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Alstergren - Farming [blocked]

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Re: Alstergren - Farming

Postby TheGeneral2112 on Thu Jan 26, 2012 4:34 am

king achilles wrote:So, in a span of one month, we have about 28 games where alstergren joined NR games?

No. My OP listed about 11 games in the span of 4-5 days. Other games were brought up by someone else that I added as additional evidence.
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Re: Alstergren - Farming

Postby alster on Thu Jan 26, 2012 7:46 am

TheGeneral2112 wrote:
king achilles wrote:So, in a span of one month, we have about 28 games where alstergren joined NR games?

No. My OP listed about 11 games in the span of 4-5 days. Other games were brought up by someone else that I added as additional evidence.

9. KA double-counts the pictures and the links you posted (both clickable, so two ways to click to a single game).
Gengoldy wrote:Of all the games I've played, and there have been some poor sports and cursing players out there, you are by far the lowest and with the least class.
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Re: Alstergren - Farming

Postby hmsps on Thu Jan 26, 2012 8:03 am

Chariot of Fire wrote:and the verdict is.......
waiting for a couple of people to lift the carpet for this one
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Re: Alstergren - Farming

Postby Evolution299 on Thu Jan 26, 2012 9:59 am

I will be shocked if anything comes of this case. I have lost most of my faith in the MH's due to what seemingly looks like favortism and inconsistent rulings. I hope that who ever is looking into this has the testicular fortitude to do the right thing and bust this guy.
Come on MH's do the right thing!
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Re: Alstergren - Farming

Postby jefjef on Thu Jan 26, 2012 12:01 pm

Evolution299 wrote:I will be shocked if anything comes of this case. I have lost most of my faith in the MH's due to what seemingly looks like favortism and inconsistent rulings. I hope that who ever is looking into this has the testicular fortitude to do the right thing and bust this guy.
Come on MH's do the right thing!

Alster is targeting NR's but NOT in sufficient quantities for a farming ruling.

Alstergen wrote:Besides, this is just something you say because you have a personal grudge for some reason.

Yes alster - my personal "grudge" against you believes that you are NOT guilty of farming BUT, as I stated about 3 pages ago, this does deserve to be NOTED and it likely will.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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Re: Alstergren - Farming

Postby king achilles on Thu Jan 26, 2012 7:18 pm

This is still pending.
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Re: Alstergren - Farming

Postby IR1SH ACE on Fri Jan 27, 2012 7:06 am

jefjef wrote:Alster is targeting NR's but NOT in sufficient quantities for a farming ruling.

Alstergen wrote:Besides, this is just something you say because you have a personal grudge for some reason.

Yes alster - my personal "grudge" against you believes that you are NOT guilty of farming BUT, as I stated about 3 pages ago, this does deserve to be NOTED and it likely will.

I think it deserves to be more than noted....since its obvious he has been doing this for a few years now and has developed a SYSTEM to farm NR's.....

alstergren farming[warned] - 20th Jan 2009
Twill wrote:Joining 11 games against NRs in a 6 day period does look suspiciously like the start of farming.

To make sure that people don't continue to accuse alster of farming we've asked him to be more careful about joining games that could be seen in this light, even if the intent is legitimate. Sadly I can't read users' minds (yet).

So, Alstergren has gotten a warning and we will watch to see if this continues, but hopefully he'll be picking games that are less "dubious" in the future :)

Case Closed.


alstergren farming [cleared] ka - 31st May 2010
king achilles wrote:It is NOT farming if a player is having games against low ranks or people who just graduated from the ? rank. Our farming rule is restricted to new recruits. If you want to play against low ranked players, be my guest. We do not have any limitations for a member to play low ranked players. So if one decides to play almost exclusively against low ranked players, we really can't do anything about it.

Games provided in this report:
Game 7040304 - played last May
Game 6990184 - played last May
Game 6964481 - played last May
Game 6759256 - played last April
Game 6640723 - played last March
Game 6639701 - played last March
Game 6633689 - played last March
Game 6540549 - played last March
Game 6485771 - played last February
Game 6276555 - played last January

He knows the rules so he is not playing these kind of games consistently. We can say that he has a knack for playing new recruits or low ranked players but if you also consider his overall game history, even for this past 2 months alone, as against these games played with new recruits, this is not farming. This report is more about playing against low ranked players. Suggest a new rule to 'protect' low ranked players from being played by high ranked players. Cleared.

