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eye84free [cleared]

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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby Victor Sullivan on Sat Dec 31, 2011 1:52 am

John Deere wrote:
Victor Sullivan wrote:*sigh* But these are dark times, when a stand-up guy like Masli has to quit due to cheating and getting caught from forum-goers that seem to not have much respect for the mods that can do what they want if they dont get caught cheating in to many games andthat spend hours serving them...


Fixed that for you!

Please, John, dear... Let's not.

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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby eye84free on Sat Dec 31, 2011 4:41 am

I see this issue here but as you see it wasnt done as many times nor out of malice. If you look during that time I always join a few singles games 1vs 1. I would always play when im bored, not out of hunting for multis. my 1 vs 1 ratio far exceeds must by 100 to 1. So im my defense. Also I reported any issues I have had to the higher ups pertaining to this. Prior to any Masli ruling.

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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby Chariot of Fire on Sat Dec 31, 2011 6:34 am

eye84free wrote:I see this issue here but as you see it wasnt done as many times nor out of malice. If you look during that time I always join a few singles games 1vs 1. I would always play when im bored, not out of hunting for multis. my 1 vs 1 ratio far exceeds must by 100 to 1. So im my defense. Also I reported any issues I have had to the higher ups pertaining to this. Prior to any Masli ruling.


I'm not a serial killer - I committed just the one, or was it two, murders. And what's more I didn't dislike either of my victims.

Sorry mate, I've always rather liked you to be honest; but to be in your position you have to be squeaky clean and above reproach. Nothing's worth a few measly points, but we've seen time after time the lengths some will go to to win easy ones when opportunity knocks.

Anyway, my problem's not really with you. It's with KA, for he's now proven on yet another occasion that he's unfit to be in the role he has been assigned. As custodian of the corporate image (for that's what he represents on CC) he serves it no good at all.
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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby Dukasaur on Sat Dec 31, 2011 7:05 am

mc05025 wrote:How on earth they can be Innocent????? I can not even find theory that is not absolutely ridiculous...

I honestly have no idea whether he's guilty or not. But as far as theories of how he could be innocent, yes I can see a few. We don't know all the factors that an MH takes into account when making a bust, and we're not supposed to know. But let's try this for a theory:

Multi has Account A and Account B. Both use the same computer, but at this point they might just be roomates who only have one computer. In order to prove they're a multi, you need both to log in at the same time, because while roomates might use the same computer at different times, they're not likely to be on it at the same time.

So, Account A is currently taking a turn, and Account B has open games waiting. As a diligent Multi-hunter, you join the open game with Account B as a trap. Sure enough, Account A finishes his turn, and logs in to Account B to take his turn, with no delay. Now you have him! Snap! You've closed the trap.

The trouble is, in order to trap him, you have to join that game with Account B. If he doesn't see that someone has joined his game there, he won't bother logging in to it. Having him log in several hours later won't help; that will allow the "roomate" defense. You need him to log in immediately after his turn on Account A or the evidence isn't conclusive.

So, yeah. I can certainly see this scenario, with several possible variations, taking place a lot, and of course it means the MH ends up in numerous games with busts.
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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby Chariot of Fire on Sat Dec 31, 2011 7:27 am

This is why you're in Entertainment, thankfully.
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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby MegasWoman on Sat Dec 31, 2011 7:38 am

jgordon1111 wrote:Very odd how so many complain about what is going on,and are not going to be happy with the outcome no matter what. But yet are in every forum that comes up on the subject to complain about how the site is ran, If I was this upset about a gaming site,most likely I would have went elsewhere by now. A simple hypothesis you dont like authority and never will,here you can lash out without any actual consequences,unlike the real world where you most likely would drop your head and walk off mumbling to yourselves. It's a new year in a couple of days all that pent up rage and self loathing take it and go to your boss(or whoever teacher,professor)like you have some and just let go. You might feel better if you do.

=D> =D> =D> well said
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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby GeneralRisk on Sat Dec 31, 2011 9:25 am

Last edited by GeneralRisk on Sat Dec 31, 2011 10:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby nippersean on Sat Dec 31, 2011 9:29 am

Dukasaur wrote:
mc05025 wrote:How on earth they can be Innocent????? I can not even find theory that is not absolutely ridiculous...

I honestly have no idea whether he's guilty or not. But as far as theories of how he could be innocent, yes I can see a few. We don't know all the factors that an MH takes into account when making a bust, and we're not supposed to know. But let's try this for a theory:

Multi has Account A and Account B. Both use the same computer, but at this point they might just be roomates who only have one computer. In order to prove they're a multi, you need both to log in at the same time, because while roomates might use the same computer at different times, they're not likely to be on it at the same time.

