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raston_morue - still farming NR's [warned]

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raston_morue - still farming NR's [warned]

Postby IR1SH ACE on Sun Jan 22, 2012 4:47 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Other: Still Farming New Recruits

Game number(s):

Game 10479604
Game 10475681
Game 10466331
Game 10460822
Game 10450830
Game 10444691
Game 10438179
these 7 games all in the last week

Game 10419187(3 out of 4 players Deadbeat)
Game 10413478(3 out of 4 players Deadbeat)
Game 10403048(3 out of 4 players Deadbeat)
Game 10383911(3 out of 4 players Deadbeat)
Game 10373668(3 out of 4 players Deadbeat)
Game 10393185(4 out of 4 players Deadbeat)
Game 10117712(4 out of 4 players Deadbeat)
Game 10151878(4 out of 4 players Deadbeat)
Game 10285209(4 out of 4 players Deadbeat)
Game 10332642(4 out of 4 players Deadbeat)
just a selection of some of his games in last couple of months

I came across this Game 10479604 in the game finder and thought I would have a quick look at raston_morue other games and it looked very much as if he is setting up his games to attracted New Recruits and gain some cheap points...

I checked out if this has been reported before and it seems like it
raston_morue [closed] - 16th Oct 2011

king achilles wrote:For this case, I don't see raston_morue almost exclusively playing this map alone. He still tries a variety of maps and I don't regard the Poison Rome Map as a complex map. Although he has the potential of getting to that farming mode, what is good is that he still explores to play other maps from time to time so I think he is safe at this time. If you really love this map, then I suppose you wouldn't mind to up the number of players into a 6 player game to avoid any possible farming accusations in the future.

If you continue with the 5 player settings with this map, then maybe there is more to it than just loving this map...


So it seems to me that he just knocked it on the head for a couple of weeks but like all drugs its hard to quit...

raston has just continued to set-up 5 way Poison Rome...not one 6, 7 or 8 way game since last report seems like there is more to it than just loving this map.....

Anyway here are the facts

249 GP since this last report 57 games on 5 way standard Poison Rome...23% of GP

if you take out all Clan/Tourney games Since last report....

81 GP (non Clan/Tournament) and 57 games on 5 way standard Poison Rome...70% of GP(non Clan/Tournament)

U can have a quick look at all non Clan/Tourney games here...........
All GP in last month (non Clan/Tourney)(37 GP and all Poison Rome 5 way except for 2)
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Re: raston_morue - still farming NR's

Postby GeneralRisk on Sun Jan 22, 2012 11:45 pm

Nice research...............I hope your not just wasting your time
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Re: raston_morue - still farming NR's

Postby pretender77 on Mon Jan 23, 2012 7:47 am

im good friends with raston. and he doesnt farm. anyone that would join his games he would beat. hes good. not his fault nr's join up. as we sed earlier i think, poison rome should be banned from nr's joining that have no idea how to play. good research but its going nowhere
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Re: raston_morue - still farming NR's

Postby eddie2 on Mon Jan 23, 2012 7:56 am

wait a minite farming is farming but i class farming as you join or invite new recruits to games. do we have any proof of him inviting these players. or do we have any proof of him joining games with new recruits.

ps i thought lack was adding poison rome to the new recruit black list.
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Re: raston_morue - still farming NR's

Postby dazza2008 on Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:17 am

I thought this had been brought up and dealt with. No? He is not inviting players to these games they are joining them so is this Raston's fault?

I agree that that map should not be available to New Recruits though but this is not cheating is it?
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Re: raston_morue - still farming NR's

Postby MoB Deadly on Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:21 am

IR1SH ACE wrote:249 GP since this last report 57 games on 5 way standard Poison Rome...23% of GP

23% of his games played can hardly be considered abuse or systematically farming. He is playing other games almost 3/4's of the time against other opponents! When he plays public he likes to play one of his favorite maps, Poison Rome. Again, he doesn't invite those new recruits, they just join. You could join all those games right now and there would be no report.
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Re: raston_morue - still farming NR's

Postby MoB Deadly on Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:28 am

IR1SH ACE wrote:U can have a quick look at all non Clan/Tourney games here...........
All GP in last month (non Clan/Tourney)(37 GP and all Poison Rome 5 way except for 2)

And when you see the poison rome games here, a lot of those poison rome games have a sergeant in there, or a corporal, or even a major? They are often not all new recruits but there are other players in the game as well.

Edit: One more point:
Most of those "private games" he is playing are playing against games against Corporals or higher from the callouts forum. So for the vast majority of his games, he is going out of his way to play high level players. Which shows his intention is NOT to farm.
Last edited by MoB Deadly on Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: raston_morue - still farming NR's

Postby BGtheBrain on Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:48 am

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Re: raston_morue - still farming NR's

Postby IR1SH ACE on Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:00 am

Your all missing the point....

king achilles wrote:For this case, I don't see raston_morue almost exclusively playing this map alone. He still tries a variety of maps and I don't regard the Poison Rome Map as a complex map. Although he has the potential of getting to that farming mode, what is good is that he still explores to play other maps from time to time so I think he is safe at this time. If you really love this map, then I suppose you wouldn't mind to up the number of players into a 6 player game to avoid any possible farming accusations in the future.

