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Masli [closed]

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Re: Masli

Postby Metsfanmax on Sat Dec 24, 2011 12:05 am

nietzsche wrote:
Metsfanmax wrote:
king achilles wrote:This is noted for now. I can see that it looks shady and this will be handled internally. He may have been joining games with random people and then check the accounts afterwards just to be sure. I will have a word with him to get his side. We are also human and he may have been tempted at times, just like everyone else who break any guidelines or rules. He is still a good multi hunter and to maintain his good standing, he will put an end to this.

People are not viewing this logically. One of two things is going on: either Masli is joining games with people he knows are multis and then busting them, or he is checking out those players whose games he joins, and busting them when he finds out they are multis. The first one is seriously wrong; the second one is not wrong at all. This ruling implies some other option when there is none. If he was doing the first he should be stripped of his powers; if the second, what exactly is he supposed to "end?"

I really doubt a General would be joining 1v1 games vs low ranks.

I would hope this is easy to check. Can't KA see when Masli did his multi scan and compare it to the game start time?
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Re: Masli

Postby nietzsche on Sat Dec 24, 2011 12:09 am

Metsfanmax wrote:
nietzsche wrote:
Metsfanmax wrote:
king achilles wrote:This is noted for now. I can see that it looks shady and this will be handled internally. He may have been joining games with random people and then check the accounts afterwards just to be sure. I will have a word with him to get his side. We are also human and he may have been tempted at times, just like everyone else who break any guidelines or rules. He is still a good multi hunter and to maintain his good standing, he will put an end to this.

People are not viewing this logically. One of two things is going on: either Masli is joining games with people he knows are multis and then busting them, or he is checking out those players whose games he joins, and busting them when he finds out they are multis. The first one is seriously wrong; the second one is not wrong at all. This ruling implies some other option when there is none. If he was doing the first he should be stripped of his powers; if the second, what exactly is he supposed to "end?"

I really doubt a General would be joining 1v1 games vs low ranks.

I would hope this is easy to check. Can't KA see when Masli did his multi scan and compare it to the game start time?

That's not necessarily all. See, he might have a keen eye for spotting them without making a scan.. So he might have covered his steps. If there's a detailed log for user's actions this would be undoubtedly easily to check, but i doubt there's such a log.
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Re: Masli [noted]

Postby jefjef on Sat Dec 24, 2011 12:11 am

I really doubt a General would be joining 1v1 games vs low ranks.

People should research before they troll and spew...

masli has over 2970 1v1 games... So he deff does play 1v1 - against all ranks (lower ranks create and play a bunch more 1v1 than higher ranks)
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Re: Masli [noted]

Postby Master Bush on Sat Dec 24, 2011 1:17 am

The new rule should be that any game that a mod get into in a 1v1 or 1v1v1 and they see that they are playing with a multi or with two multis, those players should be kicked out and the game is canceled. No points awarded.

Here's a question, how many 1v1 does he have vs non multi players?
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Re: Masli [noted]

Postby jgordon1111 on Sat Dec 24, 2011 1:23 am

Nietzsche,we havent really crossed paths before, therefore I have to ask what is the issue with Mod's.Not enough you are riding it into the ground about Masli,But now it seems that you are pursuing achilles to try and guide CC into doing a harsh penalty of Masli,and if achilles doesnt do what you and the rest of the lynch mob want then you will say that achilles didnt punish Masli because he is a Mod,therefore he is wrong. So now I call you on it,show me which rule Masli broke bring it to the forum for us all to see.Unwritten rule uh no thanks a specific written rule that says what masli did was wrong.There have been plenty of people on CC that broke the (unwritten) rules of CC and maybe recieved a warning and plenty that got nothing.If you cant show it in black and white specifically then let the lynch mob stop where they are,and let achilles do his job instead of the boo hoo gang trying to run the show.Masli did his job there are no statements in the rules that say he cant do what he did.Morally wrong maybe,Wrong according to CC rules that the mob is trying to second hand enforce,lol not at all. so follow the rules everyone and you will be fine,abide by the rules and cc goes on undisturbed another day by the boo hoo gang.I ask that mob justice not be allowed to sway or direct CC.
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Re: Masli [noted]

Postby tec805 on Sat Dec 24, 2011 1:37 am

nietzsche wrote: So I pissed of a mod, he look for shit on me, sort of found it and made me shut up with a warning.

