Conquer Club

A Chance to Write History: WWIII [Ongoing]

Tournaments completed in 2013

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A Chance to Write History: WWIII [Ongoing]

Postby WorldCup4James on Mon Dec 19, 2011 12:06 am

edit: mc29. This Tournament has been rescued by Dukasaur

Scores and updates can be found here: Scores and Updates

Four premium-member reserves are needed in this tournament!

To join, simply click on "Post Reply" above and let me know you'll play.


show: Wartime News

Current Scores for the Nostradamus Award

show: Scores for the Nostradamus Award

Standings Board (click here)

List of Fronts and Battle Scenarios (click here)

Most Recent Post by Organiser (click here).

These are the basic factions I have come up with on my own, based on my sense of history and the dynamics of the functions of nations.
Obviously, these are very generic, because they have to be encompassing of many countries or groups that may be involved in this great conflict.
If you would like to contribute and have a better idea, I would be more than willing to check it out!


"War makes rattling good history; but Peace is poor reading."
--Thomas Hardy

Ever thought about World War III? With the advent of nuclear weapons, it's easy to contemplate the calamities and the disasters that a third global conflict could bring about. Certainly in the future, more countries will get their hands on, or develop, nuclear technology capable of decimating millions of people and causing mass ecological damage. World War III is indeed a haunting idea (as a nuclear and/or conventional war).

Have you ever thought of writing the storyline, the plot, to World War III? Maybe you already have?
Here's your chance to do so on Conquer Club!

In this creative, community-driven tournament, 70 players will compete in 8 battles that make up our World War III.

Each battle will be a two-sided skirmish/conflict/invasion that will be ENTIRELY decided by players' votes.

Each player will be allowed to submit their idea, their battle, to the tournament page, and players will be allowed to vote for their favorites.

The maps and the settings will be stated in the battle. For instance, if your idea is an invasion of Antarctica, you can make Antarctica the map. Is it a covert invasion? You can make all games for the battle have Fog of War. Will there be nukes involved? Throw in nuclear spoils.
It's all up to you: as long as you develop your idea and secure the votes, you can write history!

After all 8 battles, the 16 Medal of Honor Candidates will then battle in a best-of-7 single elimination tournament to determine the ultimate World War III warrior (the winner of the tournament)...

Whoever has the most pieces of history approved may be awarded a GA Medal.

Writing History
show: Rules for Submitting History

show: Example of an Approved History

show: How We Will Decide History

There will be 8 opportunities for each of you to write history, in the sense that there are 8 major events, "battles", in our World War III, and each of you have the opportunity to contribute if you'd like, though it's not necessary!

Detailed Format of the Battles
show: Dividing into 7 Fronts

show: Gameplay

show: Deciding the Winning Faction in the Front

show: Determining the Faction that Emerges Victorious in the Battle

show: Finding our Two MOH Candidates

show: Tie-Breakers

show: Tie-Breaker Example

show: The Draft--Replacing the Two MOH Candidates

show: Recruit Training League

show: Tie-Breakers--Same Method as in the Battles

show: Tie-Breaker Example

Medal of Honor Cup

Who knows what life will be like after the third Great War? Every facet of society will be radically changed.
Map: Random

Automatic Initial Troops
Sequential Play Order
Escalating Spoils
Chained Reinforcements
No fog of war
Casual Round Length

After all 8 battles, 16 players have advanced into the Medal of Honor Cup.

show: Round of 16

show: Quarterfinals

show: Semifinals

show: Final

The winner of the Final wins the tournament (is awarded the Medal of Honor) and is proclaimed the most Ferocious WWIII Warrior.

show: GA Medal

Thank you for your attention, I know it is a lot and I surely don't expect you to read over 5% of it :lol: :lol: =D> =D>
If you find any horrific holes in the format let me know ;)

Please join. NOW O:)

Sincerely, have a great day,
Last edited by WorldCup4James on Thu Mar 07, 2013 10:30 pm, edited 161 times in total.
FOUR openings in A Chance to Write History: WWIII. All premium players accepted; help me fill these vacancies! :)
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Sergeant 1st Class WorldCup4James
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FStandings and List of Players

Postby WorldCup4James on Mon Dec 19, 2011 12:07 am

Standings are checked by the tournament organiser and verified again using the community-developed Tournament Stats tool.

