Oneyed wrote:thanks for PM DiM and for map about Slovakia.
Slovakia is little country, with too little regions. what about to add it any theme? and more regions?
i don't think it needs a theme. i mean it is a just a country with a classic gameplay. nothing fancy. themes are usually for fantasy maps or weird gameplay.
as for the regions i want it like this to be a small map.
Oneyed wrote:to the cities and region names:
cities: Bratislava, Trenčín, Nitra, Trnava, Žilina, Banská Bystrica, Košice, Prešov
regions: Bratislavský kraj, Trenčiansky kraj, Nitriansky kraj, Trnavský kraj, Žilinský kraj, Banskobystrický kraj, Košický kraj, Prešovský kraj
i think i have all of those names corrected in version 2. i didn't add kraj because that means region and it seems rather redundant to repeat it all over.
“In the beginning God said, the four-dimensional divergence of an antisymmetric, second rank tensor equals zero, and there was light, and it was good. And on the seventh day he rested.”- Michio Kaku