Yeah that's what happens if you bother the power. And if the powerful do something, they get a free pass.

+1 :lol:
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Re: Masli [noted]

Postby Uncle Death on Sat Dec 24, 2011 2:04 am

I don't know Masli so I make no judgement yet. I would hope he would make a statement here. If not, then it looks bad and the whole mod system here looks like the Nixon administration. I don't think what he was accused of was so horrible but this seeming cover up looks pretty awful. It's just stupid and immature which is what so many have complained about in regards to the mod system here. It just confirms the complaints already registered and reminds me of the book 1984 and that some are more equal than others here. It is frustrating for intelligent adults that participate here to be subjected to the control of little children and unintelligent sycophants.
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Re: Masli [noted]

Postby nietzsche on Sat Dec 24, 2011 3:02 am

I must be wrong because various persons are pointing out I'm exaggerating.


Masli, taking advantage of his power and privileged information is winning free points. Masli, a mod, is abusing his power, in direct injustice to other players who might be very serious about competing in the scoreboard. Paying members of the site are being treated with injustice because an equally competing member gets to not pay at all and also gets to make a few points every now and then that he sees the opportunity.

See, that you tell Masli that what he did was wrong is not enough. An example must be made of him. Otherwise we WOULD NOT TRUST YOU ANYMORE.
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Re: Masli [noted]

Postby JoshyBoy on Sat Dec 24, 2011 3:15 am

Wait, did Masli actually do this? Wow, that's pretty bad. I don't think my offense was as bad as this.
drunkmonkey wrote:I honestly wonder why anyone becomes a mod on this site. You're the whiniest bunch of players imaginable.

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Re: Masli [noted]

Postby jefjef on Sat Dec 24, 2011 3:24 am

JoshyBoy wrote:Wait, did Masli actually do this? Wow, that's pretty bad. I don't think my offense was as bad as this.

Uh yeah. ok joshy... :roll:

Did Masli intentionally gain points? INTENT is the real question. Did he know they were multi's BEFORE he joined the game so he could have free points? Or did he join a 1v1, which he plays A LOT of, and then discover that they were multi?

INTENT is the issue. Has it been proven? No

Does the evidence heavily weigh his intent? No.

I don't know his intent. No one here that has hollered "hang him" knows either...
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Re: Masli [noted]

Postby GoranZ on Sat Dec 24, 2011 3:40 am

maybe we will never know what his intentions were but...

I expect from him to set the standards that all of us should follow, this isn't the standard that I like to follow.
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Re: Masli [noted]

Postby JoshyBoy on Sat Dec 24, 2011 4:00 am

jefjef wrote:Blah blah blah blah? Blah blah. Blah blah blah blah? Blah blah, blah blah?

Blah blah blah. Blah blah? Blah

Blah blah blah blah? Blah.

Blah blah blah...


Hey jefjef, I'm sorry.

Let me make it up to you and make your next post for you.

jefjef wrote:Image
drunkmonkey wrote:I honestly wonder why anyone becomes a mod on this site. You're the whiniest bunch of players imaginable.