Seems to me like he has been WARNED and then CLEARED already and now he should be NOTED....this place makes me laugh

3 years he has been running a SYSTEM for targeting NR's just look at some of his pages of 1v1 public games........Alstergren Public 1v1's Page 11

this page covers from Game 4362381(2009-02-28 18:08:31 - Game has been initialized) to Game 4488135(2009-03-17 23:48:36 - Game has been initialized).....this is a 17 day period and you can see 6 NR's on this page....I can find 12 more that where NR's at the time....thats 18 New Recruits in a 17 day time frame....
show: All New Recruits at the time games where played
Game 4362381
Game 4372674
Game 4400901
Game 4411581
Game 4454159
Game 4461448
Game 4473643
Game 4476522
Game 4477225
Game 4477228
Game 4477271
Game 4484703
Game 4486643


and I love how this guy has the stones to report someone else for doing the same thing...

MOBAJOBG - Farming [warned] - 5th Aug 2009
king achilles wrote:MOBAJOBG has been warned.

What happen was this guy muscling in on your turf.....


Alstergren Public 1v1's Page 19
you can still see 10 New Recruits on this page....February 2010

Alstergren Public 1v1's Page 23
you can still see 7 New Recruits on this page....August 2010

Alstergren Public 1v1's Page 24
you can still see 6 New Recruits on this page....November 2010

Alstergren Public 1v1's Page 26
you can still see 11 New Recruits on this page....2011

I really dont have the time and also cant be bothered any more about checking all these players to see who was still a New Recruit when these games where played....but Im sure I could easily find between 8 or 10 more New Recruits per page.....

This guy has developed a system to farm NR's...
Alstergren - 27th Oct 2009

he studied all the cases on farming and what precedent was set and then developed a system to farm.....

what else is there to say....
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Re: Alstergren - Farming

Postby alster on Fri Jan 27, 2012 8:26 am

IR1SH ACE wrote:Alstergren Public 1v1's Page 19
you can still see 10 New Recruits on this page....February 2010

2010-01-03 05:02:24 - Game has been initialized ./. 2010-03-19 17:31:30 - Game has been initialized

Alstergren Public 1v1's Page 23
you can still see 7 New Recruits on this page....August 2010

2010-08-13 15:00:50 - Game has been initialized ./. 2010-10-03 19:55:25 - Game has been initialized

Alstergren Public 1v1's Page 24
you can still see 6 New Recruits on this page....November 2010

2010-10-04 10:33:07 - Game has been initialized ./. 2011-01-02 22:55:07 - Game has been initialized

Alstergren Public 1v1's Page 26
you can still see 11 New Recruits on this page....2011

2011-02-11 10:58:25 - Game has been initialized ./. 2011-08-10 09:44:58 - Game has been initialized

Thank you for proving my point!

You just looked at my 1v1 games going through years of pages, and this outrageous you? I took the liberty to insert (red text) the periods covered by these linked search pages (that's more than one month and in the last case, a 6 month period...). All in all, since January 1 2010 it looks like I played close to 5,000 games in total. Really?

IR1SH ACE wrote:This guy has developed a system to farm NR's...
Alstergren - 27th Oct 2009

Thank you for finding this. I knew I had made a summary somewhere, but didn't find it when doing a quick search. There you go. Not sure whether the bar has been lowered since then, haven't paid much attention to the C&A forum. But seems clear enough that my recent unfortunate flux of 10% is way below what has been considered systematic farming in the past.

Are you suggesting that it's systematic farming to try to follow the rules? It's perfectly alright to play and join games against NRs. Someone has to do that. And as I already stated in this thread, I don't mind playing NRs, but try to play few enough to keep far away from the rule.

"Newbie Farming" is the technique of setting up as many games as possible (either by starting or joining them) with New Recruits to gain easy points by taking advantage of difficult game options and the fact the New Recruits are more likely to deadbeat.

This does not mean you will get in trouble for joining a game here and there with many new recruits. We are only talking about the systematic targeting of new recruits.

It's as far as I'm aware all about your relative number of games against NRs. Or do you suggest that everyone has their quotas. I can play 20 games against NRs whether or not I played 100 games in total or 11,500 games?
Last edited by alster on Wed Feb 01, 2012 6:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Gengoldy wrote:Of all the games I've played, and there have been some poor sports and cursing players out there, you are by far the lowest and with the least class.
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Re: Alstergren - Farming

Postby Chariot of Fire on Fri Jan 27, 2012 9:28 am

What happened, was this guy muscling in on your turf.....

