Other: He banned me for telling him that I did once did something wrong and wanted to apologize. He used that against me and gave me a month ban. I believe this is NOT how mods have to work. I try to ask for help but no one helps me. I need Live Chat to organize speed tournament better especially when I need member within a hour. I don't really mind being banned though for a pathetic reason from social and stuff but I need callouts. I have asked every mod I could find and no one wants to help. This is not the first time this has happened. Masli once banned me for bright colours. Rdrd banned for a misinterpretation of the rules and I asked him why. Over the last two live chat has become more and more corrupt due to their leader being Nagerous. It is though mods are trying to ban you. At the end of the day mods are suppose to stop chaos, arguments and make live chat a better place. Instead they go around looking to ban people.
**Update** Nagerous has changed the 72 hours