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KA & Masli [closed]

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Re: KA & Masli (cont.)

Postby s3xt0y on Mon Dec 26, 2011 1:31 pm

Night Strike wrote:
s3xt0y wrote:Anyway, enough bitching for one day. Masli, and KA I do hope your intentions were honorable, however if the whole issue was transparent to the community you wouldn't have a witch hunt on your hands. Just sayin...

You still haven't posted what's not transparent. A verdict hasn't been reached, so that's not being hidden. They aren't going to come out and explain the multi hunting process, so there's no lack of transparency there. Masli probably has been enjoying his holiday instead of writing up a defense for himself, so there's no lack of transparency there. The only lack of transparency I've seen is that some people are upset that Masli wasn't immediately punished and are now going on a crying crusade. Is KA supposed to be posting every single step he takes in gathering information? If not, then there's nothing else to be transparent about.

The "Not transparent" part is that proxies or at least the free ones on the web come from "***.hide**id.c**" or some other obvious address, and thats how you catch them. If the proxy came from something like "***.micr**oft.c**", you really can't be sure. We could get into technical discussion on this but really it is simple, you don't have any wild multi hunting methods its simply, go through the motions posted above and maybe run their ip through a proxy checker to make sure its not one of the google-able proxies.
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Re: KA & Masli [closed]

Postby jgordon1111 on Mon Dec 26, 2011 2:51 pm

Lol I type it the way I want to sextoy, you can understand it that is all thats needed. By the way good way to avoid what I said in the post about paying etc,. Just shows all you really care about is getting what you want when you want it, I forsee in your future some foot stomping,wailing and crying because I really dont see admin keeping you personally updated on their doings.Nor is it any of our business as long as we wake up tomorrow and the site is still here. Say all you want but You wont be able to bully Admin and CC into what you want lol :roll: :shock: :o :( :lol: :D =D> used all appropriate smiley's except the embarrassed one for you guys,unless you keep up with this insanity.
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Re: KA & Masli (cont.)

Postby eddie2 on Mon Dec 26, 2011 3:02 pm

s3xt0y wrote:
Night Strike wrote:
s3xt0y wrote:Anyway, enough bitching for one day. Masli, and KA I do hope your intentions were honorable, however if the whole issue was transparent to the community you wouldn't have a witch hunt on your hands. Just sayin...

You still haven't posted what's not transparent. A verdict hasn't been reached, so that's not being hidden. They aren't going to come out and explain the multi hunting process, so there's no lack of transparency there. Masli probably has been enjoying his holiday instead of writing up a defense for himself, so there's no lack of transparency there. The only lack of transparency I've seen is that some people are upset that Masli wasn't immediately punished and are now going on a crying crusade. Is KA supposed to be posting every single step he takes in gathering information? If not, then there's nothing else to be transparent about.

The "Not transparent" part is that proxies or at least the free ones on the web come from "***.hide**id.c**" or some other obvious address, and thats how you catch them. If the proxy came from something like "***.micr**oft.c**", you really can't be sure. We could get into technical discussion on this but really it is simple, you don't have any wild multi hunting methods its simply, go through the motions posted above and maybe run their ip through a proxy checker to make sure its not one of the google-able proxies.

well hopefully they dont look to quick i got a big post to make tommorow with all the games masli has played against same kind of opponants before he was a multi hunter. also showing that this time of year he plays them games more.
like i said before average multis are 1 in every 5 accounts but during this period it increases to 1 in every 3.

what if while he was making these checks he seen games waiting. he could not revoke them games while player the player was not found guilty. if another player joined they would be pissed if game was lost before the check happened due to point loss. so i class this as a possible perk of the mh job but he is saving us points by playing them games.
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Re: KA & Masli [closed]

Postby jgordon1111 on Mon Dec 26, 2011 3:46 pm

thanks eddie I have said the same thing several times about him keeping someone else from losing the points in those games but it makes sense therefore overlooked by the bully lynch mob
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Re: KA & Masli [closed]

Postby King_Herpes on Mon Dec 26, 2011 3:52 pm

Sorry about your little butt ✪ Dumb fucking e-lambs the lot of you
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Re: KA & Masli [closed]

Postby MegasWoman on Mon Dec 26, 2011 8:19 pm

How many more threads are going to open up about this thing? GIVE IT A REST!! Geez it's Christmas-let the mods do their thing for 48 hours then light your torches and storm the castle. Ollie-I'm about sick of the "why didn't I get my medal" in every single one of these threads..geez get over it.
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Re: KA & Masli [closed]

Postby king achilles on Mon Dec 26, 2011 10:01 pm

Let's lock this already and hide the key. Sweetdreams to those who haven't slept yet..
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