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BOB 5.3.0

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Re: BOB 5.2.0

Postby Victor Sullivan on Sun Jan 15, 2012 1:31 am

Hm, I presume this is BOB and not WTG, so I'll post this here. I sometimes have to resort to using the drop-down menus because the site clickies aren't working. Also, sometimes when I click "End Assaults" it will immediately take me to the bottom of the page instead of, well, ending my assaults. When I click it a second time, however, it works just fine.

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Re: BOB 5.2.0

Postby sherkaner on Sun Jan 15, 2012 10:58 am

Dako wrote:Found a funny bug.

If you cash a set of spoils and get +2 on some region, BOB will count it into "Last bonus" column because the wording is the same for auto-deploy regions (like castes in AoR) and for the +2 bonus from the set ^^.

And another one.
Get a game with some eliminated players. Click on "Hide eliminated players" in the extended stats table. Then click on refresh. Check that "Hide eliminated players" turned to "show eliminated players" and no longer works.

I noticed that the amounts are (still) off too sometimes, I'll look into it.
I had already fixed the second one locally :)
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Re: BOB 5.2.0

Postby josko.ri on Sun Jan 15, 2012 3:37 pm

I have 2 bugs constantly from BOB 5.1.6 to now.
1. "screenshot in chat" option doesnt work (it make screenshot but does not load it in later rounds)
2. In "continents owerwiew" menu, there are no anymore highlighted regions of bonuseswhen I am crossing with cursor above them
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Re: BOB 5.2.0

Postby sherkaner on Sun Jan 15, 2012 5:06 pm

josko.ri wrote:I have 2 bugs constantly from BOB 5.1.6 to now.
1. "screenshot in chat" option doesnt work (it make screenshot but does not load it in later rounds)
2. In "continents owerwiew" menu, there are no anymore highlighted regions of bonuseswhen I am crossing with cursor above them

Quick reply: upgrading firefox will resolve that.

Longer reply: It seems like Firefox improved something that was buggy/not working for Greasemonkey in some version between 3.6 and 9.0. Because jQuery uses that internally, and it allows me to simplify some code, I made some changes that don't seem to work with ff 3.6 any more. I have an idea what it could be, but I haven't gotten round to checking exactly which version has the improvement (at the moment I'd actually guess 4.0, since the later versions didn't change much for addons), and see whether there is an easy fix for the problem. But it's not a priority, since there is an easy fix.
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Re: BOB 5.2.0

Postby dakky21 on Mon Jan 16, 2012 10:02 am

I've had same problem josko.ri and updating to firefox 9.0.1 fixed the problem

I also have an idea: maybe you could add an icon or text, next to a (opponent) player name in fog games, so when you mouse-over it, territories on map get L shaped what the selected player sees. I mean which territories he sees, according to his troop placement. For example I'm currently playing Charleston 2v2 FOGGY, and I see all opponents troops which border with my or my partner troops. But it would be cool to see opposite, what my and partner territories can opponent see.
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Re: BOB 5.2.0

Postby ender516 on Mon Jan 16, 2012 12:48 pm

That could work, except for one-way attacks and bombardments against you. In those cases, you do not know who can see you, so to be conservative, you might want to flag it as if all opponents could see you.
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Re: BOB 5.2.0

Postby sherkaner on Thu Jan 19, 2012 4:18 pm

dakky21 wrote:I've had same problem josko.ri and updating to firefox 9.0.1 fixed the problem

I also have an idea: maybe you could add an icon or text, next to a (opponent) player name in fog games, so when you mouse-over it, territories on map get L shaped what the selected player sees. I mean which territories he sees, according to his troop placement. For example I'm currently playing Charleston 2v2 FOGGY, and I see all opponents troops which border with my or my partner troops. But it would be cool to see opposite, what my and partner territories can opponent see.

Actually, for 1v1 and team v team, there is something in bob that already shows this. If you hover over a team name or a player name, every territory of that player/team gets highlighted with either a solid square, transparant square or 2 lines.

2 lines: can be attacked directly by enemies or unknown territories.
Transparant: only attackable from territories owned by teammates/neutrals.
Solid: only attackable by countries you own.
So if you want to see what you opponent sees (at best), check the 2-lined territories.
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Re: BOB 5.2.0

Postby Leverpuller on Sun Jan 22, 2012 10:12 am

by ender516 on Sat Jan 14, 2012 1:35 pm

Leverpuller wrote:Need your help. I recently converted to Firefox and installed Bob. However, two things happened. My user menus on the left disappeared. And the timers all showed Na:aN. When I disabled greasemonkey, everything went back to normal.
I then asked tech support what to do and they advised me to uninstall and reinstall Bob. Problem is, I can't seem to uninstall Bob now. When I click on the monkey icon on the top right, there is no such option available to me. Can u please help?

