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Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig[noted]es

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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig

Postby Chariot of Fire on Sat Dec 31, 2011 6:23 am

betiko - I enjoy your posts very much, yet I can't help feeling you're turning this into a crusade against American moral standards rather than the issue at hand, i.e. the nudity rules on a Canadian-owned and operated web site.

By alienating yourself against almost 50% of this site's membership you won't win a majority of support.

Just an observation. Cheers.
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig

Postby jackal31 on Sat Dec 31, 2011 9:04 am


art is one thing....displaying lude pictures is another. Youre mixing the difference between what is called art and what is described as intentional defiance. Europe is known as containing the romance countries, so it is more acceptable in that area of the world than anywhere else. Dont misunderstand the differences displayed here.
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig

Postby betiko on Sat Dec 31, 2011 10:49 am

jackal31 wrote:betiko,

art is one thing....displaying lude pictures is another. Youre mixing the difference between what is called art and what is described as intentional defiance. Europe is known as containing the romance countries, so it is more acceptable in that area of the world than anywhere else. Dont misunderstand the differences displayed here.

I get your point and you're kind of right. if something is posted to be edgy and to be controversial to piss off mods/users well yes, I understand a mod would want to sanction it just because the user is tickeling his authority.

The CC community is large and is not easy to handle, you need rules. Nevertheless, I feel like too many times people hold on a bit too much on what is exactly mentioned on the rules, and not enough on common sense.

I feel like some stuff posted can be way more offensive. A user has been posting gay guys snogging each other in complete lust, but still with their pants on. This was clearly to bother and troll other users. He knew that no one could say anything, because if we read the written rules, it was not against it.

Another post is off topic is about listing the best porn stars, and some users comment the "good wanks" they had watching this or that.

I then posted a couple of paintings from Goya "la maja desnuda" and "la maja vestida". They are well known masterpieces from the early 19th century representing the exact same woman in the exact same posture, one naked and one fully dressed. They were made to avoid the spanish inquisition, and their owner would have the dressed version visible to everyone in his living room, and had a special hidden mechanism that would reveal the naked version. My point was just to show how ironic it was that the naked version was not socially acceptable here, but pornstars squeezing their tits with their tongue out with a list of best porn stars to google was socially acceptable. And how Ironic to see that something made to bend the early 19th century spanish inquisition rules.. still apply in the 21st century on such a modern tool as the internet; I removed the naked version to avoid any trouble.

Don't get me wrong, this is not against North American people that I do apreciate very much; it's against something in your culture called puritanism that I still can't quite understand. It just feels like rules always win vs common sense, and that rules are way too important in northern american culture. We are just amazed in Europe how people can sue each other for silly reasons, just because there is a written law about it that can be interpretated in your favour makes people talk with a lawyer before doing it with the offender. In company environment, there are so many jokes you can do here with women who would just tell you to knock it off, but in the US you could get really in trouble for and possibly fired.

Regarding this GLG case; I feel that as it's GLG that has half of the site on his back already because he collects points in an edgy way, people are just ganging up on him. Why didn't the first poster just send a message to GLG to tell him to remove it because it could be offensive for users? If he didn't want to listen, THEN write a C&A report. Aparently GLG's signature didn't link directly to TBR's avatar but he actively changed it. I don't know if it's really TBR on the picture, but taking a picture of yourself flashing your tits and exposing it to the community is a case that deserves a bigger warning... she also has another pending case for being again extremely rude in game chats. Those are things that just deserve a warning at best, but not to make a big fuss about.
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig

Postby peanutsdad on Sat Dec 31, 2011 1:25 pm

Betiko..... Well SAID>>> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> :D :D
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig

Postby jackal31 on Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:43 pm

betiko.....I love it too....I couldnt agree more with the common sense part. I dont like how the American society needs a reason to sue with every action that occurs.

