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SD Lucifer - Multi - [CLEARED] KRK

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SD Lucifer - Multi - [CLEARED] KRK

Postby b00060 on Fri Jan 06, 2012 2:34 pm

SD Lucifer

The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis

Game number(s):

Comments: 61% win rate and nothing but fast freestyle turns in less than 40 games. Half of his games are against the same guy and someone he just happens to bring up saying he is not his multi. I am sure that he used a separate ip or had someone else log in there simultaneously, so I am not going to challenge that a11235carrot is the other account. But I will challenge that this ip he uses for this account doesn't pop for being a multi. Way to obvious, he even hides his status and country under an anonymous proxy.
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Re: SD Lucifer

Postby SD Lucifer on Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:54 pm

I use the proxy to get past school firewalls.
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Re: SD Lucifer

Postby SD Lucifer on Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:55 pm

Win rate doe not determine multi-character.
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Re: SD Lucifer

Postby Caymanmew on Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:25 pm

i thought conquer club blocked proxy's
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Re: SD Lucifer

Postby TheForgivenOne on Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:27 pm

SD Lucifer wrote:Win rate doe not determine multi-character.

Actually quite a few times it does. Think about it, a very experienced risk players makes a second account. Who would you bet would win more of there first 10 games? Him or a newbie?
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Re: SD Lucifer

Postby b00060 on Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:59 pm

Your school blocks CC? How long have you been there? You signed up 2 years ago? Give it up, I hope the bust your other accounts too.
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Re: SD Lucifer

Postby Bored2tears on Sat Jan 07, 2012 1:06 am

so b00060 do you actualy play here or do you just enjoy pissing people off and making them quit either way you a poor loser and a real asshole,by the way Grim reaper ROFL.....dick
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Re: SD Lucifer

Postby b00060 on Sat Jan 07, 2012 8:56 am

Bored2tears wrote:so b00060 do you actualy play here or do you just enjoy pissing people off and making them quit either way you a poor loser and a real asshole,by the way Grim reaper ROFL.....dick

Do I actually play here?????....coming from someone with all of 17 games under their belt, or should I say 17 games under the id you posted with. I have almost 30,000 games and the last two people I reported both were confirmed multis, so yes, when it comes to finding cheaters like you, I thoroughly enjoy it. I have no problem losing as long as it is not to a multi.
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Re: SD Lucifer

Postby Extreme Ways on Sat Jan 07, 2012 9:46 am

b00060 wrote:
Bored2tears wrote:so b00060 do you actualy play here or do you just enjoy pissing people off and making them quit either way you a poor loser and a real asshole,by the way Grim reaper ROFL.....dick

Do I actually play here?????....coming from someone with all of 17 games under their belt, or should I say 17 games under the id you posted with. I have almost 30,000 games and the last two people I reported both were confirmed multis, so yes, when it comes to finding cheaters like you, I thoroughly enjoy it. I have no problem losing as long as it is not to a multi.

You have. You rated me all 1 stars after Game 9864960. You totally ignored me too. If you foed me afterwards because of any medal, OK. But 1 star ratings because I won? I wouldn't been that sure as you are about SD.

EDIT: My ratings example above does not mean he is a ratings system abuser, I just wanted to show him he isn't always a good loser.
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Re: SD Lucifer

Postby QoH on Sat Jan 07, 2012 12:04 pm

Bored2tears wrote:so b00060 do you actualy play here or do you just enjoy pissing people off and making them quit either way you a poor loser and a real asshole,by the way Grim reaper ROFL.....dick

Flame? :-s

ANd I'd say b00060 is probably the best Multi Hunter I've come across who isn't actually a mod...
Please don't invite me to any pickup games. I will decline the invite.
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Re: SD Lucifer

Postby b00060 on Sat Jan 07, 2012 3:03 pm

Thanks QOH, it is getting easier as the amount of multis on this site increases everyday. They cheat and abuse the system and then cry foul and complain when someone reports them like the whistle blower is the one cheating. Unfortunately, I bust one and they come back as more names and continue to joiun my games to get revenge against my 2000-2500 rank and their 1000 points.
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Re: SD Lucifer

Postby cookie0117 on Sat Jan 07, 2012 5:22 pm

b00060 wrote:Thanks QOH, it is getting easier as the amount of multis on this site increases everyday. They cheat and abuse the system and then cry foul and complain when someone reports them like the whistle blower is the one cheating. Unfortunately, I bust one and they come back as more names and continue to joiun my games to get revenge against my 2000-2500 rank and their 1000 points.

It has been suggested in suggestions, that if a multi is busted all the points they have aquired while playing are returned to the players that lost them.

My comment here is in no way a comment on the person accused, also no meaning to go off topic. Just pointing out that there is a very simple solution to stop multis being rewarded for cheating and its a very simple solution.

*Edited to add the link, follow it and get it implimented!!
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Re: SD Lucifer

Postby SD Lucifer on Sun Jan 08, 2012 12:51 pm

I am not a multi. That is all I will say.

