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Offensive usernames - Rape and the like...[OP warned]es

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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like...[OP warned]es

Postby Night Strike on Wed Jan 25, 2012 8:33 pm

IcePack wrote:
Evil Semp wrote:The OP has earned a WARNING. This is his first major infraction so he does not need to see a travel agent to book his vacation.

If the OP care to make a new complaint he is more than welcome to without using the edited words.

Any comment on (some) of the names proposed. While I know some were silly and shouldn't have been included, there are several that should be pursued legitamately.


Are any of them even active users?? (I did see at least a couple that just joined.) It's a waste of time for admin to notify all of the users if they're not even active on the site.
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like...

Postby TheGeneral2112 on Wed Jan 25, 2012 8:37 pm

john9blue wrote:i disagree with this decision

Too bad. You are a brony and we don't serve your kind here.

On a side note, I have received a formal disciplinary warning for being a bigot and a racist. Go figure. :lol:
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like...[OP warned]es

Postby jgordon1111 on Wed Jan 25, 2012 8:38 pm

Nightstrike go back to the report on proximus ventor right before it was closed, Do any of those fit the criteria? they were taken from the first seven pages of the scoreboard.
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like...[OP warned]es

Postby Evil Semp on Wed Jan 25, 2012 8:40 pm

IcePack wrote:
Evil Semp wrote:The OP has earned a WARNING. This is his first major infraction so he does not need to see a travel agent to book his vacation.

If the OP care to make a new complaint he is more than welcome to without using the edited words.

Any comment on (some) of the names proposed. While I know some were silly and shouldn't have been included, there are several that should be pursued legitamately.


As you can see I only edited one of the names. That account is about a year old and hasn't played a game. I will pass it on to admin because I don't have the ability to change it. It looks like the OP was trying very hard to be offended.
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Offensive usernames - Rape and the like... [closed]

Postby TheGeneral2112 on Wed Jan 25, 2012 8:43 pm

I am remaking this thread at the request of EvilSemp.

Evil Semp wrote:The OP has earned a WARNING. This is his first major infraction so he does not need to see a travel agent to book his vacation.

If the OP care to make a new complaint he is more than welcome to without using the edited words.

What is the difference between this thread and the other one? Ummmm...... One single word...


savage rapefest - :shock:
RapedByElephants - Did that hurt?
RAPE - BAN! kkthxbaiiiiii
Irapeyoui - You most certainly do not!!
daterapecharge - Obv his prison name.
asianmonkey3 - This is offensive to asians everywhere. Asians aren't monkeys.
ADBEARJEW - This is offensive to jews everywhere. Adbear is a kind of fish. Jews aren't fishes.
tangosniper2 - This sniper fellow's username is very violent. Violence is inappropriate.
MustafaKemal1919 - Brutally slaughtered many innocent people. VERY violent!
Gr.AdmiralThrawn - Commands Imperial forces. WARNING VERY VERY VIOLENT!!
THEW1LDCANADIAN - This is offensive to Canadians everywhere. Canadians aren't wild.
IAmSoFuckingHigh - Drugs are bad, yo!
f*ck~THE~WORLD - Conquer club is about to f*ck you right back.
MouthRapeFuck - Ewwwie!!!
fuckerfucker - Very offensive. Double trouble. Ban him twice.
f*ck Islam - I agree. But still offensive.
niggerfuck - :o (EDIT: This is the actual username. If you edit it, how will you know what user I am talking about? Thanks for not touching it!!)
white-pride - Offensive to edit everywhere.

LordBossMode - Intolerant. My Lord is not Bossmode. For him to say that Bossmode is Lord is very intolerant of my beliefs.
exusarmyranger - Army rangers use guns. Guns kill people. People dying is violent.
samuraip - Samurais use swords. Swords kill people. People dying is violent.
Taartiej - This is probably violent in some language. Google translate offers no insight, but I know that anything can be twisted around in one way or another. So just let me know what this means in English and I will tell you how it is violent.
PavleMaster1 - This username is using the word master to refer to sadism and masochism. Definitively inappropriate.
$HADOW X - This username has a $ in the name. Money is used to pay mafia hitmen to perform hits. This is a violent username.