Ron Burgundy wrote:Why don't you go back to your home on Whore Island?
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Re: Masli [noted]

Postby TeeGee on Sat Dec 24, 2011 4:52 am

Please keep it relevant and on topic :)
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Re: Masli [noted]

Postby king achilles on Sat Dec 24, 2011 5:51 am

You have judged this moderator exaggeratedly. Not all the bust in those games mentioned were done by him. If there was even one game that he busted in those games, you already want his head for it. This is another opportunity for some of you to lambast the mods. Sure, he may have made a mistake, or that the bust was inappropriate, so now what? The C&A team is no good? The moderators are abusive? Power hungry and everything else you can think of? Your the victim? Please stop generalizing everyone. Some of you have been repeating themselves. Your personal grudges also does not help.

The spamming/trolling and baiting is too much now. This topic is locked. I am still looking into this so please stop telling us what we should do and kindly minimize your cries of how abusive and no good the mods & admins are, and that you know better. We heard you already.

Cool it.
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I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby nietzsche on Sat Dec 24, 2011 3:25 pm

I just checked the last game, the one on the top of the page:

Game 10252517

He started playing the game, and was about to lose when decided to check if the guy was a Multi. Or, he knew already but wanted to beat him in the game before kicking him out.

By the last round played, the Multi had 25 regions, Masli 14, it was the Multi's turn, got 8 but didn't get to deploy, we could assume he would've taken 3 of Maslis territories making the difference 28 to 11 territories, in a 1vs1 that is check mate regularly. So Masli kicked him out.

We could assume that was something he did regularly, therefore he might have won more points thanks to his privileged position.

Also, we do not know what do Multi hunters take into account to decide who is a multi and who isn't, so the case might be that there could be 2 or more persons using the same computer in a household. That will make possibly for 2 different persons to have the same IP, same browser, same everything.

If Masli had an incentive for checking for Multis in every game he was in, he could've decided 2 brothers, or 2 dif. students in a computer lab were Multis.

Let's think of those implications, and if you guys (all, not only mods, wannabe mods and Masli's friends) believe I'm wrong I'll stop right here.

Here is a list compiled by Goran Z:

GoranZ wrote:Masli has 1686 that last 24 hours, public, 1v1 games

Stats for last 86 game, 25 games(29 %) ended with ban because of violation of the rules.
25 * 6 points average = 150 points.
Does someone want to calculate for all his 1686 games(we might get four digit number of points)

Game 9092918
Game 9093515
Game 9527148
Game 9721786
Game 9748435
Game 9751134
Game 9793671
Game 9793929
Game 9794099
Game 9794110
Game 9816640
Game 9816645
Game 9948953
Game 9966234
Game 9966329
Game 10006837
Game 10031056
Game 10097643
Game 10131725
Game 10181979
Game 10182022
Game 10205201
Game 10207142
Game 10207451
Game 10252517

Besides the suggested number of 150 points, there might be game which he was about to lose like Game 10252517, but instead won because he busted the other player, he made 7 points, instead of losing 55. Another player wouldn't have had that chance and would have lost those 55 points. So we could say we need to take those points from him too. 205 points?

Let's say this was the case in maybe.. 5 more games. Only 5. a total of 250 points, plus the 205? Masli might not be even a Brigadier. Is 6 games like this one (Game 10252517) too much to infer? I don't know, the first and only one I looked into was the case.
Last edited by nietzsche on Sat Dec 24, 2011 4:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby Night Strike on Sat Dec 24, 2011 3:35 pm

So now you're saying Masli will just bust people whether they're guilty or not just to gain some points?? Why don't you all stick to your original argument instead of making up crap?
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby firth4eva on Sat Dec 24, 2011 3:39 pm

Night Strike wrote:So now you're saying Masli will just bust people whether they're guilty or not just to gain some points?? Why don't you all stick to your original argument instead of making up crap?

He's bringing Masli's most recent game to light where he continues to abuse his power... How can you defend him? He is clearly in the wrong
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby jefjef on Sat Dec 24, 2011 3:42 pm

Since when is it wrong to bust multi's? Accounts that shouldn't even exist... ](*,)
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby Night Strike on Sat Dec 24, 2011 3:45 pm

firth4eva wrote:
Night Strike wrote:So now you're saying Masli will just bust people whether they're guilty or not just to gain some points?? Why don't you all stick to your original argument instead of making up crap?

