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eye84free [closed]

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eye84free [closed]

Postby Lindax on Sat Dec 31, 2011 11:42 pm

Accused: eye84free

The accused are suspected of:

Other: Locking my complaint about the C&A Team without explanation of why he locked it. On top of that he didn't adequately explain why the topic in my (now locked) complaint was locked. Nor do we know who locked it. This is a clear case against the guidelines moderators on this site should follow: "If you lock a topic, explain why you did it.

I don't know if he locked the first complaint as well, if so we now have 2 examples of him/her not following the guidelines. if it was another moderator, we now have 2 examples of C&A moderators not following the guidelines.

Comments: (1) Just because you guys don't get it, or get fed up with it, or whatever the reason is: You should still follow the guidelines.

(2) Your explanation of locking the topic in my complaint does not only not explain why you closed it, it also did not explain why you closed my complaint.

(3) This is getting ridiculous. Either respond properly or don't respond. This is beginning to look like C&A Moderators scrambling to maintain some kind of self respect, instead of maintaining their composure and deal with stuff in a proper way.


[EDIT} I now see you edited your post in the my (locked) complaint thread. Was that before or after you read this post?

[EDIT2} I now read your edited part. Seems you are now taking it personally. You shouldn't. First of all that is not becoming a C&A Moderator, second: There is no need. Bad call, very bad call.
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Re: eye84free

Postby eye84free on Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:26 am

Your topic on the "C&A team", was never locked and an the response was closed cause it was unfounded. You are starting to lean towards spam with your posts. But so you dont feel I am handling topics about me ill leave it for another hunter so you wont feel that its not being handled properly.
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Re: eye84free

Postby Lindax on Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:32 am

eye84free wrote:Your topic on the "C&A team", was never locked and an the response was closed cause it was unfounded. You are starting to lean towards spam with your posts. But so you dont feel I am handling topics about me ill leave it for another hunter so you wont feel that its not being handled properly.

You are correct. That particular topic was not locked, but closed.

You are also correct to let another C&A Mod handle this.

Looks like we're slowly getting there.

And I meant what I said, it's nothing personal. In fact, I wish you all the best for 2012.

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Re: eye84free

Postby eye84free on Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:34 am

Lindax wrote: And I meant what I said, it's nothing personal. In fact, I wish you all the best for 2012.


No you have made it very personal, which is fine with me. I will keep doing what im and assigned to do and be very professional about it.

I hope you also have a very blessed New year.
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Re: eye84free

Postby Lindax on Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:47 am

eye84free wrote:
Lindax wrote: And I meant what I said, it's nothing personal. In fact, I wish you all the best for 2012.


No you have made it very personal, which is fine with me. I will keep doing what im and assigned to do and be very professional about it.

I hope you also have a very blessed New year.

Damn. Now you're so wrong (again). Anything and everything I posted about any of this was never personal. All I expect from the C&A Department is that they (you, plural) do everything properly.

If you take this personal, it's (a) not professional (your words, not mine) and (b) a real pity, because it was never meant personal.

Come to think of it: If you take stuff like this personal, maybe C&A is not really your thing.

Respectfully, and I mean respectfully,

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Re: eye84free

Postby Master Bush on Sun Jan 01, 2012 4:21 am

eye84free wrote:Your topic on the "C&A team", was never locked and an the response was closed cause it was unfounded. You are starting to lean towards spam with your posts. But so you dont feel I am handling topics about me ill leave it for another hunter so you wont feel that its not being handled properly.

you are a bully.
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Re: eye84free

Postby Woodruff on Sun Jan 01, 2012 4:57 am

eye84free wrote:Your topic on the "C&A team", was never locked and an the response was closed cause it was unfounded. You are starting to lean towards spam with your posts. But so you dont feel I am handling topics about me ill leave it for another hunter so you wont feel that its not being handled properly.

