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Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig[noted]es

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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig

Postby blakebowling on Thu Dec 29, 2011 11:30 pm

demonfork wrote:Tits could hardly be considered porn.

As I stated previously, it violates the nudity part of the rule.
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig

Postby Chariot of Fire on Fri Dec 30, 2011 2:25 am

I got a ban simply for posting a link to a pic of plastic surgery gone wrong (and in a private forum) as it showed some mangled boobs. Weird thing is, the mod who issued the ban after coming across the link wrote and apologised for the severity of the punishment which he doled out (I was initially given a one month ban, which was subsequently amended to 3 days for a 1st offence) which makes me wonder why he didn't just PM me and say "Hey CoF, delete that link would you" if he truly thought the punishment didn't fit the crime.

I supported the mods on this site for over 4 years, but after KA's unjust ruling against me (and a refusal to enter any more correspondence on the matter in spite of me having posted a valid defence) they, apart from the tech guys, can all kiss my swingers.

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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig

Postby King_Herpes on Fri Dec 30, 2011 2:33 am

demonfork wrote:Tits could hardly be considered porn.

That depends on what's in between them.
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig

Postby Army of GOD on Fri Dec 30, 2011 2:37 am

King_Herpes wrote:
demonfork wrote:Tits could hardly be considered porn.

That depends on what's in between them.

The tits in question aren't close to porn. Porn gives me a boner. The tits in his sig made my dick cough blood.
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig

Postby King_Herpes on Fri Dec 30, 2011 2:43 am

Army of GOD wrote:
King_Herpes wrote:
demonfork wrote:Tits could hardly be considered porn.

That depends on what's in between them.

The tits in question aren't close to porn. Porn gives me a boner. The tits in his sig made my dick cough blood.

Hey stop right there, I think what Tracy_bangs_Rob is doing is a very commendable thing. It takes real class to throw your wife's defeated rack up on the internet. You shouldn't be so harsh.
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig

Postby hmsps on Fri Dec 30, 2011 6:15 am

Just wonder if there are any other rules either written or unwritten that he is going to flaunt. Its like waving a blue flag in front of the bull. The bull being the mods who seem to have as many teeth as a hen.
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig

Postby betiko on Fri Dec 30, 2011 8:13 am

I think GLG usually puts in his signature the avatars of CC friends.
That was the avatar of tracy_bangs_rob. I don't know if it's her rack, but not only is she a horrible poster in chats (check her ratings), has a ridiculous username; she is showing female attributes that were frankly unecesary and that are frightening all young men. Will our girlfriends/wives really turn out like that??

other thing, I just wanted to comment american puritanism that call it porn if you see nipples, but alright if you don't. what is that with nipples that turn things into "PORN", seriously are you 13yo? How ridiculous is it when you see american guys on european beaches when they see tits; and how ridiculous is it when european girls get treated like dirty whore on american beaches when all they want is their titties to match their bellie's tan. They are nothing but nice baby feeding attributes. Some postures and attitudes in some pictures with no nipples are way more "porn" that a little nipple. What should be banned is old ladies like tracy_bangs_rob flashing those.
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig

Postby jackal31 on Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:07 am

In case this helps, I went to Tracy's page and found some wall comments that imply Tracy was the culprit. Now, I dont know if Gen. Lee can link his sig to show the current pic from her profile, but it seems to be related. Also, I took snaps of the comments on the wall, but dont know how to post those for you to see.

Basically, Great-Ollie makes a post on 12/29 @ 2:45pm (my time of course) that says "lol yes you should take that off before a bitch ass mod sees it lol, very nice though!"

My guess is this relates to the "exposure" she was displaying.

Just some food for thought.
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig

Postby Serbia on Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:41 am

jackal31 wrote:In case this helps, I went to Tracy's page and found some wall comments that imply Tracy was the culprit. Now, I dont know if Gen. Lee can link his sig to show the current pic from her profile, but it seems to be related. Also, I took snaps of the comments on the wall, but dont know how to post those for you to see.

Basically, Great-Ollie makes a post on 12/29 @ 2:45pm (my time of course) that says "lol yes you should take that off before a bitch ass mod sees it lol, very nice though!"

