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Chariot of Fire - trolling/flaming/baiting [CLOSED] KRK

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Chariot of Fire - trolling/flaming/baiting [CLOSED] KRK

Postby Gen.LeeGettinhed on Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:04 pm

Accused: Chariot of Fire

The accused are suspected of:
Other: Severe Forum Trolling/flaming/baiting

see viewtopic.php?f=6&t=160722

-hey, I can take jabs from anyone, but Chariot of Fire (like his buddy Master Bush) is getting a bit obsessed, etc.
-that is a "congratulatory" thread -- that's he's being way overly negative about
-fine, make a comment -- or two, but to FIFTEEN (15) on eleven (11) pages? (would be more pages except several shrunk due to Foeing)
-shoot, even the creator (merch313 or I (about me)) didn't post anywhere near that many
-much of what he says is OPINION or exaggeration, not fact based
-and so much of it is REPETITIVE. ..and not funny at all. several detractors were at least comical about it.
-he and his buddies have taken a very positive friendly Thread and made a HUGE example of why FlameWars was eliminated

The guy is a smug, arrogant flaming/baiting troll -- and from what I understand trolling/flaming/baiting is against the rules of CC.

Global Moderators: CC is out of whack. It claims to want us to be "like a bunch of friends sitting around the campfire" but this is HUGELY different than that expectation. Also, a very friendly woman gave me a VERY friendly routine greeting in Social -- but was told to tone it down by a mod. So Social is reducing friendliness on the site and Forums is allowing so much EXCESS negativity? Hugely inconsistent.

Also, I recommend that CC begin LIMITING the replies to threads allowed: like 3 per person, or no more than 10% of total. or like other places (profile), limit the CHARACTERS allowed on a thread. Jeez, learn to edit your prior comments.

REPLIERS: please keep responses on Topic and NOT some tangent
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Re: Chariot of Fire - trolling/flaming/baiting

Postby hmsps on Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:23 pm

GLG you are conquerer, use the proper form or it wont get looked at
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Re: Chariot of Fire - trolling/flaming/baiting

Postby mc05025 on Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:26 pm

I can not see the difference between CoF and yourself. The debate was between you and him and you used trolling/flaming too. I do not think that because the thread was about you you should have special rights. In addition, opening a C&A report for that does not seems reasonable.
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Re: Chariot of Fire - trolling/flaming/baiting

Postby plurple on Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:52 pm

I agree with gen that Chariot of Fire is trolling him just because he dosn't like his style of play. I don't personally agree with it but it is his choice how he wishes to play the game and also it is the players that he plays choice how they wish to play and whether or not they join the games with gen. Chariot of Fire if you don't like the way he plays say so then leave him alone he is not doing anything against the rules and so there is nothing that needs to be done he is not forcing anyone to play against him all they have to do is press the decline invite button and the game will not happen. I can see Chariot of Fire's point but he has taken it to far and it should be put to an end.
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Re: Chariot of Fire - trolling/flaming/baiting

Postby Gen.LeeGettinhed on Mon Jan 09, 2012 5:09 pm

mc05025 wrote:I can not see the difference between CoF and yourself. The debate was between you and him and you used trolling/flaming too. I do not think that because the thread was about you you should have special rights. In addition, opening a C&A report for that does not seems reasonable.

*************************** PM reply sent to MC: *******************************************************
MC sir:

First, congratulations on being about the most powerful player on CC. 5000 pts in 270 games is amazing -- I've always said that -- ALWAYS admired your accomplishments. Regarding your comments/reply (*** below):

I see the difference:
-as me DEFENDING myself against him/Bush.
-CoF could reply to a thread 1-2 times, and who cares. but 15 times on a nice Congrats? jeez.

you used trolling/flaming too:
-I understand Trolling is to run around bothering people
-I did NOT go onto a CoF forum thread and add crap. again I defended myself on a Congrats thread TO ME
-Flaming: maybe a bit, but I try to be lower key and funny, NOT NASTY. Also, Farming is defined as vs ?-new recruits -- which I don't do. and they imply I focus on 6-20 game players -- FAR from true.

