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Interesting Mafia! GAME OVER ~ MAFIA WINS ~

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Re: Interesting Mafia! [13/13] - DAY 1 - A Colorful Murder

Postby AndyDufresne on Fri Dec 23, 2011 4:52 pm

Okay, so I read back through the game, and I think Spiesr's case against Dazza is a decent "day 1" case.

While reading though, I started notice that Edocsil has a tremendously low profile in the game so far, perhaps to point of laying low and out of sight, even after I pointed early on that he's been rather inactive and in need of a prod. He also mentions in regards to voting on SG7 that he "intends to force the game one way or another" (Mon Dec. 12) Edocsil's posts in order:


Overall, it seems like he is coasting through the game so far, throwing a vote when he can and "just waiting for something to come up." We've all been somewhat inactive, but his posting stood out to me while reviewing everything. His contributions have been slim in general.

Based on all of this, I am going to...

Vote Edocsil

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Re: Interesting Mafia! [13/13] - DAY 1 - A Colorful Murder

Postby MoB Deadly on Fri Dec 23, 2011 5:07 pm

Day 1 - Vote Count 21

AndyDufresne -
BGtheBrain -
(3) dazza2008 - spiesr, zimmah, Leehar
(1) edocsil - AndyDufresne
Gilligan -
Iron Butterfly -
Leehar -
strike wolf -
soundman -
spiesr -
thehippo8 -
Victor Sullivan -
zimmah -

With 13 players alive, it takes 7 votes to Lynch or No Lynch.

5 Days until deadline!

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Re: Interesting Mafia! [13/13] - DAY 1 - A Colorful Murder

Postby edocsil on Fri Dec 23, 2011 11:01 pm

I wont make an illegitimate case that isn't going to make it before deadline unless we rampantly BW some one. Problem? I don't joke vote much D1 and i get to the point rather then make massive posts. if I wasn't concerned about some misguided BW attempt to wrap up the day, I likely wouldn't even respond.

Commander9 wrote:Trust Edoc, as I know he's VERY good.

zimmah wrote:Mind like a brick.
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Re: Interesting Mafia! [13/13] - DAY 1 - A Colorful Murder

Postby MoB Deadly on Mon Dec 26, 2011 9:57 pm

Deadline: Less than 48 hours: Wednesday morning
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Re: Interesting Mafia! [13/13] - DAY 1 - A Colorful Murder

Postby strike wolf on Tue Dec 27, 2011 12:37 am

MoB Deadly wrote:Deadline: Less than 48 hours: Wednesday morning

The deadline would come just as my time on CC was about to increase. Well short answer. I have reread a bit but don't have time to read into everything I would like to. with 48 hours left. I favor Dazza over an edoc lynch as from what I remember Edoc usually is not one of the more active players day 1 anyways.

vote dazza
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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Re: Interesting Mafia! [13/13] - DAY 1 - A Colorful Murder

Postby BGtheBrain on Tue Dec 27, 2011 8:54 am

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Re: Interesting Mafia! [13/13] - DAY 1 - A Colorful Murder

Postby MoB Deadly on Tue Dec 27, 2011 9:10 am

Day 1 - Vote Count 22

AndyDufresne -
BGtheBrain -

(5, L-2) dazza2008 - spiesr, zimmah, Leehar, strike wolf, BGtheBrain
(1) edocsil - AndyDufresne
Gilligan -
Iron Butterfly -
Leehar -
strike wolf -
soundman -
spiesr -
thehippo8 -
Victor Sullivan -
zimmah -

With 13 players alive, it takes 7 votes to Lynch or No Lynch.

Deadline 8:00 AM EST Wednesday morning (~23 hours)

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Re: Interesting Mafia! [13/13] - DAY 1 - A Colorful Murder

Postby dazza2008 on Tue Dec 27, 2011 6:07 pm

L-2. Guess I better claim. I am backup cop. So no use now but pretty handy if we lose the cop. I hoped not to have to claim as I could be useful later in the game.
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Re: Interesting Mafia! [13/13] - DAY 1 - A Colorful Murder

Postby soundman on Tue Dec 27, 2011 8:20 pm

dazza2008 wrote:L-2. Guess I better claim. I am backup cop. So no use now but pretty handy if we lose the cop. I hoped not to have to claim as I could be useful later in the game.