He's bringing Masli's most recent game to light where he continues to abuse his power... How can you defend him? He is clearly in the wrong

I'm actually not defending Masli: I'm saying nietzsche is now trying to make up a conspiracy of a hunter busting players simply to earn points (whether those players were guilty or not).

And by the way, the "most recent game" was 10 days ago. The accusation against him was made yesterday. Maybe you should actually look at the game in question before automatically saying that he "continues to abuse his power". A continuing of abuse can only happen after a warning, not before the accusation was even made.
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby betiko on Sat Dec 24, 2011 3:51 pm

why would a multi even play a 1vs1?
I guess creating a multi is to either by playing yourself 1vs1 or let's say in a 3 players game?
why a multi would create a 1vs1 and wait for players?

also, I have to say I never really had problems on CC with anyone that I might have ever suspected of being a multi. it is impossible to be facing all those guys by coincidence. he had to know before joining.
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby Night Strike on Sat Dec 24, 2011 3:55 pm

betiko wrote:why would a multi even play a 1vs1?
I guess creating a multi is to either by playing yourself 1vs1 or let's say in a 3 players game?
why a multi would create a 1vs1 and wait for players?

also, I have to say I never really had problems on CC with anyone that I might have ever suspected of being a multi. it is impossible to be facing all those guys by coincidence. he had to know before joining.

Creating another account(s) to get around the 4 game maximum for freemiums is more common than making accounts for point harvesting.
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby DiM on Sat Dec 24, 2011 3:57 pm

betiko wrote:why would a multi even play a 1vs1?

to get around the 4 games limit.
why pay for premium and get stuck with 4 games when you could make more accounts and play as much as you want? .... until you get busted :)
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby eddie2 on Sat Dec 24, 2011 4:25 pm

FOR FLUCK SAKE. give it a rest i am expecting you to get a warning now because king a locked the thread and what you have done is classed as trolling. did you actually read what king a said. masli did not bust all these players but you are classing it as he did.also it is getting looked at behind the scenes like with the joshy case. where joshy was revoked mod powers. if masli has acted outside of site rules then he will be busted like us all.
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby jefjef on Sat Dec 24, 2011 4:30 pm

eddie2 wrote:give it a rest i am expecting you to get a warning now because king a locked the thread and what you have done is classed as trolling.

I 100% agree with eddie here. The specific game that the OP has "added to the case" is one that was listed in the ORIGINAL complaint.

This thread is purely baiting and trolling...

Lock the thread and Bust the OP.
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby GoranZ on Sat Dec 24, 2011 4:33 pm

Masli has 1686 that last 24 hours, public, 1v1 games

Stats for last 86 game, 25 games(29 %) ended with ban because of violation of the rules.
25 * 6 points average = 150 points.
Does someone want to calculate for all his 1686 games(we might get four digit number of points)

Game 9092918
Game 9093515
Game 9527148
Game 9721786
Game 9748435
Game 9751134
Game 9793671
Game 9793929
Game 9794099
Game 9794110
Game 9816640
Game 9816645
Game 9948953
Game 9966234
Game 9966329
Game 10006837
Game 10031056
Game 10097643
Game 10131725
Game 10181979
Game 10182022
Game 10205201
Game 10207142
Game 10207451
Game 10252517

eddie2 wrote:FOR FLUCK SAKE. give it a rest i am expecting you to get a warning now because king a locked the thread and what you have done is classed as trolling. did you actually read what king a said. masli did not bust all these players but you are classing it as he did.also it is getting looked at behind the scenes like with the joshy case. where joshy was revoked mod powers. if masli has acted outside of site rules then he will be busted like us all.

I don't thinks so... this will not go away, this can not be ignored.
Last edited by GoranZ on Sat Dec 24, 2011 4:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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