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king achilles for abuse of power (among others)[closed]

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king achilles for abuse of power (among others)[closed]

Postby mc05025 on Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:06 pm

king achilles

Abuse of power
Avoid to do a proper investigation
Lying to the community
Underestimate our intelligence


At the situation with the multy hunters Masli and eye84free

1) For Masli he did not finish the investigation and so he ignored the accuses (not any kind of punishment for Masli) just because he decided to resign of multy hunter. I thought that the rules are for anyone even if they resign. So Abuse of power and avoid to do a proper investigation

2)king achilles wrote this:
As for eye84free, he did not know that the player he was joining a game into was a multi at the time. He was not obligated to check a player first before joining a game and this is the case for him. If he does check the player afterward, he only did his duty as a hunter. There was no malicious intention on his part.

and the answer is

Chariot of Fire wrote:
2011-08-27 16:49:24 - Game has been initialized
2011-08-27 16:49:47 - brandweer was kicked out for violating the rules

'Game 9649490'

That's just one example of many. Is it really possible to join a game and do a multi check in 23 seconds and go through the machinations of kicking the player out (without precognition of that player being a multi and knowing full well what you are going to do)? I guess he didn't even bother to spend several seconds simply looking at the drop!

KA wrote:

As for eye84free, he did not know that the player he was joining a game into was a multi at the time.

from which it is proved that king achilles avoided to do a proper investigation or he is lying to the community

After this situation I believe that he is Underestimate our intelligence.

PS If I was King achilles I would have given a warning to both of them and close both situation. These two people are helping the community and so the community should help them by giving them a lighter punishment (for no-volunteers players a proper punishment would have been a point reset)
But not even a warning???????
Last edited by mc05025 on Sat Dec 31, 2011 10:46 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: king achilles for abuse of power (among others)

Postby Great-Ollie on Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:47 pm

I think King Achilles will respond in a few days to the entire crapstorm surrounding the mods. He needs to make a bold statement and clean his house, or there will be many members demanding change, or his resignation. The mods have abused power because no one is in place to keep them in line. This is what we need to see happen or CC is done. KA will do the right thing i hope, i am giving him a week into the new year to provide answers, or their are many of us going to be filing many C&A reports, but for the time being, wait until holidays is over mate.
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Re: king achilles for abuse of power (among others)

Postby jefjef on Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:48 pm

This for real? CC is not an elected government. CC is a for profit business. It is up to the owner how he runs his business.

king a is one of the admins (managers) andy is also an admin. The owner of CC is also an admin. You can be certain that the owner and those that work directly for him has decided this is how they want to handle the situation and manage their business. It is their right.

If we find this intolerable it is our right to not log on and to not buy premium.

Happy New Years!
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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Re: king achilles for abuse of power (among others)

Postby Great-Ollie on Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:52 pm

Happy New Years![/quote]
Blah Blah Blah Blah, the almighty mod defender has arrived! You better listen to jefjef, he is the most liked and respected CC member on the site. Here is an interesting usergroup that has collected a whole bunch of evidence on the cheating mods in question( masli and company). Please join us to help us make a change. Here is the thread. P.S. We have a very good mod helping us with all this, so let's join and come see what we have discovered! Thread: viewtopic.php?f=444&t=157634

There i kindly edited my response, now you can find another reason to ban me if you like! I am sure jefjef would like that.
Last edited by Great-Ollie on Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: king achilles for abuse of power (among others)

Postby TeeGee on Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:10 am

Great-Ollie wrote:Blah Blah Blah Blah, the almighty mod defender has arrived! Don't mind the king of CC, he is the biggest joke on this site. Here is an interesting usergroup that has collected a whole bunch of evidence on the cheating mods. Please join us to help us make a change. Here is the thread. P.S. We have a very good mod helping us with all this, so let's join and come see what we have discovered! Thread: viewtopic.php?f=444&t=157634

Flaming others is not permitted in any forum, so I will ask you nicely to retract your comment towards another user.