Well that's... interesting... Do you only get a night action if the real cop dies? In any other game I'd say you're lying but this is something I think Mob may put in...
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Re: Interesting Mafia! [13/13] - DAY 1 - A Colorful Murder

Postby zimmah on Tue Dec 27, 2011 8:21 pm

hmm, a backup cop, i know that role exist but... how likely is it in a 13 player game?
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Re: Interesting Mafia! [13/13] - DAY 1 - A Colorful Murder

Postby strike wolf on Tue Dec 27, 2011 8:21 pm

soundman wrote:
dazza2008 wrote:L-2. Guess I better claim. I am backup cop. So no use now but pretty handy if we lose the cop. I hoped not to have to claim as I could be useful later in the game.

Well that's... interesting... Do you only get a night action if the real cop dies? In any other game I'd say you're lying but this is something I think Mob may put in...

It's usually called a deputy. It's hard to prove because he wouldn't be able to use any abilities until the real cop died so it is hard to say if he is telling the truth or not.
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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Re: Interesting Mafia! [13/13] - DAY 1 - A Colorful Murder

Postby Gilligan on Tue Dec 27, 2011 9:26 pm

Remember: this is called "interesting" mafia...Although I have never heard of a backup cop, it could very well exist in this game...
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Re: Interesting Mafia! [13/13] - DAY 1 - A Colorful Murder

Postby Gilligan on Tue Dec 27, 2011 11:17 pm

I'm going to go ahead and vote dazza mainly because of the reasons strike said. It can't really be proven, so I fell as though it'd be a safe lynch.
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Re: Interesting Mafia! [13/13] - DAY 1 - A Colorful Murder

Postby MoB Deadly on Wed Dec 28, 2011 12:15 am

Day 1 - Vote Count 23

AndyDufresne -
BGtheBrain -

(6, L-1) dazza2008 - spiesr, zimmah, Leehar, strike wolf, BGtheBrain, Gilligan
(1) edocsil - AndyDufresne
Gilligan -
Iron Butterfly -
Leehar -
strike wolf -
soundman -
spiesr -
thehippo8 -
Victor Sullivan -
zimmah -

With 13 players alive, it takes 7 votes to Lynch or No Lynch.

Deadline 8:00 AM EST Wednesday morning (~Approx 7 hours and 45 minutes.)

Any votes after the deadline will not be counted. Regardless if I posted at 8am signaling Day is over or not.

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Re: Interesting Mafia! [13/13] - DAY 1 - A Colorful Murder

Postby zimmah on Wed Dec 28, 2011 3:02 am

Gilligan wrote:Remember: this is called "interesting" mafia...Although I have never heard of a backup cop, it could very well exist in this game...

well it is an "interesting" claim but like has been pointed out it's very hard to check so it's a very good fakeclaim as well. on top of that it could potentially hurt town if we do lose a role like that (given that we may lose the cop in a later stage. if there even is a cop in the first place)
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Re: Interesting Mafia! [13/13] - DAY 1 - A Colorful Murder

Postby zimmah on Wed Dec 28, 2011 3:03 am

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Re: Interesting Mafia! [13/13] - DAY 1 - A Colorful Murder

Postby dazza2008 on Wed Dec 28, 2011 4:46 am

strike wolf wrote:
soundman wrote:
dazza2008 wrote:L-2. Guess I better claim. I am backup cop. So no use now but pretty handy if we lose the cop. I hoped not to have to claim as I could be useful later in the game.

Well that's... interesting... Do you only get a night action if the real cop dies? In any other game I'd say you're lying but this is something I think Mob may put in...

It's usually called a deputy. It's hard to prove because he wouldn't be able to use any abilities until the real cop died so it is hard to say if he is telling the truth or not.

We play mafia in my clan forum and where the role has been used there it was called backup cop. I assume MoB got the idea from there. He was not in the clan when we played these games but they are all still in our forum so maybe he got some ideas from there.
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Re: Interesting Mafia! [13/13] - DAY 1 - A Colorful Murder

Postby MoB Deadly on Wed Dec 28, 2011 8:03 am

What a long day in Colorful Town.... Everyone pointed some fingers, and they got a couple players to claim their role in the town. But they did not believe they have found any black-hearted individuals... They decided to stop talking for the day and resume discussion tomorrow.

Day 1 has ended with No Lynch!

It is now Night 1! Please send in night actions as soon as possible.

