Evil Semp wrote:eddie he missed 1 turn and it was in round 4, did he have that big of an impact on the outcome of the game?
it is not the fact he missed it is the fact he admitted this is a game style he uses which deliberate missing of turns is against site rules.
Evil Semp wrote:As far a using a "banned word" you already went through suggestions trying to get the word "retard" banned and it didn't make it there so this is not the place to wage that battle.
thats fair enough but we did not get a defo to the fact is was not going to get banned along with the word fag
Evil Semp wrote:Holding you hostage? After you deployed your troops when you had 1 territory left did you do any attacks or just end turn? You were probably building your troops and you expected him to attack you when he wasn't ready.
evil semp now i was in america spy 1. he attack through my troups leaving me with 1 troup on the spy the stack he had there was 12 v 1 anybody would kill a single 1 off. it was not going to cost him a lot of troups to kill a single 1 troup. and waiting 5 rounds until he did is holding hostage i could not attack anything because i was trapped in a corner with nowhere to go.
Evil Semp wrote:Lucky I just received a new supply of free passes because next time you will get a warning for a spurious report.
how is this report spurious it was made before i was losing the game just after his comment saying this is a tactic.