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demonfork & King_Herpes game chat abuse/spam[cleared]es

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demonfork & King_Herpes game chat abuse/spam[cleared]es

Postby Master Bush on Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:24 am



The accused are suspected of:

Other: game chat abuse/spame

Game number(s):

Game 10343276


Playing a triples game against these two, and never posted in the game chat, until end, and never addressed demonfork once, and all the sudden he post this in the game game chat:

2011-12-30 01:06:17 - demonfork: EAT MY COCK MB

I dont even know the guy, and never played with him before. Also King_Herpes spammed the game chat during a team game, making it hard to fellow my team's posts. Here is the whole game chat log:

2011-12-30 00:16:41 - King_Herpes: Come and get my love
2011-12-30 00:17:27 - Boudicia [team]: rather your points if you dont mind :)
2011-12-30 00:18:12 - Boudicia: rather your points if you dont mind
2011-12-30 00:18:22 - Boudicia [team]: hi all
2011-12-30 00:18:59 - King_Herpes: Sorry that we are taking so long to take our turn, it's just that we are all very new to this map and so can sometimes begin to lock up/freeze or even panic
2011-12-30 00:19:06 - Boudicia [team]: Ok Auss is ours me or Bush ?
2011-12-30 00:19:07 - jltile1: Oh this is sexy
2011-12-30 00:19:14 - Master Bush [team]: cheer mates. whats are plan?
2011-12-30 00:19:35 - jltile1: Thank god u have five mins
2011-12-30 00:19:37 - Boudicia: hehehe
2011-12-30 00:19:54 - Master Bush [team]: i say me, and you lock down bangkok?
2011-12-30 00:20:11 - Boudicia [team]: Shall i take control of auss ?
2011-12-30 00:21:11 - demonfork: Hi thon!
2011-12-30 00:21:11 - King_Herpes: Wshhew, was close you guys thanks for bearing with
2011-12-30 00:21:38 - King_Herpes: I almost completely tweaked out there but luckily my partners guided me through
2011-12-30 00:21:40 - Boudicia [team]: if so reinforce your troops out
2011-12-30 00:22:00 - King_Herpes: I don't know what I'd do without them
2011-12-30 00:23:02 - Master Bush [team]: remember this is chained and esc
2011-12-30 00:23:19 - Boudicia [team]: yes
2011-12-30 00:23:51 - Boudicia [team]: just hope our other team member is awake and online ?
2011-12-30 00:25:29 - Master Bush [team]: lord build an army in n.america
2011-12-30 00:25:45 - Boudicia [team]: I think we need to plan on knocking an opponent of the map ....RED ?
2011-12-30 00:27:01 - jltile1: Trust the valtrex it will get u tru
2011-12-30 00:28:02 - Master Bush [team]: too early to try to knock someone out just yet
2011-12-30 00:29:56 - Boudicia [team]: yes but it soon happens place troops on your own if you can and get a card when possible !
2011-12-30 00:30:10 - jltile1: I curse all die team two done
2011-12-30 00:30:44 - Master Bush [team]: if we arent careful i could be targeted soon
2011-12-30 00:31:12 - demonfork: sorry we are taking so long, we arr talking about banging hoes and are not really intertested in taking our turns
2011-12-30 00:31:21 - Boudicia [team]: yer it soon happens ............ill reinforce you when i can bush
2011-12-30 00:31:35 - King_Herpes: Sorry that my partners and I are taking so take our turns, it's just that we're all extremely new to this site and has been so long since any of our last geography lessons and is proving to be a real bother trying to come up with a sound strategy