I do not think that because the thread was about you you should have special rights.
-not looking for special rights -- I can take friendly or reasonable Detractions as well as anyone. it's overkill.
-there is a rule about trolling. he's abusing it. He thinks his opinion is more important than rules I comply with.
-don't forget, my PERSONAL name is getting trashed about. . .ID changed to stop that crap, he keeps referencing

C&A report for that does not seems reasonable.
-understand, your opinion. It's the only medium I know to slow down/stop abuse of Forum -- about me
-hmps said similar. when I asked him what other medium, he said someone should connect it.

-again, I have a LOT of respect for YOUR accomplishments. I read some of your game logs and admire your process. I've told several people: if MC wanted 6,000-10,000 points, I think he could do it
-even though I hear a LOT of people say they didn't like YOUR system, I backed you 100%. hey, your business
-I didn't break any rules to get my score. However because he disagrees with the rules, he can begin trolling/flaming?
-you are most recent conquerer (rabitton came back for 1 game). Why does CoF have such a problem with what I do and is so vocal about it -- but not you. . .or Rodion, or other top 10-20-30?
-at least when I defend myself (you call it same) I'm funny -- and not Nasty. I haven't gotten nasty with him yet.
-one of the repliers said "we can 1) agree, 2) disagree, 3) act lilke a dick. ~CoF is being #3"
-CC claims to want a Friendly campfire-like atmosphere, CoF is doing the opposite of that.

if you'd ever like, I'd enjoy the chance to talk with you in LiveChat Social. Amazingly, many detractors met me there and left a LOT less negative. Have a great 2012,

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Re: Chariot of Fire - trolling/flaming/baiting

Postby Master Bush on Mon Jan 09, 2012 5:11 pm


Dude, you're the Conqueror (god I wanna throw up just typing that) who plays a BS style, so you know posters are gonna give their opinions and debate this style. All you're doing now is making yourself look like a chump, when you post c&a reports about it.

There's no little bubble here at CC that is gonna protect you. People have a right to their opinion, and you need to deal with it.
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Re: Chariot of Fire - trolling/flaming/baiting

Postby Barney Rubble on Mon Jan 09, 2012 5:16 pm

Keeping it on topic GLG ?? Then why the whine about some greeting in chat and Three reply thread limitations all in the same complaint ?? It seems to me that all this crap between you and these "Trolling, Flamer's could be easily solved by just ignoring it all (please dont take this comment as a support in anyway of those that seem to relish in poking you with a blunt stick) Im just saying if the fire dont keep getting fed it will burn down to nothing but charred embers ...just saying
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Re: Chariot of Fire - trolling/flaming/baiting

Postby Master Bush on Mon Jan 09, 2012 5:17 pm

Btw, a lot of those posts by cof in that thread are reply posts. I guess he should just ignore them, because he already posted posted 2 or 3 times in that threads lol.

It's funny that the idea of limiting one's post count in a thread was never suggested or complained about, until those posts were anti-GLG and his joke of a playing style. I guess it's a case of minimizing things, which GLG is good at.
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Re: Chariot of Fire - trolling/flaming/baiting

Postby s3xt0y on Mon Jan 09, 2012 5:23 pm

Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:Also, I recommend that CC begin LIMITING the replies to threads allowed: like 3 per person, or no more than 10% of total. or like other places (profile), limit the CHARACTERS allowed on a thread. Jeez, learn to edit your prior comments.

That one needs to be put in the suggestions form.

From what I read in that forum, the trolling/flaming/baiting was coming from both sides. I do agree that it would feel like people are ganging up on you but you do have to realize that as Conquerer not everyone is going to like you. That doesn't give them the right to troll/flame/bait BUT as the "best" player on CC you need to think of yourself as a public figure and act in accordance.

Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:To those of you who were positive, Happy New Year. For those of you who declined (busy or dislike), thank you for your self control. For Naysayers, fine. for REPEATING DRONING naysayers, get your jammies on. It's time for your momma to read you a beddy bye story. I hope it's your favorite one: with GLG as the boogey man.

