Moderator: Cartographers
natty_dread wrote:Gameplay needs work, though. Only 3 bonus areas? 29 territories? You're going to need more of both. More territories, and split them into more bonus areas.
Flapcake wrote:I also think that you should enlarge it up a bit and do some more bonus areas, and more territories, Finland and the Baltic countries I think you can cut off to enlarge your very cool map
natty_dread wrote:Gameplay needs work, though. Only 3 bonus areas? 29 territories? You're going to need more of both. More territories, and split them into more bonus areas.
isaiah40 wrote:This gameplay is simplistic - like Luxembourg
koontz1973 wrote:We need a few map maps that are small like Luxembourg and Doodle. They do make for an interesting game.
isaiah40 wrote:Why more than the 29 territories? This map meets the minimum requirements for the number of territories.
Roberth wrote:Yea, I wondered if it might be to few. But what do you say about this change:
* Split the Lappland region into two. (North Lappland & South Lappland)
* Split the bonus zone Norrland into two. (North Norrland & South Norrland)
* Add 8 cities to the map, 2 in every bonus zone, and give a small bonus to a player that holds both cities in a zone.
That creates 9 more regions, that makes a total of 38.
Also 5 more zones (South Norrland + 4 x city bonuses), that makes 8 total.
How does this change sound?
natty_dread wrote:koontz1973 wrote:We need a few map maps that are small like Luxembourg and Doodle. They do make for an interesting game.
How? What's interesting about luxemburg or doodle?
koontz1973 wrote:natty_dread wrote:koontz1973 wrote:We need a few map maps that are small like Luxembourg and Doodle. They do make for an interesting game.
How? What's interesting about luxemburg or doodle?
They also make a nice change from all of the larger maps I play and see no problem with the smaller maps.
Oneyed wrote:I like as you did it - by reality. I think go with this, do not divide Lappland, also not needed to divide Norrland - both are off from reality.
natty_dread wrote:The number of regions sounds good. But you'd still only have 4 bonus regions, and the city bonuses would just be overlapping with those. The sizes of the bonus regions would be way too large, with 38 regions they'd be about 9,5 territories average... this means that no one would be able to secure and hold a bonus, other than the city bonuses, but even those would have difficult time expanding, making for a stale gameplay...
I'd still say you should split the map to at least 5 areas.
DiM wrote:i'm surprised to see the non playing terits having such cool flowy borders and the playing terits having awful pixelated ones. this definitely needs fixing.
Oneyed wrote:nice. Roberth I assume you are from Sweden, so you know your country the best. I like as you did it - by reality. I think go with this, do not divide Lappland, also not needed to divide Norrland - both are off from reality. (or go for this, but then you can make any scifi sweden map).
you also would use any impassables (rivers, woods).
Roberth wrote:That's because I wanted to make a difference between the playable borders and the non-playable. Should the playable be more flowy?
Industrial Helix wrote:I like the reality of territories AND cities.
natty_dread wrote:
Something needs to be done... I'd say you should split Götaland to 2 bonuses. Maybe Swealand as well.
natty_dread wrote:Anyway, back on this map... the bonuses are still way too large for a map this size. The only feasible bonus area is Northern Norrland, the others, well, look at the regions and borders...
S. Norrland: 7 regions, 5 borders
Swealand: 9 regions, 7 borders
Götaland: 14 regions, 5 borders
Basically, every game played on the map would go like this: there's a scramble for North Norrland, whoever has the best drop and dice will get it, and then that player will win because the other bonuses are way too hard.
Something needs to be done... I'd say you should split Götaland to 2 bonuses. Maybe Swealand as well.
Industrial Helix wrote:
I feel like Red Zone should be worth 3 armies, considering you gotta defend at three points
natty_dread wrote:Ok then, split Götaland in two, 4 region and 6 region bonuses. Then add some impassables.
natty_dread wrote:So here's what to do: rotate the country about 20 degrees clockwise (to the right), then zoom in to it so that the edges of the country match the edges of the image. This way you'll have more space for things. It will mean you'll have to redraw your map, but it's better to do it now rather than when you've spend weeks working on your current image...
Flapcake wrote:I agreeIndustrial Helix wrote:I feel like Red Zone should be worth 3 armies, considering you gotta defend at three points
looking better and better
Roberth wrote:I don't want to rotate the map. I think that by doing so it will change the feeling of the map being of sweden. Because this way is the way it's being shown on all maps.
natty_dread wrote:That's simply untrue. Maps can have different projections, and many maps are slightly rotated to fit the area in question better to the available space.
The shape of the country you're trying to depict is very awkward for a CC map, as it makes for a lot of scrolling. Furthermore, since your large version is already this cluttered, and the army numbers will be the same size on the small as they are on the large, you need to take in account that the small version will inevitably be even more cluttered. Some cluttered areas on a map are fine, but not when the whole map is unclear because of it and players have a hard time seeing the connections.
I don't really see any other options for rotating the map, unless you find some map projection that reduces the clutter, or find a way to distort the shape of it to the same effect.
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