I don't think Lindax has intended anything personally toward you at all, though I do believe he has a very valid point...I was actually shocked to see that you were the one to lock the C&A thread regarding King Achilles, given how that thread ties into the claims regarding you (among others).
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Re: eye84free

Postby Barney Rubble on Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:59 am

Objectivity and Clear thought is not happening anymore with you Eyes .I care not a small amount for any of this crap but I must say that since you have been given what amounts to a Free Pass by Management .You are now making threatening statements about taking things personally and acting in a "professional " way .Your credibility,ethics and rational attitude went out the door awhile ago .Actually the first time you sat back and enjoyed your first ill gotten points .The second after you were caught and did not step down . Anyway Ive had enough of "As the CC Stomach Turns "
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Re: eye84free

Postby eye84free on Sun Jan 01, 2012 6:33 pm

It does look personal when all his issue were explained and very clear in the meanings. Then a topic was locked due to head off course of its topic. Just like anyother topic would be. Just cause its about the C&A team doesnt make a hill of beans rules are rules. Futher he desides to make a post personaly towards me as in the title. There for his issues arent for doing my job but about me. And I was completly profesional polite about all my posts. For someone with more issues then most Barney you should take a step back and evaluate your own issues. Lindax will be heard and a ruling will be given. Even though I know what ever the ruling is, it wont be enough for the people.
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Re: eye84free

Postby Barney Rubble on Sun Jan 01, 2012 8:03 pm

"Issues" Well now thats Not professional and personal ..Do you know me personally ??Have we met ?? Do you know my children ?? My family ? Hmmmm? No I didn't think so As a paying member on this site I have as much right as anybody to voice my opinion and my observations . If you dont respect that well that would be your 'Issue " However you do not have the right to personally slag me in any way .Show some respect apologize for your last comment If your as professional and polite as you claim
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Re: eye84free

Postby Symmetry on Sun Jan 01, 2012 9:49 pm

Barney Rubble wrote:"Issues" Well now thats Not professional and personal ..Do you know me personally ??Have we met ?? Do you know my children ?? My family ? Hmmmm? No I didn't think so As a paying member on this site I have as much right as anybody to voice my opinion and my observations . If you dont respect that well that would be your 'Issue " However you do not have the right to personally slag me in any way .Show some respect apologize for your last comment If your as professional and polite as you claim

This was your last post on my wall, you collosal hypocrite:

Barney Rubble wrote:Who the fuk you think you are
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Re: eye84free

Postby TheGeneral2112 on Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:32 pm

Symmetry wrote:
Barney Rubble wrote:"Issues" Well now thats Not professional and personal ..Do you know me personally ??Have we met ?? Do you know my children ?? My family ? Hmmmm? No I didn't think so As a paying member on this site I have as much right as anybody to voice my opinion and my observations . If you dont respect that well that would be your 'Issue " However you do not have the right to personally slag me in any way .Show some respect apologize for your last comment If your as professional and polite as you claim

This was your last post on my wall, you collosal hypocrite:

Barney Rubble wrote:Who the fuk you think you are

Barney isn't required to be polite or professional. Members of the TeamCC staff do have that requirement.

Different people, different standards. Marines can be court martialed for an number of offenses that civilians can't. They are held to a higher standard. As an example, cheating on your spouse is a court martial-able offense.
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Re: eye84free

Postby king achilles on Mon Jan 02, 2012 2:55 am

Just because you disagree with something, it does not always mean that a public attack is founded. You could have easily contacted him about it, or me or anyone too. Let eye84free handle his mod duty in this forum. If no new evidence is ever presented and the report has already been closed, we would not let it spiral into personal attacks or become flaming/baiting thread. Everyone has personal opinions about everything. If a closed report is going to be filled with personal opinions, then discuss it on another forum. Not here. Filling the C&A with your personal sentiments and argue/attack anyone who disagrees with it is a discussion that no longer belongs in the C&A forum. As a C&A mod, he can lock threads that have already been dealt with. Nothing personal.

The case about Masli and eye84free are already closed and dealt with. If you have a question about why a thread has been locked or closed, contact the person and ask. He could clarify it with you and settled it. Because of the recent case about them, this public report is more seen as an attack to put him in a certain light.

A lot of people spam and troll the forums everyday. Flaming, baiting and off topic posts are always present. If you also only choose who to report out of the many people who also disregard the guidelines, mods or not, this report is shrouded with personal resentment. Move on.

Please have the C&A mods do their work and stop filling this forum with what is already dealt with. If you keep opening C&A reports about or related to that topic, it will be closed and locked and it will be seen as spurious. That case is already done with. Finished. Over. Closed.

The C&A forum is moderated by the C&A moderators. Let them do their duties. We can not stop you from believing what you want to believe or choosing what you only want to understand, but your personal resentment and conspiracy theories does not belong here.

In behalf of the C&A team, this is nothing personal of course and we also respect you as much as you have for us.


If you are going to turn this into another discussion of how awful and abusive the mods are, or go off topic, this is not the forum for it, just in case you (intentionally) missed it.
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