by jgordon1111 on Sun Jan 29, 2012 9:12 am
HA I am quite aware of what defamation of character is, i.e., you claiming that I flamed you that is defamation.
I do not on the other hand see how my response to you is in anyway defamation, you made a lewd homosexual proposal on my wall,not the other way around. I choose not to accept, and I did so politely and with dignity. Apparently my mistake was I put my response in the wrong forum. and I have apologized for that mistake.
From there I was more than willing to let it go,but you have not.
Someone else once quoted: When I was a child,I acted as a child,When I became a man,I set aside childish things.
You might want to ponder on the meaning of that for a few moments,before making false accusations of defamation,especially when you are the one who defamed and flamed.