On another note too, I was gearing my statements more toward pre-adolescent children. Kids 8-12 are surfing the net and those who are members here are the ones I am really talking about. People address it as though its just tongue and cheek, but not everyone here are young adults or grown adults. This site should have some responsibility there. I know the majority here is not of that age group, but should it be allowed? That is all I am trying to say.

I appreciate your points of view. I hope you understand that I am not trying to be too critical, but when people (such as the American society) read so much into the gray area, those people are given an inch and take a mile. Its just disrespectful to the other people in this community when things like this happen. And I think respect is another lost trait in the world today.
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig

Postby Evil Semp on Sat Dec 31, 2011 11:47 pm

jackal31 wrote:
show: Adult Content Warning
blakebowling wrote:
EagleofGreenErth wrote:Now tell me again thats not breaking a rule? HMM?

mod edit. I don't think putting that picture in a spoiler makes it OK. If I am wrong I will let you know. ES

That wasn't the signature that he had up when I saw it, please don't be rude.


what is rude....or the fact your ignoring it. Similarly to all the "farming" he has done too. The leadership of this site is really pissing me off anymore. Kids play here, yet pornographic material, bullying, and many other intolerable things go on here and seem to be accepted. Many have spoken up about these issues, yet nothing seems to happen.

No wonder why many people are leaving.

I have checked GLG signature several times and I didn't see the picture eagle and jackel have shown. I have asked if admin has the ability to check past signatures.

jackel I edited the picture out of you spoiler. If kids are browsing the forums they can click on the spoiler also.
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig

Postby Chariot of Fire on Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:07 am

"Aaaaghhh, my eyes my eyes!!! Mummy....I just saw what was clearly a nipple when all I wanted to do was play a war game and kill people"

Perhaps it's all a ruse and any day now we're going to be bombarded by banner ads for a milk formula company?
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig

Postby Evil Semp on Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:21 am

Like I said in my previous post I have not seen the picture of the exposed nipples in GLG's signature. Screen shots can be faked, I am not saying that it was. I can't warn him if I didn't see the picture in his signature. I am going to note this for future reference. If GLG is linking to other members avatars and they violate the site rules he will be held accountable.
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig

Postby s3xt0y on Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:22 am

he put it up long enough so people could see it report it but the mods would have no proof...this is really cut and dry...
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig[noted]es

Postby smegal69 on Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:45 am


Betiko, It not matter if it is art, it is best to keep it covered :o

see how much less offensive this is now the nipples have been covered . :D

On another note : Any ladies here need to show that there pair is much nicer, i am an expert at inserting high visibility stars.
so PM me any photos you would like censored and i will bring them up to CC standard :shock:
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig

Postby Gen.LeeGettinhed on Sun Jan 01, 2012 1:19 am

EagleofGreenErth wrote:
Any images of pornographic activity or nudity - nipples, areola, genitals, anuses etc - whether intended as artistic, erotic, pornographic or otherwise are not allowed.

I'd swear that I had responded already, but do not see that on this thread, so briefly:
1) her pic was of BREASTS, NOT NIPPLES or other specifically listed pornographic items. The nipples were covered. If Breast are pornographic then they should be specifically listed as such.
2) as mentioned and laid out by other supporters: I listed links to OTHERS avatars. Before bothering the linker, bother the poster - and they are still OK.
3) this site claims to want to be like a bunch of friends around a campfire, etc. but when ImissSCca posted: "<ImissSCca> does slow run towards Gen.LeeGettinhed, breasts bouncing up and down in a string bikini, jumps into his waiting arms and does a slow wiggle against his body" she gets warned/censored by a prude mod. Jeez peops

Let's be VERY SPECIFIC about allegations and quit EXAGGERATING crap. For heaven's sake, s3xt0y's sig shows a woman's dress being blown up and the top of her nylons sure look like bush from a distance. Master Bush has BUSH in his ID. Someone got mad at me for posting a valid question about Secret Diplomacy and used the most vulgar words in Social -- and NOTHING was done to them.

Quit being Haters and so prudish/puritanical. Or if you are, be much more fair and even about it. List ALL offenders at once.