2011-12-30 00:34:25 - Master Bush [team]: pink drop your 3 on me in montreal please
2011-12-30 00:34:34 - Boudicia: thats ok take yer time we seem to have the same problem ! :)
2011-12-30 00:34:40 - Master Bush [team]: we have to keep my numbers up
2011-12-30 00:35:00 - Master Bush [team]: what a shitt turn, losing 6v3 4-0
2011-12-30 00:35:10 - Boudicia [team]: ok but what was that last move about hehe
2011-12-30 00:35:55 - Master Bush [team]: i was trying to get a card and take away blue's 3 man army there
2011-12-30 00:37:12 - Master Bush [team]: we might have to change up our plan
2011-12-30 00:38:17 - Boudicia [team]: Bush maybe dont worry about cards ........just stay alive
2011-12-30 00:38:18 - Master Bush [team]: you should move all your men in bangkok and let me take assie
2011-12-30 00:39:22 - Boudicia [team]: assie ?
2011-12-30 00:40:32 - Master Bush [team]: lol ok we're in good shap
2011-12-30 00:40:38 - Master Bush [team]: *shape
2011-12-30 00:41:25 - jltile1: The curse worked
2011-12-30 00:42:14 - Boudicia [team]: possible place on jakata ? as they will assault me next
2011-12-30 00:42:37 - Boudicia [team]: your safe in Montreal
2011-12-30 00:43:25 - Boudicia [team]: excellent kill in n america of red :)
2011-12-30 00:43:31 - Lord Vanion [team]: they going after aussie for sure
2011-12-30 00:43:59 - Master Bush [team]: i'd be proactive vs green
2011-12-30 00:44:06 - Boudicia [team]: Fingers crossed they wont take it ..........
2011-12-30 00:45:10 - Master Bush [team]: they break it, they win, they dont.........
2011-12-30 00:45:18 - King_Herpes: Say, you guys seem like an intelligent bunch. Would you by any chance be interested in hearing in some FFF's or Fun Frog Facts as we like to call tham?
2011-12-30 00:46:19 - Lord Vanion: lol, ok
2011-12-30 00:46:31 - Boudicia [team]: thats crap
2011-12-30 00:46:36 - Master Bush [team]: damn
2011-12-30 00:46:37 - demonfork: Fun Frog Fact #99: There are approximately eighteen thousand varieties of frogs but most fall into one of three categories: the big frog, the little frog and the black bear.
2011-12-30 00:47:49 - Lord Vanion [team]: beijing?
2011-12-30 00:48:06 - Boudicia [team]: sydney and beijing
2011-12-30 00:48:31 - demonfork: Fun Frog Fact #57: Frogs are extremely territorial and protect their nests by attending neighborhood watch meetings.
2011-12-30 00:48:42 - Boudicia [team]: Mumbai
2011-12-30 00:48:55 - demonfork: Fun Frog Fact #82: Mud Frogs can live for up to eighty years but spend all this time in hibernation under dried river mud.
2011-12-30 00:48:58 - Boudicia [team]: ok thats good
2011-12-30 00:49:20 - King_Herpes: Fun Frog Fact #23 Frog bones form a ring when the frog is hibernating, just like trees do. Scientists can use these rings to figure out the age of a frog.
2011-12-30 00:49:56 - Lord Vanion [team]: take my cards before they do
2011-12-30 00:50:54 - demonfork: Fun Frog Fact #67: The Brazilian Jungle Frog can mimic human speech and grows to the size of a small child.
2011-12-30 00:51:00 - Lord Vanion [team]: if i get a turn all move chicago to montreal if its still there that is
2011-12-30 00:52:25 - demonfork: Fun Frog Fact #61: Frogs can be taught how to weld
2011-12-30 00:53:00 - Boudicia [team]: Dont worry about S America as that will just weaken us ......get cards
