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ANSWA posting strategy suggestions on[vacation/warned]es

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Re: ANSWA posting strategy suggestions on my wall[pending]es

Postby Oleg of Novgorod on Wed Jan 18, 2012 9:22 pm

That is your paranoid & delusional speculation. Quit grasping at straws to deflect your actions. You broke the rules. Be a big boy and just admit your wrong doing.
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Re: ANSWA posting strategy suggestions on my wall

Postby IcePack on Wed Jan 18, 2012 10:17 pm

chapcrap wrote:
tkr4lf wrote:Speaking of bigotry, has anybody read the game chat?

Jeez guys, it's a game, settle down a bit.

This. Wow...

+1, didn't expect that

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Re: ANSWA posting strategy suggestions on my wall

Postby Royal Panda on Thu Jan 19, 2012 2:40 am

Oleg of Novgorod wrote:First, so, based on your brilliant logic, first time instances should not be reported? Then please explain how in the world there would a be "second" offense if the first one isn't recorded????

This. Serbia, think before you post in future would you!?

As for the case, secret diplomacy seems minor but obvious. Surprised this report wasn't about the game chat rather than this issue; either way the accused has little defence...
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Re: ANSWA posting strategy suggestions on my wall

Postby answa on Thu Jan 19, 2012 3:10 am

SirSebstar wrote:
answa wrote:I want justice and I WANT IT NOW ...

OLEG violated the rule "throwing games" .

He attacked me when i had no bonus and blue had a bonus and 2X more states. He did it intentionally to let blue win the game, therefore breaking a rule. As jefjef said earlier, all rules are equal and this one is the same as having mutli-accounts.

no, if he joins games just so he can suicide into you, that would be intentional. if you rile him in one game and he tries to make you pay, that is fair and legit.

ohh it is fair and legit to you , lol what a joke.

btw he started the flaming on my wall.

the only pussy here is between your legs bitch. STFU and quit cheating on my wall

by Oleg of Novgorod
on Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:07 pm

i think he deserves a warning for that !!
It comes under abuse , flaming

I can write a report too about racism or bigotry ( our beloved chat :D )
:mrgreen: ;)
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Re: ANSWA posting strategy suggestions on my wall

Postby answa on Thu Jan 19, 2012 3:15 am

Pander88uk wrote:
Oleg of Novgorod wrote:First, so, based on your brilliant logic, first time instances should not be reported? Then please explain how in the world there would a be "second" offense if the first one isn't recorded????

This. Serbia, think before you post in future would you!?

As for the case, secret diplomacy seems minor but obvious. Surprised this report wasn't about the game chat rather than this issue; either way the accused has little defence...

Some people are too bored, they miss something to do in their life, a hobby dunno
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Re: ANSWA posting strategy suggestions on my wall[pending]es

Postby answa on Thu Jan 19, 2012 3:20 am

Oleg of Novgorod wrote:That is your paranoid & delusional speculation. Quit grasping at straws to deflect your actions. You broke the rules. Be a big boy and just admit your wrong doing.

You should hide in a closet.
AS for me i'm relaxed mate and having fun. I 'll tell you in private where you can put your report :roll:
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Re: ANSWA posting strategy suggestions on my wall

Postby cookie0117 on Thu Jan 19, 2012 4:06 am

answa wrote:
Some people are too bored, they miss something to do in their life, a hobby dunno

This is a hobby for most of the people that play here, which is why we try to control the aggression and offensive language/behaviour. Sometimes it better to wait a minute or two before you type the stuff your shouting at the computer. Although im sure the auto button would fill the C & A section with complaints if it reported me...
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Re: ANSWA posting strategy suggestions on my wall

Postby answa on Thu Jan 19, 2012 4:31 am

cookie0117 wrote:
answa wrote:
Some people are too bored, they miss something to do in their life, a hobby dunno

This is a hobby for most of the people that play here, which is why we try to control the aggression and offensive language/behaviour. Sometimes it better to wait a minute or two before you type the stuff your shouting at the computer. Although im sure the auto button would fill the C & A section with complaints if it reported me...

