suggestion of a no lynch on Day 1 never had a chance to come up. So I'll let him off the hook here.
However New Guy and Ghostly have both been in several games and should know that a no lynch without info is a bad thing. I'm currently going after la galleta just to get him (her?) in here but with the deadline fast approaching I'll come back to him later. It's more important now to go after scummy behavior than an inactive.
Vote new guy1
After reading what New Guy just said I went and looked back at his guy1 wrote:i have always been told that a no lynch is worse then lynching a townie, i agree though, and so i unvote vote no lynch for now. if there are any leads later, then i will consider changing my vote, and i will attempt to be here when the day ends in case a case comes up where they need me to make a decision.
One thing that stands out to me is the lack of logic in this post. He votes no lynch but then says he'll change if a case comes up later. Why vote for a no lynch if he's willing to jump on a case that comes up later? Why not just wait? It seems to me he's talking out of both sides of his mouth. On one hand he thinks the day should end now (by his no lynch vote) but then on the other hand he's willing to hop on a case if brought up AND says he'll attempt to be here when the day ends. Which to me says he thinks this day will not end with everyone voting for a no lynch and ending the day early. To me this seems more scummy than just voting for a no lynch. He's voting for a no lynch but then trying to show town support by saying he'll jump on another case if needed. So again, why vote no lynch to begin with?
I think there's a good chance he's mafia trying to get an early end to the day but also trying to cover his move with what he sees as a townie statement.
Another thing that makes me suspicious is Ghostly's continued defense of him. Why does he care so much?
strike wolf wrote:. It's hard for me to call Galetta inactive...he or she (the la would hint towards she but can't be sure without checking profile) posted Sunday so the inactive period really isn't that long.
Well, the problem with this is that it appears to create a situation where you were intentionally siting on your laurels waiting for somebody else to make a case and having no intention to make any real discussion guy1 wrote:holy crap. thank you for laying out a case instead of saying "i think its scummy". i have something to defend now...
when i say no lynch, instead of just unvoting, i decided i could put no lynch, it didnt make a difference to me. i didnt think of it as ending the day early, i thought of it as a place to put my vote. by, i would think of changing my vote if there was a case, i meant what i said. if someone could come up with a case, not "i think hes scummy lets lench him", then i would think about voting for them. and yes, i said i would attempt to be here when the day was ending (and not that i wouldnt be here between) so that if there WAS a case, and it was a good case, i could vote for it. i think i got it all?
Commander9 wrote:Trust Edoc, as I know he's VERY good.
zimmah wrote:Mind like a brick.
new guy1 wrote:thank you... someone is getting sense, but if you believed me before i claimed, why would you keep the pressure on me? just wondering, learning, not trying to make a case of it. haha
jonty125 wrote:I'm not going to unvote until newguy announces his partner. It means if one flips guilty he other is likely to as well
That depends, sometimes mason pairs can contain a townie and a scum. Or were you specifically told your partner is town?new guy1 wrote:Haha. Well if u were my partner, you wouldn't be worried cause u know I'm town ^_^
spiesr wrote:That depends, sometimes mason pairs can contain a townie and a scum. Or were you specifically told your partner is town?new guy1 wrote:Haha. Well if u were my partner, you wouldn't be worried cause u know I'm town ^_^
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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