2011-12-30 00:53:23 - demonfork: Fun Frog Fact #11: Placed between tissue paper and under heavy books for a few weeks, a dried frog makes a stunning broach.
2011-12-30 00:53:32 - King_Herpes: Fun Frog Fact #2: Due to the fact that frogs do not require oxygen and can withstand extreme pressures, they can often be found searching the ocean floor for their favorite food, krill. These deep sea abilities make them great scuba diving companions
2011-12-30 00:54:01 - lindseyland78: Fun Frog Fact #33: No matter how many times you kiss them, frogs will not turn it a prince
2011-12-30 00:54:41 - Master Bush [team]: f*ck it, lets take red out
2011-12-30 00:54:53 - Lord Vanion: Fun Frog Fact #3 in western north america there is a frog that excretes a hollucenigen
2011-12-30 00:54:59 - King_Herpes: I really apologize again for us taking so long to finish with our moves but we've found out another awesome thing that we have in common and would rather talk to each other than play the game
2011-12-30 00:55:15 - Boudicia [team]: i have a set next go ........ so it could be possible
2011-12-30 00:56:09 - demonfork: sorry LV thats not #3 that fact is #137
2011-12-30 00:56:24 - Boudicia [team]: Pink kill Anchorage
2011-12-30 00:56:41 - Boudicia [team]: ill take out Africa
2011-12-30 00:57:01 - Boudicia [team]: Yellow take our red in Europe !
2011-12-30 00:57:18 - Lord Vanion: lol, ok oops just though i would try and jump in once
2011-12-30 00:57:30 - Master Bush [team]: i can kill out but his anchorage army right now
2011-12-30 00:57:35 - Master Bush [team]: 15v10
2011-12-30 00:57:51 - King_Herpes: Solid effort Lord V, we can use more people with your enthusiasm for frogs
2011-12-30 00:58:09 - Master Bush [team]: i meant i can kill out all of red but that anchorage army
2011-12-30 00:58:35 - Master Bush [team]: should i?
2011-12-30 00:58:51 - Lord Vanion [team]: green cant reinforce it, it may be worth a try
2011-12-30 00:58:51 - Boudicia [team]: if you can do it then reinforce me so i can get in if theres any left
2011-12-30 01:00:02 - Boudicia [team]: Reinforce Mumbai
2011-12-30 01:00:19 - Boudicia [team]: no wait Moscow
2011-12-30 01:00:30 - King_Herpes: Fun Frog fact #3: Frogs have excellent reception and can be used in place of your standard television aerial.
2011-12-30 01:01:01 - Master Bush [team]: dice killed me
2011-12-30 01:01:15 - King_Herpes: That's the real #3 LV but don't let my partner deter you, he can be very abrasive and has extremely low confidence in himself
2011-12-30 01:01:44 - Boudicia [team]: Kill anchorage
2011-12-30 01:02:47 - Master Bush [team]: it doesnt matter because blue is either gonna kill off red or reinforce to him
2011-12-30 01:02:52 - Master Bush [team]: they won
2011-12-30 01:02:53 - Boudicia [team]: i guess now they will reinforce red .......but we have to try
2011-12-30 01:03:32 - King_Herpes: You guys are getting your beans pushed in!
2011-12-30 01:03:44 - Master Bush [team]: good effort guys
2011-12-30 01:04:30 - King_Herpes: Good game MB, sorry about your little butt I promise it will get bigger given time
2011-12-30 01:05:26 - Master Bush: good game. thanks for spamming the game chat btw
2011-12-30 01:05:27 - King_Herpes: You should've eliminated me Boudicia, what were you thinking letting me live?
2011-12-30 01:05:46 - King_Herpes: That's going to make things real difficult on you
