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eye84free [cleared]

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Re: eye84free

Postby king achilles on Fri Dec 30, 2011 7:49 pm

Eye84free is cleared.

As for eye84free, he did not know that the player he was joining a game into was a multi at the time. He was not obligated to check a player first before joining a game and this is the case for him. If he does check the player afterward, he only did his duty as a hunter. There was no malicious intention on his part.

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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby Chariot of Fire on Fri Dec 30, 2011 8:55 pm

hahaha, seriously?

2011-08-27 16:49:24 - Game has been initialized
2011-08-27 16:49:47 - brandweer was kicked out for violating the rules

That's just one example of many. Is it really possible to join a game and do a multi check in 23 seconds and go through the machinations of kicking the player out (without precognition of that player being a multi and knowing full well what you are going to do)? I guess he didn't even bother to spend several seconds simply looking at the drop!

KA wrote:

As for eye84free, he did not know that the player he was joining a game into was a multi at the time.

You make me laugh/cry/sick.
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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby TeeGee on Fri Dec 30, 2011 9:56 pm

Chariot of Fire wrote:hahaha, seriously?

2011-08-27 16:49:24 - Game has been initialized
2011-08-27 16:49:47 - brandweer was kicked out for violating the rules

That's just one example of many. Is it really possible to join a game and do a multi check in 23 seconds and go through the machinations of kicking the player out (without precognition of that player being a multi and knowing full well what you are going to do)? I guess he didn't even bother to spend several seconds simply looking at the drop!

KA wrote:

As for eye84free, he did not know that the player he was joining a game into was a multi at the time.

You make me laugh/cry/sick.

The rules have now been changed so a MH can no longer do this anyway. And prior to this ruling there was nothing illegal in what happened anyways. If e84 continues then he should and will be punished. As in the past, CC has not punished users (mods or not) for infringements that occurred before changes, so why should this be any different?
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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby Lindax on Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:10 pm

TeeGee wrote:The rules have now been changed so a MH can no longer do this anyway. And prior to this ruling there was nothing illegal in what happened anyways. If e84 continues then he should and will be punished. As in the past, CC has not punished users (mods or not) for infringements that occurred before changes, so why should this be any different?

Are you serious? Are you saying that one can do whatever one wants as long there is no existing rule against it?

There are many things that can and should be considered morally or ethically wrong without an existing rule against it.

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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby Woodruff on Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:21 pm

Lindax wrote:
TeeGee wrote:The rules have now been changed so a MH can no longer do this anyway. And prior to this ruling there was nothing illegal in what happened anyways. If e84 continues then he should and will be punished. As in the past, CC has not punished users (mods or not) for infringements that occurred before changes, so why should this be any different?

Are you serious? Are you saying that one can do whatever one wants as long there is no existing rule against it?
There are many things that can and should be considered morally or ethically wrong without an existing rule against it.

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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby grifftron on Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:36 pm

Yeah this is just wrong... glad they made a rule about it now so eye4freepoints wont farm multis... good job all around
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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby Victor Sullivan on Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:54 pm

Woodruff wrote:
Lindax wrote:
TeeGee wrote:The rules have now been changed so a MH can no longer do this anyway. And prior to this ruling there was nothing illegal in what happened anyways. If e84 continues then he should and will be punished. As in the past, CC has not punished users (mods or not) for infringements that occurred before changes, so why should this be any different?

Are you serious? Are you saying that one can do whatever one wants as long there is no existing rule against it?
There are many things that can and should be considered morally or ethically wrong without an existing rule against it.

Lindax, welcome to Conquer Club! Since you are obviously new here, let me know if you would like me to show you around.

:lol: Oh, Woodruff! You make me chuckle!

*sigh* But these are dark times, when a stand-up guy like Masli has to quit due to allegations from forum-goers that seem to not have much respect for the volunteers that spend hours serving them...