I live in Texas, and my friend is in the East (undisclosed for privacy).
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Re: SD Lucifer - Multi - [pending] KRK

Postby b00060 on Mon Jan 09, 2012 8:50 pm

Here is a new game showing his "friend" tanking a team game and taking turns seconds after one another to steal points. Also please notice that a11235carrot who has an 18% win rate tanking against his other account just happens to play me once and crush me in a realtime freestyle game the same time as his other account. Also for such good friends, they sure are quiet in the game chat ie. completely silent!
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Re: SD Lucifer - Multi - [pending] KRK

Postby SD Lucifer on Mon Jan 09, 2012 9:30 pm

a carrot dude might have had a bunch of luck. this does not determine my multi-character, especially since my game w/ you went 18v3 to 4v3 to 2v3... you might have had the same bad luck then.

Plus, I did not use carrot to steal points. He found a game and thought he could beat me. But he didn't realize that there was a game objective--which I obtained first, ending the game. I didn't conquer the whole map. I play smart.
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Re: SD Lucifer - Multi - [pending] KRK

Postby b00060 on Mon Jan 09, 2012 9:34 pm

and what about the team games where he tanks his team and you win and you take turns seconds after he ends everytime??????
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Re: SD Lucifer - Multi - [pending] KRK

Postby mc05025 on Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:11 pm

b00060 wrote:and what about the team games where he tanks his team and you win and you take turns seconds after he ends everytime??????

In addition there something else too, that in my opinion, almost prove b00060 accuses.

He is so obnoxious that a lot of people would like to make some multies just to beat him and have fun with him. I have even thought about that by myself... and so I do not doubt at all that SD Lucifer is the multy of one of his 10000 haters ;)
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Re: SD Lucifer - Multi - [pending] KRK

Postby b00060 on Tue Jan 10, 2012 8:32 am

Yes, considering I busted 31 multi accounts yesterday, yes 31, look em up, I am sure multis such as yourself are extremely upset that I am defending honest players on this site and making your cheating more difficult. I have no problem setting up games and having these multi accounts try and steal 50 points from me as long as it will lead me to their real accounts and bust them. The fact that you defend the cheaters that have been busted alone is despicable to me. I do not see how in any way someone honest can actually feel they are in the right by acting the way you are mc05025. You of all people should know that it is hard enough to keep your rank up without a bunch of skilled players starting new accounts and taking 50 points a win instead of 15 with their real account, so one has to ask them-self what your motive is in defending these convicted players.


This guy alone had 23 accounts. You mean to tell me I am not supposed to be pissed of, check that, the community should not be pissed off that this guy is creating a ton of accounts and stealing points from players starting over as a ? with a documented past of over 2000 games under his belt instead of using one account that has a higher rank reflective of his skill? Perhaps you would enjoy playing in a few quad games against your normal group, but instead they were multis newbie ? with a 1000 rank instead of 4000 and see how you feel losing 150 points instead of 20. But then again, I know how hard and unpleasant it is to play the games you do in order to keep your rank up, so I am sure several of you have separate accounts that you use to play actual games you enjoy without risking your rank and that is what is pissing you off.


Last edited by b00060 on Tue Jan 10, 2012 9:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SD Lucifer - Multi - [pending] KRK

Postby SD Lucifer on Tue Jan 10, 2012 8:58 am

You always be wrong with at least one.

Have you read about the Salem Witch Trials?

Paranoia is powerful, but also dangerous.
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Re: SD Lucifer - Multi - [pending] KRK

Postby b00060 on Tue Jan 10, 2012 11:56 am

mc05025 wrote:
b00060 wrote:and what about the team games where he tanks his team and you win and you take turns seconds after he ends everytime??????

In addition there something else too, that in my opinion, almost prove b00060 accuses.

He is so obnoxious that a lot of people would like to make some multies just to beat him and have fun with him. I have even thought about that by myself... and so I do not doubt at all that SD Lucifer is the multy of one of his 10000 haters ;)

It's a shame that you are too scared to play me with your account and have "fun". And as far as pissing people off, the only ones that should get pissed are the ones that are found guilty and I could care less if they get pissed. Until we can filter out lower ranks and new accounts, the paying players on this site will be exposed to multi abuse.
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Re: SD Lucifer - Multi - [pending] KRK

Postby mc05025 on Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:07 pm

b00060 wrote:Yes, considering I busted 31 multi accounts yesterday, yes 31, look em up, I am sure multis such as yourself are extremely upset that I am defending honest players on this site and making your cheating more difficult. I have no problem setting up games and having these multi accounts try and steal 50 points from me as long as it will lead me to their real accounts and bust them. The fact that you defend the cheaters that have been busted alone is despicable to me. I do not see how in any way someone honest can actually feel they are in the right by acting the way you are mc05025. You of all people should know that it is hard enough to keep your rank up without a bunch of skilled players starting new accounts and taking 50 points a win instead of 15 with their real account, so one has to ask them-self what your motive is in defending these convicted players.