2011-12-30 01:05:56 - Boudicia [team]: It all failed once we lost Auss ........
2011-12-30 01:06:17 - demonfork: EAT MY COCK MB
2011-12-30 01:06:28 - King_Herpes: One more FFF for the road MB
2011-12-30 01:06:33 - King_Herpes: Fun Frog Fact #1. While frogs have a varied diet, which includes nuts and corn, their favorite meal is the cheese quesadilla from Applebee's for $6.69.
2011-12-30 01:06:33 - Boudicia: gg you 3 amigos :)
2011-12-30 01:06:35 - jltile1: Lol
2011-12-30 01:06:39 - Master Bush: really?
2011-12-30 01:06:54 - Master Bush: whats that all about blue?
2011-12-30 01:07:09 - demonfork: sorry I was talking about a different MB
2011-12-30 01:07:34 - Boudicia: Blues just getting excited by the fact he won lol
2011-12-30 01:07:38 - demonfork: Wrong chat window
2011-12-30 01:08:04 - demonfork: Yea cause I hardly ever win
2011-12-30 01:08:23 - Master Bush: yea i'm sure. i'll make sure to pass on any games with you again.
2011-12-30 01:08:28 - Master Bush: gg non the less
2011-12-30 01:08:46 - demonfork: lol, don't be like that chum
2011-12-30 01:09:22 - demonfork: cant we just be friends instead?
2011-12-30 01:09:38 - King_Herpes: I tried warning you guys, he can come off abrasive and has extremely low self confidence
2011-12-30 01:10:00 - Master Bush: you just told me to eat your cock, which im pretty sure if chat abuse, and i'm the one being told not to be "like that"?
2011-12-30 01:10:14 - King_Herpes: But you didn't listen did you? You just had to go off and provoke him like that
2011-12-30 01:10:40 - King_Herpes: Uh oh, that wasn't a smart move MB you're pushing him too far
2011-12-30 01:11:08 - King_Herpes: I'd just walk away if I were you remember what you're parents would say
2011-12-30 01:11:23 - Master Bush: i guess i'll let a mod look into the chat, including spamming during a team game
2011-12-30 01:11:27 - Boudicia: Dont rise to it Yellow ........there a great bunch really ......just like ive said they get excited by the manly company :)
2011-12-30 01:11:48 - demonfork: sorry bubb, I have low self esteem and sometimes I lash out. Can we just be friends instead?
2011-12-30 01:12:10 - Master Bush: no but we can be foes
2011-12-30 01:12:12 - Lord Vanion: cmon yellow stop it he was only make a joke about your name
2011-12-30 01:12:17 - King_Herpes: For someone that likes to deem people mod wannabes you sure do like to call on the mods a whole lot
2011-12-30 01:12:46 - King_Herpes: backwards logic
2011-12-30 01:12:51 - King_Herpes: Fun Frog Fact #7: When blended, frogs make an excellent energy drink containing 92% of recommended daily vitamin intake.
2011-12-30 01:14:19 - King_Herpes: 2011-12-30 01:12:12 - Lord Vanion: cmon yellow stop it he was only make a joke about your name
2011-12-30 01:14:45 - King_Herpes: 2011-12-30 01:05:26 - Master Bush: good game. thanks for spamming the game chat btw
2011-12-30 01:14:47 - demonfork: come on bubb, it was just a goof
2011-12-30 01:14:58 - King_Herpes: 2011-12-30 01:06:17 - demonfork: EAT MY COCK MB
2011-12-30 01:15:06 - demonfork: I was just making a joke about your name
"You know what they say about Love and War...."
"Yeah, one involves a lot of physical and psychological pain, and the other one's War."
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Re: demonfork & King_Herpes game chat abuse/spam