And to everyone - C & A is NOT for discussion, so unless you have actual evidence please refrain from posting. If you wish to discuss this, please go to the thread in the GD forum.

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Re: king achilles for abuse of power (among others)

Postby Victor Sullivan on Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:33 am

Great-Ollie wrote:I think King Achilles will respond in a few days to the entire crapstorm surrounding the mods. He needs to make a bold statement and clean his house, or there will be many members demanding change, or his resignation. The mods have abused power because no one is in place to keep them in line. This is what we need to see happen or CC is done. KA will do the right thing i hope, i am giving him a week into the new year to provide answers, or their are many of us going to be filing many C&A reports, but for the time being, wait until holidays is over mate.

Frankly, there's nothing king achilles has to do, so long as it is not required of him by lack. He's not a volunteer. He is therefore not as replaceable nor susceptible to removal by "the community's demands" or other such nonsense. Volunteers come and go. Administrators...not as much.

And while I don't think some discussion on the matter is necessarily harmful, TeeGee makes a good point: be careful with your words! Let's not get into a
Flame-And-Bait-Fest. Let's leave the Entertainment Team the responsibility of running and organizing community events :)

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Re: king achilles for abuse of power (among others)

Postby Master Bush on Sat Dec 31, 2011 1:04 am

jefjef wrote:This for real? CC is not an elected government. CC is a for profit business. It is up to the owner how he runs his business

yea, but the people who make this business it's profit, the paying players here, are not happy with how this service is being run. and just like every business, they cant continue to run a shady/sloppy business, because before long those players are gonna stop paying this site.
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Re: king achilles for abuse of power (among others)

Postby drunkmonkey on Sat Dec 31, 2011 1:35 am

I honestly wonder why anyone becomes a mod on this site. You're the whiniest bunch of players imaginable.
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Re: king achilles for abuse of power (among others)

Postby John Deere on Sat Dec 31, 2011 1:51 am

drunkmonkey wrote:I honestly wonder why anyone becomes a mod on this site. You're the whiniest bunch of players imaginable.

Dont worry man i would be the same if one of my friends/clan members had to quit... errr...quit as a mod because he was crooked.. (sorry again)... wrongly convicted!
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Re: king achilles for abuse of power (among others)

Postby eddie2 on Sat Dec 31, 2011 2:36 am

well then i can add to this.
c and a cases that have issued warnings or forum bans.
these cases it states if unhappy with the result fill in a eticket and a different mod will deal. my last 3 bans king a has issuedand on appeal king a has responded. by the statement top of closed c and a reports this should not of happened.

personal info case.
this case was proberly the biggest joke going. as the rules stood and still do. any form of personal info must not be posted. even if i post my personal info it must not be repeated by any other member.
from guidelines
Using a person's real information, picture, address, blog or anything else "personal" is NOT ok, and is Personal Information Abuse.

And eddie, since you brought this out in the public, you can't report people if they call you by your first name now. With this report, you told everyone who gets to read it whether the name mentioned here is actually true or not.

and what happened i was issued a 1 month forum ban.

reading cla
this is not covered in the rules but i was also issued a 1 month forum ban. i read a private forum when sitting for a clan member.(because i seen a post asking for clans removal.) and responded with my own account. so yes i do agree king a needs to evaluate how he deals with cases.

private forums.
these are not private king a although not being a member enters them and posts asking for inactivity checks.. he should not enter private user groups using mod powers but should contact the leaders via pm.
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Re: king achilles for abuse of power (among others)

Postby Victor Sullivan on Sat Dec 31, 2011 4:02 am

eddie2 wrote:private forums.
these are not private king a although not being a member enters them and posts asking for inactivity checks.. he should not enter private user groups using mod powers but should contact the leaders via pm.

Admins see everything. And it's in king achilles' job description to oversee usergroup and clan creation/deletion, thus the activity checks. There was no "privacy" really to begin with, and besides, I doubt king achilles particularly cares, much less has the time to read usergroup/clan forums.

