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demonfork & King_Herpes game chat abuse/spam[cleared]es

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Re: demonfork & King_Herpes game chat abuse/spam[cleared]es

Postby demonfork on Sat Dec 31, 2011 5:29 pm

nietzsche wrote:im really getting tired of this couple licking **lls. have you too tried viagra??

I lost my ability to produce testosterone after my balls had to be surgically removed from the aftermath of a pretty terrible go-cart accident last fall. At this point Viagra wont help. :(
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Re: demonfork & King_Herpes game chat abuse/spam[cleared]es

Postby nietzsche on Sat Dec 31, 2011 5:32 pm

MegasWoman wrote:You need Viagra? I don't think you can blame the mods for ED though...sorry...:-(


But really it seems like you two are doing this in purpose, I mean, you don't mean it but you are having fun at home laughing as the reactions you provoke. It's getting very annoying really.

Please stop?
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Re: demonfork & King_Herpes game chat abuse/spam[cleared]es

Postby MegasWoman on Sat Dec 31, 2011 5:42 pm

So is the continious whining about every single thing a mod does at this point. Evil's decision in the case is spot on-baiting and flaming in game chat is acceptable-and allll of the previous cases prove that so why would this be different? But yet the mob is in this thread raising heck about a decision that is black and white correct. I'll stop coming in and defending them as soon as the witch hunt ceases. These guys don't deserve all of this. Especially Evil.
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Re: demonfork & King_Herpes game chat abuse/spam[cleared]es

Postby natty dread on Sat Dec 31, 2011 5:49 pm

MegasWoman wrote:yet the mob is in this thread raising heck about a decision

"Mob" indeed. As I recall most people in this thread were of the opinion that this report should be cleared, if one person (who also happens to be the one who posted the report) whines about the decision it doesn't mean there's a mob trying to persecute you.

But then, some people enjoy feeling persecuted. Just saying...
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Re: demonfork & King_Herpes game chat abuse/spam[cleared]es

Postby King_Herpes on Sat Dec 31, 2011 11:11 pm

Master Bush wrote:
Evil Semp wrote:I don't know of any rules that say you are not allowed to chat in a game you are in. As far as abuse that is what the foe option is for which you figured out how to use. This is CLEARED.


the corruption at this site continues, and certain people/groups continue to get a free pass because of spinless mods.

Master Bush wrote:Evil Semp's ruling was 100% wrong!

2011-12-30 01:06:17 - demonfork: EAT MY COCK MB

That is a FLAME/BAIT and deserves a warning. I know damn well if I made that comment to someone in a chat, Evil Semp would have sent my a verbal warning. He needs to stop playing favorites.

Ah, so I see you're growing wise. The jigsaw is becoming clearer now is it? Well I think it's time you knew anyhow, Master Bush. I think it's time someone finally stepped forward and bolstered the truth about what's been surfacing here over the last few weeks. Besides, you've a clairvoyant's sense of reality which is far too influential and is giving wings to our forums apartheid! You harness an ability to rally crowds so big, a schoolbus would have trouble providing them transport(we need to silence this one gang for surely he can't be put to the podium).

And finally, what you've been waiting your entire service to hear is true.. all unsportsmanlike players/cheaters past and present, along with team cc have taken a blood oath under the cc Cloak & Dagger Society. We won't allow in the righteous for they will give light to generations of secrecy and betrayal. Brother Evil Semp has simply carried out your preconceived destiny. You were merely a sacrifice to the game and if you choose to keep speaking out against us, you'll be another martyr for the meek. All of our posts will be deleted and anybody with any recollection of these events will be cast outside of our gates to die. Nothing will stand in our way once we've enslaved enough of your souls.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm famished and I have to pee.

king achilles, cc has been protected and I ask permission to break council

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Re: demonfork & King_Herpes game chat abuse/spam[cleared]es

Postby Evil Semp on Sat Dec 31, 2011 11:16 pm

Master Bush wrote:Evil Semp's ruling was 100% wrong!

2011-12-30 01:06:17 - demonfork: EAT MY COCK MB

That is a FLAME/BAIT and deserves a warning. I know damn well if I made that comment to someone in a chat, Evil Semp would have sent my a verbal warning. He needs to stop playing favorites.

If you have a problem with me please don't hold back. File an e-ticket or a C&A report. Have you received any warnings from me? I don't think so.

Master Bush wrote: #-o

the corruption at this site continues, and certain people/groups continue to get a free pass because of spinless mods.

Is that an admission that you were corrupt when you were a mod?

Master Bush wrote:
King_Herpes wrote:This guy is extremely sad

So you're gonna flame me in this thread now? Classy.

that isn't the complete quote. This is the complete quote so people understand the context it was intended.

King_Herpes wrote:Please Master B'r man I'm begging you, he was only making a joke about your name(You know because your name is Master Bush). Your partner even told you this and you can't even trust him?

2011-12-30 01:12:12 - Lord Vanion: cmon yellow stop it he was only make a joke about your name

..Also thanks everyone, I do appreciate the support and kind words but seriously it's only making matters worse. This guy is extremely sad right now and we'll need only compassion from here on through. This is between us and team 1 and honestly I just want for things to go back to the way they were. You know before the 'C' word and before all this animosity.

Don't slip away from me MB, let me protect you.
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Re: demonfork & King_Herpes game chat abuse/spam[cleared]es

Postby Master Bush on Sun Jan 01, 2012 2:04 am

The bullies are swarming in.
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"Yeah, one involves a lot of physical and psychological pain, and the other one's War."
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Re: demonfork & King_Herpes game chat abuse/spam[cleared]es

Postby demonfork on Sun Jan 01, 2012 2:14 am

Master Bush wrote:The bullies are swarming in.

Sorry about the size of it and everything ( yea Felix Mulvaney was telling everyone about that in live chat) don't fret too much chum, I promise you that one day it will get much bigger.
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Re: demonfork & King_Herpes game chat abuse/spam[cleared]es

Postby jefjef on Sun Jan 01, 2012 4:24 pm

Master Bush wrote:Evil Semp's ruling was 100% wrong!

2011-12-30 01:06:17 - demonfork: EAT MY COCK MB

That is a FLAME/BAIT and deserves a warning. I know damn well if I made that comment to someone in a chat, Evil Semp would have sent my a verbal warning. He needs to stop playing favorites.

What you fail to realize is that what Demon wrote would be a flame/bait in the forums and live chat BUT in game chat it is isn't.

Now this post by nietzsche, in this thread here in C&A, IS a FLAME and a BAIT and an OFF topic TROLL. If you were to file a complaint on it you would see a guilty verdict.
nietzsche wrote:im really getting tired of this couple licking **lls. have you too tried viagra??
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
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Re: demonfork & King_Herpes game chat abuse/spam[cleared]es

Postby greenoaks on Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:40 pm

i wish more of my games had chat like that in it. KH and demonfork are hilarious.
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