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Masli [closed]

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Re: Masli

Postby eddie2 on Fri Dec 23, 2011 7:38 pm

lol i speak with masli lots he is also responsible for all my live chat bans :mrgreen:. point is if these players that are multis play via another player them players would be asking for there points back.

also so what if a c and a mod gets some extra points. look at the amount of free time they put into this site unpaid and you guys are complaining about maybe 4 points a game for 1 hours work or more they put into busting a multi account.
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Re: Masli

Postby king achilles on Fri Dec 23, 2011 7:40 pm

This is noted for now. I can see that it looks shady and this will be handled internally. He may have been joining games with random people and then check the accounts afterwards just to be sure. I will have a word with him to get his side. We are also human and he may have been tempted at times, just like everyone else who break any guidelines or rules. He is still a good multi hunter and to maintain his good standing, he will put an end to this.
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Re: Masli [noted]

Postby nietzsche on Fri Dec 23, 2011 7:42 pm



This is BS
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Re: Masli

Postby jgordon1111 on Fri Dec 23, 2011 7:46 pm

Never second guessed Masli before on any of his decision's but this is odd to say the least.The saving grace would be if he checked for multi after joining even on the guy with 2 games it could happen. Strung together like that hmmm. But on the better side these guys arent teaming up on anyone screwing their points. So Eight games grand total of fifty points. how many of you guys calling for resignation did he just save that many points or more by taking them down.But it will tarnish his rep if he doesnt resign if he doesnt have a plausible explanation.
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Re: Masli [noted]

Postby jgordon1111 on Fri Dec 23, 2011 7:48 pm

sorry for second post but agreeing with eddie and achilles here most of you guys are clan do you not handle your problems internally or do you go outside to the mods
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Re: Masli

Postby Lindax on Fri Dec 23, 2011 7:49 pm

king achilles wrote:This is noted for now. I can see that it looks shady and this will be handled internally. He may have been joining games with random people and then check the accounts afterwards just to be sure. I will have a word with him to get his side. We are also human and he may have been tempted at times, just like everyone else who break any guidelines or rules. He is still a good multi hunter and to maintain his good standing, he will put an end to this.

Not trying to be an asshole (and I have nothing against Masli), but this all sounds a little weak. I have been tempted too, and I'm human too, never gave in to it though....

Higher standards for TeamCC, etc.?

Anyway, innocent until proven guilty. But, IF proven guilty there is no way you can handle this internally.

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Re: Masli [noted]

Postby QoH on Fri Dec 23, 2011 7:56 pm

jgordon1111 wrote:sorry for second post but agreeing with eddie and achilles here most of you guys are clan do you not handle your problems internally or do you go outside to the mods

It's different when Mods are concerned.

This is like those Ponzi Schemes in the government, where everything goes public. Crappy example, but I"m too tired to bother thinking up a better example.
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Re: Masli

Postby jefjef on Fri Dec 23, 2011 8:09 pm

king achilles wrote:This is noted for now. I can see that it looks shady and this will be handled internally. He may have been joining games with random people and then check the accounts afterwards just to be sure. I will have a word with him to get his side. We are also human and he may have been tempted at times, just like everyone else who break any guidelines or rules. He is still a good multi hunter and to maintain his good standing, he will put an end to this.

NOTED is not a free pass peeps! It lets Masli know that if he has a suspicion he should check players before he joins a game and if this type of hunting continues then it is something other than harmless hunting... ka is also stating that he is still investigating.

Well handled and just ruling.
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Re: Masli [noted]

Postby nietzsche on Fri Dec 23, 2011 8:09 pm

mod wannabe
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Re: Masli [noted]

Postby jefjef on Fri Dec 23, 2011 8:11 pm

nietzsche wrote:mod wannabe

No I'm not. No desire to be. except to maybe bust trolls

Now go TROLL someone else TROLL... ;)
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Re: Masli

Postby Night Strike on Fri Dec 23, 2011 8:18 pm

king achilles wrote:....and to maintain his good standing, he will put an end to this.