There were a lot of instances but i'm too lazy to copy and past them all. This type of post is just antagonizing the people who you are arguing with. Anyway IMHO your getting the shitty end of the stick, but at the same time rising to there bait is just as bad.

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Re: Chariot of Fire - trolling/flaming/baiting

Postby GoranZ on Mon Jan 09, 2012 5:28 pm

Hahahahahahaha... Gen.LeeGettinhed you really think that you accomplished something? What would that be? Reward for being cook serial killer, nothing more lol

Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:*************************** PM reply sent to MC: *******************************************************
-again, I have a LOT of respect for YOUR accomplishments. I read some of your game logs and admire your process. I've told several people: if MC wanted 6,000-10,000 points, I think he could do it
-even though I hear a LOT of people say they didn't like YOUR system, I backed you 100%. hey, your business
-I didn't break any rules to get my score. However because he disagrees with the rules, he can begin trolling/flaming?
-you are most recent conquerer (rabitton came back for 1 game). Why does CoF have such a problem with what I do and is so vocal about it -- but not you. . .or Rodion, or other top 10-20-30?
-at least when I defend myself (you call it same) I'm funny -- and not Nasty. I haven't gotten nasty with him yet.
-one of the repliers said "we can 1) agree, 2) disagree, 3) act lilke a dick. ~CoF is being #3"
-CC claims to want a Friendly campfire-like atmosphere, CoF is doing the opposite of that.


Although I don't like mc because of RL issue I can guarantee that MC IS OPPOSITE OF YOU, and you can only dream to be like him.

Gen.LeeGettinhed have you asked your self how does it look to fight agents 2K+ player?
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Re: Chariot of Fire - trolling/flaming/baiting

Postby s3xt0y on Mon Jan 09, 2012 5:29 pm

Master Bush wrote:Btw, a lot of those posts by cof in that thread are reply posts. I guess he should just ignore them, because he already posted posted 2 or 3 times in that threads lol.

It's funny that the idea of limiting one's post count in a thread was never suggested or complained about, until those posts were anti-GLG and his joke of a playing style. I guess it's a case of minimizing things, which GLG is good at.

Master Bush, this thread is all about trolling/flaming/baiting, and everything you wrote above was a flame/bait. If your so keen on cleaning up this site as I have seen you post so many times (well "clean" is a term i'm using), in so many different ways you have to start with yourself.
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Re: Chariot of Fire - trolling/flaming/baiting

Postby Gen.LeeGettinhed on Mon Jan 09, 2012 5:43 pm

Summary of Agree/disagree, Trolls (thru 30 posts -- disregards multiple replies):
9 Agree: hmsps, Plurple, Barney Rubble, S3xt0y, Freakns, Babson, No Survivors, Danish412, jefjef
2 Disagree: (not counting Trolls)
3 Trolls/off topic: (8 by Master Bush 2, GoranZ, CoF -- not counted as disagrees)
. .my Thread, my interpretation

* * * * *
Summary of Agree/disagree, Trolls (thru 15 posts -- disregards multiple replies):
4 Agree:
2 Disagree:
2 Trolls/off topic: (4 by Master Bush, GoranZ)

Amazingly DETRACTORS agree that it's trolling/flaming/baiting.
MB: state your disagreement with THIS thread and move on. 4 responses out of 15, 2 in a row, is trolling -- implies ADD/ADHD
* * * * *
Summary of Agree/disagree, Trolls (thru 11 posts -- disregards multiple replies):
4 Agree:
2 Disagree:
2 Trolls/off topic: (Master Bush, GoranZ)
Last edited by Gen.LeeGettinhed on Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:46 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Chariot of Fire - trolling/flaming/baiting

Postby s3xt0y on Mon Jan 09, 2012 5:54 pm

Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:Summary of Agree/disagree, Trolls (thru 11 posts -- disregards multiple replies):
4 Agree:
2 Disagree:
2 Trolls/off topic: (Master Bush, GoranZ)

Amazingly DETRACTORS agree that it's trolling/flaming/baiting

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Re: Chariot of Fire - trolling/flaming/baiting

Postby Master Bush on Mon Jan 09, 2012 6:46 pm

s3xt0y wrote:
Master Bush wrote:Btw, a lot of those posts by cof in that thread are reply posts. I guess he should just ignore them, because he already posted posted 2 or 3 times in that threads lol.