Those players who have the same number of wins are ranked by the ART: Aggregate Round Total: this means I add up the number of rounds it took for players to win all their games (so if you won 3 games in 8 rounds each, your ART would be 24r): the player with the lowest number of rounds is ranked higher (thus, players who finish games quicker are rewarded).

show: Battle 1 Standings

show: Battle 2 Standings

show: Battle 3 Standings

show: Battle 4 Standings

show: Battle 5 Standings


show: List of Players

show: Players in the Alliance

show: Players in the Confederation

show: Recruit Training League

show: Players who have advanced into MOH Cup

show: Players Rank and Scores
Last edited by WorldCup4James on Thu Mar 07, 2013 10:21 pm, edited 107 times in total.
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Re: A Chance to Write History: World War III

Postby WorldCup4James on Mon Dec 19, 2011 12:07 am

There are 7 fronts, each with 4 Alliance and 4 Confederation players. Whichever side has more wins in each front claims victory in that front. Whichever side claims victory in the most number of fronts triumphs in the Battle. The two players with the most number of wins in each front that the winning side claimed victory in advance to play in 4-7 player Standard games to qualify for the Medal of Honor Cup.

Each player plays every other player on the opposing side once in a 1v1 game. Thus, each player plays 4 1v1 games.

Battle 7

show: Scenario

show: Front 1

show: Front 2

show: Front 3

show: Front 4

show: Front 5

show: Front 6

show: Front 7

show: Training League Group

Battle 6

show: Scenario

show: Front 1

show: Front 2

show: Front 3

show: Front 4

show: Front 5

show: Front 6

show: Front 7

show: Training League Group

Battle 5

show: Scenario

show: Front 1

show: Front 2

show: Front 3

show: Front 4

show: Front 5

show: Front 6

show: Front 7

show: Training League Group

Battle 4

show: Scenario

show: Front 1

show: Front 2

show: Front 3

show: Front 4

show: Front 5

show: Front 6

show: Front 7

show: Training League Group 1

show: Training League Group 2

Battle 3

The Alliance has won Battle 3, claiming victory in 4 of the 7 fronts.

show: Scenario

show: Front 1

show: Front 2

show: Front 3

show: Front 4

show: Front 5

show: Front 6

show: Front 7

show: Training League Group 1

show: Training League Group 2

show: Medal of Honor Qualifiers

Battle 2

The Confederation has won Battle 2, claiming victory in 4 of the 7 fronts.

show: Scenario

show: Front 1

show: Front 2

show: Front 3

show: Front 4

show: Front 5

show: Front 6

show: Front 7

show: Training League Group 1

show: Training League Group 2

show: Medal of Honor Qualifiers

Battle 1

The Confederation has won Battle I, claiming victory in 4 of the 7 fronts.
show: Scenario

show: Front 1

show: Front 2

show: Front 3

show: Front 4

show: Front 5

show: Front 6

show: Front 7

show: Training League Group 1

show: Training League Group 2

show: Medal of Honor Qualifiers
Last edited by WorldCup4James on Thu Mar 07, 2013 10:21 pm, edited 46 times in total.
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Re: A Chance to Write History: World War III [0/98]

Postby general cod on Mon Dec 19, 2011 8:13 am

In please james - u know i'm a fan of ur tourneys :)
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Re: A Chance to Write History: World War III [1/98]

Postby traffic133 on Mon Dec 19, 2011 1:40 pm

in please alliance
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Re: A Chance to Write History: World War III [2/98]

Postby uk massive on Mon Dec 19, 2011 7:17 pm

in please, Confederation
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Re: A Chance to Write History: World War III [3/98]

Postby dumhic on Mon Dec 19, 2011 7:29 pm



and in please
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Re: A Chance to Write History: World War III [3/98]

Postby eagleblade on Mon Dec 19, 2011 8:23 pm

sounds like a copy of Soviet Russia and Capitalist USA but who gives a shit im in
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Re: A Chance to Write History: World War III [3/98]

Postby sandman175 on Mon Dec 19, 2011 8:45 pm

in for alliance please
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Re: A Chance to Write History: World War III [3/98]

Postby rishark1969 on Mon Dec 19, 2011 8:46 pm

alliance please
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Re: A Chance to Write History: World War III [3/98]