Last edited by Chariot of Fire on Fri Jan 27, 2012 10:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Alstergren - Farming

Postby BoganGod on Fri Jan 27, 2012 10:27 am

yet another thread about alster <yawns> he plays within the rules, and plays the games he enjoys, again within the rules. Tighten the rules, or quite hitting alster folks. Getting real, boring..... yet a fucking gain.
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Re: Alstergren - Farming

Postby anonymus on Fri Jan 27, 2012 10:39 am

BoganGod wrote:yet another thread about alster <yawns> he plays within the rules, and plays the games he enjoys, again within the rules. Tighten the rules, or quite hitting alster folks. Getting real, boring..... yet a fucking gain.


/ :?:
Click image to enlarge.

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Re: Alstergren - Farming

Postby danryan on Fri Jan 27, 2012 10:47 am

I do have one question, since this appears to be unclear as of yet from this and other cases. What is the allowable % of the time someone is allowed to farm, er, play new recruits? It would be helpful to aspiring high rankers to know.
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Re: Alstergren - Farming

Postby IR1SH ACE on Fri Jan 27, 2012 11:17 am

I find it amazing that alstergren's main defense is...

"Iv played over 11000 games so I should be allowed play some (around 15-20%) percentage of these games against NR's and thats cool"

danryan wrote:I do have one question, since this appears to be unclear as of yet from this and other cases. What is the allowable % of the time someone is allowed to farm, er, play new recruits? It would be helpful to aspiring high rankers to know.

what is this magic number that was never mentioned in the Rules?....and is it a percentage of your overall games/a percentage over a time period?

I would like to learn this system...I have played nearly 1000 games now so am I ok to go farm about 150-200 games with NR's?
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Re: Alstergren - Farming

Postby hmsps on Fri Jan 27, 2012 11:35 am

BoganGod wrote:yet another thread about alster <yawns> he plays within the rules, and plays the games he enjoys, again within the rules. Tighten the rules, or quite hitting alster folks. Getting real, boring..... yet a fucking gain.
maybe you like schoolyard bullies, but not everyone does :D
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Re: Alstergren - Farming

Postby BoganGod on Fri Jan 27, 2012 11:52 am

hmsps wrote:
BoganGod wrote:yet another thread about alster <yawns> he plays within the rules, and plays the games he enjoys, again within the rules. Tighten the rules, or quite hitting alster folks. Getting real, boring..... yet a fucking gain.
maybe you like schoolyard bullies, but not everyone does :D

I never was a bully, but when I was angry(often teenage, short, big chip on shoulder) I would find the biggest bully at school, and drop the bitch on his arse. I don't like bullies, I beat up bullies. Alster who I've played with and against, in my experience has always been a standup player, who can play as well as say........ humpy, you know we can't say that about everyone now.......

This is just a rehash, of a rehash, of a rehash.

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Re: Alstergren - Farming

Postby Woodruff on Fri Jan 27, 2012 12:45 pm

danryan wrote:I do have one question, since this appears to be unclear as of yet from this and other cases. What is the allowable % of the time someone is allowed to farm, er, play new recruits? It would be helpful to aspiring high rankers to know.

I believe it depends on the individual involved. If you want a hard number...good luck.
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Re: Alstergren - Farming

Postby NodLoyalist on Fri Jan 27, 2012 1:03 pm

What woody said, I'm playing this guy and I assure he is NOT farming! God, I've already met plenty of dumbass players on here, but the admins and volunteers are even stupider...mainly for taken this bullshit up!!! :evil:
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Re: Alstergren - Farming

Postby GeneralRisk on Fri Jan 27, 2012 1:46 pm

IR1SH ACE wrote:I find it amazing that alstergren's main defense is...

"Iv played over 11000 games so I should be allowed play some (around 15-20%) percentage of these games against NR's and thats cool"

danryan wrote:I do have one question, since this appears to be unclear as of yet from this and other cases. What is the allowable % of the time someone is allowed to farm, er, play new recruits? It would be helpful to aspiring high rankers to know.

what is this magic number that was never mentioned in the Rules?....and is it a percentage of your overall games/a percentage over a time period?

I would like to learn this system...I have played nearly 1000 games now so am I ok to go farm about 150-200 games with NR's?

