Hello this is a 1v1 tourney that gets harder every round
it is Huge tournament here are the settings
Map Random
Settings auto seq no fog esc
Why is it harder every round? Heres why the first round the winner of one game goes to round 2 next round it is best out of 3 then best out of 5 and so on
Due to the large amount of popularity this tourney is getting this tourney is getting I am extending the signups to a month at the end of the month I will use the largest amount of players for a 1v1 64 128 ectBraket
- Click image to enlarge.
65 brett2000
66 blindman30
67 Iceni
68 ledrew
69 rubilion
70 chemp75
71 windy81
72 Wizz00
73 AtlFalcons