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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby QoH on Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:57 pm

Ever think he quit cause it is all true and he doesn't want to have to face it? If I was innocent I would give a shit what other thought about me, because deep down I'd know I was right.
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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby The Voice on Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:59 pm

Yup, nobody made him quit. He could've even stayed on as a mod. And who knows if he'll leave CC for good.
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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby DiM on Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:06 pm

QoH wrote:Ever think he quit cause it is all true and he doesn't want to have to face it? If I was innocent I would give a shit what other thought about me, because deep down I'd know I was right.

i still don't think masli is guilty, but whenever there's the appearance of impropriety the best thing to do is to quit.
even if he cones and says he did not do it and even if the admins clear him some people will still not believe him innocent and continue to spew crap on him and the whole teamCC. in such an instance quitting the position (not the site entirely) is for the best.
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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby QoH on Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:11 pm

DiM wrote:
QoH wrote:Ever think he quit cause it is all true and he doesn't want to have to face it? If I was innocent I would give a shit what other thought about me, because deep down I'd know I was right.

i still don't think masli is guilty, but whenever there's the appearance of impropriety the best thing to do is to quit.
even if he cones and says he did not do it and even if the admins clear him some people will still not believe him innocent and continue to spew crap on him and the whole teamCC. in such an instance quitting the position (not the site entirely) is for the best.

And I completely agree with you. It certainly doesn't look good, but I'm not one to want to think Masli did something this bad.

However, I still think he could had made some public announcement if he was innocent, and left it at that. He's a grownup; he should be able to take shit of the internet...
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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby Night Strike on Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:32 pm

QoH wrote:Ever think he quit cause it is all true and he doesn't want to have to face it? If I was innocent I would give a shit what other thought about me, because deep down I'd know I was right.

Possibly. But how would you like to come back from a personal vacation to an Inbox full of hate mail and a forum full of vitriol toward you? Would you want to continue donating your time and efforts for free even if you know you're innocent?
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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby mc05025 on Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:51 pm

How on earth they can be Innocent????? I can not even find theory that is not absolutely ridiculous...

I agree their fault is not that huge. The most of us have done something wrong and gaining 200-300 or so when you are not at the top of the scoreboard without any other damage (they did not steal the points from proper players, only from multies) is not such a big deal. But innocent? not even a warning?
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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby John Deere on Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:18 am

TeeGee wrote:
The rules have now been changed so a MH can no longer do this anyway. And prior to this ruling there was nothing illegal in what happened anyways. If e84 continues then he should and will be punished. As in the past, CC has not punished users (mods or not) for infringements that occurred before changes, so why should this be any different?

You must have missed the part where masli "didnt bust all of the players kicked from his games" LOL nice rule! So they have to cheat like they did before :lol: :roll: :? Brilliant!
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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby John Deere on Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:23 am

Victor Sullivan wrote:
Woodruff wrote:
Lindax wrote:
TeeGee wrote:The rules have now been changed so a MH can no longer do this anyway. And prior to this ruling there was nothing illegal in what happened anyways. If e84 continues then he should and will be punished. As in the past, CC has not punished users (mods or not) for infringements that occurred before changes, so why should this be any different?

Are you serious? Are you saying that one can do whatever one wants as long there is no existing rule against it?
There are many things that can and should be considered morally or ethically wrong without an existing rule against it.

Lindax, welcome to Conquer Club! Since you are obviously new here, let me know if you would like me to show you around.

:lol: Oh, Woodruff! You make me chuckle!

*sigh* But these are dark times, when a stand-up guy like Masli has to quit due to cheating and getting caught from forum-goers that seem to not have much respect for the mods that can do what they want if they dont get caught cheating in to many games andthat spend hours serving them...


Fixed that for you!
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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby John Deere on Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:25 am

The Voice wrote:Yup, nobody made him quit. He could've even stayed on as a mod. And who knows if he'll leave CC for good.

Thanks again for the truth The Voice! Wow i have respect for another mod, but a few have lost it in the last week :?
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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby TeeGee on Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:38 am

I can see that some members do not know how to follow the few simple rules we have in place on this site, like only posting evidence in this particular forum.