It's funny that the idea of limiting one's post count in a thread was never suggested or complained about, until those posts were anti-GLG and his joke of a playing style. I guess it's a case of minimizing things, which GLG is good at.

Master Bush, this thread is all about trolling/flaming/baiting, and everything you wrote above was a flame/bait. If your so keen on cleaning up this site as I have seen you post so many times (well "clean" is a term i'm using), in so many different ways you have to start with yourself.

Really, because to me, it looks like a reply to GLG's suggestion of 3 posts limit in a thread.
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Re: Chariot of Fire - trolling/flaming/baiting

Postby Master Bush on Mon Jan 09, 2012 6:50 pm

Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:Summary of Agree/disagree, Trolls (thru 11 posts -- disregards multiple replies):
4 Agree:
2 Disagree:
2 Trolls/off topic: (Master Bush, GoranZ)


I disagree and GoranZ disagrees, so that makes 4 disagrees. And you seem to either be counting yourself, or counting s3xt0y twice, because I only count 3 agrees, and one wasnt really that strong of an endorsement.
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Re: Chariot of Fire - trolling/flaming/baiting

Postby GoranZ on Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:14 pm

Master Bush wrote:
Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:Summary of Agree/disagree, Trolls (thru 11 posts -- disregards multiple replies):
4 Agree:
2 Disagree:
2 Trolls/off topic: (Master Bush, GoranZ)


I disagree and GoranZ disagrees, so that makes 4 disagrees. And you seem to either be counting yourself, or counting s3xt0y twice, because I only count 3 agrees, and one wasnt really that strong of an endorsement.

You have to look with his eyes and count with his fingers(no wonder he only plays agents cooks) MB if you like to get to 4/2/2.

officially you can count me in Disagree GLG... The topic that chariot posts too many times is in General Discussion and it is about your "achievements"... IDK how you expect he to write about someone else. He probably posts too many times because he is impressed with your "strategy" lol

P.S. I guess everyone that is impressed with GLG's "strategy" is trolling/baiting/flaming

Free help for GLG so we wont waste our time:

king achilles wrote:I told you to report all forum posts that you see as forum violations and then to put him on foe. If you have already done that, then you have already done your part.
Last edited by GoranZ on Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Chariot of Fire - trolling/flaming/baiting

Postby s3xt0y on Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:21 pm

Master Bush wrote:
s3xt0y wrote:
Master Bush wrote:Btw, a lot of those posts by cof in that thread are reply posts. I guess he should just ignore them, because he already posted posted 2 or 3 times in that threads lol.

It's funny that the idea of limiting one's post count in a thread was never suggested or complained about, until those posts were anti-GLG and his joke of a playing style. I guess it's a case of minimizing things, which GLG is good at.

Master Bush, this thread is all about trolling/flaming/baiting, and everything you wrote above was a flame/bait. If your so keen on cleaning up this site as I have seen you post so many times (well "clean" is a term i'm using), in so many different ways you have to start with yourself.

Really, because to me, it looks like a reply to GLG's suggestion of 3 posts limit in a thread.

So your telling me that you don't think calling GLG's method of playing a joke is baiting him? I know your out to get him, and half the other people on this site, but do you honestly not see a bait above?