My guess is this relates to the "exposure" she was displaying.

Just some food for thought.

Currently the picture in GLG's signature is not the same as the avatar TBR is flying. Which would seem to indicate that they are not linked; in other words, the signature will not change as the avatar changes.
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig

Postby drunkmonkey on Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:19 am

Serbia wrote:
jackal31 wrote:In case this helps, I went to Tracy's page and found some wall comments that imply Tracy was the culprit. Now, I dont know if Gen. Lee can link his sig to show the current pic from her profile, but it seems to be related. Also, I took snaps of the comments on the wall, but dont know how to post those for you to see.

Basically, Great-Ollie makes a post on 12/29 @ 2:45pm (my time of course) that says "lol yes you should take that off before a bitch ass mod sees it lol, very nice though!"

My guess is this relates to the "exposure" she was displaying.

Just some food for thought.

Currently the picture in GLG's signature is not the same as the avatar TBR is flying. Which would seem to indicate that they are not linked; in other words, the signature will not change as the avatar changes.

Actually, if you look at the source code, his signature is:
Code: Select all
<div class="postbody"><div class="signature" style="border-top:none; margin-top: 0;">
<img src="" alt="Image" />,
<img src="" alt="Image" />,
<img src="" alt="Image" />

He just linked to someone else's avatar. Since all of the images in his sig are hosted on CC's server, should he really be the one to blame?
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig

Postby Evolution299 on Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:06 pm

In 1 word. Yes. Everyone is responsible for their own account. Sure the pictures are someone elses. But if you link to it and use it as your own, you are now equally as responsible.
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig

Postby MoB Deadly on Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:10 pm

Evolution299 wrote:In 1 word. Yes. Everyone is responsible for their own account. Sure the pictures are someone elses. But if you link to it and use it as your own, you are now equally as responsible.

=D> qft
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig

Postby drunkmonkey on Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:47 pm

Well, not much more to be said. GLG posts links to CC avatars, and one of those users decides it would be funny to upload an illegal image to his avatar. GLG's at the top of the scoreboard, so commence the witch hunt.
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig

Postby betiko on Fri Dec 30, 2011 2:09 pm

drunkmonkey wrote:Well, not much more to be said. GLG posts links to CC avatars, and one of those users decides it would be funny to upload an illegal image to his avatar. GLG's at the top of the scoreboard, so commence the witch hunt.

lol, completely ridiculous. so number 1 to blame is not tracy bangs rob; number 2 to blame is not CC for letting such avatar on. the only guy who gets reported here is GLG for linking his sig to another avatar he wasn't controlling.

evolution, go play some CC and rank up will you, instead of being so obsessed with GLG
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig

Postby Serbia on Fri Dec 30, 2011 2:36 pm

GLG's signature does not change to T_B_R's avatar automatically!

The following screenshots were just taken:

If it was just a link, and changed as the user changed, the signature would have the same picture as the avatar, but it doesn't.
Unless you can demonstrate some way that GLG's signature is linked, then your argument fails.
Stop trying to act like this is a case of rank envy by flaming evolution because of his rank. There are guidelines on this site that everyone must follow, regardless of rank and stature. There is an accusation of a display of nudity against GLG. Let's not troll, bait and flame other users for suggesting that if the accusation is true, the offender should be punished (as is stated in the community guidelines).
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig

Postby betiko on Fri Dec 30, 2011 2:51 pm

Serbia wrote:GLG's signature does not change to T_B_R's avatar automatically!