I think this means something a little stronger than just a simple note or a free pass.
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Re: Masli [noted]

Postby nietzsche on Fri Dec 23, 2011 8:29 pm

Off course all the mods and mods wannabe will agree. And Masli friends.

So if you wish you could form a line and start posting how you support this ruling. You can do it in an alphabetical order of by department.

OR cut the BS, we know most of you will agree.

The credit of the Multi Hunter department has gone way down.

Just to add a little. True story. After coming here and bothering some mods with my inquiries, I got a warning on my signature size, which had been like that for ages. I was told the image was 556 pixels long, 6 pixels more than the allowed 550. I found out later, after removing my signature, that the allowed long was 600. (According to a guideline by rds). So I pissed of a mod, he look for shit on me, sort of found it and made me shut up with a warning.

Yeah that's what happens if you bother the power. And if the powerful do something, they get a free pass.
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Re: Masli

Postby GoranZ on Fri Dec 23, 2011 8:50 pm

king achilles wrote:This is noted for now. I can see that it looks shady and this will be handled internally. He may have been joining games with random people and then check the accounts afterwards just to be sure. I will have a word with him to get his side. We are also human and he may have been tempted at times, just like everyone else who break any guidelines or rules. He is still a good multi hunter and to maintain his good standing, he will put an end to this.

One, two games could be a coincidence but the amount of games show that it is not... On top another multi hunter is doing the same... something is not correct and noted is far from enough. I think that rules should be the same for all players.

ka you will need to talk to eye84free also...

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Re: Masli [noted]

Postby Master Bush on Fri Dec 23, 2011 8:56 pm

lolololo noted???

I'm pretty sure these guys are paid to be multi-hunters, because I was paid when I was a MH. He is also a premium, and is using his powers in such a dishonest way, it's not even funny. anything less than a full mod fire would be the biggest joke ruling ever.

Night Strike wrote:
king achilles wrote:....and to maintain his good standing, he will put an end to this.

I think this means something a little stronger than just a simple note or a free pass.

really, because to me it seems like he's saying that he will stop doing this, and if he gets caught again, then he will be in trouble. This is pretty much like a slot machine working knowing how to set up a machine to pay him out money. it's a very serious matter, that needs much more than a noted/warning.
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Re: Masli [noted]

Postby Night Strike on Fri Dec 23, 2011 9:26 pm

Master Bush wrote:
Night Strike wrote:
king achilles wrote:....and to maintain his good standing, he will put an end to this.

I think this means something a little stronger than just a simple note or a free pass.

really, because to me it seems like he's saying that he will stop doing this, and if he gets caught again, then he will be in trouble. This is pretty much like a slot machine working knowing how to set up a machine to pay him out money. it's a very serious matter, that needs much more than a noted/warning.

For every infraction on the site, you get a warning before hard punishment is doled out (except for multis, where the warning is the little check box when you sign up).

And the multi hunters are no longer paid.

nietzsche wrote:Off course all the mods and mods wannabe will agree.

Shows that you don't really know what goes on behind the scenes.
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Re: Masli

Postby owenshooter on Fri Dec 23, 2011 9:58 pm

king achilles wrote: He is still a good multi hunter and to maintain his good standing, he will put an end to this.

sorry... he's tarnished now... now the multi hunting team has a former busted multi in the ranks and someone that abused their power for points... i like both guys just fine, but members of team CC should be above reproach, and this shouldn't be handled internally, this should be a very public affair, as it calls team CC's credibility into question.-el Jesus negro
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Re: Masli

Postby Night Strike on Fri Dec 23, 2011 10:06 pm

owenshooter wrote:now the multi hunting team has a former busted multi in the ranks

No they don't.
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Re: Masli

Postby jefjef on Fri Dec 23, 2011 10:11 pm

owenshooter wrote:
king achilles wrote: He is still a good multi hunter and to maintain his good standing, he will put an end to this.

sorry... he's tarnished now... someone that abused their power for points...