Postby demonfork on Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:36 am

Sorry bubb.....I thought that you liked fun facts about frogs (or FFF's as I like to call them) at least I heard that you did (yea, Felix Mulvaney was saying that in live chat, he was trying to lighten the mood...he was pretty upset about that whole Pack thing).

Anyway, I'm really sorry about the whole "EAT MY COCK MB" comment...It was just a goof!

I really hope that we can be chums after this whole think blows over.
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Re: demonfork & King_Herpes game chat abuse/spam

Postby King_Herpes on Fri Dec 30, 2011 2:05 am

Master Bush, First off let me say I would take a hailstorm of bullets straight to the heart for you.

But lately, every time I talk to you I feel like Bare Naked Ladies singer Steven Page in that, "it'll still be two days til we say we're sorry".

Master Bush, bubb, replaying yesterday takes away precious moments from today. I want you to understand that by wasting energies on thinking about what you wanted or planned to happen, you're missing out on all the opportunities in front of you at that moment. Like the opportunity we offered you to remain friends, do you see it now? You were so blinded by your anger that you completely overlooked us reaching out. Instead of being energized by the endless possibilities surrounding you, you've tricked your mind into believing that we are the enemy.

Too much focus on the negative, if we only hone in on that that's all we'll receive. You have to change your language so that you can change the way you perceive your reality. You create as you speak, Master Bush. I'm worried about you. You must frame things in the positive in order to align with what is in your highest purpose.

Come on bubb, let's go get you some ice cream, I'll explain everything when we get to the car.

I forgive you for forgiveness is all we have,

King_Herpes cc's most passionate protector
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Re: demonfork & King_Herpes game chat abuse/spam

Postby Master Bush on Fri Dec 30, 2011 2:40 am

I have both of those guys on my foe list, so I dont know what they posted, but I can only imagine the senseless dribble king_herpes has posted in this thread.
"You know what they say about Love and War...."
"Yeah, one involves a lot of physical and psychological pain, and the other one's War."
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Re: demonfork & King_Herpes game chat abuse/spam

Postby angola on Fri Dec 30, 2011 6:30 am

Master Bush wrote:I have both of those guys on my foe list, so I dont know what they posted, but I can only imagine the senseless dribble king_herpes has posted in this thread.

God, you suck.

That was the best game chat in ages.
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Re: demonfork & King_Herpes game chat abuse/spam

Postby betiko on Fri Dec 30, 2011 7:51 am

I'm not sure about all their frog fun facts. I think we should investigate to check if it's all true. also, I see they wrote down a wrong fun frog fact number at some point, that's quite fishy..
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Re: demonfork & King_Herpes game chat abuse/spam

Postby QoH on Fri Dec 30, 2011 7:57 am

FFFs FTW. Thanks bubbs for making the game chat a better place.
Please don't invite me to any pickup games. I will decline the invite.
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Re: demonfork & King_Herpes game chat abuse/spam

Postby NoSurvivors on Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:20 am

Lol it was only a matter of time before these started showing up.. but the bubbs are just trying to entertain, no need to get your panties in a knot over something so silly :P they did it in a few of my games too lmao
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Re: demonfork & King_Herpes game chat abuse/spam

Postby lindseyland78 on Fri Dec 30, 2011 3:27 pm

Master Bush, you know how much respect I have for you. You did your time in service for the Conquer Club community and yet still continue to protect the masses even has a veteran. Your diligence is admirable and I have had the privilege of being able to call upon your knowledge before to only be met with a enthusiasm to share your great wisdom, as any intellectual would have.

Though with that said, King Herpes and demonfork are my bubbs. They were the first kind specimen to open their hearts to me and make Conquer Club not just a silly game but a place to feel included and be entertained. I still feel some giggles coming on when look back on the bubb filled games I have played for they were pure enjoyment for myself and many of the other players included. Being considered a bubb is a sheer honor and these players were my teammates so I hold them in the highest esteem as well.

Which leaves me at a crossroads, I could have silenced my beliefs and chosen not to comment since I felt a pull for both sides but since that felt cowardly I decided instead to speak my mind embodying the peaceful hippy mindset, in hopes that both sides are not at odds with what I preach.

In the wise words of Edward Cullen, taken from Twilight, the most defining book of my generation, Master Bush I say to you, "Don't apologize. Never be afraid to tell me know you feel. If this is what you are my first priority." I am guessing you know what FFF's are, and King Herpes asked if anyone wanted to hear them and your team mate agreed, even joined the jolliness but at any time if you had stated your objection to our attempt to make a otherwise just par-game more enjoying than the merriment would have creased for it was your entertainment that we aimed for. We would never have judged your choice to opt out of the fun for as I stated above you are our first priority but you remained silent, which I had believed meant you were laughing to hard to join in the festivities.