Postby Leverpuller on Mon Dec 19, 2011 8:48 pm

Here's another fan of your tourneys asking to be in :)
Alliance for me please :ugeek:
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Re: A Chance to Write History: World War III [8/98]

Postby billclinton13 on Mon Dec 19, 2011 10:58 pm

I'm in
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Re: A Chance to Write History: World War III [8/98]

Postby Marshallbobby on Mon Dec 19, 2011 11:24 pm

in for confederation please :-)
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Re: A Chance to Write History: World War III [10/98]

Postby WorldCup4James on Tue Dec 20, 2011 12:34 am

All in through here! Some of my most dedicated players in my tourneys have signed up :D
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Re: A Chance to Write History: World War III [10/98]

Postby Dukasaur on Tue Dec 20, 2011 4:50 am

Well here's another dedicated fan chiming in...:)

I'll definitely play. I'm a bit sad to be straitjacketed into a cliched Left/Right dichotomy. I would have liked some more interesting and balanced choices. But after thinking about it for a few hours, I'm not going to suggest any changes. Any more choices would just complicate the tourney and make it less practical, if more philosophically palatable.

Anyway, I'll choose the Confederacy as the lesser of two evils.

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― Voltaire
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Re: A Chance to Write History: World War III [10/98]

Postby spartacus65 on Tue Dec 20, 2011 5:23 am

in please alliance
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Re: A Chance to Write History: World War III [10/98]

Postby rmjw10 on Tue Dec 20, 2011 6:22 am

in please

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Re: A Chance to Write History: World War III [10/98]

Postby djeris on Tue Dec 20, 2011 7:00 am

Add me to the Confederacy please.
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Re: A Chance to Write History: World War III [10/98]

Postby WorldCup4James on Tue Dec 20, 2011 10:40 am

Dukasaur wrote:Well here's another dedicated fan chiming in...:)

I'll definitely play. I'm a bit sad to be straitjacketed into a cliched Left/Right dichotomy. I would have liked some more interesting and balanced choices. But after thinking about it for a few hours, I'm not going to suggest any changes. Any more choices would just complicate the tourney and make it less practical, if more philosophically palatable.

Anyway, I'll choose the Confederacy as the lesser of two evils.


Yes, I realize that a war would have many factions and of course not every supporter of each side agrees on EVERYTHING, but I think for the simplicity of the tourney, a 1v1 style would work better than having to deal with numerous factions. Clearly, you're not a socialist just because you believe in self-determinism.

I think I'll still be working on the factions. Again, if there's any player input and if you have better ideas, I'll gladly consider them, and then feature your name along with the ideas.

All players are in through here! =D>
FOUR openings in A Chance to Write History: WWIII. All premium players accepted; help me fill these vacancies! :)
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Re: A Chance to Write History: World War III [14/98]

Postby Jessamine on Wed Dec 21, 2011 10:19 am

please count me in..I'll fill any open slot or randomly assign me. :)
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Re: A Chance to Write History: World War III [14/98]

Postby General Tazz on Wed Dec 21, 2011 10:47 am

in please. Ether side will be fine.
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Re: A Chance to Write History: World War III [14/98]

Postby dorsettrob on Wed Dec 21, 2011 11:59 am

in ...Alliance
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Re: A Chance to Write History: World War III [14/98]

Postby DogAlmighty on Wed Dec 21, 2011 3:23 pm

I might suggest you define specificaly which areas of the world are controlled by which faction at the start. This would make adding to the narrative easier and avoid conflicting stories.

I'd also strongly suggest that the MOH finalists are chosen from BOTH sides when the war is over. This would avoid players not having a shot at the win despite an excellent performance. I don't see it as detracting from the flavour of the theme as it is no more out of context then the top aces of the victorious side only battling each other as soon victory is won. I don't expect it but if you happen to change your mind on this point I would very much like to join the Confederation.

Awesome work in any case. I look forward to seeing what other tourneys you might make.
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Re: A Chance to Write History: World War III [14/98]

Postby Alexlau on Wed Dec 21, 2011 3:30 pm

in please ...choose Neutrality ...où tu veux :D
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Re: A Chance to Write History: World War III [19/98]

Postby Anthrax821 on Thu Dec 22, 2011 8:16 am

in confederation
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