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jcmontys and ruleroftheworld1[warnd and blocked]es

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jcmontys and ruleroftheworld1[warnd and blocked]es

Postby haigeonos on Sat Jan 14, 2012 5:54 am



The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

rulerofthewold1 has been thowing the game away for jcmontys to win.
My suspicion begin on Round 4 when ruleroftheworld1 open up his border to jcmontys and attack me so as to weaken me. On Round 5, jcmonthys traded his spoils to attack another player Maxxer while leaving ruleroftheworld1 almost alone. rulerofthworld1 follow up and inexplicably attack neutral territory to clear up for jcmontys even though jcmontys has very few troops defending hs border and bonus, and is the stronget player on board.

On Round 6,7,8,9 both ruleroftheworld1 and jcmontys continue to gang to attack other players, making token attack on each other while leaving their border open. rulerofthworld1 is allowing jcmonty1 to conquer his territories for bonus while not making any defence even though jcmonty1 is winning. He continues to attack neutral territories to clear up for jcmonty1.

The most outrageous move comes on Round 10, when ruleroftheworld1 traded his spoils and make a kamikaze attack on me destroying all my bonus and troops while leaving both his and jcmonty1 open to each other.This enable jcmonty1 the opotrtunity to eliminate Maxxer on Round 11, becoming the strongest player on board.

On Round 12, despite jcmonty1 being stronger than all players combined (left only me and ruleroftheworld1), ruleroftheworld1 trade his spoil, making token attack on jcmonty1 while leaving hs bonus intact even though jcmonty1 has open borders with him.

It is very obvious,disappointing and insulting that both jcmonty1 and ruleroftheworld1 are having secret diplomacy for ruleroftheworld1 to throw away the game for jcmonty1. It is very unfair nd insulting to all other players and a complete waste of or time.

Please investigate,

Thanks and Regards.

Game 10379514

Major haigeonos
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Dec 22, 2011 12:04 am

Re: jcmontys and ruleroftheworld1

Postby Symmetry on Sat Jan 14, 2012 3:57 pm

haigeonos wrote:Accused:


The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 10379514

rulerofthewold1 has been thowing the game away for jcmontys to win.
My suspicion begin on Round 4 when ruleroftheworld1 open up his border to jcmontys and attack me so as to weaken me. On Round 5, jcmonthys traded his spoils to attack another player Maxxer while leaving ruleroftheworld1 almost alone. rulerofthworld1 follow up and inexplicably attack neutral territory to clear up for jcmontys even though jcmontys has very few troops defending hs border and bonus, and is the stronget player on board.

On Round 6,7,8,9 both ruleroftheworld1 and jcmontys continue to gang to attack other players, making token attack on each other while leaving their border open. rulerofthworld1 is allowing jcmonty1 to conquer his territories for bonus while not making any defence even though jcmonty1 is winning. He continues to attack neutral territories to clear up for jcmonty1.

The most outrageous move comes on Round 10, when ruleroftheworld1 traded his spoils and make a kamikaze attack on me destroying all my bonus and troops while leaving both his and jcmonty1 open to each other.This enable jcmonty1 the opotrtunity to eliminate Maxxer on Round 11, becoming the strongest player on board.

On Round 12, despite jcmonty1 being stronger than all players combined (left only me and ruleroftheworld1), ruleroftheworld1 trade his spoil, making token attack on jcmonty1 while leaving hs bonus intact even though jcmonty1 has open borders with him.

It is very obvious,disappointing and insulting that both jcmonty1 and ruleroftheworld1 are having secret diplomacy for ruleroftheworld1 to throw away the game for jcmonty1. It is very unfair nd insulting to all other players and a complete waste of or time.

Please investigate,

Thanks and Regards.

Form fixed.
the world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it- Albert Einstein
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Re: jcmontys and ruleroftheworld1[pending]es

Postby Evil Semp on Wed Jan 18, 2012 10:36 pm

Looking at their game history and this post from ruleroftheworld1 on jcmontys wall I can see that they set each other up to win. This is also a repeated practice by these two so they will receive a WARNING and a BLCOK from playing each other.

no como fui de la office al main building al moas y ahora acabo de llegar a casa de mi chava en virginia...deja que me ganes estos y te mando otro par..

not as you think ... I left the office to the main building to the moas and now I just got home from my girl in virginia ... let me win this and I send you another pair .. ....
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