Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team
danhulbert wrote:I was the one calling the shots for my team in this particular game and secret conversations with another team was not part of the agenda.
danhulber wrote:Your judgements and decisions are all based on feelings rather than logic. You are presented with facts and are coming to conclusions that are just not warranted .
I do have right to express my opnion, right? no final judgemt here. I know what I saw, I played the game.kostko wrote:In my opinion there was secret diplomacy involved in this game, if you like it or not, if you admit it or not, if c&a team confirms it or not.
Oh yea, those are some solid argumetns! not. What kind of a defence statement is this? how about an answer to my question in my biggest post here?danhulbert wrote:#1 Perception: You are saying one team was sacrificing themselves for my team to win . . .
Reality: This goes againt human nature and many thousands of years of human interaction . . . it just does not make sense.
You guys already been cleared of beeing multi. I am accusing you of secret diplomacy not beeing multi. Why are you bringing that up?danhulbert wrote:#2 Perception: You say nhulbert dropped out after we were called out to prevent us from getting caught
Reality: That was one of the last games he played, missed many turns in games after that and is NOT currently playing in any games . . . (Does this mean we are the same person? . . . Ha Ha . . . No)
Yes , its my opinon you guys wanna give me bad raiting. Please show me that moutan of evidence, to prove you are innocent. I showed you mine moutan of evidence. You are avoiding my question.danhulbert wrote:#3 Perception: You say I am inviting you to play games because I am going to "get even" and give you a bad rating
Reality: You choose not to see the mountain of evidence to the contrary, including a myriad of messages and otherwise uniformly positive ratings. It is beyond me to even understand a person who would pay the $25 to gift premium membership so that they could turn around and pass on a bad rating . . . again, is this really what logic is telling you? If I really wanted to do it, I would have done it already.
Why would I be concerned about you beeing blackmailed? How does this prove your innocence?danhulbert wrote:#4 Perception: You are "concerned" I will be blackmailed into gifting others premium
Reality: I don't care about the bad rating as much as the fact you think I am a cheater and a liar. The rating is just a reflection of that. I would laugh at someone who tried that.
And they were not worried about beeing whiped out by team2 in Brittany far away from their main concentration of team4's army, right? Because they(team4) knew team3 wont attack them in Burgundy, correct? Again that does not answer my question:danhulbert wrote:#5 Perception: There is no way team3 could get and hold two bonuses (Alsace & Picardy) in round 16 without the help of team4
Reality: We took both countries because we played better than you and better than my friends on team 4. Radioman212 took you down and I built an army in the other in order to eventually take it. Team 4 moved out of there because(as you pointed out in your pictures) I was attacking them and they could see that they would be wiped out by me if they did not move out of my way.
nhulbert wrote:And regarding the rating you gave me, do you really think I have a bad attitude? Can't you at least give me that? Please?
qwert wrote:hello everybody,now its time for me to solve these case -(elementary mine dear wotson)
Ok, if you look pictures,what kostko present,and in first ball,you can say "hey these look like secret diplomacy, and hes brother are in other double team", so Cheat moderator have clear case,,,,,,,,,,,but.
qwert wrote:When you go deep, and investigate all other games,then you can come with new evidence,who can give you picture,that these are not a case of secret diplomacy.
First evidence-danhulbert and nhulbert play together in 105 games.
Second evidence-danhulber and nhulbert play together in team games 53 times.(double,triple,quads)
third evidence-danhulbert and nhulbert play 5 games of 3 double teams,where in all 5 games they play together.
Fourth and final evidence-danhulbert and nhulbert play only 4 games of 4 double teams,where in 3 games they play in same double team. So what left? First time,in only 1 games( where kostko try to prove secret diplomacy),they play in oposite double teams.
When you take all these evidence, its clearly show that i prove that these is not case of secret diplomacy, and you can not prove,only in 1 game that someone are gyilty,where hes entire previous biography are clear.
Ofcourse decision are in jury.
qwert wrote:hello everybody,now its time for me to solve these case -(elementary mine dear wotson)
QuikSilver wrote:Just the fact that they are brothers (admitted by the two) can conduct to SD even if they don't say it out loud...
like thinking to myself: «humm.... I got two options here, 1- attack someone I doesn't know.... 2- attack my brothers team... » I would kill the someone I doesn't know, because even if I loose, my points are going to my brothers, which is not bad.
Hmmm. This is, like if one person went to the store 104 times and when he enters the store 105th time, seller see he is trying to steal a bag of potatoes and yells: "Put that bag of potatoes back on the shelf! police, police, police!". Then a security guy(that works in store, knows this person and knows he never stole) would come to the seller and said: "Calm down, he never stole anything before , close your eyes and let him go."
