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CPD Sarge and rsc213 in a secret diplomacy [cleared]

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CPD Sarge and rsc213 in a secret diplomacy [cleared]

Postby buddhabelly on Sun Dec 25, 2011 9:42 am


CPD Sarge

The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 10210981

Comments: At minimum these guys have a secret diplomacy in my game. And sarge has been around too long to do such a thing.
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Re: CPD Sarge and rsc213 in a secret diplomacy

Postby glide on Thu Dec 29, 2011 6:27 pm

When one of our members is accused of anything in this thread, my ears perk up. So, I went and read the game chat. And I found a whining wannabee detective who will apparently accuse anybody of anything. What makes this especially hilarious is CPD Sarge's actual profession. Give your head a shake buddybelly, you're losing it and embarrassing people, including yourself. :lol: No group is perfect, and you've probably managed to find a few sinners, but you're waaaaay off the mark accusing CPD Sarge of this.
Last edited by glide on Thu Dec 29, 2011 6:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CPD Sarge and rsc213 in a secret diplomacy

Postby CPD SARGE on Thu Dec 29, 2011 6:50 pm

I value my reputation too much and that of my clan to do that kind of crap. I've even put it out in game chat when I've had someone PM me in a game to line up against someone. I had the good rolls and good spots. rsc213 did try and come at me some but never could break thru. His dice went better against you, and he had to go through you to get the other guys spoils when he was down to 2 troops(easy pickings).
rsc213 has gutted me numerous times, more than I ever get him. We are co-workers but not exactly buddy buddy and certainly no alliance. As a matter of fact he is often an ass about beating me so i relish the few victories I get over him. I have not even seen him in over two weeks as I'm off on vacation. He and I had no communication regarding this game except what was publicly in that games chat.
I have no allusions of Granduer regarding my play skills. I'm mediocre at best with a few lucky rolls and the occasional nice spoil set. Sure wins are nice but I'm not even in it for the points, or medals. I just like to play. and chat, usually something silly or absurd as this is an escape for me from crap I deal with at work. I would gladly speak to any of the moderators about this as I swear there was no alliance.
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Re: CPD Sarge and rsc213 in a secret diplomacy

Postby rsc213 on Thu Dec 29, 2011 7:44 pm

One thing is for sure Buddah, your an idiot. As far as Sarges gaming skills, he is correct he sucks. I usually beat him. Your just pissed, because I would not let you build up against me. At know time did you ever attempt to break Sarge. I had hoped that yellow would have done a better job of dealing with Sarge, but he didnt. Look at the game you moron and you can see you were the large threat to me. I tried a couple of times to hit Sarge through the middle and found no success. You kept leaving on army in the india territory that allowed me to at least get spoils on serval occassions.

Buddah you suck, thanks for suiciding me and preventing me from when an honest game that I had a shot of winning until you whinned your ass off and killed the whole game. Please FOE me becuase I will be doing the same to you.

Neither Sarge or I deserved that and played honestly, just not the way you wanted us to play. Hell, I am not even in his clan and in fact dont even no what a clan is which goes to speak of how close we are.

If you look over our different accounts you will see that I am a much bigger asshole than Sarge is and will flat out tell you that you are whinny bitch!!!!!

Any moderator is welcome to speak to me as well.

Also not how many complaints this idiot has filed compared to mine. I have never filed a complaint against anyone this is just a game for some good ole fun, but obviouly idiots like Buddah think it is much more than fun.

Being that I am also a police officer, I will keep the rest of the comments that I would love to shower down on your sorry ass to myself.
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Re: CPD Sarge and rsc213 in a secret diplomacy

Postby rsc213 on Thu Dec 29, 2011 7:47 pm

P.S. sorry for my language if I offended any moderators, but this guy just pisses me off :x
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Re: CPD Sarge and rsc213 in a secret diplomacy

Postby buddhabelly on Sat Dec 31, 2011 1:43 am

god what an idiot...number of complaints...maybe 4 or 5 over several years. you played shitty rsc and for some reason had it out for me early on. there was no strategy in hitting me most of the time. i pointed things out because it was significant favoratism to sarge. again, i will repeat that sarge benifited from rsc's play.
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Re: CPD Sarge and rsc213 in a secret diplomacy

Postby buddhabelly on Sat Dec 31, 2011 1:56 am

ok, went back through game. again, as i pointed out in game chat, this was a case of sarge benefitting from rsc's horrible play. it appeared to me at the time that there was secret diplomacy going on, and rsc had no concern with sarge's growth. from sarge's comments as well as slides, it appears that sarge is a straight shooter. RSC though you are a complete fool. and dont worry rsc, you are foed. dont want to play against crap like you.
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Re: CPD Sarge and rsc213 in a secret diplomacy

Postby jgordon1111 on Sat Dec 31, 2011 2:07 am

So then are you withdrawing your complaint of S/D against them,and just going to chalk it up to different game play than what you would have chosen
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Re: CPD Sarge and rsc213 in a secret diplomacy

Postby buddhabelly on Sat Dec 31, 2011 2:28 am

sorry to waste your time. It appears that I was mistaken in my accusation of secret diplomacy. Or at least on Sarges part.
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Re: CPD Sarge and rsc213 in a secret diplomacy

Postby king achilles on Tue Jan 03, 2012 10:13 pm

Cleared for the multi accusation. As for the SD case, I agree that it appears green went for yellow's spoils and he went through you to get him. The game chat also instigated a feud between pink and green. With the TS' last post, I'll consider this closed.
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Re: CPD Sarge and rsc213 in a secret diplomacy [cleared]

Postby rsc213 on Thu Jan 05, 2012 11:06 pm

Buddah you suck. Please learn a little strategy because having people play the way you want them to is not a good strategy to try. I have played 100's of games and won 100's obviously I know a little something which is hardly what I can say for your whinny self.

I am sure you will trump up some additional charges on some other players that dont conform to your strategy in the future. Seems to be a habit with you.

Kiss off idiot!!
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