Finally, people say mods are too lenient on me. If you'd care to investigate properly first, they will find that I:
- am very friendly to non-idiots and new people in Social. I give games to people that many people above lieutenant WON'T give games to. People have told me that NO ONE ELSE talks to them on CC
- hosted/ing severyal small tourneys lately (6 completed, 5 in progress, 2 Open) in the last 2.5 months
- help people understand maps better - different people to different degrees
- don't violate rules playing games

The truth is, it appears that I am EXACTLY the kind of "friend around the campfire" that CC seems to want. I just seem to be a burr to right winged prudish Risk purists. Just because I'm not like you haters doesn't mean you are the majority.

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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig

Postby fusibaseball on Sun Jan 01, 2012 2:35 am

codierose wrote:dont bother m8 they love him

jackal31 wrote:blakebowling,

what is rude....or the fact your ignoring it. Similarly to all the "farming" he has done too. The leadership of this site is really pissing me off anymore. Kids play here, yet pornographic material, bullying, and many other intolerable things go on here and seem to be accepted. Many have spoken up about these issues, yet nothing seems to happen.

No wonder why many people are leaving.

My two favorite quotes of the entire thread :lol: seems like them two are the only ones who have the same opinion as me...I must comment that I was truly disheartened when I glanced at the scoreboard not too long ago and noticed that the wonderful strategist mc05025 had been beaten out by Gen.LeeGetinHead (aka info removed... who knows why the hell he got his name changed, probably was getting abused too much by people like me :D ). What a disgrace! The rare few games he does play anyone of actual skill or knowledge with City Mogul, he gets beat quite often; this suggests his actual ranking should be around 1800. I can't even begin to estimate how many times I've witnessed him telling others "oh, don't worry. it's just a bunch of squares on graph paper!".

All the accolades in the world Gen.LeeGettinhed for making it as high as you did, but I hope you realize that the methods you utilized to get there are both humiliating and dissapointing. And as a comment on your previous post, it doesn't matter whether you're a friend around the campfire or not, other players will notice the games you play, the tactics you use, and the condescending tone you use on less experienced players first. Take responsibility for an inferior game strategy to others rather than deflect and perhaps the general opinion of you around here would improve quite rapidly.

But that's just humble old Fusi's opinion...carry on ;)
Last edited by king achilles on Sun May 13, 2012 11:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig

Postby Woodruff on Sun Jan 01, 2012 4:50 am

fusibaseball wrote:I was truly disheartened when I glanced at the scoreboard not too long ago and noticed that the wonderful strategist mc05025 had been beaten out by Gen.LeeGetinHead (aka DH... who knows why the hell he got his name changed, probably was getting abused too much by people like me :D ).

But that cannot be! After all, userid name changes are not allowed on this site! Oh...except for those who are favored by the site. Which backs up the point you were making, after all.
Last edited by Woodruff on Sun Jan 01, 2012 10:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig[noted]es

Postby nippersean on Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:00 am

You have to be kidding me, GLG is DH??????? Fact or fiction??
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig[noted]es

Postby hmsps on Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:02 am

nippersean wrote:You have to be kidding me, GLG is DH??????? Fact or fiction??
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig[noted]es

Postby nippersean on Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:23 am

Well a lot got explained right there, thanks.

Well now you reminded me of 1 of my fave posts:


Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed - gross abuse and farming [pending]

Postby Mr Changsha on Sat Nov 28, 2009 4:50 am
I've got this wonderful mental image of David lurking outside a catholic girls school as the young ladies await their A level results. As the girls stream out of the school clutching their 4 grade A's (for everyone gets an 'A' now don't you know) out pops David from his modified Ford Escort with a bouquet of roses in one hand, a bottle of vodka in the other while wearing a T shirt saying 'Are you legal???'