Is this how things work, qwert?
qwert wrote:mine dear wotson(kostko), if some person have clear record,then its hard withouth more evidence,only in one game to say"hes guilty ,hang hem high!! ", no,no,no.
We only have suspicion that maybe are secret diplomacy.kostko wrote:Hmmm. This is, like if one person went to the store 104 times and when he enters the store 105th time, seller see he is trying to steal a bag of potatoes and yells: "Put that bag of potatoes back on the shelf! police, police, police!". Then a security guy(that works in store, knows this person and knows he never stole) would come to the seller and said: "Calm down, he never stole anything before , close your eyes and let him go."
Is this how things work, qwert?
qwert wrote:These story its correct, but seller are witness,he see that person who went in store 104 time,in 105 time try to comite crime.
reasonable suspicion that these is not a secret diplomacy, withouth clear evidence. You need to find in previous 104 games, more evidence who will give some weight,and will show that these is not first suspicios behaviour of suspects.
qwert wrote:You need to find hiden weapons( in game chat,private messages, or some guys who are ready to testify against dhulbert and nhulbert of hes aleged crimes ).
qwert wrote:So i give you task mine dear wotson, find more evidence,and judge( Moderator), can bring these people to justice.
Now lets find some new case to solve, first i go to playing on violine
qwert wrote:You need to find hiden weapons( in game chat,private messages, or some guys who are ready to testify against dhulbert and nhulbert of hes aleged crimes ).
There are clues in game chat, maybe you should go and see them. I cannot find evidence in private messages as I dont have access to other players mail. And they are all deleting their wall history.
danhulber wrote:Kostco,
You say you have not judged me but you have. By giving me the rating that you did, you you esentially carved into stone your judgement.
If you really have not then you would be willing to change your rating based on the outcome here.
danhulber wrote:And I am not avoiding any questions. I will answer every single one I can but your biggest one has nothing to do with me or my team. Until I talk to the other team again, I have no idea why they split their armies between 2 spots. I can agree with you that as we were playing, I did think they were not making very good decisions but it was not just my team that benefitted, it was also blue/yellow. By splitting their armies, they were most likely destined to be eliminated by both blue/yellow and my team.
True, this is where I started taking screenpictures. You guys are soo lucky I dont have screen pictures of first six rounds. Have a look at log, there are only two attacks between team3 and 4 in first 6 rounds and as I remember both on 1 army field. "good moves", yes it was a good move not to attack each other while eliminating me. Ooo how I wish I had screenpictures of round1to 6.danhulber wrote:Your complaint originates because you thought we eliminated you in a coordinated attack . . . You were eliminated because Radioman on my team wiped you out(great move by the way) leaving you with a couple armies which nhulbert finished off the next turn. Both of those were good moves regardless of who knows whom . . . if you have a chance to eliminate a team easily, you should take it.
Again, I will talk to the other guys when I get a chance to see about them weighing in. I will see my brother on Christmas so it will be a couple days.
ubcman64 wrote:all this over 1 game?.....get a life
lindseyland78 wrote:4. Kostko's attitude- As I read your post I envision a little kid sticking his tongue out and going "nananana I'm not listening". No matter how reasonable people are with you are sit and attack them as if you can't believe they are stupid enough not to think you know everything. Forgive us for being ignorant.
lindseyland78 wrote:
1. Kostko- the point that the other 104 games makes is that this is not a trend, but one circumstance and in the unwritten rules it clearly states that abuse is only proven in multiple games so even if they think you are right the only thing that will happen is that it will be noted and no punishment will occur. Worse case they get a warning.
lindseyland78 wrote:So finally the conclusion I have drawn from the plethora of time I have spent reading your bickering- I am not convinced from the pictures. Then I am really not convinced when you start ranting cause you loss credibility in my eyes and danhulbert just is working to appease you which gains him favor. He goes from being the villain to the bullied. I don't think the Mods are going to grant you this one honestly.
lindseyland78 wrote:I was so mad that someone would be so determined to prove I was this horrible player and villainous person when they didn't know shit about me that writing a calm response was extremely difficult,
danhulbert wrote:I can agree with you that as we were playing, I did think they were not making very good decisions
lindseyland78 wrote:You believe the bag MIGHT be missing because they both tried to kill you early and your pissed. (BTW, I have attempted to kill another player and failed only to have the next person kill him. OF COURSE the next person would kill you.