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Re: king achilles for abuse of power (among others)

Postby nietzsche on Sat Dec 31, 2011 5:21 am

mc05025 wrote:
As for eye84free, he did not know that the player he was joining a game into was a multi at the time. He was not obligated to check a player first before joining a game and this is the case for him. If he does check the player afterward, he only did his duty as a hunter. There was no malicious intention on his part.

and the answer is

Chariot of Fire wrote:
2011-08-27 16:49:24 - Game has been initialized
2011-08-27 16:49:47 - brandweer was kicked out for violating the rules

That's just one example of many. Is it really possible to join a game and do a multi check in 23 seconds and go through the machinations of kicking the player out (without precognition of that player being a multi and knowing full well what you are going to do)? I guess he didn't even bother to spend several seconds simply looking at the drop!

How the hell can he really know what eye84free's intention was??

So he asked him, he said it was not his intention and he believed him??? DID HE SEE EXHIBIT A 23 SECONDS??

Then I demand that in any further investigations, when any of us is the accused our word is taken for truth.
Last edited by nietzsche on Sat Dec 31, 2011 5:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: king achilles for abuse of power (among others)

Postby nietzsche on Sat Dec 31, 2011 5:23 am

Oh and Masli's case.. where is the score reset??? He was clearly taking advantage of his power/access information to gain points. A score reset is needed if the spots in the scoreboard have any respect. RESPECT THE SCOREBOARD APPLY A SCORE RESET TO MASLI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: king achilles for abuse of power (among others)

Postby HighlanderAttack on Sat Dec 31, 2011 9:07 am

nietzsche wrote:
mc05025 wrote:
As for eye84free, he did not know that the player he was joining a game into was a multi at the time. He was not obligated to check a player first before joining a game and this is the case for him. If he does check the player afterward, he only did his duty as a hunter. There was no malicious intention on his part.

and the answer is

Chariot of Fire wrote:
2011-08-27 16:49:24 - Game has been initialized
2011-08-27 16:49:47 - brandweer was kicked out for violating the rules

That's just one example of many. Is it really possible to join a game and do a multi check in 23 seconds and go through the machinations of kicking the player out (without precognition of that player being a multi and knowing full well what you are going to do)? I guess he didn't even bother to spend several seconds simply looking at the drop!

How the hell can he really know what eye84free's intention was??

So he asked him, he said it was not his intention and he believed him??? DID HE SEE EXHIBIT A 23 SECONDS??

Then I demand that in any further investigations, when any of us is the accused our word is taken for truth.

What game number was this?

I just looked it up--LOL no intent to cheat there--right?
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Re: king achilles for abuse of power (among others)

Postby s3xt0y on Sat Dec 31, 2011 11:52 am

I wish there was a sweeping under the rug smiley but this will have to do...Image
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Re: king achilles for abuse of power (among others)

Postby SPARTACUS1974 on Sat Dec 31, 2011 11:53 am

jefjef wrote:This for real? CC is not an elected government. CC is a for profit business. It is up to the owner how he runs his business.

king a is one of the admins (managers) andy is also an admin. The owner of CC is also an admin. You can be certain that the owner and those that work directly for him has decided this is how they want to handle the situation and manage their business. It is their right.

If we find this intolerable it is our right to not log on and to not buy premium.

Happy New Years!

so your saying if we not happy dont play dont log in ?
so if i dont log in do i get a refund on my premium?
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Re: king achilles for abuse of power (among others)

Postby eddie2 on Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:43 pm

Victor Sullivan wrote:
eddie2 wrote:private forums.
these are not private king a although not being a member enters them and posts asking for inactivity checks.. he should not enter private user groups using mod powers but should contact the leaders via pm.