Since you are a recent convert to Firefox, I will presume you have the latest version. (I'm running using the release update channel, which is up to date at 9.0.1.) Click the down arrow next to the monkey icon, and the menu that appears should have a "Manage User Scripts..." item, which, when selected, will take you to the Add-ons Manager for Firefox. Each script you are using should have its own entry there, with Options, Disable and Remove buttons. Remove BOB. The symptoms you describe with BOB suggest that you have the wrong version installed. Follow the instructions in the Conquer Club User Guides to get things the way they are supposed to be. If you still have trouble, let us know, in case the Guides have gotten out of date. (This isn't likely, as they are quite recent, and I think well laid out for staying up to date, but things happen.)

Thanks!! Followed your instructions, and it's working now!! Much appreciated :D
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Re: BOB 5.2.0

Postby rubenschtorm on Mon Jan 23, 2012 4:12 am

got bullied into changing to firefox to get BOB. how did i live without it? only had 1 problem, a hive game where there was too much info for a snapshot. mind you , its escalating with sets over 1000!
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Re: BOB 5.2.0

Postby ender516 on Mon Jan 23, 2012 1:21 pm

Leverpuller wrote:by ender516 on Sat Jan 14, 2012 1:35 pm

Leverpuller wrote:Need your help. I recently converted to Firefox and installed Bob. However, two things happened. My user menus on the left disappeared. And the timers all showed Na:aN. When I disabled greasemonkey, everything went back to normal.
I then asked tech support what to do and they advised me to uninstall and reinstall Bob. Problem is, I can't seem to uninstall Bob now. When I click on the monkey icon on the top right, there is no such option available to me. Can u please help?

Since you are a recent convert to Firefox, I will presume you have the latest version. (I'm running using the release update channel, which is up to date at 9.0.1.) Click the down arrow next to the monkey icon, and the menu that appears should have a "Manage User Scripts..." item, which, when selected, will take you to the Add-ons Manager for Firefox. Each script you are using should have its own entry there, with Options, Disable and Remove buttons. Remove BOB. The symptoms you describe with BOB suggest that you have the wrong version installed. Follow the instructions in the Conquer Club User Guides to get things the way they are supposed to be. If you still have trouble, let us know, in case the Guides have gotten out of date. (This isn't likely, as they are quite recent, and I think well laid out for staying up to date, but things happen.)

Thanks!! Followed your instructions, and it's working now!! Much appreciated :D

You're welcome. Glad to hear it all worked out.
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Re: BOB 5.2.0

Postby ender516 on Mon Jan 23, 2012 1:29 pm

rubenschtorm wrote:got bullied into changing to firefox to get BOB. how did i live without it? only had 1 problem, a hive game where there was too much info for a snapshot. mind you , its escalating with sets over 1000!

The problem is not so much with the troop counts as it is with the large number of territories. A line in game chat has a limited length, and it is not possible to encode all those troop numbers into the space available. I believe that you can use the other type of snapshots (not in chat), but those are stored by your browser, so unless you can synchronize that on different machines, you can't play at home, take a snap, then look at it later at school or work (during a break, of course). Also, snaps in chat are visible to your teammates (if they too use BOB, otherwise they see a jumble of text), while the other snaps are personal. I don't recall for certain if anyone found a nice way of sharing the non-chat snaps among team members.
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Re: BOB 5.2.0

Postby chapcrap on Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:39 pm

rubenschtorm wrote:got bullied into changing to firefox to get BOB. how did i live without it? only had 1 problem, a hive game where there was too much info for a snapshot. mind you , its escalating with sets over 1000!

I have had that problem multiple times on King's Court, but not every time. Why does it work sometimes and not others?

sherk, are you saying that the allowed character count for game chat lines is too small to accommodate? Taking the self snaps still works though? I never do that, so I didn't realize that would still work.
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Re: BOB 5.2.0

Postby scottp on Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:42 pm

in a foggy game, unknown territories take up less space than known ones. Once you uncover more of the map, you run out of room to store all the new info.
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Re: BOB 5.2.0

Postby ender516 on Tue Feb 14, 2012 12:47 pm

It seems that continents with a zero bonus no longer appear either in the Continents Overview or the Objective Summary. I understand that there are maps with many such continents where they are a nuisance, but it can be useful to see who has these continents and is on the verge of triggering a bonus. Also, the Objective Summary is now very misleading. I would like to see the zero-bonus components returned to the Objective Summary, and a switch to toggle their presence in the Continents Overview.
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Re: BOB 5.2.0

Postby Calidrmr on Tue Feb 21, 2012 11:01 pm

ender516 wrote:
rubenschtorm wrote:got bullied into changing to firefox to get BOB. how did i live without it? only had 1 problem, a hive game where there was too much info for a snapshot. mind you , its escalating with sets over 1000!