Tarnished? Is it certain that he was multi farming? No. It is very likely he was just innocently doing his volunteer hunting job. Just going about it backwards. Short of a confession or endless cases of multi being busted 3 minutes after game is joined any other decision without further proof/evidence of intent would be unfair to Masli. (and no Masli is not on my friends list).

Bottom line: NOTED is not a free pass.
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Re: Masli [noted]

Postby jgordon1111 on Fri Dec 23, 2011 10:36 pm

I dont like some of the mods(metsfan) But for those of you crusading for severe punishment(fired)etc.These guys work for free,to help you most of the time and a very large amount of time with the opposite of thanks. Even the one I dont like(metsfan) does his job for free to help improve this site for all of us.Masli found some cheaters and rather than let some unsuspecting player join the game he let them know the hunters had personally found them,Oh woe is us he collected a total of fifty points from eight games,looking at their ranks any of you would have lost about 25 points to them in a loss.Good riddance,Screw it good for masli,unfortunately it brought most of the boo hoo gang out as usual to bash the people that work for free to keep their playing site working.At first when I saw the report I was on the fence about if Masli did something wrong what should happen to him,not now,give him a medal for working for free,for a bunch of unappreciative jacklegs.And most of you would be crying the blues if some cheating fool took you points.Where are the hunters why isnt cc doing more to protect me etc.Masli is protecting you unless you are cheating. So definetly no public flogging of Masli for your demented pleasure.He is good at what he does let achilles take care of it and be done. on a personal note Sorry for all the times I cursed you mets my bad.And specifically point out which cc rule he broke please,I cant find it.
Last edited by jgordon1111 on Fri Dec 23, 2011 10:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Masli

Postby chemefreak on Fri Dec 23, 2011 10:37 pm

Lindax wrote:
king achilles wrote:This is noted for now. I can see that it looks shady and this will be handled internally. He may have been joining games with random people and then check the accounts afterwards just to be sure. I will have a word with him to get his side. We are also human and he may have been tempted at times, just like everyone else who break any guidelines or rules. He is still a good multi hunter and to maintain his good standing, he will put an end to this.

Not trying to be an asshole (and I have nothing against Masli), but this all sounds a little weak. I have been tempted too, and I'm human too, never gave in to it though....

Higher standards for TeamCC, etc.?

Anyway, innocent until proven guilty. But, IF proven guilty there is no way you can handle this internally.


I am in agreement with Lindax here. A public decision should be announced eventually to maintain the integrity of Team CC...for good or for bad.
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Re: Masli [noted]

Postby ubcman64 on Fri Dec 23, 2011 11:03 pm

jgordon1111 wrote:I dont like some of the mods(metsfan) But for those of you crusading for severe punishment(fired)etc.These guys work for free,to help you most of the time and a very large amount of time with the opposite of thanks. Even the one I dont like(metsfan) does his job for free to help improve this site for all of us.Masli found some cheaters and rather than let some unsuspecting player join the game he let them know the hunters had personally found them,Oh woe is us he collected a total of fifty points from eight games,looking at their ranks any of you would have lost about 25 points to them in a loss.Good riddance,Screw it good for masli,unfortunately it brought most of the boo hoo gang out as usual to bash the people that work for free to keep their playing site working.At first when I saw the report I was on the fence about if Masli did something wrong what should happen to him,not now,give him a medal for working for free,for a bunch of unappreciative jacklegs.And most of you would be crying the blues if some cheating fool took you points.Where are the hunters why isnt cc doing more to protect me etc.Masli is protecting you unless you are cheating. So definetly no public flogging of Masli for your demented pleasure.He is good at what he does let achilles take care of it and be done. on a personal note Sorry for all the times I cursed you mets my bad.And specifically point out which cc rule he broke please,I cant find it.

it's like being a dirty cop..."ahh who cares if he helps himself to materials in the evidence room". is that allowed? i realize we're only talking about a game site but wrong is wrong.
i doubt you'll find a rule that says a multi-hunter is not allowed to abuse his power by joining games with multis and then busting them to get their points. but does that make it okay?
and being a volunteer, while selfless, doesn't give people a free pass to do whatever they want. i volunteer at the local food pantry from time to time, should it be okay for me to bring home bags of groceries?
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Re: Masli [noted]