I don't think GLG's rank accurately reflects his skill on all maps, but it is certainly impressive that he managed to get to the top of the scoreboard...that alone even if your playing people who don't know what their doing is impressive.
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Re: Chariot of Fire - trolling/flaming/baiting

Postby freakns on Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:22 pm

i agree, CoF should be banned cause its not nice flaming mentally challenged people. shame on you CoF!
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Re: Chariot of Fire - trolling/flaming/baiting

Postby betiko on Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:35 pm

GoranZ wrote:Hahahahahahaha... Gen.LeeGettinhed you really think that you accomplished something? What would that be? Reward for being cook serial killer, nothing more lol

Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:*************************** PM reply sent to MC: *******************************************************
-again, I have a LOT of respect for YOUR accomplishments. I read some of your game logs and admire your process. I've told several people: if MC wanted 6,000-10,000 points, I think he could do it
-even though I hear a LOT of people say they didn't like YOUR system, I backed you 100%. hey, your business
-I didn't break any rules to get my score. However because he disagrees with the rules, he can begin trolling/flaming?
-you are most recent conquerer (rabitton came back for 1 game). Why does CoF have such a problem with what I do and is so vocal about it -- but not you. . .or Rodion, or other top 10-20-30?
-at least when I defend myself (you call it same) I'm funny -- and not Nasty. I haven't gotten nasty with him yet.
-one of the repliers said "we can 1) agree, 2) disagree, 3) act lilke a dick. ~CoF is being #3"
-CC claims to want a Friendly campfire-like atmosphere, CoF is doing the opposite of that.


Although I don't like mc because of RL issue I can guarantee that MC IS OPPOSITE OF YOU, and you can only dream to be like him.

Gen.LeeGettinhed have you asked your self how does it look to fight agents 2K+ player?

let me guess; alexander the great, greece and macedonia must be part of your disagreement? :lol:

regarding the OP; no i don't think a poster should be limited to a certain % of replies; adding this rule would be silly and annoying. imagine someone calls you out and you are not able to answer because of your post % in the thread.

I think that GLG gets the point of a few players, I think that other players know that how he wants to play and that s how he is allowed to play. can we please stop this subject?
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Re: Chariot of Fire - trolling/flaming/baiting

Postby Babson_Terror on Mon Jan 09, 2012 9:11 pm

Lets try to ignore the fact that Glg is ranked nr1 and approach this matter 'Objectivity ' (sorry i translate from my native language', its quite obvious that Chariot of fire is hardcore trolling and flaming (i hope so it would be worse if he aint trolling) wich is not allowed by the rules. end of discussion i don't think anyone can deny that :)
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Re: Chariot of Fire - trolling/flaming/baiting

Postby Chariot of Fire on Mon Jan 09, 2012 9:36 pm

Haha, this guy's a piece of work, really. I love the repeated use of the 'friends around the campfire' analogy. I don't know of many people that build a fire, invite friends to it, and then fleece them of their possessions and their dignity. Oh wait, I do know of one such person.

I merely made my disdain for this practice known in a public thread. Posts thereafter were either rebuttals, replies or corrections. Having read all of Gen.LeeGettinhed's recent posts with their flawed logic, false accusations and puerile attempts at wit, I have drawn the conclusion he must be a child (or with the mental capacity of one). Any further attempts at bringing to light his unscrupulous method of earning points and alienating newcomers to the site would make me just as great a bully as a player who takes advantage of an 11-year-old boy (for that you'd have to see the history between the players Gen.LeeGettinhed and *netham*, of which there is much posted in multiple C&A threads).

So, end of debate for me.
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Re: Chariot of Fire - trolling/flaming/baiting

Postby NoSurvivors on Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:36 pm


I've seen GLG play. He has probably one of the best strategies on this site. When I played with him in doubles, I learned a lot of things. He has very balanced play, and is a great leader. If you guys think his way of winning is so easy, go ahead ad do it. Prove to CC that ANYONE can do it. Because I can garuntee that not a one of the people (who, in fact are flaming GLG, look at all of the negative posts in a CONGRATS thread for Pete's sake) will be able to do what he has done. Instead, they will now most likely continue to hide behind their keyboards and pretend that they are all better than him, which I garuntee most of you are not.

On topic:

CoF, I have nothing against you or GLG. But posting all the negative comments in a thread made by GLG's friend to congratulate him? That strikes me as flaming. GLG, I and all the rest of CC apologuise for the behavior of the jealous members of CC. Although they go on about how the "integrity of the site" is at risk, they still continue to flame you. I hope justice will be served in your favour.

