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Possible Multi Account - Predator_1066/Tracy_bangs_Rob[bust]

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Possible Multi Account - Predator_1066/Tracy_bangs_Rob[bust]

Postby Time2Tango on Thu Dec 29, 2011 6:51 pm


I think Tracy_bangs_Rob and Predator_1066 may be the same user, so I thought you may want to investigate. I just played a game (No. 10342047) against Tracy_bangs_Rob, who was rude to me for no reason and then subsequently deadbeated. At 6:26 pm, I posted on Tracy's wall, "Thanks for deadbeating." A couple minutes later, Predator_1066 posted on my wall, "Post on my wall again, f*ckface, and I'll report you." Predator_1066 has since removed this comment. I haven't played any games against Predator_1066 recently, if ever (this name doesn't strike me as being familiar), so there's no reason why Predator_1066 would be posting on my wall.

I just did a quick game search for Predator_1066, and this user is currently involved in 3 games against Tracy_bangs_Rob (Nos. 10341168, 10341166, and 10341162).

If I'm incorrect, and these two are, in fact, distinct users, then I sincerely apologize to both of them. Better safe than sorry, though, especially given how rude they both were.



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The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Severe PM Abuse
Other: <Explanation>

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Re: Possible Multi Account - Predator_1066/Tracy_bangs_Rob

Postby Time2Tango on Thu Dec 29, 2011 6:57 pm

Please excuse the format of my prior post - I didn't see the form below! Here you go...



The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis

Game number(s):

Game 10342047
Game 10341168
Game 10341166
Game 10341162


I think Tracy_bangs_Rob and Predator_1066 may be the same user, so I thought you may want to investigate. I just played a game (No. 10342047) against Tracy_bangs_Rob, who was rude to me for no reason and then subsequently deadbeated. At 6:26 pm, I posted on Tracy's wall, "Thanks for deadbeating." A couple minutes later, Predator_1066 posted on my wall, "Post on my wall again, f*ckface, and I'll report you." Predator_1066 has since removed this comment. I haven't played any games against Predator_1066 recently, if ever (this name doesn't strike me as being familiar), so there's no reason why Predator_1066 would be posting on my wall.

I just did a quick game search for Predator_1066, and this user is currently involved in 3 games against Tracy_bangs_Rob (Nos. 10341168, 10341166, and 10341162).

If I'm incorrect, and these two are, in fact, distinct users, then I sincerely apologize to both of them. Better safe than sorry, though, especially given how rude they both were.


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Re: Possible Multi Account - Predator_1066/Tracy_bangs_Rob

Postby Dukasaur on Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:29 am

I'm glad you took the time to fix your post. People who can't be bothered to do that are annoying.

However, FYI, you could have just edited your first post instead of starting all over. Top right corner, beside the quote button, is an edit button.

Just trying to help out with this technicality... I have no opinion about the case itself...
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Re: Possible Multi Account - Predator_1066/Tracy_bangs_Rob

Postby codierose on Fri Dec 30, 2011 5:38 am

tracy probably sitting for predator didnt log out when she posted on your wall or shes a multi like you said :D
but saying that most games they play are speed so she should not be sitting interesting to see the outcome
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Re: Possible Multi Account - Predator_1066/Tracy_bangs_Rob

Postby Time2Tango on Fri Dec 30, 2011 9:08 am

Dukasaur - thanks for the tip! Clearly, I'm not technologically savvy, haha.

Codierose - I sure hope that's the explanation!
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Re: Possible Multi Account - Predator_1066/Tracy_bangs_Rob

Postby Evolution299 on Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:19 am

Well this isn't her first offense so Im sure she will get some sort of a vacation. It she is indeed account sitting for Predator, that is in CLEAR violation of the rules, as well as if she could be a multi.
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Re: Possible Multi Account - Predator_1066/Tracy_bangs_Rob

Postby Serbia on Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:24 am

Evolution299 wrote:Well this isn't her first offense so Im sure she will get some sort of a vacation. It she is indeed account sitting for Predator, that is in CLEAR violation of the rules, as well as if she could be a multi.

:?: A violation of what rule, exactly? Account sitting is allowed on this site. She might be in violation of making a post using that account, however it seems in this instance as though it were a mistake, as the post was deleted. I know I've been guilty of making that mistake as well, a long time ago, and I also went back and deleted the post.
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Re: Possible Multi Account - Predator_1066/Tracy_bangs_Rob

Postby betiko on Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:29 am

yeah, if account sitting is forbiden, I guess you would need to make a case against half of the site evolution.
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Re: Possible Multi Account - Predator_1066/Tracy_bangs_Rob

Postby Evolution299 on Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:30 am

You are correct Serbia, account sitting is allowed. But not when the person you are sitting for, is in the same game as you and they are 1v1 games. If Predator is not aware of these games, that would be hijacking of an account.
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Re: Possible Multi Account - Predator_1066/Tracy_bangs_Rob

Postby Serbia on Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:39 am

Evolution299 wrote:You are correct Serbia, account sitting is allowed. But not when the person you are sitting for, is in the same game as you and they are 1v1 speed games. If Predator is not aware of these games, that would be hijacking of an account.