Admins see everything. And it's in king achilles' job description to oversee usergroup and clan creation/deletion, thus the activity checks. There was no "privacy" really to begin with, and besides, I doubt king achilles particularly cares, much less has the time to read usergroup/clan forums.


victor sulivan during my appeal king a stated that not 1 person who is not a member has any right to breach the privacy of a private user group apart from there members. So in effect he is breaching the privacy of the groups members. i remember when time was about i had loads of post slagging certain mods off including king a. and until reciently i understood it only to be the group members who could read it.
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Re: king achilles for abuse of power (among others)

Postby jefjef on Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:50 pm

king a is not a regular member. He is administration - and employee of CC. This site belongs to CC and is theirs to manage.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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Re: king achilles for abuse of power (among others)

Postby peanutsdad on Sat Dec 31, 2011 1:20 pm

jefjef wrote:king a is not a regular member. He is administration - and employee of CC. This site belongs to CC and is theirs to manage.

I beg to differ with your reasoning only slightly here JJ, King is a regular member, he has a premium account (while most likely given to him by ownership) and he plays games on here "regularly" just as the rest of us do. I do though agree that he is also "administration" and that this site is there's to manage, while we have the benefit of being able to comment and sometimes even help in changing how things are done here on this site, it is ownerships to do with as they please, and that is and should be done by there administration. I personally like the new change that KA has installed that does not allow a "hunter/administrator" to ban a suspected cheat in a game they are in, it should be handed over to another "hunter/admin" to handle so there is no conflict of interest. But might i possibly ad this tidbit to the quandary of how to handle these situations, if a hunter/administrator is paid by ownership on this site, then they possibly should not be playing in the games at all as this inherently can con-volute the situation and cause these exact issues to come up. Just a thought.
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Re: king achilles for abuse of power (among others)

Postby Barney Rubble on Sat Dec 31, 2011 1:32 pm

In all this crap I will tell you what concerns my more than anything was the Post made by KA basically stating if anyone posted any more statements on a thread they would find themselves banned as an early Christmas present Now I am not one to be much involved with all the insider crap on this site to be honest today was the first time I knew that KA was actually just an employee,this having been said and reflecting on this type of situation.If this had occurred in my business (Theft ,Lying ,and misrepresentation of facts to one of my clients) would result in immediate action by myself,as my customers are paramount in the success or failure of my business and that success and failure is directly related to the my representatives that I have on that project .I realize that in the chain of command both Mods actions happened under KA 's nose so to speak which could be a little less than stellar management on KA's part (Something he gets paid to do I assume ) However veiled threats to paying customers raising legitimate questions does seem somewhat abusive .
Just my humble opinion
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Re: king achilles for abuse of power (among others)

Postby lindseyland78 on Sat Dec 31, 2011 2:07 pm

Greetings fellow intellectual minds, I speak only to you and not to those who are of lesser understanding. For doesn't all of this seem so silly. If one was receiving something like a television service and decided they didn't like the channels are the technical support they received, they would crease payment and start using another service logically, correct? Now that example is far more expensive per month than this is per year, but the logic should follow. You want to leave and just recently reuped, okay go complain about that, that is logical. However do not sit and wine about problems that the admin here are under no obligation to change and then be mad when they offer you the cheese you deserve. You wanted to be mad about the Masli case fine, you made him step down, go you! Aren't you proud. But like the French in 1789 one head ruling isn't enough, they all must die. But remember what happened in the reign of terror, after they killed all those in command prior to the revolution they continued to kill any leader after that for years for they found that they didn't like to be ruled by someone else's standards, for they wanted all their grievances addressed immediately and nobody was doing that for them. Nobody was going out of their way to fix every single problem for every single person. The same applies. There is far more members than mods, forgiven them for being a little busy. And excuse them for not explicitly writing out every scenario, even ones that have never been a problem before. And forgive them for wanting to be able to give the people who have proven to work very hard for them a chance the explain themselves, and redeem themselves before giving them the ax for breaking a nonexistent rule. And forgive them for wanting to lock down a thread to stop the madness and mob mentality forming rapidly, heck still forming. If the French monarchy had taken the time to do this they maybe would have kept their heads. The problem here is really entitlement because all of you seem to think you have some right to protest here when you don't, this is not a democracy, don't go occupy anything. But the mods are entitled to govern their own as they please and they are entitled to try and keep the masses in line. So if you don't like it, don't just sit around and complain, go do something about it! Quit! Be a man, find some balls! But of wait. I forgot you just like to wine.
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Re: king achilles for abuse of power (among others)

Postby jefjef on Sat Dec 31, 2011 2:21 pm

I beg to differ with your reasoning only slightly here JJ, King is a regular member, he has a premium account (while most likely given to him by ownership) and he plays games on here "regularly" just as the rest of us do.