Deadline: Friday, December 30th at about 4:00 PM EST.

(It is really hard to judge the level of activity here with the eccentric posting we have... If I find multiple players have not sent in their night actions, I will extend the night deadline generously to accommodate the holidays.)
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Re: Interesting Mafia! [13/13] - DAY 1 - A Colorful Murder

Postby MoB Deadly on Fri Dec 30, 2011 8:28 am

Night Deadline has been extended. As you all know I PMed everyone the moment I switched it to night 1, I have multiple players that have not even opened that PM. I will update it back to day as soon as possible.
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Re: Interesting Mafia! [13/13] - Night 1 - Long Day, Long Sl

Postby MoB Deadly on Sat Dec 31, 2011 11:45 am

The Colorful Village woke up again after a long sleep. They needed to find out who was responsible for the murder the night before. As they made their way back to the town square a couple people found colorful blood on the ground. The blood was in a trail. They followed the blood for a few minutes to an alleyway. Then they found a body.

EDOCSIL - TOWN DOCTOR - HAS BEEN KILLED! Upon further examination, there seemed to of been a struggle. He was riddled with bullets at close range.

After mourning his death, they moved back to the Town square, scared for their own life. Will they find any evidence of the killer today?

DAY 2 START!! I hope to not enforce a deadline, but let's make sure the activity picks up after the holidays. With 12 players alive it takes 7 votes to Lynch or No Lynch

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Re: Interesting Mafia! [12/13] - DAY 2 - Killed in a Dark Al

Postby dazza2008 on Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:26 pm

Did Hippo not claim doctor?
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Re: Interesting Mafia! [13/13] - DAY 1 - A Colorful Murder

Postby spiesr on Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:43 pm

Okay Hippo, you claimed Town Doctor, but now we have Edocsil turning up dead as Town Doctor. So, what it up with that? Was it just a fake-claim that has now been countered, or do you have some sort of explanation for why there would be 2 Town Doctors? Either way, I think we are going to need to hear what sort of action you took last night.

Now, Edocsil was the doctor, so why didn't he counter Hippo's claim in that case. (Or at least do something the raise doubts about the claim.) Hippo claimed doctor on the 14th.
thehippo8 wrote:I am the Town Doctor. Lynch me or the mafia will kill me, either way its a sad loss - but such is the way of D1!!
Edocsil didn't post after this claim until the 17th where he took his vote of Shield/Strike and made no mention of anything relating to Hippo's claim or the case on Hippo at all.
edocsil wrote:unvote, last vote was still pressure from the replacement.
I have no game altering case to bring at the moment sadly, I am just waiting for something to come up.
By this point in time, Hippo's claim was essentially universally believed. Now, of course a counter-claim would pretty much instantly turn that belief around. However, in my opinion, the state of affairs by that point in time was such that if edocsil voted for or raised suspicions on Hippo without offering the counter-claim he would not have gotten anywhere. Either he would have had his cries ignored/dismissed, or he would have been attacked for going after the claimed doc. So, it appears he was in a situation where his choices amounted to either make the counter/claim, or simply let Hippo go unopposed. Now, why would he go with the decision to let Hippo go free. All I can think of is that he either wasn't entirely sure that Hippo's claim was false, or for some reason he considered him counter-claiming to not be worth lynching Hippo.

Anyhow, unless you can come up with some explanation for why there would be two Town Doctors I will have to lynch you Hippo...
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Re: Interesting Mafia! [13/13] - DAY 1 - A Colorful Murder

Postby edocsil on Sat Dec 31, 2011 2:39 pm

Ah well, good luck town. I had hoped to live a lot longer. Spiesr kinda understands why I didn't cc.

Commander9 wrote:Trust Edoc, as I know he's VERY good.

zimmah wrote:Mind like a brick.
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Re: Interesting Mafia! [12/13] - DAY 2 - Killed in a Dark Al

Postby Iron Butterfly on Sat Dec 31, 2011 2:47 pm

Ok either there are two docs in the game or Hippo is lieing through his teeth. In going through the archives I have yet to see a game with two docs.

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Re: Interesting Mafia! [12/13] - DAY 2 - Killed in a Dark Al

Postby Victor Sullivan on Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:01 pm

Hippo is gone anyway. Might as well lynch him. I see no reason not to, especially since he already claimed.

Vote thehippo8

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