This is a good point and if we get a ruling on percent of games played against new recruits and Alster gets away with this farming then I for one, am going to kill hundreds of ?s or whatever 10,000 games played allows me to kill.
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Re: Alstergren - Farming

Postby hmsps on Fri Jan 27, 2012 1:48 pm

GeneralRisk wrote:
IR1SH ACE wrote:I find it amazing that alstergren's main defense is...

"Iv played over 11000 games so I should be allowed play some (around 15-20%) percentage of these games against NR's and thats cool"

danryan wrote:I do have one question, since this appears to be unclear as of yet from this and other cases. What is the allowable % of the time someone is allowed to farm, er, play new recruits? It would be helpful to aspiring high rankers to know.

what is this magic number that was never mentioned in the Rules?....and is it a percentage of your overall games/a percentage over a time period?

I would like to learn this system...I have played nearly 1000 games now so am I ok to go farm about 150-200 games with NR's?

This is a good point and if we get a ruling on percent of games played against new recruits and Alster gets away with this farming then I for one, am going to kill hundreds of ?s or whatever 10,000 games played allows me to kill.
What gets me is alstergren simply cannot wait until they have completed 5 games then he is GLG thats short for Good 2 Go
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Re: Alstergren - Farming

Postby GeneralRisk on Fri Jan 27, 2012 2:52 pm

hmsps wrote:
GeneralRisk wrote:
IR1SH ACE wrote:I find it amazing that alstergren's main defense is...

"Iv played over 11000 games so I should be allowed play some (around 15-20%) percentage of these games against NR's and thats cool"

danryan wrote:I do have one question, since this appears to be unclear as of yet from this and other cases. What is the allowable % of the time someone is allowed to farm, er, play new recruits? It would be helpful to aspiring high rankers to know.

what is this magic number that was never mentioned in the Rules?....and is it a percentage of your overall games/a percentage over a time period?

I would like to learn this system...I have played nearly 1000 games now so am I ok to go farm about 150-200 games with NR's?

This is a good point and if we get a ruling on percent of games played against new recruits and Alster gets away with this farming then I for one, am going to kill hundreds of ?s or whatever 10,000 games played allows me to kill.
What gets me is alstergren simply cannot wait until they have completed 5 games then he is GLG thats short for Good 2 Go
Maybe Alster is concerned that after 5 games played they may not be multis, may take their turns and/or may be too experianced at that point for the easy kill.
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Re: Alstergren - Farming

Postby Chariot of Fire on Fri Jan 27, 2012 4:42 pm

NodLoyalist wrote:What woody said, I'm playing this guy and I assure he is NOT farming! God, I've already met plenty of dumbass players on here, but the admins and volunteers are even stupider...mainly for taken this bullshit up!!! :evil:

Guy's been on the site 48 hours and is already an authority on who is and isn't a farmer.

Multi much?
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Re: Alstergren - Farming

Postby hmsps on Fri Jan 27, 2012 4:44 pm

Chariot of Fire wrote:
NodLoyalist wrote:What woody said, I'm playing this guy and I assure he is NOT farming! God, I've already met plenty of dumbass players on here, but the admins and volunteers are even stupider...mainly for taken this bullshit up!!! :evil:

Guy's been on the site 48 hours and is already an authority on who is and isn't a farmer.

Multi much?
already been done for a multi but found another $25 k - ching
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Re: Alstergren - Farming

Postby Chariot of Fire on Fri Jan 27, 2012 4:45 pm

haha, k-ching indeed
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Re: Alstergren - Farming

Postby danryan on Fri Jan 27, 2012 5:13 pm

Chariot of Fire wrote:
NodLoyalist wrote:What woody said, I'm playing this guy and I assure he is NOT farming! God, I've already met plenty of dumbass players on here, but the admins and volunteers are even stupider...mainly for taken this bullshit up!!! :evil:

Guy's been on the site 48 hours and is already an authority on who is and isn't a farmer.

Multi much?

$25 for a sock seems like a lot.
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Re: Alstergren - Farming

Postby TheGeneral2112 on Fri Jan 27, 2012 5:28 pm

danryan wrote:
Chariot of Fire wrote:
NodLoyalist wrote:What woody said, I'm playing this guy and I assure he is NOT farming! God, I've already met plenty of dumbass players on here, but the admins and volunteers are even stupider...mainly for taken this bullshit up!!! :evil:

Guy's been on the site 48 hours and is already an authority on who is and isn't a farmer.

Multi much?

$25 for a sock seems like a lot.

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