If you continue with the 5 player settings with this map, then maybe there is more to it than just loving this map...

he was asked by king achilles to up the number of players to 6 but has continued to make 5 player games.....and here is his future farming accusation...
Im sure he loves this map but there is no difference in playing 6 player games except maybe the level of competition
MoB Deadly wrote:

IR1SH ACE wrote:249 GP since this last report 57 games on 5 way standard Poison Rome...23% of GP

23% of his games played can hardly be considered abuse or systematically farming. He is playing other games almost 3/4's of the time against other opponents! When he plays public he likes to play one of his favorite maps, Poison Rome. Again, he doesn't invite those new recruits, they just join. You could join all those games right now and there would be no report.

I can see from looking at raston_morue games that he is a very active player for his Clan and in plenty of Tourneys and am in no doubt that he is a good solid player and an asset to his Clan...we all have are share of Clan/tourney games and everyone has there own way of playing public standard games to gain points....myself I cant stay away from 6 way escalating spoils, No fog which I will join in the call-outs section..
others like 8 way freestyle assassin on small maps and raston plays.....

IR1SH ACE wrote:81 GP (non Clan/Tournament) and 57 games on 5 way standard Poison Rome...70% of GP(non Clan/Tournament)
(since the first report)

he was asked to increase the number of players(see above)...Im just pointing it out and if the mods think this is ok then sorry for wasting there time....

Im sure there will be a lot of support for raston and stand up character references posted but the facts don't lie....
Last edited by IR1SH ACE on Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: raston_morue - still farming NR's

Postby MoB Deadly on Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:03 am

Not sure if you saw my edit on my last post while you were making your post
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Re: raston_morue - still farming NR's

Postby dazza2008 on Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:04 am

BGtheBrain wrote:I dont understand why Raston didnt heed the previous advise from KA?

Then we wouldnt be here today.

Yeah I just saw that. Perhaps Raston could have avoided all this by playing 6 player games.
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Re: raston_morue - still farming NR's

Postby BGtheBrain on Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:15 am

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Re: raston_morue - still farming NR's

Postby MoB Deadly on Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:29 am

BGtheBrain wrote:
MoB Deadly wrote:he is going out of his way to play high level players. Which shows his intention is NOT to farm.

Map rank Stats are as follows Poison Rome +2252pts 111 from 144(77%)
He'd really have to go out of his way against high ranking guys to offset this.

If he plays tons of games of poison rome and then a handful of games against high ranking people, he loses some points (not alot bc they are of equal rank).

If you take poison Rome out of his score, his ranks is significantly different.
If the intent of farming is to inflate your score by taking advantage of new recruits, then I dont like where this is headed.

I think this is gonna take a very in depth look at Rastons games from the C&A team.

Cuz he NEVER plays Poison rome against anyone but NR? Hes never played it in a private match, or a clan match, or anything like that? You cant say all of his 111 wins are against new recruits.
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Re: raston_morue - still farming NR's

Postby eddie2 on Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:30 am

na the point is we all pay to play (well most of us do.) why should we not play maps and settings we like ???

if he was inviting them nr's you would have a case.

if he was foeing higher ranks so they could not join you would have a case.

if he was dropping the games as soon as high ranks join you would have a case.

but from what i have seen he is doing none of that. so there is no case.

at the end of it king a and rest of admin wont change the farming rule because they dont want to many restrictions on new recruits. but they are making restrictions on players who like a map and settings telling them not to make them. i feel admin cant have it both ways they need to update a clear set of rules for new recruits. and maybe go with some of the sugs they have refused.
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Re: raston_morue - still farming NR's

Postby BGtheBrain on Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:38 am

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Re: raston_morue - still farming NR's

Postby BGtheBrain on Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:07 am

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Re: raston_morue - still farming NR's

Postby KraphtOne on Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:09 am

BGtheBrain wrote:
MoB Deadly wrote:Cuz he NEVER plays Poison rome against anyone but NR? Hes never played it in a private match, or a clan match, or anything like that? You cant say all of his 111 wins are against new recruits.

Sounds like a challenge.

Ill prepare a spreadsheet at some point

Poison Rome games that weren't against new recruits...

Cadet5 -105 6 from 15(40%) 16 Murderer (44%)2 Equalitarian (0.801)

Poison Rome games that were against new recruits...

Brigadier143 +2357 105 from 129(81%) 413 Angel Of Death (95%) N00b Farmer (0.407)
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Re: raston_morue - still farming NR's

Postby GeneralRisk on Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:21 am

KraphtOne wrote:
BGtheBrain wrote:
MoB Deadly wrote:Cuz he NEVER plays Poison rome against anyone but NR? Hes never played it in a private match, or a clan match, or anything like that? You cant say all of his 111 wins are against new recruits.