This guy alone had 23 accounts. You mean to tell me I am not supposed to be pissed of, check that, the community should not be pissed off that this guy is creating a ton of accounts and stealing points from players starting over as a ? with a documented past of over 2000 games under his belt instead of using one account that has a higher rank reflective of his skill? Perhaps you would enjoy playing in a few quad games against your normal group, but instead they were multis newbie ? with a 1000 rank instead of 4000 and see how you feel losing 150 points instead of 20. But then again, I know how hard and unpleasant it is to play the games you do in order to keep your rank up, so I am sure several of you have separate accounts that you use to play actual games you enjoy without risking your rank and that is what is pissing you off.



The problem here is that I can not stop laughing with what I am reading.
Why are you complaining? I was with your side giving new evidence to prove you right :D :D :D
Yes, I am so upset for not being able to make a multy account and play games I enjoy (because with my account I play only one boring style of games) because you will catch me immidiatly hahahaha.

In a more serious mode man, have you counted how many inocent people you have accused? at the last page I found 2 and with me included we have 3. It is not nice for new players being accused because someone have mental problems. For me I do not care because I now how many jealous and pathetic people there at the site but I whould have trully pissed of if you have accused me when I had 50 games and 2000 score, when I thought that a colonel can not be a complet stupid ;) .

EDIT. Hey you are online posting new jokes. I can not answer that because I think the mods will be very mad 8-)
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Re: SD Lucifer - Multi - [pending] KRK

Postby Evolution299 on Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:18 pm

b00060 wrote:Yes, considering I busted 31 multi accounts yesterday, yes 31, look em up, I am sure multis such as yourself are extremely upset that I am defending honest players on this site and making your cheating more difficult. I have no problem setting up games and having these multi accounts try and steal 50 points from me as long as it will lead me to their real accounts and bust them. The fact that you defend the cheaters that have been busted alone is despicable to me. I do not see how in any way someone honest can actually feel they are in the right by acting the way you are mc05025. You of all people should know that it is hard enough to keep your rank up without a bunch of skilled players starting new accounts and taking 50 points a win instead of 15 with their real account, so one has to ask them-self what your motive is in defending these convicted players.


This guy alone had 23 accounts. You mean to tell me I am not supposed to be pissed of, check that, the community should not be pissed off that this guy is creating a ton of accounts and stealing points from players starting over as a ? with a documented past of over 2000 games under his belt instead of using one account that has a higher rank reflective of his skill? Perhaps you would enjoy playing in a few quad games against your normal group, but instead they were multis newbie ? with a 1000 rank instead of 4000 and see how you feel losing 150 points instead of 20. But then again, I know how hard and unpleasant it is to play the games you do in order to keep your rank up, so I am sure several of you have separate accounts that you use to play actual games you enjoy without risking your rank and that is what is pissing you off.



Actually, if anything, you might have busted 3 since you brought it to the attention of the MH's. E84 busted28 accounts yesterday.

I love how it says to be sure before you post on here when you file a C&A I wonder how many people B00060 has been wrong about. Could you imagine if there was a penalty for accusing and being wrong? Like you lose 200 points every time.

I did notice that alot of the games that B00060 brings up, he is losing at the time. Smart for him to file and hope it gets resolved before the game ends. Then he gets the points for the win.

Sounds like a good strategy. Play the game and if at all anything looks fishy, file a C&A complaint and hopes it gets resolved in your favour. ;)

But I will give you props B00060. You do have a keen eye for the multis.
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Re: SD Lucifer - Multi - [pending] KRK

Postby b00060 on Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:48 pm

mc05025 Perhaps if I wasn't losing 50 points a game to very experienced players posing as newbies, while at the same time only getting 6 points for beating them, I would have a rank sufficient enough to play against you.

Losing at the time? Not true, I can tell after one round usually if you are playing way above your rank and game experience, just as most of the experienced players on this site can, especially in freestyle. As far as those busts, do you think they would have done an ip check if I didn't tell them something was fishy? In fact only a small percentage of the players I accuse are not busted and I know without a doubt that the majority of them were smart enough to not use the same ip address and were still probably guilty. Besides, if you have 2 games under your belt, odds are, if you recall when you were a noobie, that you wouldn't even see this forum until it had been sorted out.

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Re: SD Lucifer - Multi - [pending] KRK

Postby SD Lucifer on Tue Jan 10, 2012 1:10 pm


I am one of those who are a small percentage.

I would advise you to look at ALL of my games. -.-
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Re: SD Lucifer - Multi - [pending] KRK

Postby b00060 on Tue Jan 10, 2012 1:11 pm

I would look at all of them, but I do not know the other user ids you use and if you are smart enough to use a different ip address each time I guess we never will.
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