The following screenshots were just taken:

If it was just a link, and changed as the user changed, the signature would have the same picture as the avatar, but it doesn't.
Unless you can demonstrate some way that GLG's signature is linked, then your argument fails.
Stop trying to act like this is a case of rank envy by flaming evolution because of his rank. There are guidelines on this site that everyone must follow, regardless of rank and stature. There is an accusation of a display of nudity against GLG. Let's not troll, bait and flame other users for suggesting that if the accusation is true, the offender should be punished (as is stated in the community guidelines).

drunkmonkey posted the source code of the signature that aparently showed it was linked to to TBR's avatar. Signatures are stored in your cache memory, so you might not see what is curently online. and the picture is nipple-free hidden by christmas bulbs; which is the condition to make something acceptable on this site.

anyway, this doesn't change my question: why is GLG reported and no one is saying anything about the instigator???
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig

Postby drunkmonkey on Fri Dec 30, 2011 2:56 pm

I was wrong - the url changes when a new image is uploaded (changed mine to test it).
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig

Postby s3xt0y on Fri Dec 30, 2011 3:05 pm

The way the reports usually work is a one complaint per being on top of the score board people are looking for a way to knock him down. Regardless of weither or not he wanted porn in his sig, it was there. So by the rules on the site there should be some type of spanking, but from what I have seen recently there is an awful lot of leniency granted to those who nibble at the base of...better not...i'll stop there :)
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig

Postby denthefrog on Fri Dec 30, 2011 4:26 pm

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
complaining about a pair of tits
is that the worse kids can come acroos on the net????
some ppl need to get a life
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig

Postby Master Bush on Fri Dec 30, 2011 5:34 pm

s3xt0y wrote:The way the reports usually work is a one complaint per being on top of the score board people are looking for a way to knock him down.

I think it's more frustration, due to the fact that this site turns a blind eye to GLG pathetic means of scoring points. I swear that guy must pay Lack a nice "donation" every month to get away with what he does.
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig

Postby jackal31 on Fri Dec 30, 2011 6:11 pm

denthefrog wrote::lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
complaining about a pair of tits
is that the worse kids can come acroos on the net????
some ppl need to get a life

Given that parental controls are a way for parents to oversee what their kids do and do not experience, CC allowing ANY type of pornographic material violates those restrictions said parents are trying to enforce.

CC must show some form of discipline and integrity to administer and protect the rights and values of EVERYONE who visits it.

But youre right, some people need to get a life and not worry about what their kids may be exposed to on a "safe" site.
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig

Postby betiko on Fri Dec 30, 2011 6:37 pm

jackal31 wrote:
denthefrog wrote::lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
complaining about a pair of tits
is that the worse kids can come acroos on the net????
some ppl need to get a life

Given that parental controls are a way for parents to oversee what their kids do and do not experience, CC allowing ANY type of pornographic material violates those restrictions said parents are trying to enforce.

CC must show some form of discipline and integrity to administer and protect the rights and values of EVERYONE who visits it.

But youre right, some people need to get a life and not worry about what their kids may be exposed to on a "safe" site.

Haha, american moral lectures!
in some threads here people post man on man action, apparently it's allowed because there are no genitals. Or just make another thread about their favorite pornstars and wanking favorites. but that's ok, there is no nudity! they post pornstars in pretty suggestive postures, but there are no nipples so it's fine!!

But on another hand you're afraid one of your kid would see a set of tits seriously? is that evil, is that going to be a trauma? they have been feeding themselves out of it a few years back!! there is a difference between nudity and kinky; and I'm surprised how you guys draw the line.
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig

Postby Serbia on Fri Dec 30, 2011 6:49 pm

betiko wrote:anyway, this doesn't change my question: why is GLG reported and no one is saying anything about the instigator???

If someone wants to start a C&A thread about that too, let them. I'm keeping it on topic - this report is against GLG.
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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig

Postby natty dread on Sat Dec 31, 2011 4:40 am

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Re: Porn in Gen.LeeGettinhed's sig

Postby betiko on Sat Dec 31, 2011 5:33 am

natty_dread wrote:Image

exactly natty!! showing michelangelo's david is forbidden. There is a huge reproduction of it in my home town, Marseilles and everyone sees the genitals... of the statue! what a big deal! what a trauma for our poor little kids!!

In europe since I was a kid I've always seen advertisings with naked ladies under the shower with everything visible but the genitals to sell their new shower gel, deodorant or any of those. what trauma can this be???

Also I've seen that posting art paintings with nude is forbidden this is sooo funny! you are making museum material something you should protect your kids from? no wonder sometimes americans lack of culture...
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