So, Account A is currently taking a turn, and Account B has open games waiting. As a diligent Multi-hunter, you join the open game with Account B as a trap. Sure enough, Account A finishes his turn, and logs in to Account B to take his turn, with no delay. Now you have him! Snap! You've closed the trap.

The trouble is, in order to trap him, you have to join that game with Account B. If he doesn't see that someone has joined his game there, he won't bother logging in to it. Having him log in several hours later won't help; that will allow the "roomate" defense. You need him to log in immediately after his turn on Account A or the evidence isn't conclusive.

So, yeah. I can certainly see this scenario, with several possible variations, taking place a lot, and of course it means the MH ends up in numerous games with busts.

Haha, it's like Petrocelli just walked in. Thanks for your insights mate.
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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby mc05025 on Sat Dec 31, 2011 1:16 pm

Dukasaur wrote:
mc05025 wrote:How on earth they can be Innocent????? I can not even find theory that is not absolutely ridiculous...

I honestly have no idea whether he's guilty or not. But as far as theories of how he could be innocent, yes I can see a few. We don't know all the factors that an MH takes into account when making a bust, and we're not supposed to know. But let's try this for a theory:

Multi has Account A and Account B. Both use the same computer, but at this point they might just be roomates who only have one computer. In order to prove they're a multi, you need both to log in at the same time, because while roomates might use the same computer at different times, they're not likely to be on it at the same time.

So, Account A is currently taking a turn, and Account B has open games waiting. As a diligent Multi-hunter, you join the open game with Account B as a trap. Sure enough, Account A finishes his turn, and logs in to Account B to take his turn, with no delay. Now you have him! Snap! You've closed the trap.

The trouble is, in order to trap him, you have to join that game with Account B. If he doesn't see that someone has joined his game there, he won't bother logging in to it. Having him log in several hours later won't help; that will allow the "roomate" defense. You need him to log in immediately after his turn on Account A or the evidence isn't conclusive.

So, yeah. I can certainly see this scenario, with several possible variations, taking place a lot, and of course it means the MH ends up in numerous games with busts.

I said not completely ridiculous :)

2011-08-27 16:49:24 - Game has been initialized
2011-08-27 16:49:47 - brandweer was kicked out for violating the rules

'Game 9649490'

At that game he just joined the game and then quickly kicked him out. Nothing like the trap. Just kick him out after he join his game and not before. (and that period was 23s)

PS Like COF I am not against Masli and eye84. I do not believe their fault is such big and I do not really care if someone has 200 points more or less. But after the accuses both players are cleared from King Achilles who in my opinion selfishly protect his friends, disappointing the community and giving a message that as soon as he is administrator he can break the rules of the site. So I made a new case for him. The only reason I am posting here is because my accuses against KA are based at the fact that neither Masli nor eye84 are innocent.
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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby Gypsys Kiss on Sat Dec 31, 2011 1:33 pm

John Deere wrote:
jgordon1111 wrote:lol at least you have a valid point there,if its that easy to pin them down how come sometimes it takes so long to get them? And the mob I am speaking of is not that big of a mob. Its a small number of players using this misfortune on CC to try for revenge.

Holy shit! welcome to CC, maybe you should read things you coment on! :? Hell thats what most of us have been saying for a while, as you play your your your your your your broken ass record, I finally foed you so i didnt have to read your stupid crap ass opinion that is the same same same same same broken ass comment over over over and over again. Glad you finally got reading comprehension skills AT THE AGE OF 47 :roll:

Speaking of 'broken ass records, hows you're medal medal medal medal medal medal thing haven't mentioned for absolutely ages.

Being a bit hypocritical aren't you?
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Re: eye84free [sigh]

Postby owenshooter on Sat Dec 31, 2011 1:35 pm

the multi-hunters are now forever tainted and the C&A process is now suspect. this is a new low for CC and a bigger black eye than i think they realize. this is just a sad day. the most interesting thing to me is that no game totals were given for either MH... masli could have had hundreds and who knows how many eye had... it's a huge mess and as usual they are going to hope it just fades away... *shaking my head in disbelief*...-0

p.s.-and for the record, i really like eye84free... i just don't understand how any of this happened and how easily CC is trying to sweep it under the rug
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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby Dukasaur on Sat Dec 31, 2011 1:39 pm

Chariot of Fire wrote:This is why you're in Entertainment, thankfully.