Postby nietzsche on Fri Dec 23, 2011 11:16 pm

ubcman64 wrote:
jgordon1111 wrote:I dont like some of the mods(metsfan) But for those of you crusading for severe punishment(fired)etc.These guys work for free,to help you most of the time and a very large amount of time with the opposite of thanks. Even the one I dont like(metsfan) does his job for free to help improve this site for all of us.Masli found some cheaters and rather than let some unsuspecting player join the game he let them know the hunters had personally found them,Oh woe is us he collected a total of fifty points from eight games,looking at their ranks any of you would have lost about 25 points to them in a loss.Good riddance,Screw it good for masli,unfortunately it brought most of the boo hoo gang out as usual to bash the people that work for free to keep their playing site working.At first when I saw the report I was on the fence about if Masli did something wrong what should happen to him,not now,give him a medal for working for free,for a bunch of unappreciative jacklegs.And most of you would be crying the blues if some cheating fool took you points.Where are the hunters why isnt cc doing more to protect me etc.Masli is protecting you unless you are cheating. So definetly no public flogging of Masli for your demented pleasure.He is good at what he does let achilles take care of it and be done. on a personal note Sorry for all the times I cursed you mets my bad.And specifically point out which cc rule he broke please,I cant find it.

it's like being a dirty cop..."ahh who cares if he helps himself to materials in the evidence room". is that allowed? i realize we're only talking about a game site but wrong is wrong.
i doubt you'll find a rule that says a multi-hunter is not allowed to abuse his power by joining games with multis and then busting them to get their points. but does that make it okay?
and being a volunteer, while selfless, doesn't give people a free pass to do whatever they want. i volunteer at the local food pantry from time to time, should it be okay for me to bring home bags of groceries?

If your supervisor is king achilles you can.
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Re: Masli

Postby TeeGee on Fri Dec 23, 2011 11:53 pm

king achilles wrote:This is noted for now. I can see that it looks shady and this will be handled internally.

This guys, KA has NOT finished investigating.

I personally hope this is an honest mistake by Masli, apart from being a fellow mod he is a good friend.
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Re: Masli

Postby Metsfanmax on Sat Dec 24, 2011 12:00 am

king achilles wrote:This is noted for now. I can see that it looks shady and this will be handled internally. He may have been joining games with random people and then check the accounts afterwards just to be sure. I will have a word with him to get his side. We are also human and he may have been tempted at times, just like everyone else who break any guidelines or rules. He is still a good multi hunter and to maintain his good standing, he will put an end to this.

People are not viewing this logically. One of two things is going on: either Masli is joining games with people he knows are multis and then busting them, or he is checking out those players whose games he joins, and busting them when he finds out they are multis. The first one is seriously wrong; the second one is not wrong at all. This ruling implies some other option when there is none. If he was doing the first he should be stripped of his powers; if the second, what exactly is he supposed to "end?"
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Re: Masli

Postby nietzsche on Sat Dec 24, 2011 12:03 am

Metsfanmax wrote:
king achilles wrote:This is noted for now. I can see that it looks shady and this will be handled internally. He may have been joining games with random people and then check the accounts afterwards just to be sure. I will have a word with him to get his side. We are also human and he may have been tempted at times, just like everyone else who break any guidelines or rules. He is still a good multi hunter and to maintain his good standing, he will put an end to this.

People are not viewing this logically. One of two things is going on: either Masli is joining games with people he knows are multis and then busting them, or he is checking out those players whose games he joins, and busting them when he finds out they are multis. The first one is seriously wrong; the second one is not wrong at all. This ruling implies some other option when there is none. If he was doing the first he should be stripped of his powers; if the second, what exactly is he supposed to "end?"

I really doubt a General would be joining 1v1 games vs low ranks.
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