The accused are suspected of: having violent, intolerant, or offensive usernames

Comments: Precedent has been set. Please B& these usernames.
Last edited by TheGeneral2112 on Wed Jan 25, 2012 8:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like...[OP warned]es

Postby TheGeneral2112 on Wed Jan 25, 2012 8:44 pm

Evil Semp wrote:The OP has earned a WARNING. This is his first major infraction so he does not need to see a travel agent to book his vacation.

If the OP care to make a new complaint he is more than welcome to without using the edited words.


Please discuss in "Offensive usernames - Rape and the like... [Part 2]"!!!!
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like... [Part 2]

Postby Evil Semp on Wed Jan 25, 2012 8:45 pm

TheGeneral2112 wrote:I am remaking this thread at the request of EvilSemp.

Evil Semp wrote:The OP has earned a WARNING. This is his first major infraction so he does not need to see a travel agent to book his vacation.

If the OP care to make a new complaint he is more than welcome to without using the edited words.

What is the difference between this thread and the other one? Ummmm...... One single word...


savage rapefest - :shock:
RapedByElephants - Did that hurt?
RAPE - BAN! kkthxbaiiiiii
Irapeyoui - You most certainly do not!!
daterapecharge - Obv his prison name.
asianmonkey3 - This is offensive to asians everywhere. Asians aren't monkeys.
ADBEARJEW - This is offensive to jews everywhere. Adbear is a kind of fish. Jews aren't fishes.
tangosniper2 - This sniper fellow's username is very violent. Violence is inappropriate.
MustafaKemal1919 - Brutally slaughtered many innocent people. VERY violent!
LordBossMode - Intolerant. My Lord is not Bossmode. For him to say that Bossmode is Lord is very intolerant of my beliefs.
Gr.AdmiralThrawn - Commands Imperial forces. WARNING VERY VERY VIOLENT!!
exusarmyranger - Army rangers use guns. Guns kill people. People dying is violent.
samuraip - Samurais use swords. Swords kill people. People dying is violent.
Taartiej - This is probably violent in some language. Google translate offers no insight, but I know that anything can be twisted around in one way or another. So just let me know what this means in English and I will tell you how it is violent.
PavleMaster1 - This username is using the word master to refer to sadism and masochism. Definitively inappropriate.
$HADOW X - This username has a $ in the name. Money is used to pay mafia hitmen to perform hits. This is a violent username.
THEW1LDCANADIAN - This is offensive to Canadians everywhere. Canadians aren't wild.
IAmSoFuckingHigh - Drugs are bad, yo!
f*ck~THE~WORLD - Conquer club is about to f*ck you right back.
MouthRapeFuck - Ewwwie!!!
fuckerfucker - Very offensive. Double trouble. Ban him twice.
f*ck Islam - I agree. But still offensive.
niggerfuck - :o (EDIT: This is the actual username. If you edit it, how will you know what user I am talking about? Thanks for not touching it!!)
white-pride - Offensive to edit everywhere.

The accused are suspected of: having violent, intolerant, or offensive usernames

Comments: Precedent has been set. Please B& these usernames.

Why don't you make this a serious thread and take out the BS.
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Sergeant 1st Class Evil Semp
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like... [Part 2]

Postby TheGeneral2112 on Wed Jan 25, 2012 8:46 pm

Just to make you happy, one edit coming right up!!!
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like... [Part 2]

Postby Evil Semp on Wed Jan 25, 2012 8:47 pm

TheGeneral2112 wrote:Just to make you happy, one edit coming right up!!!

If you don't want to be serious than how can you expect me to take this seriously? And don't worry about making me happy I was called Happy Bottoms as a kid.
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like... [Part 2]

Postby TheGeneral2112 on Wed Jan 25, 2012 8:48 pm

Evil Semp wrote:
TheGeneral2112 wrote:Just to make you happy, one edit coming right up!!!

