Arcturus248 : Flaming, Flame baiting, Secret Diplomacy
sertoris : Secret Diplomacy only
The accused are suspected of: Flaming, Flame baiting (& suspect Conducting Secret Diplomacy as well but unsure if sufficient evidence, however it is stated "in game chat" that the have met and are friends and use skype to communicate during game play)
Game number(s):
Game 10401746
Game 10272093
Game 10295312
Game 10295814
Game 10396210
Comments: Flaming examples & Secret diplomacy examples (also note that in 20 of 25 total multiplayer games in which both these player had played one or the other player won the game) both players also know each other personally and while playing in several team games together in which they converse on skype, rarely attack each other and appear to work together in a well disguised manner.
Secret Diplomacy Examples:
Game Chat Notes:
Game 10401746
2012-01-09 07:08:59 - Arcturus248: i went to uni in aus
2012-01-09 07:09:12 - Arcturus248: met sertoris there
2012-01-09 07:09:25 - Arcturus248: he introduced me to cc
2012-01-09 07:54:37 - MasterGuns: although green you do realize that red has not attacked you even once all game, as the game log shows he hasnt taken a single territory from you
2012-01-09 07:55:37 - MasterGuns: Arcturus248, that looks extremely suspicious even without knowing the fact that you both have a long history of games together
2012-01-09 07:56:11 - Arcturus248: wtf is wrong with u?
2012-01-09 07:57:30 - MasterGuns: oh am i wrong? please correct me if the game log is incorrrect
2012-01-09 07:57:30 - Arcturus248: tryin to act like a fuckin vigilante
Game 10272093:
2012-01-02 18:13:52 - ZeuS07: reported sertoris/arcturus, soon reseted acc cheater, u are the same player, easy to see it with the large number of game u played together

2012-01-03 03:19:07 - sertoris: actually he is a mate of mine in mauritius im in melbourne, what would be the point of playing two accounts at the same time
2012-01-03 03:19:36 - sertoris: and you think we wait hours in between our turns to conceal a sham? it makes no sense
2012-01-03 03:22:58 - sertoris: ur pretty dumb to think that ZeuS07 seriously and we won't get reseted because we have different I.P. address given the fact we live in different countries
2012-01-03 05:38:32 - Arcturus248: haters gonna hate
2012-01-04 04:37:51 - sertoris: Zeus07 it's pretty ridiculous ur complaining about us when u play so badly
2012-01-07 01:13:24 - Arcturus248: u will fail sertoris
2012-01-07 01:15:23 - Arcturus248: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahaha
2012-01-07 01:16:05 - Arcturus248: get ur ass on skype
2012-01-07 05:02:24 - sertoris: nope can't heading out, looks like u won mate, none of the other guys knows how to play and i got no bonuses coming
Game Chat notes:
Game 10401746
2012-01-09 07:59:43 - Arcturus248: now u fucked up my bonus
2012-01-09 07:59:52 - Arcturus248: stupid piece of shit
2012-01-09 08:00:41 - Arcturus248: fuckin retardedfuck!
2012-01-09 08:02:56 - Arcturus248: quit tryin to analyse stuff blue
2012-01-09 08:03:04 - Arcturus248: u r way too dumb to do that
2012-01-09 08:04:27 - Arcturus248: hows that ragin erection goin for ya
2012-01-09 08:05:17 - Arcturus248: almost jizz eh blue?
2012-01-09 08:05:22 - Arcturus248: sick f*ck!
Game 10396210:
2012-01-08 10:10:41 - Arcturus248: yellow fuckin liar
2012-01-08 10:11:03 - Arcturus248: f*ck u yellow!
Game 10295814:
2011-12-21 09:47:52 - Arcturus248: blue
2011-12-21 09:47:55 - Arcturus248: wtf?
2011-12-21 09:48:03 - Arcturus248: u truly are a dumbfuck
2011-12-21 09:50:30 - Arcturus248: unfortunately dumbfuck here present cannot realise that
2011-12-21 09:56:59 - Arcturus248: oii dumbfuck
Game 10295312:
2011-12-21 06:09:29 - Tim22071977: oh well worth a try
2011-12-21 06:10:15 - Arcturus248: no ur just painfully stupid
2011-12-21 06:10:45 - Tim22071977: I might have got lucky on autoattack, stole the cards and won the
game, guess I was too optimistic again
2011-12-21 06:13:07 - Tim22071977: gg yellow
2011-12-21 06:14:21 - Arcturus248: f*ck u
2011-12-21 06:15:00 - Tim22071977: now now calm down
2011-12-21 06:15:08 - Tim22071977: its a game
2011-12-21 06:15:12 - Tim22071977: of risk