I'm not talking about CC in general. I play risk as a hobby too for few years now.
I'm talking about the dudes who come here in the forums to act like they are some big shots or VIP.
ALL i'm saying.

And ya spare me your threats plz.

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Re: ANSWA posting strategy suggestions on my wall

Postby trinicardinal on Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:06 am

IcePack wrote:
chapcrap wrote:
tkr4lf wrote:Speaking of bigotry, has anybody read the game chat?

Jeez guys, it's a game, settle down a bit.

This. Wow...

+1, didn't expect that

answa wrote:I apologize on my behalf for being a bm in the chat - things went crazy after red's silly game-play and after he accused me for being a cheater ... what i said in the chat doesn't make sense and plz don't take it seriously :mrgreen:

PS : I'm not worry about his accusation. CC community will explain it to oleg.

yep - that game chat is definitely overdone. I sense a couple of vacations. Also its pretty obvious that answa has a serious attitude and that the above apology is not even worth the time it took to type. Ofc the OP has not been on best behaviour either. chap has it right - settle down guys. Also answa, welcome to my foe list
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Re: ANSWA posting strategy suggestions on my wall

Postby answa on Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:31 am

trinicardinal wrote:yep - that game chat is definitely overdone. I sense a couple of vacations. Also its pretty obvious that answa has a serious attitude and that the above apology is not even worth the time it took to type. Ofc the OP has not been on best behaviour either. chap has it right - settle down guys. Also answa, welcome to my foe list

So you have a pb with my attitude not with oleg's attitude, who had started flaming me on my wall and in chat. That's pretty lame.

And you foed me for some reason ! lol. Ok bud, you are foed as well, two can play the same game.
Ah wait, after giving it a second thought, it is worthless anyway. I never played against you nor i shall in the future. 8-)
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Re: ANSWA posting strategy suggestions on my wall

Postby Extreme Ways on Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:43 am

answa wrote:
trinicardinal wrote:yep - that game chat is definitely overdone. I sense a couple of vacations. Also its pretty obvious that answa has a serious attitude and that the above apology is not even worth the time it took to type. Ofc the OP has not been on best behaviour either. chap has it right - settle down guys. Also answa, welcome to my foe list

So you have a pb with my attitude not with oleg's attitude, who had started flaming me on my wall and in chat. That's pretty lame.

And you foed me for some reason ! lol. Ok bud, you are foed as well, two can play the same game.
Ah wait, after giving it a second thought, it is worthless anyway. I never played against you nor i shall in the future. So who cares. 8-)

Oleg has a reason for flaming after the SD proposal, or I am missing something...
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Re: ANSWA posting strategy suggestions on my wall

Postby answa on Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:19 am

Extreme Ways wrote:Oleg has a reason for flaming after the SD proposal, or I am missing something...

You are missing your school. Go do your homework.

I think my problem is that i'm feeding the trolls each time i reply. I should stop writing here and focus on the things that matter.

Asking oleg to attack blue is not part of SD. It is the normal thing to do. The funny part is that Oleg did the opposite by attacking me and letting blue win that game.

I gave my 2 cents. Cya all.
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Re: ANSWA posting strategy suggestions on my wall[pending]es

Postby Oleg of Novgorod on Thu Jan 19, 2012 11:00 am

Like I said, that is paranoid & delusional speculation, blaming someone else for your loss. This thread isn't about me. You cheated, then made light of it and now you're trying to deflect.
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Re: ANSWA posting strategy suggestions on my wall

Postby tkr4lf on Thu Jan 19, 2012 11:01 am

answa wrote:
Extreme Ways wrote:Oleg has a reason for flaming after the SD proposal, or I am missing something...

You are missing your school. Go do your homework.

I think my problem is that i'm feeding the trolls each time i reply. I should stop writing here and focus on the things that matter.

Asking oleg to attack blue is not part of SD. It is the normal thing to do. The funny part is that Oleg did the opposite by attacking me and letting blue win that game.