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Re: Chariot of Fire - trolling/flaming/baiting

Postby Master Bush on Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:47 pm

NoSurvivors wrote:First:

I've seen GLG play. He has probably one of the best strategies on this site. When I played with him in doubles, I learned a lot of things. He has very balanced play, and is a great leader. If you guys think his way of winning is so easy, go ahead ad do it. Prove to CC that ANYONE can do it. Because I can garuntee that not a one of the people (who, in fact are flaming GLG, look at all of the negative posts in a CONGRATS thread for Pete's sake) will be able to do what he has done. Instead, they will now most likely continue to hide behind their keyboards and pretend that they are all better than him, which I garuntee most of you are not.

On topic:

CoF, I have nothing against you or GLG. But posting all the negative comments in a thread made by GLG's friend to congratulate him? That strikes me as flaming. GLG, I and all the rest of CC apologuise for the behavior of the jealous members of CC. Although they go on about how the "integrity of the site" is at risk, they still continue to flame you. I hope justice will be served in your favour.


another post from a bias GLG friend and oft team mate.
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Re: Chariot of Fire - trolling/flaming/baiting

Postby danish412 on Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:52 pm

Master Bush is obviously baiting Gen.LeeGettinhed in these posts. Of all the posters, he has called out Gen.LeeGettinhed on a personal level and is attacking his performance in Conquer Club. This should not be tolerated. Gen.LeeGettinhed has a legitimate right to voice his complaints about his treatment on this site and not be attacked for doing so. The forum sounds to me like Gen.LeeGettinhed is being baited right and left. COF is definitely to blame. He was attacking personal comments on Gen.LeeGettinhed's personal profile and butting into conversations he had no right to do so in. This is no longer a matter of opinion. This is an epic struggle between the forces of the enlightened Gen.LeeGettinhed and the oppressive forces of COF and Master Bush. If a precedent is set in which such terrible baiting as this will not be tolerated, the likes of COF and Master Bush will fade into the shadows. If not, then only more baiters will arise and take advantage of the procedural bickering such as that that is occurring on this page. COF has no right to make personal remarks against Gen.LeeGettinhed and get away with it. Gen.LeeGettinhed has never commented negatively on the personal boards of COF and has never started any baiting. We are at a turning point, such as Stalingrad was for the Germans, we shall either continue on and the glory of Conquer Club will shine bright in the sky, or we will let it become degraded to the point that the term "Conquer Club" means corruption. At this point, we have reached a Seldon Crisis, allusion to the Foundation Series, and we must progress forward. As the foundationers trusted Salvor Hardin to lead them out of the crisis and conclude a treaty with the Four Kingdoms, so to shall we trust in the brave and defiant Gen.LeeGettinhed. If Conquer Club lasts for another thousand generations, gamers will still say, 'this was our finest hour'.
Last edited by danish412 on Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:13 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Chariot of Fire - trolling/flaming/baiting

Postby TheForgivenOne on Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:54 pm

Master Bush wrote:
NoSurvivors wrote:First:

I've seen GLG play. He has probably one of the best strategies on this site. When I played with him in doubles, I learned a lot of things. He has very balanced play, and is a great leader. If you guys think his way of winning is so easy, go ahead ad do it. Prove to CC that ANYONE can do it. Because I can garuntee that not a one of the people (who, in fact are flaming GLG, look at all of the negative posts in a CONGRATS thread for Pete's sake) will be able to do what he has done. Instead, they will now most likely continue to hide behind their keyboards and pretend that they are all better than him, which I garuntee most of you are not.

On topic:

CoF, I have nothing against you or GLG. But posting all the negative comments in a thread made by GLG's friend to congratulate him? That strikes me as flaming. GLG, I and all the rest of CC apologuise for the behavior of the jealous members of CC. Although they go on about how the "integrity of the site" is at risk, they still continue to flame you. I hope justice will be served in your favour.


another post from a bias GLG friend and oft team mate.

And your posts aren't biased?
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