All 3 of these I found came from the same game and all got 3 stars on each of the 3 ratings, including the winner:
Game 10297777Rating left for
Lord of the Dice and his response to the rating left
Tags: Slow, Irrational, Follower
Response: slow? i'm the quickest player on the site (online 10 hours a day) you must've meant that you're a little slow and don't understand the ratings...i forgive you
*Lord of the Dice didnt miss a single turn and took his turn pretty fast for a non speed gameRating left for
fabrizio5555Tags: Backstabber, Coward, Sore Loser
*Not a team game. there was no truce in the game chat, nor did fabrizio5555 even make a single post in the game chatRating left for the game's winner
Beastwho and his response to the rating left
Tags: Slow, Teammate Killer, Suicider
Response: This rating and these comments don't make any sense in relation to the game we played...?
*Again, not a team game, didnt miss a single turn, and won the game.By my count, that's 6 cases of ratings abuse.