Generally, an ad hominem attack means you don't have any possible way to attack the actual argument that he presented.
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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby eye84free on Sat Dec 31, 2011 8:17 pm

I have no need to defend myself anymore. I will say this. to those of you who state you like or dislike me, it doesnt bother me. Those of you who have an oppion about this, thats great please post. I said my peice and if you dont believe me, thats fine too. It doesnt hurt my feelings one bit. But those of you who have done far worse things on this site that have been posting, you have no right to cast stones at glass houses, those of you who have joined a game and a min later finish a post to a hunter asking if someone is a multi, you have no right to put your sense in. Trust me I can count atleast 3 that have posted to have done so to me alone. But this is not cheating in your eyes. But because I have a few games out of 12000 that people want to nitpick all of a sudden im a bad guy or cheating. Those who truly know me and know what im about, know im a fair player, and because people are out to try and tarnish the hunting team cause you have nothing better to do with your time, well shame on you. I respect peoples oppion when they are honest,fair, and otherwise untarnished, everyone who doesnt fit in this cat. needs to sit back and mind your own, free or prim it doesnt mater. Please only speak about the topic at hand , not the rest of the hunters or admin. Save those for posts about them, this topic is about eye84free and poss. abuse that was cleared. I do think all people have a point and I respect that. I do also think the point has been made about this topic and im sure it will be locked soon, just like anyother topic out there that has gone on and on, doesnt mater if its about a hunter or not.

Again I thank you for all your input good or bad.
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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby AgentSmith88 on Sat Dec 31, 2011 8:44 pm

I would like to think I'm completely objective as I have no feelings one way or the other about masli or eye and really no feelings towards admin either. Having looked at the evidence I would say that if I were on a jury I would find them guilty (beyond a REASONABLE doubt).

Again, I have nothing against either of these people but to have people kicked out so quickly and have it done so many times repeatedly doesn't seem like coincidence nor a clever way to bait multis.

Honestly, the new policy put in place basically says "Yep, they did it, but we are closing that loophole so nobody can do it again." I think that's where most of the hostility is coming from - the "mob" isn't looking for punishment for offenders but is pissed about the 'not guilty' verdict that looks suspicious.
king sam wrote:quit facebook stalking me... and Im a sailor all I do is drunk, cuss and make illegitimate kids when Im away from CC

dont sig that
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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby GeneralRisk on Sat Dec 31, 2011 8:53 pm

I have nothing against eye...I have never played him or chatted with him. After reviewing eyes game history, I personally believe he cheated and should do the honorable thing, like masli did, and resign his MH position.
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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby TeeGee on Sat Dec 31, 2011 9:13 pm

AgentSmith88 wrote:I would like to think I'm completely objective as I have no feelings one way or the other about masli or eye and really no feelings towards admin either. Having looked at the evidence I would say that if I were on a jury I would find them guilty (beyond a REASONABLE doubt).

Again, I have nothing against either of these people but to have people kicked out so quickly and have it done so many times repeatedly doesn't seem like coincidence nor a clever way to bait multis.

Honestly, the new policy put in place basically says "Yep, they did it, but we are closing that loophole so nobody can do it again." I think that's where most of the hostility is coming from - the "mob" isn't looking for punishment for offenders but is pissed about the 'not guilty' verdict that looks suspicious.

Only the admins have ALL the evidence here though.. Whilst we can conclude that it doesnt look good from what we can see, only the admins have access to things like timestamps as to when the multi-check was run and by who. For all we know it may have been another hunter or admin who ran the check.
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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby nippersean on Sat Dec 31, 2011 9:29 pm

eye84free wrote:I have no need to defend myself anymore. I will say this. to those of you who state you like or dislike me, it doesnt bother me. Those of you who have an oppion about this, thats great please post. I said my peice and if you dont believe me, thats fine too. It doesnt hurt my feelings one bit. But those of you who have done far worse things on this site that have been posting, you have no right to cast stones at glass houses, those of you who have joined a game and a min later finish a post to a hunter asking if someone is a multi, you have no right to put your sense in. Trust me I can count atleast 3 that have posted to have done so to me alone. But this is not cheating in your eyes. But because I have a few games out of 12000 that people want to nitpick all of a sudden im a bad guy or cheating. Those who truly know me and know what im about, know im a fair player, and because people are out to try and tarnish the hunting team cause you have nothing better to do with your time, well shame on you. I respect peoples oppion when they are honest,fair, and otherwise untarnished, everyone who doesnt fit in this cat. needs to sit back and mind your own, free or prim it doesnt mater. Please only speak about the topic at hand , not the rest of the hunters or admin. Save those for posts about them, this topic is about eye84free and poss. abuse that was cleared. I do think all people have a point and I respect that. I do also think the point has been made about this topic and im sure it will be locked soon, just like anyother topic out there that has gone on and on, doesnt mater if its about a hunter or not.

Again I thank you for all your input good or bad.