Ah, my apologies, I hadn't clicked on the game links, and didn't realize that the two were playing against each other. That does make it different.
saxitoxin wrote:Serbia is a RUDE DUDE
may not be a PRUDE, but he's gotta 'TUDE
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Re: Possible Multi Account - Predator_1066/Tracy_bangs_Rob

Postby Evolution299 on Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:42 am

No prob Serbia. It will be interesting to see what, if anything, is done with this case.

Time will tell.
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Re: Possible Multi Account - Predator_1066/Tracy_bangs_Rob

Postby Time2Tango on Fri Dec 30, 2011 11:54 am

At the risk of sounding extremely ignorant, what is "account sitting?" I'm not particularly well-versed in CC lingo, but it sounds like you're saying it's ok for someone to let another player play in their name. Isn't that virtually the same thing as having multiple accounts?
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Re: Possible Multi Account - Predator_1066/Tracy_bangs_Rob

Postby codierose on Fri Dec 30, 2011 12:09 pm

say if you go on holiday and you need your turns taken you can ask a friend or clan m8 to sit for you but there rules regarding this
17. Can I let another player take a turn for me when I am away from the game?

Players are allowed to account-sit for others as long as they are not opponents within the game. It is common courtesy to announce in game chat that another player will take your turn(s) during your absence. Babysitters should only do what is necessary to take the turn(s) and should not interact with the community, start or join new games (except for ongoing tournaments). Furthermore, you should only take another player's turn if they are in danger of missing a turn, not for the purpose of gaining a tactical advantage.
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Re: Possible Multi Account - Predator_1066/Tracy_bangs_Rob

Postby eye84free on Sat Dec 31, 2011 10:38 pm


If it was a sitting issue then an appeal can be filed with the admins. From what I can see even in non team games they shouldnt be playing each other turns. If it gets over turned then that will be another issue to be handled.
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Re: Possible Multi Account - Predator_1066/Tracy_bangs_Rob[b

Postby Tracy_bangs_Rob on Sun Jan 01, 2012 9:09 am

I think this is total bullshit....Predator is my husband Rob..He in no way did anything to break the rules. The comment left on time to tango was written by Rob, but we only have one compter and I wasent logged out when I wrote that on his wall..I dont think its fair that I can not explain before I and my husband were removed as paying memebers..I would appreciate that mine and my husbands account be restrored as soon as possiable....
If there is any more question, I would also appreciate it if you would please confront me before labeling me and my husband cheaters...

p.s I am so angry right now, I can not believe that Conquer Club has the right to eliminate us as paid members over someones word without talking to Rob or I first.....
Private 1st Class Tracy_bangs_Rob
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Re: Possible Multi Account - Predator_1066/Tracy_bangs_Rob[b

Postby Predator_1066 on Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:49 pm

I am totally at blame here when it comes to this confussion. I pretty muched forced my wife Tracy to open an account, in a good way, knowing her competitive personallity, and can see it probably wasent the best thing. I wanted to get a partner I could play double or whatever with, which isent againest any rule, and thought she would be perfect at it. I allowed her to win games from me so she was at the same level as me to avoid a possiable problem. I have also not been a very good sport to many different players and do not want to exclude myself from this situation we are now in. But with all that said, I nor Tracy are cheaters what so ever. I can prove we are two different people playing a game as as ource of entertainment only. WE do not play very many games together and we never have rigged a game for another person to be cheated. I understand why all this came to, but I assure you, its a bogus misuderstanding...
Tracy and myself are reavaluating the way we have treated other players and want to total Conquer world to know that we have decided as the majority of the rest of the gaming world that this is entertainment and are going to treat the other players witht he same resect they treat us.
I do hope this can be resolved in a professioannl matter and allow us to be cleared of thes acqusations of not being honost players....
Robert a.k.a Predator_1066
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Re: Possible Multi Account - Predator_1066/Tracy_bangs_Rob[b

Postby GeneralRisk on Sun Jan 01, 2012 1:28 pm

Predator_1066 wrote:I am totally at blame here when it comes to this confussion. I pretty muched forced my wife Tracy to open an account, in a good way, knowing her competitive personallity, and can see it probably wasent the best thing. I wanted to get a partner I could play double or whatever with, which isent againest any rule, and thought she would be perfect at it. I allowed her to win games from me so she was at the same level as me to avoid a possiable problem. I have also not been a very good sport to many different players and do not want to exclude myself from this situation we are now in. But with all that said, I nor Tracy are cheaters what so ever. I can prove we are two different people playing a game as as ource of entertainment only. WE do not play very many games together and we never have rigged a game for another person to be cheated. I understand why all this came to, but I assure you, its a bogus misuderstanding...
Tracy and myself are reavaluating the way we have treated other players and want to total Conquer world to know that we have decided as the majority of the rest of the gaming world that this is entertainment and are going to treat the other players witht he same resect they treat us.
I do hope this can be resolved in a professioannl matter and allow us to be cleared of thes acqusations of not being honost players....
Robert a.k.a Predator_1066
As a part of your defence you stated ......I allowed her to win games from me so she was at the same level as me to avoid a possiable problem. .....In my opinion this in itself is admitting point dumping...................... * Point Dumping
If you are found guilty of Point Dumping, that is, the intentional losing of games via any means, with the intention of causing chaos in the form of griefing, passing points to other people, or manually "resetting" points to a lower score.

