The accused are suspected of:
Being Multis/a 2nd account
Game number(s):
Game 10337319 --> tipped me off and led me to some initial investigation.
A first-time play on Dos Schloss deploying with perfection, using perfect strategy? Unlikely. The game chat saying, "My brother, he used to play...he gave me some pointers." Very odd.
A win percentage in the high 40's with a relatively new player? Unlikely, especially when a review of all games included maps like Iraq, Jamaica, Lunar (and against seasoned opponents), Poland...maps that aren't exactly the "classic" map, but he's got near-perfect win %ages on them. Granted, it's possible to play them as well as Brynn, but it's suspicious when coupled with the above on least, to me

Perhaps a scan of email accounts or such.
Since I've had multis in about 25% of my games in the last month, I'm getting (perhaps) overly sensitive to seeing them everywhere. If that's the case here, and Brynn's cleared, I sincerely apologize. Nothing like being falsely accused to really piss you off.