This whole predicament reminds me of a saga from my childhood, one I am very keen to because it has shown me so much guidance over the years. Growing up in a suburb I spent much of my time playing outside with all the other neighbor children and never understood why they didn't want to play the games I wanted to play or follow the rules that I put into place and so I tattled on them time and time again until they stopped playing with me. Distraught by their cruelty my very very sensitive and caring father told me that since all the other little kids could play and get along and I was the one inside alone then maybe the problem wasn't them but me.

And so I hope the feeling I expressed here chilled a little bit of the anger you feel for my bubbs and brought some light to team 1's perspective.

And now to end with a quote from a book I truly admire, "May the odds be ever in your favor!"
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Re: demonfork & King_Herpes game chat abuse/spam

Postby Uncle Death on Fri Dec 30, 2011 8:11 pm

I think this is a really lame complaint. That chat has comedy written all over it and complaining that their chat made it hard to read your team's chat just doesn't fly.
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Re: demonfork & King_Herpes game chat abuse/spam

Postby natty dread on Fri Dec 30, 2011 9:39 pm

Master Bush wrote:King_Herpes spammed the game chat during a team game, making it hard to fellow my team's posts.

OH MY GOGGLES, that's awful!

King Herpes, I hope you're satisfied. You have destroyed a young man's faith in the basic decency of humankind. I've always sort of known there were grave injustices in the world, but I guess I never saw them flaunted in such a blatant way. How can you live with yourself, knowing you have taken the innocence from my soul like this? How can you look at yourself in the mirror, and not see a haunting image of my anguished face, or various other anguished body parts?

I think the only decent thing to do now would be to issue a sincere apology in the form of frozen meat products. You can get my contact information from my secretary, and I'm expecting at least 3 metric kilograms of of tenderloin.
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Re: demonfork & King_Herpes game chat abuse/spam

Postby Master Bush on Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:57 am

why dont all of king_herpes friends avoid posting in this thread about how funny those posts were. this is about spamming a game chat, so let a mod look into it.

and really the fff things are only a secondary issue here. it was demonfork's comment that is my main issue.
"You know what they say about Love and War...."
"Yeah, one involves a lot of physical and psychological pain, and the other one's War."
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Re: demonfork & King_Herpes game chat abuse/spam

Postby angola on Sat Dec 31, 2011 2:55 am

Master Bush wrote:why dont all of king_herpes friends avoid posting in this thread about how funny those posts were. this is about spamming a game chat, so let a mod look into it.

and really the fff things are only a secondary issue here. it was demonfork's comment that is my main issue.

You are what is wrong with society today. A bunch of namby pambies.

<I feel I can keep posting because I'm not friends with herpes. He had me foed last I checked.>
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Re: demonfork & King_Herpes game chat abuse/spam

Postby King_Herpes on Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:23 am

Please Master B'r man I'm begging you, he was only making a joke about your name(You know because your name is Master Bush). Your partner even told you this and you can't even trust him?

2011-12-30 01:12:12 - Lord Vanion: cmon yellow stop it he was only make a joke about your name

..Also thanks everyone, I do appreciate the support and kind words but seriously it's only making matters worse. This guy is extremely sad right now and we'll need only compassion from here on through. This is between us and team 1 and honestly I just want for things to go back to the way they were. You know before the 'C' word and before all this animosity.

Don't slip away from me MB, let me protect you.

P.S. it pleases us considerably to hear that you have changed your mind about the FFF's
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Re: demonfork & King_Herpes game chat abuse/spam

Postby Master Bush on Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:28 am

King_Herpes wrote:This guy is extremely sad

So you're gonna flame me in this thread now? Classy.
"You know what they say about Love and War...."
"Yeah, one involves a lot of physical and psychological pain, and the other one's War."
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Re: demonfork & King_Herpes game chat abuse/spam

Postby King_Herpes on Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:30 am

Master Bush wrote:I have both of those guys on my foe list, so I dont know what they posted

+1 credibility point
Sorry about your little butt ✪ Dumb fucking e-lambs the lot of you
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Re: demonfork & King_Herpes game chat abuse/spam

Postby Victor Sullivan on Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:58 am

Give me an F!