Sounds like a challenge.

Ill prepare a spreadsheet at some point

Poison Rome games that weren't against new recruits...

Cadet5 -105 6 from 15(40%) 16 Murderer (44%)2 Equalitarian (0.801)

Poison Rome games that were against new recruits...

Brigadier143 +2357 105 from 129(81%) 413 Angel Of Death (95%) N00b Farmer (0.407)
Pretty much says it all.
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Re: raston_morue - still farming NR's

Postby raston_morue on Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:33 am

The case was closed and I was asked to mix the map settings on this map and not play it exclusively. I play a ton of other games. Of the 25 I have active, only 9 are PR. I play dubs, trips, & quads of this map and other maps. I have gotten spanked by new players and beat new players. However, not all the players who play these maps are new players. There are highly ranked players who win and lose on this map. Also, as BGtheBrain pointed out in his chart, several of those who were ?s when they beat me are now moving up in the ranks themselves. I am not farming as the definition of farming is playing the majority of games on one map, or inviting low ranks (which I do not).

Also, the following comment was left the last time this was brought forward:
raston_morue wrote:I already play this map in several different type of modes. 5 player, teams, quads, trips, doubs, and other settings. I will alternate the settings I utilize, including (but not exclusive to) 5 player. I will continue to play multiple other maps on mutiple different settings. It is important for all players to exlore CC and I hope that I am allowing for all ranks to enjoy time of play with myself and my friends.

Thank you for your resolution to this matter.

I stated my understanding of the issue at that time and I have obeyed the rules set forth to me. I play other maps and alternate the setting. If I need to further alternate the setting, I will. However, this map is not on the "no 5 players" setting and so I am not breaking the rules. A 6+ player map crowds the objectives and makes for a difficult scenario. A 4- map would still be in the 5 or less setting and ?s could still join. So, I play the 5 player map. I will alternate and create more 6 player PR maps and see if I cannot achieve the objectives and sharpen game play on those settings.
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Re: raston_morue - still farming NR's

Postby raston_morue on Mon Jan 23, 2012 10:34 am

GeneralRisk wrote:
KraphtOne wrote:
BGtheBrain wrote:
MoB Deadly wrote:Cuz he NEVER plays Poison rome against anyone but NR? Hes never played it in a private match, or a clan match, or anything like that? You cant say all of his 111 wins are against new recruits.

Sounds like a challenge.

Ill prepare a spreadsheet at some point

Poison Rome games that weren't against new recruits...

Cadet5 -105 6 from 15(40%) 16 Murderer (44%)2 Equalitarian (0.801)
Poison Rome games that were against new recruits...[/

Brigadier143 +2357 105 from 129(81%) 413 Angel Of Death (95%) N00b Farmer (0.407)
Pretty much says it all.

I do not understand what this is. Please explain.
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Re: raston_morue - still farming NR's

Postby Chariot of Fire on Mon Jan 23, 2012 11:42 am

Game 10484012 created by raston_morue

I joined it. He dropped it immediately. He only wants to play noobs. Nuff said.
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Re: raston_morue - still farming NR's

Postby GeneralRisk on Mon Jan 23, 2012 11:51 am

He dont win too many against anyone who might actually take their turns.
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Re: raston_morue - still farming NR's

Postby raston_morue on Mon Jan 23, 2012 11:58 am

Chariot of Fire wrote:Game 10484012 created by raston_morue

I joined it. He dropped it immediately. He only wants to play noobs. Nuff said.

I dropped the game because the issue at hand was the 5 player game set-up is being called into question. So, I dropped it.
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Re: raston_morue - still farming NR's

Postby eddie2 on Mon Jan 23, 2012 2:47 pm

raston_morue wrote:
Chariot of Fire wrote:Game 10484012 created by raston_morue

I joined it. He dropped it immediately. He only wants to play noobs. Nuff said.

I dropped the game because the issue at hand was the 5 player game set-up is being called into question. So, I dropped it.

well i hate to say it but during the last case you did not drop the games. that game was proberly your only defense to say you did not care who joined. it now looks like you are only creating them games to attract new recruits. so you sir are a farmer.

only one last ? since dako dropped it i presume the others will. but i do think cof will stay in to get himself some points on the farm :lol: :lol:
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Re: raston_morue - still farming NR's

Postby GeneralRisk on Mon Jan 23, 2012 3:15 pm

eddie2 wrote:
raston_morue wrote:
Chariot of Fire wrote:Game 10484012 created by raston_morue

I joined it. He dropped it immediately. He only wants to play noobs. Nuff said.

I dropped the game because the issue at hand was the 5 player game set-up is being called into question. So, I dropped it.

well i hate to say it but during the last case you did not drop the games. that game was proberly your only defense to say you did not care who joined. it now looks like you are only creating them games to attract new recruits. so you sir are a farmer.

only one last ? since dako dropped it i presume the others will. but i do think cof will stay in to get himself some points on the farm :lol: :lol:
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