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brynnsmith1 a multi?[Cleared]e84

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brynnsmith1 a multi?[Cleared]e84

Postby VicFontaine on Thu Dec 29, 2011 11:24 am



The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis/a 2nd account

Game number(s):

Game 10337319 --> tipped me off and led me to some initial investigation.

A first-time play on Dos Schloss deploying with perfection, using perfect strategy? Unlikely. The game chat saying, "My brother, he used to play...he gave me some pointers." Very odd.

A win percentage in the high 40's with a relatively new player? Unlikely, especially when a review of all games included maps like Iraq, Jamaica, Lunar (and against seasoned opponents), Poland...maps that aren't exactly the "classic" map, but he's got near-perfect win %ages on them. Granted, it's possible to play them as well as Brynn, but it's suspicious when coupled with the above on least, to me :)

Perhaps a scan of email accounts or such.

Since I've had multis in about 25% of my games in the last month, I'm getting (perhaps) overly sensitive to seeing them everywhere. If that's the case here, and Brynn's cleared, I sincerely apologize. Nothing like being falsely accused to really piss you off.
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Re: brynnsmith1 a multi?

Postby VicFontaine on Fri Dec 30, 2011 9:52 pm

Just want to say how wonderful it is this isn't getting any look. Oh well.
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Re: brynnsmith1 a multi?

Postby Arcee on Fri Dec 30, 2011 9:54 pm

VicFontaine wrote:Just want to say how wonderful it is this isn't getting any look. Oh well.

It's only been one day. There are other complaints as well. The hunters also have lives outside CC, including the current holiday season. Chill, they will get to it.
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Re: brynnsmith1 a multi?

Postby VicFontaine on Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:33 pm


This kind of thing could easily have the equivalent of a restaurant. No one demands the drink, appetizer, and main course withing 4 minutes of sitting down. But being told, "I see you, I'll get to you in a minute, k?" Is sufficient.

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Re: brynnsmith1 a multi?

Postby hmsps on Sun Jan 01, 2012 10:53 am

Arcee wrote:
VicFontaine wrote:Just want to say how wonderful it is this isn't getting any look. Oh well.

It's only been one day. There are other complaints as well. The hunters also have lives outside CC, including the current holiday season. Chill, they will get to it.
What we have learned recently is that if the person is in a MH's game it takes 23 seconds to bust them, I appreciate that they have lives outside of CC but if they dont have the time as you suggest maybe it is time for someone else to take on the role and take this forward. I am currently in 3 games with the accused so will take my turns very slowly from this point forward until the outcome has been decided.
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Re: brynnsmith1 a multi?

Postby eye84free on Sun Jan 01, 2012 6:22 pm

Well so the above player doesnt feel as if he isnt getting a fair shake. We are looking into this and have been looking into this 11 seconds after the post. I have no idea when ill have an answer for you, do to having to realy look into this so I dont unfairly judge someone.

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Re: brynnsmith1 a multi?[Pending]e84

Postby hmsps on Sun Jan 01, 2012 6:32 pm

Would it not help the community to say u are looking into a case when u actually start looking into it then, It would have saved my smart arse comment and your response? I hear the record is 23 secs so you got to go some to beat that
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Re: brynnsmith1 a multi?

Postby VicFontaine on Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:21 pm

eye84free wrote:Well so the above player doesnt feel as if he isnt getting a fair shake. We are looking into this and have been looking into this 11 seconds after the post. I have no idea when ill have an answer for you, do to having to realy look into this so I dont unfairly judge someone.


Hey thanks, man, I appreciate it. Glad to know you were "on it."
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Re: brynnsmith1 a multi?[Pending]e84

Postby eye84free on Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:28 pm

Not a Problem Vic. When it comes to looking into prim/non-prim members I dont want to poss guilt with out good concrete evidence. This one looks to have a family member or someone in same house hold, but there are some questions. Stand by and ill get back to you.

For those of you who dont accept a response I give save it for a flame post elsewhere, the issue at hand has to do with the post of a multi. If it has nothing to do with evidence on said topic then dont post.
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Re: brynnsmith1 a multi?[Pending]e84

Postby VicFontaine on Sun Jan 01, 2012 8:12 pm

Eye, be sure you read the game chat from the game number I posted above. He states some things there that made me very suspicious, and then his lack of response to my talking about his brother and I playing dubs (which we can do the game search to see), again...suspicious. That's why I posted this.

I, too, hate accusing the innocent. I've been nailed several times, wrongly. Don't want to do that to this guy.
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Re: brynnsmith1 a multi?[Cleared]e84

Postby eye84free on Sun Jan 01, 2012 10:24 pm

After looking at the chat/ game logs and other ave. there isnt enough to say forsure he is a multi. I did note this for future ref. For the time being he is cleared of being a multi.
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Re: brynnsmith1 a multi?[Cleared]e84

Postby VicFontaine on Sun Jan 01, 2012 10:32 pm

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Re: brynnsmith1 a multi?[Cleared]e84

Postby eye84free on Sun Jan 01, 2012 10:36 pm

Anytime. Thats why I get paid the big bucks. lol
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