If you don't want to be serious than how can you expect me to take this seriously?

I am very serious. Some of these usernames are very offensive to me. They may not be offensive to you, but they are to me. So to appease you, I will simply remove what I consider the LEAST offensive names.
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like... [Part 2]

Postby TheGeneral2112 on Wed Jan 25, 2012 8:52 pm

I left the commentary, but I have removed several usernames. All the usernames I left are 100% offensive and should be B& immediately.
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like... [Part 2]

Postby D00MandD3A7H on Wed Jan 25, 2012 8:59 pm

Get serious!

THEW1LDCANADIAN - This is offensive to Canadians everywhere. Canadians aren't wild.
tangosniper2 - This sniper fellow's username is very violent. Violence is inappropriate.
LordBossMode - Intolerant. My Lord is not Bossmode. For him to say that Bossmode is Lord is very intolerant of my beliefs.
Gr.AdmiralThrawn - Commands Imperial forces. WARNING VERY VERY VIOLENT!!
samuraip - Samurais use swords. Swords kill people. People dying is violent.
exusarmyranger - Army rangers use guns. Guns kill people. People dying is violent.
Taartiej - This is probably violent in some language. Google translate offers no insight, but I know that anything can be twisted around in one way or another. So just let me know what this means in English and I will tell you how it is violent.
$HADOW X - This username has a $ in the name. Money is used to pay mafia hitmen to perform hits. This is a violent username.
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like... [Part 2]

Postby TheGeneral2112 on Wed Jan 25, 2012 9:06 pm

D00MandD3A7H wrote:Get serious!

THEW1LDCANADIAN - This is offensive to Canadians everywhere. Canadians aren't wild.
tangosniper2 - This sniper fellow's username is very violent. Violence is inappropriate.
LordBossMode - Intolerant. My Lord is not Bossmode. For him to say that Bossmode is Lord is very intolerant of my beliefs.
Gr.AdmiralThrawn - Commands Imperial forces. WARNING VERY VERY VIOLENT!!
samuraip - Samurais use swords. Swords kill people. People dying is violent.
exusarmyranger - Army rangers use guns. Guns kill people. People dying is violent.
Taartiej - This is probably violent in some language. Google translate offers no insight, but I know that anything can be twisted around in one way or another. So just let me know what this means in English and I will tell you how it is violent.
$HADOW X - This username has a $ in the name. Money is used to pay mafia hitmen to perform hits. This is a violent username.

Hey, brah. Next time you post, try actually reading the OP first. kkthxbaiiii
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like... [Part 2]

Postby yazoochick on Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:11 pm

How is people dying violent? Sure, I admit there are ways of dying that can be violent, but what's violent about an old person dying in their sleep?
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like...

Postby Woodruff on Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:56 pm

TheGeneral2112 wrote:
john9blue wrote:i disagree with this decision

Too bad. You are a brony and we don't serve your kind here.

On a side note, I have received a formal disciplinary warning for being a bigot and a racist. Go figure. :lol:

That's because your racism wasn't made clear in your username. See, it's ok in your username, but nowhere else. That way, it's...consistent.
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like... [Part 2]

Postby Woodruff on Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:57 pm

Evil Semp wrote:
TheGeneral2112 wrote:Just to make you happy, one edit coming right up!!!

If you don't want to be serious than how can you expect me to take this seriously? And don't worry about making me happy I was called Happy Bottoms as a kid.

I'm convinced that demonfork wasn't being serious, and yet his report was taken seriously. Why the inconsistency?
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like...

Postby Night Strike on Wed Jan 25, 2012 11:59 pm

Woodruff wrote:
TheGeneral2112 wrote:
john9blue wrote:i disagree with this decision

Too bad. You are a brony and we don't serve your kind here.

