I think DiM made some good points, particularly this one:
DiM wrote:2. some CAs/FAs don't have influence. i don't mean to hurt anybody's feelings but there was a time when a CA = veteran mapmaker. a CA was a person that had proven his talent at mapmaking both graphically as well as gameplay-wise. furthermore that person was a true foundry regular. a person that posted a lot, gave tons of feedback and visited all the map threads regularly. how many of the current CAs can claim to fulfil at least one of the above conditions?
This has been the main issue with the CAs, as it seemed other commenters carried the weight of the discussion, while a CA would only 'pop-up' for their fortnightly review and say a few things, perhaps even things that make a large chunk of the discussion thus far completely irrelevant/meaningless. I've always thought the role of the CAs should be to assist a mapmaker in creating a quality map in both gameplay and graphics in an expeditious manner. Whether 40 people or none are commenting on a map, it's the CAs' role to guide the discussion and to help the mapmaker achieve what s/he wants while achieving the balanced gameplay/quality graphics required for stampage. I think a flexible CA is a good CA, and when the need to be stubborn arises, the CA holds his/her ground and is abundantly clear as to why. When a CA comes off as "this is wrong, change this, this, and this to this, this, and this", especially if they're petty things, it can really turn mapmakers off. For example,
MarshalNey and
Evil DIMwit I always thought were great CAs, because they were always had good analyses, kept the mapmaker's goals in mind for the gameplay, and gave extensive reasoning for their proposed changes, while being open to alternatives. They never acted like they knew everything, or that their word was law - they more came along side the mapmaker as a guide to lend a hand, not an officer that commanded them, or even a teacher that schooled them.
To address your points specifically:
thenobodies80 wrote:A day people was used to listen CAs mainly for two reasons:
1. CAs were supposed to be users that know about mapmaking and they knew what to suggest or ask
2. CAs were supposed to be the eyes and the voice of the site, they make sure people respect "the rules" according to the criteria of this site (guidelines)
I think you're leaving out a few factors, as the one I quoted DiM on, though I don't think it's necessary for a CA to be a veteran
mapmaker, they just need to be a veteran
map commenter (I mean, heck, Andy was Foreman and he's never made a map). For example, I can see
iancanton being a great CA if he commented more. While I don't know what goes on in private, his advice seems sparse and generally focused on a single map. I believe that may be more of a reason why the former CAs were listened to, than the reasons you posted - they were actively involved in map discussions as exactly what they're titled - Cartography
Assistants.thenobodies80 wrote:There was a time in which people was well aware that mapmaking was a privilege and not a right, the process was created to have a balance between what the site want (rules and mods requests) and what the people want.
When I came here and I developed my first map, I've followed every single word CAs and FAs had said to me.
After a while people started to ignore FAs, so we removed them.
Now it seems to me that is going to happen the same with CAs
What's wrong?
Think of when this happens and to whom. Then ask yourself that question, and see if you can't answer it yourself. I can guarantee this happens in certain circumstances more than others and with certain CAs more than others.
thenobodies80 wrote:Sorry if my word sounds totally wrong for someone, but I'm done in this way and I like to speak with people directly and honestly.
So, I'm wrong or lately lot of people wants to not have (don't like) a process anymore?
I'll be frank with you, it's really irritating when conversation has gone on for a long time in a map thread without a blue name, then once all the rest of us have hammered things out, we're stuck twiddling our thumbs until a CA says something, not infrequently with points that have already been discussed and comments that completely refute a large chunk that we had been discussing and ironing out. What I mean to say is, it seems there are several times when a CA comes in a good few days late with their comments.
thenobodies80 wrote:Like mapmaking is become right for everyone?
The short answer is yes, people seem to think so. They may press forward anyway, not getting any official dissent from a CA, later finding themselves in a proverbial stalled state with no chance of getting anywhere, because the CAs have simply ignored it because they are passively sending it to the Recycling Box.
thenobodies80 wrote:I'm wrong or nobody listen CAs anymore (except when they agree or give minor suggestions) and when they use not kind words for a map or for something about a map...."everyone" comes to throw shit against them?
Again, do a little research.
There is a reason for this. Many, if not, all of which I've already stated.
thenobodies80 wrote:When CC has become like landgrab, where everyone is able to draw and upload maps in 10 mins? Is really that shit the thing you all want?
Come on, nobodies, that is a complete exaggeration. If you want us to be honest, at least be a little more sensitive.
thenobodies80 wrote:When CC has become a place in which you read a CAs post and you can tell him to shut up because his words don't fit your artistic view of a map?
This brings up more than one issue, I think. Remember, there is a large subjective portion of graphics, and though there is an objective 'quality factor', it is not uncommon for the two to mix in one's head. This is when it's very important to keep the mapmaker's preferences in mind, because I wouldn't be at all surprised if you could find a way for their view on graphics to be made into quality graphics that match/mesh with their graphical goals.
thenobodies80 wrote:When and why we passed from democracy to anarchy?
Right there is flawed thinking. This was never a democracy to begin with. It was a faulty republic at best. Currently it has the impression of an oligarchy, which can really turn people off when the governing officials of the Foundry stroll in with their comments, seemingly neglectful of what conversation has taken place up to that point. The process should be more of a republic, where the CAs act as knowledgeable representatives, where the only power they seem to have is the somewhat bureaucratic action of saying, "The discussion has basically ended for gameplay/graphics," and stamping the map as a way of moving the focus of discussion to the next item on the table.
thenobodies80 wrote:Let me state clear that I'm not pointing my finger against someone, just I have the feeling that the people doesn't like the idea there someone that can tell them what they have to do, what is acceptable or not, what this site (as business) like or not.....
This is correct. And this is exactly the way you should not be coming off to mapmakers.
thenobodies80 wrote:From my point of view every place has rules and limits...and people there to ensure that those criteria are followed.
Sure, but how you go about ensuring those criteria is vital.
thenobodies80 wrote:I'm not complaining just for the sake, but I feel there's a much less respect for the people who spend their time here to help.... like they (we) are just a group of "ball busters"
You should not expect respect, you should work to earn it. You should know by now that volunteering (perhaps particularly on CC) is thankless with occasional perks. If you don't want to volunteer, you can leave. Otherwise, suck it up. I've gotten a bunch of flak since I've become "Chief Executive", but I love my position, so I consider it a minor side-effect that I just have to deal with. It happens. If you want it to stop, you need to make it so. As I said,
earn people's respect.