The admins KNOW what has happened, they made the ruling and also made changes to the system. Their was no gross abuse of the system as it was, if their was then the admins would have come down hard on those accused.
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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby jgordon1111 on Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:41 am

Very odd how so many complain about what is going on,and are not going to be happy with the outcome no matter what. But yet are in every forum that comes up on the subject to complain about how the site is ran, If I was this upset about a gaming site,most likely I would have went elsewhere by now. A simple hypothesis you dont like authority and never will,here you can lash out without any actual consequences,unlike the real world where you most likely would drop your head and walk off mumbling to yourselves. It's a new year in a couple of days all that pent up rage and self loathing take it and go to your boss(or whoever teacher,professor)like you have some and just let go. You might feel better if you do.
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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby Chariot of Fire on Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:49 am

Night Strike wrote:
QoH wrote:Ever think he quit cause it is all true and he doesn't want to have to face it? If I was innocent I would give a shit what other thought about me, because deep down I'd know I was right.

Possibly. But how would you like to come back from a personal vacation to an Inbox full of hate mail and a forum full of vitriol toward you? Would you want to continue donating your time and efforts for free even if you know you're innocent?

How would I like it? I wouldn't if I knew I had been caught (ain't that the truth!). If not guilty of any wrongdoing however I sure would have liked to make a statement in my defence; so the allegations wouldn't bother me in the slightest as I'd be proven innocent.

I've even had someone close to me in clan say "KA's decision re eye84free is the right one, even if he is guilty, coz right now CC needs all the multi-hunters it can get"

So it's better, apparently, to have one bent mod and no multis than upstanding mods and several multis.

Either way you bake it it's cooked - and rotten to the core.

p.s. and why does jgordon always stick up for this abuse? Vested interest perchance?
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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby jgordon1111 on Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:55 am

not sticking up for abuse chariot,just not a fan of mob justice ruling.Bust every multi every flamer every cheater on this site I will be okay with it. What I have been saying is equal justice for everyone.Let the punishment fit the crime if there is one.
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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby Chariot of Fire on Sat Dec 31, 2011 1:07 am

It's not mob justice though when the mob isn't the one laying down the rules or the penalties. The mob simply has a voice - and needless to say it takes a lot of aired grievances from a lot of angry people before it even becomes a mob.

Is everyone supposed to sit idly by while KA gets out his broom and lifts a corner of the carpet?

If a multi can be found and busted within 23 seconds then that is absolutely brilliant. To me it just highlights what a poor job all the other MHs must have been doing all this time, coz at that rate one could bust 3,000 a day!
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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby jgordon1111 on Sat Dec 31, 2011 1:12 am

lol at least you have a valid point there,if its that easy to pin them down how come sometimes it takes so long to get them? And the mob I am speaking of is not that big of a mob. Its a small number of players using this misfortune on CC to try for revenge.
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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby IcePack on Sat Dec 31, 2011 1:28 am

This is a BS ruling. Just my opinion.

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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby John Deere on Sat Dec 31, 2011 1:34 am

TeeGee wrote:I can see that some members do not know how to follow the few simple rules we have in place on this site, like only posting evidence in this particular forum.

The admins KNOW what has happened, they made the ruling and also made changes to the system. Their was no gross abuse of the system as it was, if their was then the admins would have come down hard on those accused.

Well due to this thread and another one i can see a couple mods dont know how to follow basic ethics code, but hey pick on us members that have an opinion instead of your fellow mods that screw the system! :)
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Re: eye84free [cleared]

Postby John Deere on Sat Dec 31, 2011 1:43 am

jgordon1111 wrote:lol at least you have a valid point there,if its that easy to pin them down how come sometimes it takes so long to get them? And the mob I am speaking of is not that big of a mob. Its a small number of players using this misfortune on CC to try for revenge.

Holy shit! welcome to CC, maybe you should read things you coment on! :? Hell thats what most of us have been saying for a while, as you play your your your your your your broken ass record, I finally foed you so i didnt have to read your stupid crap ass opinion that is the same same same same same broken ass comment over over over and over again. Glad you finally got reading comprehension skills AT THE AGE OF 47 :roll:
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