Regular members have names of no color. Site volunteers (mods and admin) have names of a variety of colors.

king a is NOT a regular member. You know that. To suggest that admin and volunteers NOT play this game most of us enjoy is just spinning bull shit. Kinda like suggesting that McDonalds employees can't eat their fries or BMW employees can't drive a BMW. Do you really think that if they couldn't use the product to enjoy, represent and provide that they or anyone would be here?

@ lindseyland78 - Excellent post. =D>
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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Re: king achilles for abuse of power (among others)

Postby nietzsche on Sat Dec 31, 2011 2:38 pm

lindseyland78 wrote:Greetings fellow intellectual minds, I speak only to you and not to those who are of lesser understanding. For doesn't all of this seem so silly. If one was receiving something like a television service and decided they didn't like the channels are the technical support they received, they would crease payment and start using another service logically, correct? Now that example is far more expensive per month than this is per year, but the logic should follow. You want to leave and just recently reuped, okay go complain about that, that is logical. However do not sit and wine about problems that the admin here are under no obligation to change and then be mad when they offer you the cheese you deserve. You wanted to be mad about the Masli case fine, you made him step down, go you! Aren't you proud. But like the French in 1789 one head ruling isn't enough, they all must die. But remember what happened in the reign of terror, after they killed all those in command prior to the revolution they continued to kill any leader after that for years for they found that they didn't like to be ruled by someone else's standards, for they wanted all their grievances addressed immediately and nobody was doing that for them. Nobody was going out of their way to fix every single problem for every single person. The same applies. There is far more members than mods, forgiven them for being a little busy. And excuse them for not explicitly writing out every scenario, even ones that have never been a problem before. And forgive them for wanting to be able to give the people who have proven to work very hard for them a chance the explain themselves, and redeem themselves before giving them the ax for breaking a nonexistent rule. And forgive them for wanting to lock down a thread to stop the madness and mob mentality forming rapidly, heck still forming. If the French monarchy had taken the time to do this they maybe would have kept their heads. The problem here is really entitlement because all of you seem to think you have some right to protest here when you don't, this is not a democracy, don't go occupy anything. But the mods are entitled to govern their own as they please and they are entitled to try and keep the masses in line. So if you don't like it, don't just sit around and complain, go do something about it! Quit! Be a man, find some balls! But of wait. I forgot you just like to wine.

There are those who try to improve and fix what they like. We like being at CC and we don't want this to happen, we want things right. We value being part of this community and we want justice for all.

There are others who simply do not have the time or the desire to do it, but are equally interested. And there are others who simply walk away, as you suggest. That is my last option.

And to be honest that's the way capitalism works. When CC starts to lose income, when lackattack starts to see a downward trend in membership renewal he will start to look for the cause, he will have a few clues and if he's lucky enough he'll find the problem and if he's smart enough fix it, but that will be too late for me because even tho king achilles attitude will be slapped I will be long gone. I wish this is fixed now, and I believe reason accompanies our protest.

If you let them get away with this later in similar cases they will do the same. And we will do the same, take it in the ass.
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Re: king achilles for abuse of power (among others)

Postby delahoc on Sat Dec 31, 2011 4:08 pm

I don't know how so many people could reply to this thread. I could hardly even understand the original post.
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Re: king achilles for abuse of power (among others)

Postby pascalleke on Sat Dec 31, 2011 5:33 pm

delahoc wrote:I don't know how so many people could reply to this thread. I could hardly even understand the original post.

:lol: u must be joking

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