I gave my 2 cents. Cya all.

The problem isn't that you asked Oleg to gang up on blue. That is completely legal. The problem is that you did it by posting on his wall instead of in the game chat. That is where it became secret diplomacy.

Oh, another thing, you can't call everybody who disagrees with you a troll. You've dismissed every single person who disagrees with you in this thread as a troll, that's a pretty bad sign. People have contrary opinions and will express those, that does not make them trolls, it makes them other people.

Now, simmer down a bit, and just quit while you're only so far behind. You've already dug your hole pretty deep. You and Oleg will both have vacations for the nasty words exchanged in the game chat, and you will likely either be noted or receive some sort of discipline for the SD. So, really dude, you should just stop before you dig that hole even deeper.
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Re: ANSWA posting strategy suggestions on my wall

Postby Extreme Ways on Thu Jan 19, 2012 11:23 am

answa wrote:
Extreme Ways wrote:Oleg has a reason for flaming after the SD proposal, or I am missing something...

You are missing your school. Go do your homework.

I think my problem is that i'm feeding the trolls each time i reply. I should stop writing here and focus on the things that matter.

Asking oleg to attack blue is not part of SD. It is the normal thing to do. The funny part is that Oleg did the opposite by attacking me and letting blue win that game.

I gave my 2 cents. Cya all.

Attackimg me personal, eh... Got finals week, so no homework, and I was done for today... And asking Oleg to attack blue, legit, but on his wall... SD. This is btw the 3rd time orso you said ''I won't reply to this topic''
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Re: ANSWA posting strategy suggestions on my wall

Postby Royal Panda on Thu Jan 19, 2012 12:34 pm

tkr4lf wrote:You and Oleg will both have vacations for the nasty words exchanged in the game chat

No they won't. They'll be told to FAMO; this is an adult site, if someone is offended by game chat then they're always welcome to foe the other person and never have to read their comments again!
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Re: ANSWA posting strategy suggestions on my wall

Postby hmsps on Thu Jan 19, 2012 12:43 pm

Pander88uk wrote:
tkr4lf wrote:You and Oleg will both have vacations for the nasty words exchanged in the game chat

No they won't. They'll be told to FAMO; this is an adult site, if someone is offended by game chat then they're always welcome to foe the other person and never have to read their comments again!
If the mods read the game chat the very least will be a warning due to homophobic terms used
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Re: ANSWA posting strategy suggestions on my wall

Postby tkr4lf on Thu Jan 19, 2012 1:17 pm

Pander88uk wrote:
tkr4lf wrote:You and Oleg will both have vacations for the nasty words exchanged in the game chat

No they won't. They'll be told to FAMO; this is an adult site, if someone is offended by game chat then they're always welcome to foe the other person and never have to read their comments again!

Bigotry is a major offense on this site. Isn't the first offense a 24 hour ban for major offenses? I could be mistaken, but that's what I thought.
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Re: ANSWA posting strategy suggestions on my wall[pending]es

Postby JoshyBoy on Thu Jan 19, 2012 1:39 pm

I love how the usual forum freaks wade in here swinging their handbags, arguing over what's right or wrong, with their over-sized egos and pretentious righteousness clanging all over the place like a bell tower being rung by Michael J Fox. Just leave the (don't know what to call them any more) to do their job.
drunkmonkey wrote:I honestly wonder why anyone becomes a mod on this site. You're the whiniest bunch of players imaginable.

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Re: ANSWA posting strategy suggestions on my wall[pending]es

Postby hmsps on Thu Jan 19, 2012 1:47 pm

JoshyBoy wrote:I love how the usual forum freaks wade in here swinging their handbags, arguing over what's right or wrong, with their over-sized egos and pretentious righteousness clanging all over the place like a bell tower being rung by Michael J Fox. Just leave the (don't know what to call them any more) to do their job.
All we strive for is consistency. Oh and by the way what was the point of your comment? Slightly off topic?
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Re: ANSWA posting strategy suggestions on my wall

Postby trinicardinal on Thu Jan 19, 2012 2:46 pm

tkr4lf wrote:
Pander88uk wrote:
tkr4lf wrote:You and Oleg will both have vacations for the nasty words exchanged in the game chat

No they won't. They'll be told to FAMO; this is an adult site, if someone is offended by game chat then they're always welcome to foe the other person and never have to read their comments again!