You don't have to defend yourself anymore? LOL

You need to explain how you joined so many games vs multis that got busted so incredibly quickly first.

No "nitpick" no "you're a bad person in real life" I'm just curious how
you and Masli joined so many games vs multis and they got busted in record time.
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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby Lindax on Sat Dec 31, 2011 9:32 pm

Dukasaur wrote:
Chariot of Fire wrote:This is why you're in Entertainment, thankfully.

Generally, an ad hominem attack means you don't have any possible way to attack the actual argument that he presented.

Your knowledge of Latin is really impressive. Now look up the word "argument" in the English dictionary. The post he was responding to was yours. You never made an argument, you presented a theory.

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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby Dukasaur on Sat Dec 31, 2011 9:55 pm

Lindax wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:
Chariot of Fire wrote:This is why you're in Entertainment, thankfully.

Generally, an ad hominem attack means you don't have any possible way to attack the actual argument that he presented.

Your knowledge of Latin is really impressive. Now look up the word "argument" in the English dictionary. The post he was responding to was yours. You never made an argument, you presented a theory.

Eget quod scitis


When the meaning of what is being communicated is perfectly clear, does it really contribute anything to castigate someone over a semantic issue?

I've typed and erased several smartass responses. Quite honestly, I don't have any desire to get into a big pissing match with you over my erudition or lack thereof. I'm not a stupid man, but I'm perfectly aware that I don't know everything.

Do you have anything to say that is directly relevant to my theory?
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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby Lindax on Sat Dec 31, 2011 10:24 pm

Dukasaur wrote:
Lindax wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:
Chariot of Fire wrote:This is why you're in Entertainment, thankfully.

Generally, an ad hominem attack means you don't have any possible way to attack the actual argument that he presented.

Your knowledge of Latin is really impressive. Now look up the word "argument" in the English dictionary. The post he was responding to was yours. You never made an argument, you presented a theory.

Eget quod scitis


When the meaning of what is being communicated is perfectly clear, does it really contribute anything to castigate someone over a semantic issue?

I've typed and erased several smartass responses. Quite honestly, I don't have any desire to get into a big pissing match with you over my erudition or lack thereof. I'm not a stupid man, but I'm perfectly aware that I don't know everything.

Do you have anything to say that is directly relevant to my theory?

Nope. Except that I think that your theory is totally irrelevant.

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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby Chariot of Fire on Sat Dec 31, 2011 10:26 pm

Dukasaur wrote:
mc05025 wrote:How on earth they can be Innocent????? I can not even find theory that is not absolutely ridiculous...

I honestly have no idea whether he's guilty or not. But as far as theories of how he could be innocent, yes I can see a few. We don't know all the factors that an MH takes into account when making a bust, and we're not supposed to know. But let's try this for a theory:

Multi has Account A and Account B. Both use the same computer, but at this point they might just be roomates who only have one computer. In order to prove they're a multi, you need both to log in at the same time, because while roomates might use the same computer at different times, they're not likely to be on it at the same time.

So, Account A is currently taking a turn, and Account B has open games waiting. As a diligent Multi-hunter, you join the open game with Account B as a trap. Sure enough, Account A finishes his turn, and logs in to Account B to take his turn, with no delay. Now you have him! Snap! You've closed the trap.

The trouble is, in order to trap him, you have to join that game with Account B. If he doesn't see that someone has joined his game there, he won't bother logging in to it. Having him log in several hours later won't help; that will allow the "roomate" defense. You need him to log in immediately after his turn on Account A or the evidence isn't conclusive.

So, yeah. I can certainly see this scenario, with several possible variations, taking place a lot, and of course it means the MH ends up in numerous games with busts.

Sorry sport, but the simple truth is the MH does not need to join a game to run a check on a multi or to 'spring a trap' such as that postulated in your theory. As for the 'room mate' defence it is just as plausible for a room mate, Player B, to say "Hey, log off will you coz I have turns to play on my account" and thus immediately log in after Player A. Consecutive log-ins from the same IP in a brief space of time therefore do not constitute proof of a multi at work, however it may be evidence. It then falls upon the MH to correlate the two accounts and look for suspicious activity - possibly one of the most onerous tasks that befall them due to the 'room mate' defence.

Best site rule to overcome this would be to say "No two freemiums may operate from the same IP address", thereby stimulating membership and/or preventing the most common occurrence of a freemium multi for whom 4 games simply isn't enough. Tough for genuine room mates who are freemiums, but then I'm sure they could club together and afford 1 premium between them.

And my earlier remark was merely a light-hearted riposte and not an ad hominem attack at all. I'd hoped you above all would have seen it as such.


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