Give me an A!


Give me an M!


Give me an O!


What's that spell? An acronym!

Anywho... Master Bush, sugar, I frankly don't see what's so wrong with being talkative. I use the Game Chat for more than simple diplomacy and etiquette - I talk with my comrades! I mean, heck, that's basically the point of xiGames, one of the oldest non-clan clans on CC.

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Re: demonfork & King_Herpes game chat abuse/spam

Postby Master Bush on Sat Dec 31, 2011 5:26 am

King_Herpes wrote:
Master Bush wrote:I have both of those guys on my foe list, so I dont know what they posted

+1 credibility point

I discovered a button that allows you to read foe members.
"You know what they say about Love and War...."
"Yeah, one involves a lot of physical and psychological pain, and the other one's War."
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Re: demonfork & King_Herpes game chat abuse/spam

Postby Evil Semp on Sat Dec 31, 2011 1:41 pm

I don't know of any rules that say you are not allowed to chat in a game you are in. As far as abuse that is what the foe option is for which you figured out how to use. This is CLEARED.
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Re: demonfork & King_Herpes game chat abuse/spam

Postby Master Bush on Sat Dec 31, 2011 4:26 pm

Evil Semp wrote:I don't know of any rules that say you are not allowed to chat in a game you are in. As far as abuse that is what the foe option is for which you figured out how to use. This is CLEARED.


the corruption at this site continues, and certain people/groups continue to get a free pass because of spinless mods.
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Re: demonfork & King_Herpes game chat abuse/spam[cleared]es

Postby MegasWoman on Sat Dec 31, 2011 4:39 pm

Careful MB...baiting and flaming a mod in retaliation for a complaint that you claim you were being baited and flamed in? At the rate the mod bashing in forums is increasing i'm sure vacations are going to start being handed out soon...
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Re: demonfork & King_Herpes game chat abuse/spam

Postby jefjef on Sat Dec 31, 2011 4:44 pm

Master Bush wrote:
Evil Semp wrote:I don't know of any rules that say you are not allowed to chat in a game you are in. As far as abuse that is what the foe option is for which you figured out how to use. This is CLEARED.


the corruption at this site continues, and certain people/groups continue to get a free pass because of spinless mods.

Really MB? This is the correct decision and Evil S is a stand up, by the numbers, honest and fair mod. He's certainly one of the good ones. He also stands firm by the rules and makes decisions as impartially as a person can. Can't do that without a spine.

You are not going to win friends or rebel points by slamming/baiting/flaming Evil... and knowing Evil he will likely turn the other cheek and let your post slide on by and give you a free pass.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
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Re: demonfork & King_Herpes game chat abuse/spam[cleared]es

Postby nietzsche on Sat Dec 31, 2011 4:52 pm

im really getting tired of this couple licking **lls. have you too tried viagra??
el cartoncito mas triste del mundo
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Re: demonfork & King_Herpes game chat abuse/spam[cleared]es

Postby MegasWoman on Sat Dec 31, 2011 4:57 pm

You need Viagra? I don't think you can blame the mods for ED though...sorry...:-(
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Re: demonfork & King_Herpes game chat abuse/spam[cleared]es

Postby Master Bush on Sat Dec 31, 2011 5:11 pm

Evil Semp's ruling was 100% wrong!

2011-12-30 01:06:17 - demonfork: EAT MY COCK MB

That is a FLAME/BAIT and deserves a warning. I know damn well if I made that comment to someone in a chat, Evil Semp would have sent my a verbal warning. He needs to stop playing favorites.
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