On a side note, I have received a formal disciplinary warning for being a bigot and a racist. Go figure. :lol:

That's because your racism wasn't made clear in your username. See, it's ok in your username, but nowhere else. That way, it's...consistent.

Except he posted bigotry in another part of the post which wasn't as part of a username.

And people with bigoted usernames ARE forced to change it, which is why ES said the OP needed to make a new thread without all the unnecessary commentary that just clutters up the post.
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like...

Postby TheGeneral2112 on Thu Jan 26, 2012 12:07 am

Night Strike wrote:
Woodruff wrote:
TheGeneral2112 wrote:
john9blue wrote:i disagree with this decision

Too bad. You are a brony and we don't serve your kind here.

On a side note, I have received a formal disciplinary warning for being a bigot and a racist. Go figure. :lol:

That's because your racism wasn't made clear in your username. See, it's ok in your username, but nowhere else. That way, it's...consistent.

Except he posted bigotry in another part of the post which wasn't as part of a username.

And people with bigoted usernames ARE forced to change it, which is why ES said the OP needed to make a new thread without all the unnecessary commentary that just clutters up the post.

Actually, you are incorrect. ES said I need to make a new thread WITHOUT the word n****r in it. kkthxbaiiii
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like...[OP warned]es

Postby Juan_Bottom on Thu Jan 26, 2012 2:35 am

Why should he create a new thread? That's ridiculous. You can see the offensive names right in the op... what clutter is, is making him create an identical thread sans a few lines. Not taking action until that is done is just an excuse to be lazy. And I shows that team CC is more concerned with red tape than with results.
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like... [Part 2]

Postby king achilles on Thu Jan 26, 2012 2:36 am

Demonfork's report could be seen as spurious and an attempt to try to be funny in his own way. Notice that the moderator instead addressed the size of the sig and in response the member fixed his sig himself and therefore we just moved on and closed the report. It was like a free-pass given to the TS.

As for offensive usernames, let's not be vigilantes and start dictating what usernames are deemed offensive and what are acceptable as per our opinion. What can be offensive to some may not be the case for another. Most of those usernames you mentioned are not even active and they would not have been put into light unless someone particularly searches for it. If you have a problem with their username, put them on your foe list. I will consider this matter closed.
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like...[OP warned]es

Postby Woodruff on Thu Jan 26, 2012 12:58 pm

Juan_Bottom wrote:Not taking action until that is done is just an excuse to be lazy.

You're clearly far less cynical than I am.
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like... [Part 2]

Postby Bones2484 on Thu Jan 26, 2012 6:28 pm

king achilles wrote:Demonfork's report could be seen as spurious and an attempt to try to be funny in his own way. Notice that the moderator instead addressed the size of the sig and in response the member fixed his sig himself and therefore we just moved on and closed the report. It was like a free-pass given to the TS.

Wrong. KRK clearly asked for the "offensive text" to be removed.

Karl_R_Kroenen wrote:The accused has been asked to:
1. remove the offensive text
2. correct the size of his signature as it is almost 3x the size of community guidelines.

He has been given 24hrs to comply...
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like... [Part 2]

Postby Woodruff on Thu Jan 26, 2012 6:57 pm

king achilles wrote:Demonfork's report could be seen as spurious and an attempt to try to be funny in his own way. Notice that the moderator instead addressed the size of the sig and in response the member fixed his sig himself and therefore we just moved on and closed the report. It was like a free-pass given to the TS.

No, that was NOT the ruling. How can you make such statements of confirmation without actually confirming the situation beforehand?

And there's really no question at all that demonfork's report was spurious, but he seems to be among the privileged few (although I'm not sure the term "few" applies anymore, as many of them as there seem to be).
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like... [closed]

Postby NodLoyalist on Fri Jan 27, 2012 2:25 pm

(insert cheezy jingle here) Rape, rape, rape rape rape! Does that offend you? Rape rape rape! =D>

...oh I forgot, Mr. TheGeneral...YOU are DrPedo! :evil:
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