The problem is not so much with the troop counts as it is with the large number of territories. A line in game chat has a limited length, and it is not possible to encode all those troop numbers into the space available. I believe that you can use the other type of snapshots (not in chat), but those are stored by your browser, so unless you can synchronize that on different machines, you can't play at home, take a snap, then look at it later at school or work (during a break, of course). Also, snaps in chat are visible to your teammates (if they too use BOB, otherwise they see a jumble of text), while the other snaps are personal. I don't recall for certain if anyone found a nice way of sharing the non-chat snaps among team members.

i haven't heard of any...but maybe Dropbox could work for that purpose...just a suggestion :D
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Re: BOB 5.2.0

Postby ender516 on Wed Feb 22, 2012 1:01 pm

Calidrmr wrote:
ender516 wrote:
rubenschtorm wrote:got bullied into changing to firefox to get BOB. how did i live without it? only had 1 problem, a hive game where there was too much info for a snapshot. mind you , its escalating with sets over 1000!

The problem is not so much with the troop counts as it is with the large number of territories. A line in game chat has a limited length, and it is not possible to encode all those troop numbers into the space available. I believe that you can use the other type of snapshots (not in chat), but those are stored by your browser, so unless you can synchronize that on different machines, you can't play at home, take a snap, then look at it later at school or work (during a break, of course). Also, snaps in chat are visible to your teammates (if they too use BOB, otherwise they see a jumble of text), while the other snaps are personal. I don't recall for certain if anyone found a nice way of sharing the non-chat snaps among team members.

i haven't heard of any...but maybe Dropbox could work for that purpose...just a suggestion :D

Something like Dropbox would work if you were sharing snaps as images. I was thinking more of exporting the stored information in a non-chat snapshot (kept in cookie form, IIRC) to a text format that you could PM to your teammates, who could import it back into their browser and use the imported snap just like they themselves had taken it.
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Re: BOB 5.2.0

Postby ender516 on Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:57 am

I just noticed that the terminator point summary is initially correct, but gets messed up when I load the entire log.
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Re: BOB 5.2.1

Postby sherkaner on Tue Feb 28, 2012 6:45 pm

I just released version 5.2.1, most noticable change is the way snapshots are stored. The line is now really unreadable, but can contain a lot more information than previously. Storing an 8-player sunny hive game should work (as long as you don't get the army amounts insanely high).

Old snapshots can still be read by this version, new snapshots can't be read by the old version. So there might be some confusion at the start, but once everyone upgrades it should work as expected.

And I can't take credit for the new way of storing the snapshots, Joriki was kind enough to share the method with me.
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Re: BOB 5.2.1

Postby Swifte on Tue Feb 28, 2012 8:01 pm

Some of my old snapshots are now coming through very strangely... but not all of them. Those within the last day seem okay, but those from a week ago I always end up with all neutral 4s, and 1 stack that is like -2145581387 or something.

Using FireFox 10.0.2, just upgraded to Bob 5.2.1
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Re: BOB 5.2.1

Postby ThrushAAX on Tue Feb 28, 2012 9:48 pm

yeah, having similar problem with old logs, not on all foggy maps but some. Also FF 10.0.2

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Re: BOB 5.2.1

Postby Swifte on Tue Feb 28, 2012 11:17 pm

Thanks ThrushAAX, i going back to 5.2.0 took care of it for now.
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Re: BOB 5.2.1

Postby sherkaner on Wed Feb 29, 2012 4:04 am

Hmm, yeah, I have to add another check. Could take 12 hours before I can upload an updated version though.
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Re: BOB 5.2.1

Postby sherkaner on Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:24 am

After some thought, I think it should be safe to make the adjustment now. New version uploaded, which should fix it.
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Re: BOB 5.2.2

Postby anonymus on Thu Mar 01, 2012 5:03 pm

my maprank stopped working.. related?

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Re: BOB 5.2.2

Postby sherkaner on Thu Mar 01, 2012 5:09 pm

anonymus wrote:my maprank stopped working.. related?

/ :?:

I don't think so.
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