This is your opinion based on your feelings of previous expiriences and not pictures in Game 9482563. Again, that "bag of potato" story wasnt written to prove secret diplomacy, it was written to prove qwert how he was searching for evidence where there arent any. Nothing else, its in no way conected to danhulbert.lindseyland78 wrote:So finally the conclusion I have drawn from the plethora of time I have spent reading your bickering- I am not convinced from the pictures. Then I am really not convinced when you start ranting cause you loss credibility in my eyes and danhulbert just is working to appease you which gains him favor. He goes from being the villain to the bullied. I don't think the Mods are going to grant you this one honestly.
jgordon1111 wrote:agent the part you highlighted was sarcasm on my behalf.Not me saying that is what they should do lol. And I stick to what I have said to the brothers play together or play privately as a courtesy to others,then you would never have to explain or even worry about this coming up again. On a note from the same page just how many times have you guys been accused of SD or being multi's in the last year alone? 3,4 0r 5. If it was me I would be tired of it and adjust my play because of that alone. Just my opinion I may be wrong
Geger wrote:Interesting case...
I have a simple question regarding to picture 9 :
"Could MD212 (orange), who had only 9 troops near radioman212 (teal) bonus, to break the bonus, which was guarded by 6+11 (19 total) troops?"
Let's say he tried it and deployed in Cher, then attacked Marne (1 troop) and Meuse (11 troops). The chance was 44,6%. Said he was lucky, could break the bonus, but what he would have after the attacks. With 27% odd (must be very lucky), he would have max 5 troops (in 3 regions), or with more believable odd, he would have max 4 troops for 3 regions.
Next turn with only 6 troops plus 3 deploys it would be easy job for teal to take his bonus back plus other 2 regions from orange (86% chance).
So I agree with teal move there, he had nothing to worry with orange stack of 9 troops in Cher.
Maybe I'll give other comments later
kostko wrote:Yes, he(teal) had nothing to worry on his move in round9 (this was not the question, the question was, Had orange(team4) anything to worry about teal(teal3)?),
because orange player was pointlesly spending his reinforcements on blue(team2)region Alps, for the past two rounds(round6,7 and even in round 8 he spends one on attacking blue in Savoie) . If insted pointlesly spending army on Alps(orange) in round 6 and 7, orange would deploy on Cher or Finistere or Osie he could take Brittany+2 or had 15 on Cher or 15 on Osie. But he did not do that. Instead taking a bonus (Brittany+2) or make a stack on Cher to defent himself he spent his army on blue in Alps for no reason. He(orange) was not trying to take a spoil and was also not going for Alps+4 bonus. The only explanation left for me is that orange was helping teal to eliminate blue(team2) out of Alps, and he somehow knew teal wont attack him. Similar story taking its place in picture 12, round 9, where orange(team4) attacks green(team1) on Paris, and right after teal(team3) attacks green on Corsica. But they dont attack each other on regions with more than 1 army.
You did not answer my question:
Can anyone explain why did MD212(team4) spent reinforcements two rounds6&7 to eliminate blue player out of Alps (picture2 and picture6),near Alsace+2 bonus that team3 holds. Instead placing them all in Finistere so team4 could have more chance at taking and hold Brittany+2, or stack on Cher for better defence against team3 that was holding Alsace+2, or stack on Osie(grey(team4) was stacking on Osie in round 7,8) to take Picardy+3? Can there be any other posible explanation than team4 helping team3 to keep the bonus safe from blue and team4 somehow knowing team3 wont attack them at the same time? Orange was obviously not going for Burgundy+4 bonus or a spoil as it was a no spoil game.
Geger wrote:Interesting case...
I have a simple question regarding to picture 9 :
"Could MD212 (orange), who had only 9 troops near radioman212 (teal) bonus, to break the bonus, which was guarded by 6+11 (19 total) troops?"
Let's say he tried it and deployed in Cher, then attacked Marne (1 troop) and Meuse (11 troops). The chance was 44,6%. Said he was lucky, could break the bonus, but what he would have after the attacks. With 27% odd (must be very lucky), he would have max 5 troops (in 3 regions), or with more believable odd, he would have max 4 troops for 3 regions.
Next turn with only 6 troops plus 3 deploys it would be easy job for teal to take his bonus back plus other 2 regions from orange (86% chance).
So I agree with teal move there, he had nothing to worry with orange stack of 9 troops in Cher.
Maybe I'll give other comments later
Geger wrote:But your argument, that the reason for orange's action was to eliminate blue from Alps, so blue could not break Teal bonus in Alascae, is far from logic. Blue had only 2 troops in Alps and 2 in Savoie. And with only 1 troops added in those regions by blue, I can say, blue had no attention to break teal's bonus from there. And I think, blue had no problem being attacked in Alps. You had the problem.
kostko wrote:Yes, blue(team2) was not a threat for teal's(team3) bonus, Yes blue did not want to attack Alsace+3, so why was orange speding his army on him in Alps and Savoie? Wouldnt it be more logical if orange(team4) deploy on Finistere if team4 was fighting at that time to hold Brittany+2?
Geger wrote:And the answer that orange attacked blue to prevent blue breaking teal's bonus in Alsace, can't be used to prove a SD here. We have to look in an other place.
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