Bigotry is a major offense on this site. Isn't the first offense a 24 hour ban for major offenses? I could be mistaken, but that's what I thought.

Correct it is a major offense. I expect that both answa and Oleg will receive punishment for the game chat... The SD should also lead to at least a noted but I believe that answa erased the comment so unless there is a screenshot there may (and I do mean may) be insufficient evidence for anything more than maybe noted. I'm not a c&a mod so I may be wrong on that one.

either way its obvious that answa has no remorse for his comments and believes that everyone who disagrees with his opinion is against him. For that reason i have put him on foe even though we are not likely to meet normally it will insure that we do not ever meet in a game. I prefer not to play against people like that.
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Re: ANSWA posting strategy suggestions on my wall[pending]es

Postby Oleg of Novgorod on Fri Jan 20, 2012 8:30 pm

I'll take 24 hours for what I said. It was an angry response to an immature brat. I shouldn't have said it. It was definitely insensitive.

But let me say this, the majority of people who are offended by statements like that are not the people mentioned. Bigotry is a broadly used term thrown around in many instances. Bigotry is defined as: intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself. I'm about as culturally diverse as people get and interact with many people on many different social, ethnic, economic and religious levels. The only people I'm intolerant of are people who are ignorant, like this clown. Many times people of a specific group are more harsh, especially to each other, than that. But like I said, it was insensitive. 'm not a hypocrite, if it warrants 24 hours then so be it.

I will also say however, that I inadvertently broke a rule once with no ill intention. So, despite this being Answa's defense, its weak at best. He's admitted it, screen shot of the wall or not. Therefore, he should not only serve a suspension for the "bigotry", but the cheating should be the second offense in addition to that.
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Re: ANSWA posting strategy suggestions on my wall[pending]es

Postby Royal Panda on Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:00 am

This site's rules on bigotry are the biggest joke I've ever seen. I'm not getting into 'what constitutes bigotry and what doesn't' again, because it would be a waste of my time.
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Re: ANSWA posting strategy suggestions on my wall[pending]es

Postby answa on Sat Jan 21, 2012 7:08 am

Oleg of Novgorod wrote:I'll take 24 hours for what I said. It was an angry response to an immature brat. I shouldn't have said it. It was definitely insensitive.

But let me say this, the majority of people who are offended by statements like that are not the people mentioned. Bigotry is a broadly used term thrown around in many instances. Bigotry is defined as: intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself. I'm about as culturally diverse as people get and interact with many people on many different social, ethnic, economic and religious levels. The only people I'm intolerant of are people who are ignorant, like this clown. Many times people of a specific group are more harsh, especially to each other, than that. But like I said, it was insensitive. 'm not a hypocrite, if it warrants 24 hours then so be it.

I will also say however, that I inadvertently broke a rule once with no ill intention. So, despite this being Answa's defense, its weak at best. He's admitted it, screen shot of the wall or not. Therefore, he should not only serve a suspension for the "bigotry", but the cheating should be the second offense in addition to that.

I pretty sure everyone have a clear idea who's the douche with low ratings. 4.1 is pretty low considering that alot of people give 5 stars to anyone after a game. 4.1 belong to douches bullies or noobs. Everyone knows it.
That's being said, i wondered why a mature man can be so retarded in a game site. Then i remembered the Darwin theory of evolution. You may have 40 years old, you have human looks but for sure your brain resembles to a newborn monkey brain. Maybe a gorilla to be more accurate.
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Re: ANSWA posting strategy suggestions on my wall[pending]es

Postby Royal Panda on Sat Jan 21, 2012 12:56 pm

Can we hurry up and get a mod ruling? It's not exactly a hard case now, is it?
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