With regards to the case, this isn't farming as the rule clearly states that farming only includes new recruits. So our hunters will have to decide whether to extend the farming rule to include continuously playing the low ranked/inexperienced. Looks like David is the test case. Well done that man! I've always wanted to be a test case for something over than a psychological disorder! Maybe one day I can be a CC test case! Woot!
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig[noted]es

Postby King_Herpes on Sun Jan 01, 2012 1:50 pm

Sorry about your little butt ✪ Dumb fucking e-lambs the lot of you
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig[noted]es

Postby Gen.LeeGettinhed on Tue Jan 03, 2012 9:35 pm

Global mods:

-this is CLEARLY a CLEARED issue: NOT pornography -- only breasts, nipples were convered with "pasties' like mat'l
-also: I attached people's sig; THEY posted the questionable material, NOT me. . .it auto changed
-I've deleted that part of my sig -- but STILL was NOT pornographic

You Global mods are sort of worthless on these accounts. To me it's very clear. ALSO:
- some idiot above referenceing personal info should be reprimanded
-the whole idea of changing ID was to get AWAY from personal data. Those replies should be edited. Posters are violating rules.

Contact me and talk in Live CHat Social.

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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig[noted]es

Postby Master Bush on Tue Jan 03, 2012 9:39 pm

nippersean wrote:Well a lot got explained right there, thanks.

Well now you reminded me of 1 of my fave posts:


Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed - gross abuse and farming [pending]

Postby Mr Changsha on Sat Nov 28, 2009 4:50 am
I've got this wonderful mental image of David lurking outside a catholic girls school as the young ladies await their A level results. As the girls stream out of the school clutching their 4 grade A's (for everyone gets an 'A' now don't you know) out pops David from his modified Ford Escort with a bouquet of roses in one hand, a bottle of vodka in the other while wearing a T shirt saying 'Are you legal???'

With regards to the case, this isn't farming as the rule clearly states that farming only includes new recruits. So our hunters will have to decide whether to extend the farming rule to include continuously playing the low ranked/inexperienced. Looks like David is the test case. Well done that man! I've always wanted to be a test case for something over than a psychological disorder! Maybe one day I can be a CC test case! Woot!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig[noted]es

Postby Gold Knight on Wed Jan 04, 2012 12:38 am

Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:some idiot above referenceing personal info should be reprimanded

Should we reprimand the "idiot" who made the personal info their name for a gaming site too? :lol:

I really have no care in the sig or how you play the game, but this was really funny to me...
xxtig12683xx wrote:yea, my fav part was being in the sewer riding a surfboard and wacking these alien creatures.

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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig[noted]es

Postby Chariot of Fire on Wed Jan 04, 2012 1:23 am

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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig[noted]es

Postby blakebowling on Wed Feb 08, 2012 5:30 pm

Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:Global mods:

-this is CLEARLY a CLEARED issue: NOT pornography -- only breasts, nipples were convered with "pasties' like mat'l
-also: I attached people's sig; THEY posted the questionable material, NOT me. . .it auto changed
-I've deleted that part of my sig -- but STILL was NOT pornographic

You Global mods are sort of worthless on these accounts. To me it's very clear. ALSO:
- some idiot above referenceing personal info should be reprimanded
-the whole idea of changing ID was to get AWAY from personal data. Those replies should be edited. Posters are violating rules.

Contact me and talk in Live CHat Social.


You contradict yourself directly right here. viewtopic.php?f=6&p=3587147#p3587147

Also, I and many others saw the sig BEFORE it was edited out. There were no coverings over the nipples.
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig[noted]es

Postby Evolution299 on Wed Feb 08, 2012 5:42 pm

I have a screen shot of the confession, should it be required.
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig[noted]es

Postby Dukasaur on Wed Feb 08, 2012 5:42 pm

Nice catch...:)
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig[noted]es

Postby Woodruff on Wed Feb 08, 2012 6:55 pm

How does this only get a "[noted]"? This individual has been on the site for a VERY long time, and was well aware of the rule regarding pornography. In addition, this individual's pornographic signature was personally witnessed by at least one moderator and another user claims to have an admission of the culpability.

So this is more of the buddy-buddy system around here? God, you guys suck.
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