Note: Because of the nature of Point Dumping, your account will be suspended upon discovery, and will remain suspended to protect the account and the website during the investigation. The Investigative Suspension is not factored into Disciplinary Time Served.

Point Dumping Infraction disciplinary levels are as follows:
1. 1 Month Website Vacation
2. Permanent Website Vacation
Note: Users retain the right to rebuttal via E-tickets as with any Infraction. ....................Gl to you 2 and who know the mods may let u off the hook.
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Re: Possible Multi Account - Predator_1066/Tracy_bangs_Rob[b

Postby Tracy_bangs_Rob on Sun Jan 01, 2012 2:16 pm

I try to be totaly honest with you and for the igonranc of the rules I am found guilty and suspended..if thats what the offials find then I and Robert will no longer want or participate in a site that is that strike with such a stupifd rule..See it happened again writing in this forum....
Private 1st Class Tracy_bangs_Rob
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Re: Possible Multi Account - Predator_1066/Tracy_bangs_Rob[b

Postby hmsps on Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:23 pm


And if he cant get round the rules for you, best try the A=Team
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Re: Possible Multi Account - Predator_1066/Tracy_bangs_Rob[b

Postby TeeGee on Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:37 pm

Tracy_bangs_Rob wrote:I think this is total bullshit....Predator is my husband Rob..He in no way did anything to break the rules. The comment left on time to tango was written by Rob, but we only have one compter and I wasent logged out when I wrote that on his wall..I dont think its fair that I can not explain before I and my husband were removed as paying memebers..I would appreciate that mine and my husbands account be restrored as soon as possiable....
If there is any more question, I would also appreciate it if you would please confront me before labeling me and my husband cheaters...

p.s I am so angry right now, I can not believe that Conquer Club has the right to eliminate us as paid members over someones word without talking to Rob or I first.....

If you want to appeal please lodge an e-ticket here

An e-ticket will be reviewed by a different multi hunter or a site admin, so a second view of the case

I know you may feel angry about what has happened, but a calm head when wording the appeal will help. Good luck
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Re: Possible Multi Account - Predator_1066/Tracy_bangs_Rob[b

Postby pistebasher on Mon Jan 02, 2012 7:49 pm

Now there's an interesting post on our New Conquerors wall... ----------------------------------------------------------------

I am no longer a paid memeber..just thoughy ou might have pull of some kind..
by Tracy_bangs_Rob
on Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:01 pm

We all know he can do whatever he wants without the mods ever finding a case against him. But do you really expect him to have 'pull of some kind' to get people unbusted? It'll be interesting to see if he has.
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Re: Possible Multi Account - Predator_1066/Tracy_bangs_Rob[b

Postby jgordon1111 on Mon Jan 02, 2012 7:58 pm

tracy I gather from your post that because CC is going to enforce (possibly) a rule on you,you no longer wish to play here?
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Re: Possible Multi Account - Predator_1066/Tracy_bangs_Rob[b

Postby QoH on Mon Jan 02, 2012 7:58 pm

Tracy_bangs_Rob wrote:I think this is total bullshit....Predator is my husband Rob..He in no way did anything to break the rules. The comment left on time to tango was written by Rob, but we only have one compter and I wasent logged out when I wrote that on his wall..I dont think its fair that I can not explain before I and my husband were removed as paying memebers..I would appreciate that mine and my husbands account be restrored as soon as possiable....
If there is any more question, I would also appreciate it if you would please confront me before labeling me and my husband cheaters...

p.s I am so angry right now, I can not believe that Conquer Club has the right to eliminate us as paid members over someones word without talking to Rob or I first.....

Please don't invite me to any pickup games. I will decline the invite.
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Re: Possible Multi Account - Predator_1066/Tracy_bangs_Rob[b

Postby Master Bush on Mon Jan 02, 2012 9:26 pm

pistebasher wrote:Now there's an interesting post on our New Conquerors wall... ----------------------------------------------------------------

I am no longer a paid memeber..just thoughy ou might have pull of some kind..
by Tracy_bangs_Rob
on Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:01 pm

We all know he can do whatever he wants without the mods ever finding a case against him. But do you really expect him to have 'pull of some kind' to get people unbusted? It'll be interesting to see if he has.

of course he fucking does. these accounts will be back active in a few days. Gen.lee is untouchable.
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