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king achilles for abuse of power (among others)[closed]

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Re: king achilles for abuse of power (among others)

Postby lindseyland78 on Sat Dec 31, 2011 5:44 pm

nietzsche wrote:
There are those who try to improve and fix what they like. We like being at CC and we don't want this to happen, we want things right. We value being part of this community and we want justice for all.

There are others who simply do not have the time or the desire to do it, but are equally interested. And there are others who simply walk away, as you suggest. That is my last option.

And to be honest that's the way capitalism works. When CC starts to lose income, when lackattack starts to see a downward trend in membership renewal he will start to look for the cause, he will have a few clues and if he's lucky enough he'll find the problem and if he's smart enough fix it, but that will be too late for me because even tho king achilles attitude will be slapped I will be long gone. I wish this is fixed now, and I believe reason accompanies our protest.

If you let them get away with this later in similar cases they will do the same. And we will do the same, take it in the ass.

You are one of the ones I mentioned to be intellectuals because this is a reasonable response. Your case is that you enjoy aspects of the site and see areas that you believe need improvement and would like to see it bettered. You do not want to leave but fear people leaving is the only way to bring change. Excellent point of discussion.

My counter argument is this, How many reasonable posts have there been between the Masli, eye84free, and KA case? How many times have people come at the admin with possible solution and suggestion instead of attacks and insults. Which do you think the admin are more like to respond to? If improvement is what you seek, stricter regulations and more rules evenly enforced then come up with some guidelines and fair punishments and move this thread to the suggestions forum. Don't create a thread in the cheating and abuse forum that encourages people who just like to gripe and complain to take stabs at the mods. This will get you no where. Do you understand what I mean?
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Re: king achilles for abuse of power (among others)

Postby eye84free on Sat Dec 31, 2011 10:35 pm

This topis is getting way off course. Therefor it is locked untill A reply can be made.

Thank you for your time.
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Re: king achilles for abuse of power (among others)

Postby king achilles on Mon Jan 02, 2012 2:58 am

I don't even need to dignify this. Sorry. :-s
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